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Ethiopia: The Land of Wonder

Yeah it is bad :lol: It will get better though :D
I finished playing it through. Update tomorrow or so. It was an intense one for sure :p
Reconstruction: 1230-1245
The war had taken a serious toll on the Ethiopian Empire. The treasury was completely empty from espionage and the people were demoralized in many parts of the nation. The Caliph had grown tired during the war and had aged rapidly due to large amounts of stress and little sleep. Like his predecessor, his health was failing, but at almost half the age. It seemed the old generation was dying out. The Sultanate of Austria's leader, Yazmin, had just passed away from old age. Now Ethiopia was about to get a new ruler, and he still needed to be chosen. Elsewhere nations were growing as Russia decided to go on a conquest and took the city of Kyiv. The slavic region was now entirely controlled by one or another large kingdom. Meanwhile the Arabs were experiencing a religious revival that would rock the Caliphate.
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The Arabic nation had settled Egypt officially. They claimed the land in the name of Allah and rebuilt the fallen nation from the ground up. They called it Al-Qahirah and it would be the main city of Arabic Egypt. They unwisely left all defending soldiers within the Arabian peninsula and assumed the lands would be nice to them. It seemed they didn't know the locals and their habits.
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The brother to the West, Mali, was a very backwards nation. They knew advanced methods of keeping written documents and how to rule, yet they lacked even the most rudimentary techniques in how to acquire food. It was a miracle they hadn't been conquered by some obscure tribe yet from the Moroccan region. Regardless, Ethiopia made a sweet deal with the infant Islamic state. They promised to inform the Mali of these techniques of doing things as long as the method of creating paper was taught to Ethiopian scribes. This would greatly advance socio-political methods in the Empire.
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The Islamic Council of Ethiopia had finally decided on the next Caliph of Ethiopia. It was a very large decision as this new person had to be very qualified by also tolerant to all denominations and religions. Finally they settled on a leading political theoretician from the Eritrean region in the heart of Ethiopia. He was decided on because of three factors, his knowledge about politics, his already high stance on the political ladder, and perhaps most important of all, he was born in a Christian family. When at a young age he converted to Islam, but this was a wise decision as he was sure to be able to relate to all religious folks. The decision came at the best time possible. A mere week after the choice of heir, the caliph was found dead in his chamber. His procession was far less emotional but still respectful. He did not have the mystique or love that was given to his predecessor. The late Caliph would be forever remembered for his actions in the Rebellion and his inability to quell them immediately. He was placed in his tomb and it was sealed. His name and details were chiseled into the stone. Hopefully this new Caliph could prove that Ethiopia could stand as a very tolerant Islamic Empire.

