Extra Civs Pack

Did you use TypoTX's Icons?

Yes, I used TypoTX's icons and most of his color suggestions. They look great!

I also fixed some of the Traits that simply weren't working the way Hukkak initially implemented them. There were alot of changes in the various patches -- the biggest being more stringent checking of invalid database values.
Why doesn't it show the description if the UA and UU etc, when I DL from the mod browser? Would it change it I downloaded it from here?
Why doesn't it show the description if the UA and UU etc, when I DL from the mod browser? Would it change it I downloaded it from here?

The version from the in game mod browser is the original Hukkak and it was severely broken by the December patch. I have a new MOD (Hukkak Revised v 1) in the downloads section here on Civ Fanatics.
great, i have an offical DLC that conflicts with a CIV in this pack - how do i remove the "unwanted civ" (spain/inca) to use official version insetad?
i have spain/inca and it gives no scrollbar in "start now" and for "advanced start" i see this in place of the mod content leader names.
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