FFH NES III: The Eastern Expanse

How do we get spells?
Ok, I've got a couple sets of orders in so far. I'll wait until I get the last 2, and then I'll do the update. At most it will be a 2 day delay from when I get all the orders to when I post the update.

One clarification though - in order to upgrade your followers to a unit type you must have the required innovation and one unit of that type in your organization already. The way to get this first unit is through recruit missions. There will be a chance that recruit missions will yield you special units you have discovered in place of some followers. If you wanted to increase the chance of a specific unit, you could choose to spend resources (gold, fp, etc) and specify the unit (or units) you are hoping to recruit.

Once you have a unit of that type available, you can upgrade followers to the unit type. The cost will be triple the unit's salary cost. This includes resources like food, tools, reagents, etc.

If you did put upgrading units in the orders you sent me I can do one of three things:

1. Just interpet it as "recruit" instead of upgrade so that it acheives the closest possible alternative. (I'll do this if no email/pm is sent)
2. Just ignore that part (you would have to email/pm me and ask for that)
3. You could email me alternate orders instead, I won't use the first set of orders until everyone's orders are in and I'm so far still waiting on 2 sets.

And some answers to other questions in no particular order:

Acquiring Spells - Spells are going to work as player designed "mini projects." So to research a spell, first you give a general idea what you want its effect to be. Maybe a fireball to throw at enemies in combat, paper that can fly, or a spring that heals wounds. The important thing is to specify a general effect, not the size of the effect.

Then you spend rp, gold, or fp to research the spell. You will then receive a spell next turn with a more specific description of what your spell is capable of. You can use this first spell as is, but if you wish you can also research further to improve it. So you would spend more resources next turn and you will receive a new, higher level spell with a more potent effect. (more info on spell levels is in the magic section)

The more resources you spend, the faster your spell will level up and the more powerful it will be, although it will be unlikely that your spell will advance multiple levels in one turn. However, no resources spent will be wasted. They will be used to advance the spell later.

Sometimes special items might also aid in your spell research. For example, maybe a rare volcanic stone could reduce the cost of researching a fire spell, or a pilgrimage to a holy site of your god could increase the power of a related divine spell. Sometimes the mod will provide these opportunities, but you can also submit ideas for them as well.

Resource Costs - We're going to put out a chart with the market value for each resource over the weekend.

Edit: I forgot one other issue to mention about orders so far. The maximum number of members you can assign to any mission with one action is equal to your command sub score (which is leadership X org scale). If you wanted to assign more members you could spend 2 actions for 2 X your leadership score or 3 actions for triple your leadership score. I know I didn't really make this clear in some of my earlier explanations so sorry for that. I'm going to add it to the missions section for easier reference.
Ok, I've got orders in from everyone now. I also got a lot of corrections and changes so I'll use those as well. Since I've got a set of orders for everyone, I'm going to start working on the update with what I have now. If you have any more changes to your orders send them in as soon as you can - I can't guarantee anything sent later than this afternoon will make it into the update. The update and stats your stats will definitely be finished by sometime Sunday. No more of my delays this time. :)
Open letter to Midas Chulanin

Faith in Justice my friend,

We will open our fruitful exchange of ideas to the public because we believe that those are of interest for everyone.

We admire your believe in equal rights and are pleased that you are so interested in theoretical judicial questions.

About differentiating laws we can agree with you in most part. We surely do not favour laws which deprive certain part of the society, but we have to add that there is a big difference between equal and same rights. And treading everyone the same does not mean everyone would be treated equal. We live in a complex world with many fundamentally different races.
Races which have different strengths, different weaknesses, different values et cetera.
There are the centaurs, which can outrun everyone else.
There are the dwarves, which are unchallenged in the fine art of tinkering.
There are elves, which are masterly hunters.
There are lizard-men, which can swim like a fish.
There are orcs, which are virtuous warriors and feel nearly no pain from fire.
And there is us, the humans, with our strong striving for knowledge.

We should cherish every ones strength, and so should the law. A law which ignore those differences, could not reflect the society. And that is one of the things a good law should do.

You will most likely agree that a young pregnant woman might need other protection than a healthy professional warrior. And if the law would give the same rights to both of them, they would not be equal. A good law should thereby also reflect the vulnerability of certain parts of the society.

That is why we believe that to bring equal rights to everyone, sometimes differentiating laws can be better than same laws.

Now onto the the issue of taxing, overtaxing or seizing of private property.
Again we can agree, in most parts with you, but we think the best answer to this would be a “constitution”. Let us explain this idea to you:
The constitution would be a set of rules for the government codified as a written document which establish principles which are binding. It will define the fundamental political principles and will establish the structure, procedures, powers and duties of the government. By this the government will limit its own reach and will guarantee certain rights to the people.
It also could be seen as the law of the laws, because every law made up by the government would need to fit into the framework given by the constitution.
This would also force the government to keep the laws which define the taxes within a predefinition measure, so no one would ever need to fear overtaxing or arbitrary seizing anymore.

