FFH NES III: The Eastern Expanse

„The Two Hammer“
faith and justice

It all started in a small cobbled street down in the artisan-quarter, just some summers ago with the invention of the even scale. To that moment there has not been any universally valid metric system. There where different measurement in every town, every quarter, even every street hat metrics.
That is why back then a small group of fairness loving artisans formed the organisation of „the two hammers“.
They stand united to bring back justice and faith to the hearts of the people. With the blessing of both Iuneal and Nadosvelta they are willing to bring peace and prosperity to all parts of the Expanse.
While the core members of the organisation are mostly artisans and judges, there are other members from all walks of life, united by the love for order, rigour and beauty. Besides there are even some of the cities dwarven citizens showing interest in the cults activities since there are some common values with their believes.
Because of the cults work towards social-peace and its stabilising effect it gets strong support from just governments, traders and of course law-enforcing organisations, while most crooks, swindlers and deceivers may hate them.
Nice to see that this thing is finally progressing. I look forward to much diplomacy, intrigue, open-wars, and pissed off private messages.
I look forward to much diplomacy as well. Now if I only had that Stats (grr)
I look forward to much diplomacy as well. Now if I only had that Stats (grr)

Now now, don't bite the Mod.:nono:

Not biting is for the weak :p
Ok, I finally got stats emailed to everyone. I used an excel file attachment. If you didn't get the email or can't open the file just pm/email me.

Techs will have to be delayed until tommorow, I simply don't have the time tonight. It will probably be quite late in the evening again also.

A couple of notes:

Diplomacy with Npc's or governments can be done by pm or email to me. There is also the actual diplomacy mission, which is very useful for improving relationships with Npc's as you may have seen in the update. ;) Player-player diplomacy is up to you guys, good luck. :)

If you have any stats questions that can be public post them in the thread. If it is about a specific issue and needs to be private than pm or email to me is the way to go.

I'm still hoping to shoot for orders in friday and update done sunday. If no one objects, I'll just stick to that plan.

Thanks guys. I've really liked everything I've seen from you so far so I'm looking foward to getting this game rolling and doing the next update. :goodjob:

one question just came up in my mind:
how do i recruit a special unit?
i do not see a purchase price on them...
do i just upgrade members by paying the salary?
or do i send members on a specific recruitment mission, like:

Spend 1 action on Recruit -. 5 members will be trying to recruit a "town crier"
what are all our basic units, workers?
what spells can we cast initially?
where can we get most of these salary items from?
I really hate to do this, but I'm going to have to delay again. I'll get all the innovations posted tommorow, but I won't be able to do it tonight.

one question just came up in my mind:
how do i recruit a special unit?
i do not see a purchase price on them...
do i just upgrade members by paying the salary?
or do i send members on a specific recruitment mission, like:

Spend 1 action on Recruit -. 5 members will be trying to recruit a "town crier"

There is going to be a price associated with training them. I'll make sure to add that with all the discovered techs tommorow.

This is how units work. Every member of your organization starts as an unskilled member. They can do any of the basic missions detailed so far. Unskilled members are amazingly versatile, but not particuarly skilled at any task.

Innovations will enable you to pay a certain cost to train unskilled members in a certain job. This could be a scout, sworsman, mage, assasin, or even a noncombat role such as a construction worker or scholar. Each member can only be trained in one job at a time, and if you retrain them in a different job they lose their original one. Members trained in a job gain the stats of that unit, and can only perform the types of missions it is equipped to do. Many units also require an unkeep cost beyond that of unskilled members. Otherwise, they are treated exactly the same as normal members.

what are all our basic units, workers?

Your basic units are just regular people off the street. They have no special training in any area but are able to work at any simple task.

what spells can we cast initially?

You dont have any spells initally, but early innovations can grant some. If you earned the ability to cast any from your initial research, you'll find out tommorow.

where can we get most of these salary items from?

If you mean the food, you'll have to discover innovations that allow you to produce it or find some other way to aquire it. Trading gold for it is the easiest method, and will be available at a fairly set rate in each city and the nearby villages. Trading gold is sort of the official, rules way of getting it.

Of course there are other methods too. You can try to negotiate any type of deal you want with distributers or farmers, or you could always outright steal it.

A random tangent off that thought - I'll always try to work with you if you have creative solutions to problems so if you have an out of the box idea for something just throw it by me. In many ways the rules are pretty set in stone (like a score of 16 grants a +3 modifier, or a unit costs X) but other things like the ways you use you units, resources, or actions are definitely open to player experimentation. In those cases, think of the rules more as guidelines. ;)
Innovation update HOPEFULLY tonight, MoD? :D
Yay. You live on East Coast too?
Discover innovations list is up on first page. http://forums.civfanatics.com/showpost.php?p=8597992&postcount=15

We decided to make tech discovery the same throughout both groups, so some of the innovations here were discovered by the Eastern Expanse members, and some by the Central Expanse members. You should also get an email telling you which innovations you researched and how much rp you have saved towards the next innovation in each branch.

A few notes on things from the innovations section:

Units - There are 2 ways to get units. Both require that you have researched an innovation that provides the unit.

1. Recruit Missions - sometimes a recruit mission will yield a more advanced unit than a regular follower. Occassionally you will get less followers than expected and get a more advanced unit instead, but this only applies to units you have already researched.

2. Upgrading followers - Once you have researched a unit and received one from a recruit mission you can upgrade exisiting to become that unit.

Techniques - Techniques are applied to missions to increase the mission's result. There are restrictions to when a technique can be applied and it generally will cost 1 action to use a technique. Multiple techniques can be applied to one mission provided you have enough actions.

So there is a lot of new info here to take in, although you really only need to focus on the innovations you discovered, not all of them. Tentative orders date is friday, but I'm more than willing to set the date back due to the short notice of all this information.
how many mallets can a single worker make in 1 turn?
what are items like food and reagents worth appromimately in gold?
How are spells made/ discovered ? Can I train my people as the units named ? or do those need to be recruited ?
same questions as earlier
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