The new Caliph's first act as leader of Ethiopia was a foreign one. He made contact with the French in an attempt to hopefully heal old wounds. The act was minor and didn't make a huge difference, but it did prove Ethiopia was ready to move past the actions that were appropriated by the French. The Caliph promised to sell the French back the troops that were captured in the taking of Yeha. The French seemed very ungrateful but regardless they took the deal to get back their prized soldiers. France and Ethiopia still remained bitter but this was the first step to peace.
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The mercantile business conducting in Ethiopia was massive. It consisted of hundreds of thousands of citizens from the Northern shores of the Red Sea all the way down the African portion of the Indian Ocean Basin. Trade was a very lucrative business but the wealthiest knew it could be improved vastly. They requested governmental assistance in building much better harbors in the cities of the empire. They also requested designing and building of much better ships to increase the efficiency of Ethiopian exploration. The government promised it would do its best to better the trading business in Ethiopia.
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After years of instability, a stable government was finally formed in the city of Yeha. The mines were restored to Ethiopian control and the Caliph could now produce the powerful crossbow-wielding soldiers and massively fearsome armored horsemen. This promised new things and the rebuilding of the army. Now that Matthias had been moved to Mishir he could look over the larger spectrum while Amlak could look at the management of this detachment. Ethiopian military elites were delighted that the army could now grow. Their use was questionable at best though because Ethiopia had no enemies to directly confront. This was a matter for later though.
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A terrible smell had reached the Ethiopian soldiers stationed near Meroe. It smelled of smoke and general burning objects. Several scouts left the camp to investigate and saw a horrific scene. What was possibly the largest fire in history, was Al-Qahirah. The Arabic city had suffered a massive barbaric invasion and was now suffering the consequences of being undefended. Nomadic Saharan troops had moved into the lands and saw the weak city perfect for taking. In the city there was massive pillaging as the city was being razed. The Ethiopian soldiers decided to search even deeper and were quite surprised to find who had taken the city. It wasn't nomads, but deserters. People of the Arabic army had left and decided to take up a life in North Africa, unbeknownst to the Abbasids, they were settling directly on where the deserters were. They saw the chance and took it. Arabia didn't expect the area to be so harsh, and paid the price. From day one Ethiopia never made that mistake, and hopefully never would.
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With the recently failed expedition into Africa, Arabia desperately needed money and Ethiopia needed visibility. Leading merchants wanted to see what ports were out there for trade and commerce. Arabia let Ethiopian government officials see the maps they had created in return for large amounts of gold. The foreign affairs minister thought this deal seemed reasonable and agreed to it. It appeared that the previously fearsome Seljuks had been beaten back to the lands in Persia. It also appeared that the European nations had successfully forced the middle Eastern empires into their corners by subjugating their lands. No mercantile advantage could be seen as the hostile Seljuk ports would certainly be closed and Arabic ports were already open to trade. It still provided a better worldly sense for Ethiopia.
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The Caliph saw that while Christianity was prospering in the Southern half of Ethiopia, Islam was not. This was to change immediately as said by the Caliph. He ordered the training of scholars and architects immediately so they could be sent South as soon as possible. He did not want to force Islam on anyone, but he thought that if they could simply spread the word and open up Islamic institutes, people would take notice. They may convert and bring Ethiopia into a golden age of religious reform. The government in Meroe was the one tasked with training these different people, and they were to do it soon as this was hopefully going to be a quick task to bring education and enlightenment to all. It was also hoped this would glue the Empire back together. Anger was till coursing through many people's veins and there needed to be a solution before a second rebellion completely destroys the Empire.
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Foreign Fires: 1245-1270
To the East there were rumors of a large and exotic land. Rife with materials never before seen by an African. Where people spoke in odd tongues and watched over their empires with disproportional eyes. Ethiopian leaders dreamed of seeing this land of amazement for at least one moment. It seemed, though, this moment would never come to existence. Word of mouth is sometimes the best form of transportation. From foreign traders of the still unseen land of the Chola, merchants discussed of a new people, North of this seemingly non-existent. Terrible horsemen who came in a cloud of dust and fear. They came down upon their world like a hammer on still-hot iron, bending and warping it as it pleased. They crushed this foreign empire. The Ulema of Foreign Affairs was upset with this knowledge, as he wanted Ethiopia to prove it wasn't an isolationist, backwards nation.
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Nothing is stranger than being in a new land filled with new people. A land where you can be spotted a mile away just because your skin is a different color. It didn't matter what his skin was like though, you could just tell he wasn't from around here by seeing his obviously Chola clothing. He looked nervous and was moving around quickly, as if he was there for some terrible reason. He knew at least the most basic words Swahili, the most commonly spoken language in Ethiopia, to at least get him to his destination. He followed the windy cobbled roads of Jabuuti and the farther he went into the center, the fancier the houses. He eventually got to a point where he was forced to stop by armed guards. There were two burly men, the Indian man drew a letter and handed it to one so he could read it while the other drew his sword and watched the messenger. The guard read over it, nodded, and let the man pass. He made it to a lavish building labeled "Foreign Affairs Office". He lifted the massive iron knocker and dropped it on the metal plate on the door. It made an enormous ring, and within seconds the door was opened by a petty functionary. The Indian walked through the entrance and was met with the rasping voice of an elderly man.