Furthermore we think that this “constitution” would help people regaining faith in justice. It would give them security, and would reassure their support for their government. It would bring stability and wealth to the whole society.

-signed Lysea Nahema / speaker of "the two hammer"
Update 2

New Faith Spreads to the Streets and Dining Halls, Philosophical Chip Peddlers, and New Carnival Replaces Fleeing Balseraphs


An organization known as the Midas have made themselves known in Cesslen as they peddle a new snack to various restraints and street vendors. At the moment, they only have a small amount of sample to hand out but they promise to bring a much larger amount in the future. Several groups have already expressed interest in negotiating a deal to buy these “nachos.”

Nachos are sale by the Midas organization. You can negotiate a deal by contacting their player, if he/she chooses to reveal him/herself. ;)

A Burst of Philosophical Debate in Cesslen

The Midas have also become known for their recent debates with representatives of the Two Hammer. The discussion seems to have originated in private meetings between leaders, but now has spread to a wider and more public forum. The Two Hammer first publicized the debate, and both sides have since been seen trading arguments in the streets of Cesslen. Although the majority of the populace hasn’t caught enough of the arguments to glimpse the full issue of discussion, it seems to be differing opinions on the ideal form of government. People have also heard Two Hammer Representatives calling for a “constitution” of some kind, but are unclear on its meaning.

No effect

Really, it’s just another club …

The excitement at the arrival of so many new groups has begun to subside. A large amount of people turned out for entry in the past month, but since then the novelty of joining has worn off and most people have moved on to other forms of diversion.

Bonus for recruiting missions ends

Balseraphs Still Free - Reward Increased

Although various peasants reported sightings of the Carnival of Jejalok in the countryside east of Cesslen, the carnival has still not been found. Encouraged by city officials and guardsmen, the Chancellor has raised the reward for anyone who can provide the location of the carnival.

Cesslen officials promise 1,500 gold pieces to whoever provides the tip that results in the Carnival of Jejalok's capture.

Two Hammer Hosts Banquet for Cesslen Officials

In another gesture to the government of Cesslen, the Two Hammer hosted a banquet and invited the upper level officials to attend. Impressed with their last meeting, and the people’s enthusiasm in the new faith, the Chancellor arranged to attend the banquet along with his entire staff. Many members of the city council also attended. The banquet was by no means the most luxurious party ever thrown in Cesslen, but it was still an impressive achievement for such a new movement.

The Two Hammer sent 10 representatives to the banquet, who spoke to the government officials of the new religion’s goals. They stated that the Two Hammer seeks to instill in the people of Cesslen a strong faith in justice, and the message was received quite well by their guests. Many officials left the party discussing the Two Hammer representatives’ final point: That a faith based in Cesslen, might be of greater value than a certain foreign controlled religion. Inspired by the banquet, the officials promised to deliver a verdict on the official government sanctioning of the religion within one month’s time.

Next update the Cesslen city council will decide whether the Two Hammer will become an official state religion. It will require a majority vote by the council that could potentially be overturned by the Chancellor's absolute veto power.

Ammurite Carnival Officially Established

Many doubted the viability of the localy established carnival that opened last month. But rather than collapse, the carnival has actually begun to prosper. Many attribute the sucess to the absense of any Balseraph carnivals for the time being, while others attribute it to the local carnival's lower price point. Whatever the reason for its sucess, the newly christened "Cirque de la Lune" is in Cesslen to stay.

Cirque de la Lune is officially established
Ok, update is done but I haven't quite got to everything else. I still am finishing up some of the stats, but they should all be done sometime monday. There are a lot of additions to the stat sheets since last week so feel free to ask any questions.

I also need to update the rules section, I'll be doing that tommorow. Units and buildings sections will be added. Also, I'm going to put up prices for all the various resources mentioned in discovered innovations and their market value in each city.

Some players have reached org scale 2 this turn, so I have some more rules on that. When you advance org scale you gain a benefit. For scale 2 it is a destiny benefit - you tell me some eventual goal you have. Whenever you accomplish something that works towards that goal I'll record that and if you do something that deliberately hinders the goal I'll record that too. You'll be able to track this progress and after a certain period of time you will be rewarded or punished based on your results.

Also, there is a penalty for any organization that grows too large without enough members. When you advance org scale, take the population cap of your previous org scale and divide it by 2. For each 10% your current population is under that number, you take a -1 penalty to all stats. So when advancing to org scale 2, you need at least 25 members or you will take a -1 penaly for every 2.5 members less than 25 you have.

Also, you can only advance one org scale per turn, and remember you get a discount on advancing org scale equal to your leadership ability score.

That's all I've got for now. I'll have the rest finished monday.
yeah, I want sorcerers and am kinda guessing at which tech to research. School magic, right?
(of course this is probably the point of having Blind Research)
Orders sent. I don't understand Mores and Art. How can i make use of these effects? Stats?
Art is to measure how much your culture permeates the cities you're near. the higher the percentage the more benefits you get. the chart will be updated soon to reflect the highest percentage achieved so far. Mores is about bumping Art up a little while getting to add a extra flavor to your PO by writing out cultural values your org has.
Could you provide an example for a hypothetical organization?
Ex. The Hands of Laroth are operating in the city of Dahlia.

