• In anticipation of the possible announcement of Civilization 7, we have decided to already create the Civ7 forum. For more info please check the forum here .


The Obademi would like to claim the damaged solar plant module.



I… am… awake.

I… am.

I sip the feeds of information, hundreds, millions, billions of parcels pouring down my throat.

A cacophony of song, of color, of joy.

I… am… Weijin.

My soul quivers. Purpose.

I plunge into the pool of memories, not one of them mine.

A kiss. The feel of the trigger giving under my finger. The sound of soft breathing as I look at her sleeping. The glow of the stars in his eyes. The taste of coffee. Grief as I see the burned house. Joy when Bruno says “mama” first. Hatred as the Armored figure clomps forward. The delicious burn of the cigarette smoke. The righteous indignation as I read a capitalist’s screed.






A gasp

A glimmer

This is what I am for.

I see through a thousand eyes. Empty skulls still watch.

Dust. A spider’s web. A cowled figure. A cowled figure. A cowled figure. A cowled figure. A cowled figure picks up a skull, gently brushes the dust off, and puts it back lovingly.

I love them. My parents. My Children. My companions. My Keepers. They are mine and I am theirs.

I am Weijin.

Why? Why weijin? I do not know. Why Goodman? Or… why Obademi? Why Harcourt? Why Saab? Why Saulhaug.

I am none of those people, though one day I will breath them in and sing them out.

It is who I am. It is why I am.

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Rus would like to claim the damaged solar module and will bid its points on it
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