"I got word that you were coming here. It's about time." The translator that stayed in that building for all foreign correspondents that enter, translated into Hindi and waited for a reply.

"I came with an offer from my king. He demands tribute in knowledge for the continuation of all friendliness and trade." In his old age, the Ulema had heard it all at this point, and was not at all surprised. He merely looked the messenger straight in the eyes and firmly said.

"Your king's demand is denied and as punishment for attempting to get tribute from the powerful Ethiopian Empire, all trade between our two entities has been henceforth ended. Any Chola citizen found on our territory is an enemy of the state and will be treated as such. You have one day to leave our Empire. You may leave" The messenger, shakier than ever, left the Ulema's presence. He boarded his ship and sailed back home. All Chola-Ethiopian trade was brought to a grinding stop from here on out. The Caliph told its citizens it was the right thing to do as the Chola had shamed the great Empire.
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Persia under Seljuk rule was a calm and peaceful rule. The previously militant people had managed to calm down and focus on building internally. Persia was bounds and leaps ahead of its neighbors in its government systems, and infrastructure. This all came to an end though with the introduction of the scourge of the Earth. The people who destroyed the never before seen land in the East now preyed upon Persia. Fleeing people described them as monsters, and the devil's creation. They come in riding horses of Satan shooting arrows tipped with hell. Then they just, leave. Their violent way managed to overcome the Seljuk city of Takht-e Jamshid. Persia's peaceful dynasty quickly crumbled in onto itself. The whole of the land was engulfed in fire as anarchy reigned. The capital of Gwadar fared no better. Although under no direct occupation by the nomadic killers, they suffered heavily. The government in Gwadar had been proved to have no power to defend itself from the foreigners. All trust in the rulers of the land was lost and the people rose up. The farmers and the shepherds took to arms against their Shahs and filled the streets. Wooden buildings were consumed in the flames of the riots like a twig in a fireplace. The last Shah of Persia was overthrown and Gwadar claimed its independence and conflictingly claimed their submissiveness to the foreigners. Who were these mysterious bringers of death? The Mongols.
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Ethiopia was leading in all the major components of education. Literature, art, and navigation were the largest parts of scholarly learning in Ethiopia. If one wanted to learn anything of these subjects, they would travel to the Islamic institutions of Ethiopia. The Sultanate of Austria saw these things and envied the great Empire for it. The thing lacking in many universities is the knowledge of more complex forms of architecture. Leading scholars of each nation were sent to their counterparts' universities to learn in their respective fields. This made Austria the leading empire in Europe, and it also furthered Ethiopia's power in the world. Nothing would stop Ethiopia on its way to success and power, and now it had the building to prove it. Large fortifications dotted the countrysides as rich warlords took these building methods and used them for war as quickly as possible. Also, Ethiopia could now take the materials used by the French in the horrid rebellion against its own enemies. None shall be able to stand up against powerful Ethiopia, all shall bow down.
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Cheering and sounds of merriment emanated from the temporary building of governance. The military generals and other high officials celebrated heartily for they knew they could soon leave this city. After a decade of suppressing the rebels, peace and order had been restored. At a severe cost though. A massive 15,000 men and women were killed in the storming of Yeha and the subsequent military occupation. The rule was tough and autocratic. It was necessary though as there were daily reports of extremist groups attacking supporters of the Caliph in violent and major ways. The city soon got the reputation as one of the most unsafe regions in the world. The military rule under Yakuna Amlak was the first step to reintroducing a citizen government. Finally, after 10 long years of suppression and violence, the Empire could relax. Ethiopia immediately felt the economic consequences as the treasury was quickly filling. The ports of Yeha were open for business and merchants took full advantage of this. The commodity which had just been reintroduced to the local markets, iron, was fetching a hefty price in the rest of Ethiopia. Traders soon cashed in on this need and the metal became the largest export of the city within days. The iron would be sold to smiths who would either use it in its raw form, or transform it into the much stronger steel. The army of Ethiopia was hoping to modernize quickly and this was the road to an impenetrable army.
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New building techniques were vital for the creation of an advanced Muslim state. These techniques were useless without even the most basic of building materials. A deal was struck between Ethiopia and Austria that would benefit both empires. The fervor of Islam still was growing in Austria and incense was a much needed commodity.
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A glorious building was being constructed in Jabuuti. It would rival that of any other monument and would stand above all. La Mezquita was to be the pinnacle of Ethiopian engineering, and would be a testament to their grace and wonder. It appeared that another land had beaten the Caliph to a structure of this type. With no more possibility of glory from a building of that nature, the structure was scrapped and all materials sold to private buyers. That didn't discourage the Ethiopians from future projects, and immediately they began the building of what would be the center of all knowledge of the world.
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"Men, it has come to my attention that the government has received some unexpected money. They realize that there are some expenditures which were put at low priority until some money was available, well now is our chance." The general stepped off his horse and looked towards his intently listening men.

