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Female GP Names


Blue Period
Aug 23, 2009
Okay, so let's kick this off. While I'm still thinking about the best way of making this work, I think we can already start collecting female great people to include in this mod.

I know that this will be hard to impossible for some older civilizations, but at least for the modern civilizations I'd like to have at least one female great person per civilization in every category.

So if you have ideas, go ahead, it would save me a lot of research.

Civilization | Prophet | Artist | Merchant | Scientist | Engineer | Statesman | General | Spy
Egypt | x | | x | x | | | |
China | x | x | | x | x | x | x | x
Babylonia | | x | | | | x | |
Greece | | x | | x | | | x | x
India | x | | x | x | | | x |
Phoenicia | | | | | | | |
Polynesia | | | | | | | |
Persia | | | | | | | |
Rome | x | | | | | x | x |
Ethiopia | | | | | | | x |
Korea | | x | | | | x | | x
Byzantium | | | | | | | |
Japan | | x | | | | | x | x
Vikings | x | x | | x | | | x |
Arabia | x | | | | | x | x |
Tibet | | | | | | | |
Khmer | | | x | x | x | x | x |
Indonesia | x | x | | | | x | x |
Spain | x | x | | | | | x |
France | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x
England | | x | x | x | x | x | x | x
Germany | x | x | x | x | x | x | |
Russia | x | x | | x | x | | x |
Mali | | | | | | | x |
Poland | | | | x | | | x | x
Portugal | | | x | | | | |
Inca | | | | | | | x |
Italy | x | x | x | x | | x | |
Mongolia | | | | | | | |
Aztecs | | x | | | | | | x
Mughals | | | | | | x | x |
Turkey | | | | | | | |
Congo | x | | | | | | x |
Iran | | x | | | | | |
Netherlands | x | x | x | x | | | | x
America | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x
Mexico | | x | | | | x | x | x
Argentina | | x | | | | | |
Colombia | | | | | | | | x
Brazil | x | x | | | | x | x |
Canada | | | x | x | x | x | | x

Civilizations without any female names:
  • Phoenicia
  • Polynesia
  • Persia
  • Byzantium
  • Tibet
  • Mongolia
  • Turkey
So,here are some woman GP.
joan of arc as a great prophet.
Jane Goodall as a great scientist in Britain
Marie Curie as a great scientist in either France or Poland
Ada Lovelace as either a great engineer or a great artist in Britain
Sally ride as a great engineer in America
Agatha Christie as a great artist in Britain
Anne Frank as a great artist in Netherlands
Judy Blume as a great artist in America
Maya Angelou as a great artist in America
Frida Kahlo as a great artist in Mexico
Georgia O'Keeffe as a great artist in Amreica
Off the top of my head:

Cleopatra VII, great prophet, Egypt/Greece
Joan of Arc, great prophet/general, France
Marilyn Monroe, great artist, America
Eva Peron, great prophet/artist, Argentina

Also you should check out the Female GP Modcomp here if you haven't already. They have a ton of names listed as well as female units you can use.
Also you should check out the Female GP Modcomp here if you haven't already. They have a ton of names listed as well as female units you can use.
Thanks, didn't know it came with such a varied list of names.
Gudit can be included as an Ethiopian GG.

Rabia Basri can be an Arab GP.

Ching Shih could make an interesting GG for China.

Emilia Plater could be a Polish GG.

This is all I can think of off the top of my head.
Ah, Ching Shih is a must. One of the first women I thought of when considering GGs actually.
Wa, this forum moves fast! While you were all busy creating this thread*, I was thinking through the question of gender in Civ from first principles and came up with a more systematic solution:


(read that before continuing)

I started off with a serious suggestion and it ended up in Completely Dumb Ideas... The basic flaw is the idea that Great Women are in a different category from Great Artists, Great Merchants, etc.** Obviously you can be a Great Woman and a Great Scientist. However, I do wonder whether there is something in the argument that it's the best we can do given the limitations of the graphics system and that something is better than nothing....