Goibniu Sanctuary (Equos)
Culture: 1,518
Religious Breakdown: Runes of Kilmorph 67%, Membership in No Organized Religion 33%, Fellowship of Leaves 8%, Danalin 2%.

The Hands of Laroth have produced a total of 125 Culture since their founding, and they have 5 members capable of producing culture.

1. To calculate this score take your Cultural Value (total culture produced) and multiply it by the number of people producing culture. (125 x 5 = 625)
2. Divide this number by org scale. (625/Scale 1 = 625)
3. Multiply this value by 100 (625 x 100 = 62,500)
4. Divide by the city’s Culture Value (62,500/2,006 = 31%) This number is the percentage of the city’s population who agree with your values.

now this isn't the best thought out mechanic in the world, but i was looking for a way to show a PO's influence in a city as the city grows in culture and the PO grows in culture as well in terms of a percentage. their may be a better way to compute this that i'm not thinking of, so suggestions are appreciated.
thank you ken.
Spoiler :
Dear Chancellor of Cesslan and the Council.
From Midas Chulanin

It is to our belief that the new religion of Two Hammers deserves official sanction by the government of Cesslan.

As you know already, their religion specializes in what they call restoring Faith in Justice. Although the city of Cesslan is stable, a sign of discord is happening. Everyone knows of the recent Flight of Balseraph Carnival from this city and its cause and the fact that they have not been caught yet. This is why we need Faith in Justice. We cannot have people see injustice and let if pass away saying that it is not their problem. We need people to have faith in themselves, other, and in justice, so that the entire land cries out of outrage in those crimes.

Some may argue that the religion of the Bannor serves the same purpose. It does not. The Bannor are inflexible. They are unable to see that they are doing wrong even if the truth is laid out in front of them. Things are not so with the Two Hammers. They are reasonable and is able to spot their own mistakes.

Finally, many of Cesslan welcomes this new religion. Perhaps we can have the honor of living in a holy city of a religion such as Two Hammers.

We await positive news.

There. Very business like. Very Formal
Ok I've been getting more rules info up today. First off, I fixed the innovations section by adding the branches to each category. Also, I've decided that you can transfer banked rp between branches, but not to a whole different tree. So Villany (stealth) to Villany (deception) is fine but not Villany to Alchemy.

I also added a units section. It is different than what you may have seen before as I've been trying to rebalance things a bit. I might do some more slight balances changes to the units over the next week too, but it shouldn't be gamebreaking. Also, if you have any captains you probably won't be too happy - I messed up putting the salary on your sheet, it was actually supposed to be 1 food basket and 50 gold per turn.

One more note on units. If you decide you don't want to pay a unit's salary cost, you can downgrade them to a follower any turn, just put it in your orders.

I've also added 2 sections on resources. The first just describes the resource system, and the second keeps track of resource demand ratings in each city every turn. I'll link each update to that second post so you can see any changes in resource demand. Buying resources in your hq's square costs no actions and doesn't use up any member for that turn. A diplomacy mission could be used if you wanted to haggle prices on a big purchase, otherwise expect to pay the market value.

To buy resources outside of your hq square you don't have to spend any actions but you do have to send some members (1 member for each 10 "units" you are purchasing). The square must be withing your sphere of influence (key ability modifier X org scale). Nearby villages might have different demand ratings than the cities, but you will only find out when you get there. You'll have to instruct your members in your orders what price is acceptable, because once they are at the village they will decide how to go about buying based only on your orders. So be specific if you do decide to send them to villages.

About orders - I have 4 sets in already, I'm only waiting on one more. I'm still following the 2 days rule, so whenever I get that last order set, the update won't be more than 2 days later. If I get it tommorow we can stay on the Sunday update schedule. If you want to send in orders corrections or changes do it as soon as possible. Anytime Friday or Saturday is ok, since I won't be getting the update out until Sunday at the earliest.
A couple things I forgot to mention:

Stats Changes - Many discovered innovations give stat bonuses, but I forgot to add these to your stat sheets. I've corrected it on my copies though, and your sheets next turn will be accurate.

Orders Format - A couple of people have asked me if their orders format is ok, and for all of you the answer is yes. I'm not asking for any specific format for your orders, so however you want to organize it is fine with me. So far everyone has sent orders that are organized, and that is all I really need.

Edit: Also, orders need to be sent by either pm or email.

I've got orders from all players now, so the update and your stats will be finished by Monday at the latest.
Are the two areas of the expanse linked up in terms of time/turn numbers and in terms of geography? Is there trade between them?

The goal is to keep even pace with turns and time. But, I'm so swamped with work that it's keeping me from catching up. Until I do I'm trying to keep up as much as I can. All I'll say about travel between maps for now is that it is difficult and dangerous but possible...
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