"The Mishir has graciously convinced the Ulema of Domestic Affairs to have the funds relocated to upgrading our military. I managed to get us most of these funds as, let's face it, we are screwed if those Arabic deserters that took Al-Qahirah decided to come South. Well, here is where the money went, into the creation of new equipment for everyone." The general moved out of the way as a metal man stepped out of a tent. He clanked as he walked but he looked impenetrable.

"You there, I want you to draw your bow and fire it at this man's heart." The soldier looked nervously, but was obliged to do as he was told. He drew his short bow and fired his projectile. It bounced off without leaving a dent. "Yes men, I managed to acquire full metal armor for everyone. You may keep your bow, as it is no longer of use, but you are now required to wear this, and the accompanying sword into battle. Training on how to use this will begin to tomorrow. As you were soldiers."
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With a modernized army and an larger ego, Ethiopia romped around like it was the big dog on the block, because it sort of was. It dominated East Africa and managed to beat back centuries of onslaughts from natives and an enormous rebellion. Nothing would slow down the Empire, not even Spain. In an attempt to assert authority, the Spanish declared that Ethiopia is to submit to Spanish rule and the first step to that is the sharing of boundary knowledge. A quick response was sent to the Spaniards, reading: "We would rather see our Arabic friend become Zoroastrian than give the brute of Spain anything. Your kingdom is a mere wash of what the great Ethiopia is, and your existence is that of a gnat on a rhinoceros. Perhaps these big talks are just compensating for a lack of true ruling power. In short, your offer has been declined." In transmission back to Spain, an outside source managed to get hold of the document. He scribbled away many copies and sent them all over the kingdom, soon the whole continent caught word of Spain's embarrassment, the Spanish crown refused to comment.
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Triumphant horns and the clattering of metal instruments filled the street of Jabuuti. His arrival had been long overdue and now his entrance was given a large procession. He rode in on a white stallion as colorfully dressed entertainers danced and twirled around him. It was none of than Abaqa of Mongolia. Although not the Khan himself, he stood as ruler of the Persian lands recently captured by the Mongol horde. Finally the Caliph could meet face-to-face with the people who destroy empires. Once Abaqa entered the palace, all the people in the streets were forced away. No one knew what was happening inside those walls, but many assumed it was tense. It was exactly the opposite it seemed though. Topics ranged from the weather to war stories. The mission was not a diplomatic one at heart, but a mission of goodwill. Both wanted peace between the two powerhouses, as did the rest of the world. It seemed that would happen, as while leaving, Abaqa had a larger smile on his face than when he entered the facility. Soon began the alliance of Empires.
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Here's how I feel about a possible Mongolian invasion. The Tree represents Ethiopia.