[SMALL] * The danger of relying on Tapatalk subscriptions is that you miss exciting new stuff - I also only just discovered Australia, Canada, Sweden, etc.!
** Great Priests is more complex. [/SMALL]
Great Prophet - Gargi Vachaknavi
Great Prophet - Anjezë Gonxhe Bojaxhiu
Great General - Rani Durgavati
Great General - Kittur Chennamma

Great Artist - Cai Wenji
Great Prophet - Lin Moniang

Great Artist - Ingrid Bergman

Great Engineer/Artist (preferably Great Engineer) - Hedy Lamarr
Great Scientist - Lise Meitner
Great Prophet - Johanna Arendt
Great Artist - Leni Riefenstahl

Great Artist - Juana Inés de la Cruz

Great Artist - Jane Austen
Great Artist - Audrey Hepburn

Great Artist - Anna Karina

Great Prophet - Susan B. Anthony
Great Prophet - Anna Eleanor Roosevelt
Great Prophet - Oprah Gail Winfrey
You already have included Hildegard von Bingen as Great Prophet for the Holy Roman Empire, as a male GP tho.
Hmm... I want to get on board.

Give me a couple of days, and I'll try to scrounge up some names for Inca/Peru. :)

Raden Ajeng Kartini (R.A. Kartini)
She is an aristocratic Javanese daughter that support and encourage emancipation in Indonesia so woman and man are equal; previously man work and woman stays at home waiting for marriage. I don't know what GP she is supposed to be in-game, but she is indeed a Great Person.

Tribhuwana Wijayatunggadewi
Queen of Majapahit that appoint Gajah Mada as the prime minister to pursue massive expansion of the kingdom. She also led some battles herself (Great General)

Tjoet Nja' Dhien
Heroine of the Acehnese people of the Sultanate of Aceh in a guerrilla war against Dutch. (Great General)

The first woman admiral in the modern world, also belongs to the Sultanate of Aceh, and equated to Semiramis and Catherine the Great by several historians. References to her can be found in many Western/Chinese literature. Her reputation as the guardian of the Aceh Kingdom led England to choose a peaceful, diplomatic method by which to enter the Malacca Strait. Great General

Anggun Cipta Sasmi (really debatable)
Indonesian singer - now French naturalized - famous in Europe for singing the hit single "Snow in Sahara" and many more. She also represent France in Eurovision Singing Contest 2002 in Azerbaijan. Great Artist

Gayatri Rajapatni
A devout Buddhist, queen consort of the founder and first king of Majapahit,Raden Wijaya. Tradition mentioned her as a woman of extraordinary beauty with exceptional charm, wisdom and intelligence. She was an influential figure within Majapahit inner palace and said to laid foundation of the philosophy of the Majapahit kingdom and become a patron, sponsor and protector for Gajah Mada; raising him to be what he was capable of. At some point, she renounced her worldly affairs and retired as a Bhikkuni. She was enshrined in several temples and posthumously portrayed as Prajnaparamita, the Mahayana Buddhist female boddhisattva of transcendental wisdom. Great Prophet

Ratu Sima
I actually prefer the Indonesian wiki since it's more detailed. Ratu Sima is the queen of the Kingdom of Kalingga in northern Java (exact location still unknown, recent research leads to Pekalongan). She is infamous for her fierce law against thievery, which encouraged her people to be honest and uphold absolute truth. According to tradition, one day a foreign king placed a bag filled with gold on the intersection in Kalingga to test the famed truthful and honesty of Kalingga people. Nobody dared to touch the bag that did not belong to them, until three years later when Shima's son, the crown prince, accidentally touched the bag with his foot. The queen issued a death sentence to her own son, but was overruled by a minister that appealed the queen to spare the prince's life. Since it was the prince's foot that touched the bag of gold, so it was the foot that must be punished through mutilation. What a great Queen, isn't she? I don't know though which category should she belong.
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