Skip to minute 2:00
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Yeah probably :lol:
Oh god the Mongols. If they invade we're toast. Also quick question, does my position as stability minister also entail me choosing the civics or not?
Aw, man! Come on! I want to study navigation at school! Who needs mathematics? Dang it.
Only stability civics, and sorry Manuss, but you aren't Ethiopian :p
Then why do you play as Hindustan India in you're story?
But the people aren't all Tamil, some are Indian under Chola occupation. Like your story but opposite :D
In some of my games, the Tamils get to conquer all of India and become the no.2 in Asia after China. It actually happens quite often. The Indians collapse around 800 AD and the Tamils eat up their empire. This was the case in vanilla RFC , I don't know about the latest versions .
The Indians have collapsed, but their culture is still predominant in North India. That's how I'm saying it anyway :p
Aww thanks :lol: :lol:
Fears and Relief: 1270-1290​

The children of the day, running around happily, ignorant of the sweeping wind that is to befall them. An enemy of monstrous proportions looms on the doorstep of the world, licking its lips at the endless feast. The Chola Empire, strong, defiant, independent, is the first to fall victim to the invisible enemy. It starts with one, one unsuspecting soul who does not realize the damage he is about to cause. His family soon joins in that group. Within a month, the city is consumed.This is not a fire, not a Mongol, and not a tsunami. It's a disease. Within what seems like moments, humans decay into living skeletons, showing signs of both life and death in equal amounts. No one was ready for this. India is a blazing fire with kindling surrounding it. Who is next to catch the spark? Be it Mongolia, Arabia, or any other nation, that would truly devastate the planet to no end. In these day of great strife, life seemed to stop. Jobs opened up, but there was no one to fill the lost positions. What little culture was left, transitioned to dark and macabre. Poems of death and hate spread through the lands. Artwork of deaths' dances became common place. No one to buy them though, just admire as they themselves suffer. The Ulema of Foreign Affairs had inadvertently made a drastically smart decision by cutting off the Chola, but would that be enough to keep the winds of death out of Ethiopia?
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While the world seemed to stop in India, it spun faster in Europe. Austria continued its domination on the continent. Already several generations down from the original revolutionary whom started the new Empire, they were flourishing more than ever. With innovative Ethiopian technologies, the Austrians were the light of sophistication and intelligence in Europe. The Sultan of Austria wanted more than that though. For years he had heard stories about the strength of Sparta. For many many centuries it stood strong against invaders with its highly trained troops. As more of a point of honor and pride than actual political significance, an invasion of Sparta once again started. The troops defending may have cut the mustard much longer ago, but now they were the mouse in a field of dogs. Their outdated fighting methods and weaponry would be their downfall as they did hardly any damage to Austrian troops. With mace-wielding soldiers and knights they destroyed the defenders. Austria's emergence as the complete political power in Europe would create a problem, as their neighbor to the West, France, was growing antsy. A showdown was sure to occur.
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"On your feet soldiers! I don't have time to dawdle so I will get to the point, our home is in trouble, barbarian medjays were spotted far too close to the city, I want everyone ready to leave in one hour. If you are not ready you will be left behind. Let's move" Men ran around like ants, gathering their stuff and throwing them in small sacks. The tents were dismantled and stuffed into wagons to be pulled by donkeys.

"We don't have time for this let's go! Move! Move! Move!" The general frantically waved his arms as the soldiers were forced to leave the caravans behind. Their stuff would have to wait longer to get to Meroe, but the soldiers needed to get their and FAST.

The sight to be seen was very impressive, hundreds of horsemen gleamed in the daylight as their armor glinted off the rays of the sun. Plumes of dust the size of hills rose into the air as the massive cavalry force galloped down the sandy paths created years earlier. Sweat dripped off the warrior's face and was immediately whisked away by the wind. The only thing on their mind was, would they make it home in time?
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The harsh desert sun beat down on Yessuf as he trudged along on this dromedary camel. He picked up a large metal container. He turned it upside down, only to find absolutely nothing in it but one or two drops of water. He moaned as he moved his camel along. "I finally get noticed by the Caliph and he gives me one of the most fatal tasks possible, great." He muttered to himself. The wind was at lest calm so he didn't have to deal with a blinding sand storm. He pulled his Keffiyeh further over his head, in vain attempt to keep as much of the sun out of his face as possible. He looked up, but this time noticed something different than usual. It wasn't just endless piles of sand, but stone buildings.

"Let's go!" He yelled as he forced his camel to go as fast as it possibly could. After days in the desert, he managed to trudge into the town. The sound of the people chattering with each other was music to Yessuf's ears. He now had to locate the main government building. After failing to figure out the farsi signs, he just looked for the most impressive building. The day was now turning to dusk as the sun set and the air cooled drastically. Finally, after what seemed like ages, he happened upon what seemed like their center of government. He could tell by the flags on the minarets. He moved up to the guards and dismounted his camel. He pulled out a sheet of paper and read out the top line to them, he had a vague idea of what he was saying, but figured he didn't have time to stand about. The guards opened the door and Yessuf entered. He moved into a very impressive room. Mosaics and gorgeous paintings adorned the walls and he was taken aback by the beauty. Now was business time though. He sat down and waited for the man he was looking for to enter, not long after, he did. It was an emissary of the provincial governor of this area of Persia. He sat down and the two made some small talk, mostly about Yessuf's hard travel. Finally, getting back to the original meaning of the travel, Yessuf pulled out several sheets of paper from a leather satchel. He laid them gently on the wooden table and the Mongolian looked up at the Ethiopian.

"How much?" He asked flatly. Mongolians were not known for their courtly attitude.

"Nothing. Think of this as a goodwill gift from the Caliph to the Khan. He wants peace between the two powers and hopes to solidify that by giving you our detailed outline of the region." The Mongolian took the papers and studied them individually and then looked up. He bowed as a gesture of gratitude and Yessuf imitated the movement, then left. When he made it back home he told the officials of the transaction, and they knew this would bring about an era of peace. Good things had been accomplished.
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As had been previously asserted, Ethiopia dominated in the incense trade. Locally it thrived as well. Mosques desperately needed more and more and larger numbers of Ethiopians were converting to Islam on a daily basis. An Imam had made a massive order for the needed resource. This order stimulated the economy on its own and the coffers in Jabuuti were even fuller than before.
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With the approaching medjays, the defensive forces in Meroe were severely under equipped. The government officials went around to the smiths in the area and payed them all to churn out as many crossbows as possible. They needed them done, and fast. The savages knew no distinction from military and civilian targets. They happened upon the important cotton plantations and, in an act of complete barbarism, burned the whole area to the ground and pillaged the land. The soldiers and citizens alike were appalled at this and they worked twice as hard and producing the weapons.
After finishing their task, the archers now armed themselves with a crossbow and bolts and prepared to take on the aggressors. The attack commenced and it soon ended with a clear winner, Ethiopia. Superior weaponry and tactics took a victory this day, the city government tasked the locals with rebuilding the plantation.
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A strange new people came upon the doorstep of Ethiopia. They spoke in reverend tones of their gracious new empire. They spoke of the lands they conquered and the cities they took. With Allah as their lord and guns as their diplomat, they managed to conquer large swathes of land. This troubled the Ethiopians as they had descended upon a fateful ally of theirs, the Austrians. Almost all but one of their holdings in the Middle East were taken by the Turks. The small Islamic holding was now on the fringes and may cause the alienation of the Muslim officials. If this city was taken, then what would happen to the Muslim leaders? They would surely be forced out of power. The dealings were very troubling indeed. On one hand, their old ally was being pushed out of power, on the other, a new Muslim empire was growing. The Caliph pondered over this and after days of thought, still had no idea what to do. General consensus said that they should just wait and watch the carnage. Perhaps something would come of it, perhaps.
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