FfH NES (Never Ending Story)?

I personally like the Lazy-NES style in which mine look something like this:

Spending: Invest 80 gold into tech points and research muskets. Bank the rest of the gold.

Movement: I want to move the troops that were defending for Gibraltar to be moved over to defend my land on Cuba.

Expansion: Continue to even out my land to where Calaxo is.

Strategy: Prior to my forces arriving I want the citizens to build some basic defenses (mounds of dirt, fallen trees, possibly some trenches). Once my men arrive I want to station them behind this basic wall using the muskets and grenades to hit the enemy without casualties (other than a few mishaps here and there). Keep using this strategy until the balloons are in the air, once they are I want to bomb the enemy as they are approaching the defenses (but not close enough to cause collateral damage). After the bombing I want to use the enemy's confusion to launch a counter-attack using my melee forces to force them to retreat. Keep up the harassment until they re assemble. During this time I want new defenses to be built like the first ones but farther up to move the lines. My melee forces will break up and head back once the enemy regroups. Just keep using this strategy for as long as I can.
Note this is from a game I'm playing as the Mayan so not everything will hold true.

The NES style has little extra things like copy your stats to it like this:

Gwynedd : Merciary
Leader: King Cadwallon
Capital: Degannwy
Religion: Christian
Economy -~Stored: 300 GTD
----------~Produce: 200 GTD
Army: 700 Milita, 3 Prince
Navy: 7 Scyp
Loyalty: Balanced
Projects: None
Technology: Sailing
Colour: Olive Green

Research Roads
recruit 100 militia
Save 150

I shall divide my army into 4 parts to patrol borders. The first one shall contain 200 militia and one prince and will patrol the area in red (see map), the second will contain the same amount and patrol the blue area, and the third will also have the same forces and patrol the purple area. The last group will be with the king. My ships are to patrol the coast looking for any threats.

Also accept Ceredigion's ambassador and send my own to their court.
Honestly, it looks too complex for me. I'll just watch the first game and then if it is a success maybe play in a follow up one.
So, should you start a thread over on the NES forum now or what? Do we claim a starting spot yet? if so I'd like 56...
I'd like 38 please and loki it's really not that much more complex than a civ game but it's in text not graphics.
Come on all, the more the merrier :p
I'de say split 1,5,20, and 31 into 2 peices each.
5 is a desert province, I like having a large, vast but poor province somewhere on the map.
For the rest, I could split them, but my main concern is that new provinces would get too high number so it would cause some confusion with inconsistency later on :) I'll think about it. 31 is also a mountain province, and 20 is a marsh/swamp. Maybe adding a lake in large provinces?
OK, you can start taking spots. I'd need you to fill out this form:

Name: Your Civfanatics nick
Civilization: Pick one
Starting location: Pick one province
Civ Leader Name: It can be a 'real' FfH leader, but I expect leaders to die, be assassinated, overthrown and so on, so feel free to make up your own. The name, as everything else, should be in character.
Religion: Pick any, except Council of Esus. If you want CoE, PM me, so it'll be kept secret for the rest. You still pick a religion as a facade, that will appear as a state one. Also, you can pick for example to worship Bhaal or Pagan gods or Cult of Dragon.
Government: Pick one, no tech requirements for them.
Cultural Values: Pick TWO
Economy: Barter (New options available with techs)
Labor: Tribalism
Stability: 100 (Everyone starts with 100 stab)

I'll post techs, civics and buildings later on. Then we move on to the NES forum.
Name: Tyrs
Civilization: Svartalfar
Starting location: 56
Civ Leader Name: Vyra Tyrs
Religion: Fellowship of the Leaves
Government: Aristocracy
Cultural Values: Primary: Education (knowledge in general, whether purely academic or of a more...practical...nature is highly valued in Svartalfar society) Secondary: Consumption
Economy: Barter
Labor: Tribalism
Stability: 100

Vyra Tyrs: Matriarch, sorceress, and absolute authority of the House Tyrs. She is a powerful and ambitious noble who uses her extensive magical skills with Mind and Shadow magic to both watch her political opponents, and to remove strong foes in a puff of dense fog...

Faeryl Viconia's obsession with her feud against Arendel Phaedra had distracted her from the fatal game of betrayal that is the Svartalfar court. This lapse of judgment gave one ambitious noble the opportunity to seize the throne of Winter Court.
Name: merciary
Civilization: Luchuirp
Starting location: 38
Civ Leader Name: Valthic Dellagg
Religion: Dual worship, Runes is the state religon but many (especially the craftsmen) also pray to Nantosuelta
Government: City States
Cultural Values: Primary: Scholarship, Secondary: Nationhood
Economy: Barter
Labor: Tribalism
Stability: 100

Can I change the Labor? If so make it Arete.
Sorry guys, but I'm not much for writing. Like I said, I'll see how this one goes. And even never ending stories end sometime.
I'm signing you up, merciary. :goodjob:
In my mind right now people are organized in tribes, as age of ice just ended, you'll get option to reform later.
One really minor change, I'll use the name Education instead of Scholarship as it fits somewhat better.
City gives +5 Gold per turn
Buildings and improvements:
Village (province improvement): +3 gold per turn
Farm (province improvement): +1 gold per turn, increases commerce limit (Your province can earn max 20 gold, each farm improves this by +10), +1 stability
Mine (province improvement): +1 gold per turn, decreases building costs in province by 10%
Lumbermill (province improvement): +1 gold per turn, decreases building costs in province by 10% (req. province with forests)
Windmill (province improvement): +5 commerce limit, -5% building costs, +1 gold per turn
(All province improvements take 1 turn to build and cost 10 gold for first, 20 for second, 30 for third and so on. Multiple versions of the same can be built)
Forge: Decreses building costs in province by 10%, slightly increases troop quality, costs 60 gold, takes 1 turn to build
Barracks: -20% recruitment costs for troops if all cities in empire have it, troops have slightly better quality, 100 gold, 1 turn
Fishery: +5 commerce limit, +1 gold p/t, 30 gold, 1 turn, req. coastal
Port: Increases foreign trade yield by 10%, stacks with all ports in empire, +3 gold p/t, 150 gold, 3 turns
Market: +2 gold p/t, +1 foreign trade yield, 50 gold, 1 turn
Library: -20% tech costs if every city in empire has it, 100 gold, 2 turns
Alchemy lab: -30% tech costs if every city in empire has it, 150 gold, 3 turns
Money changer: +1 gold p/t, +3 foreign trade, 150 gold, 1 turn
Inn: +3 foreign trade, important for events even more than other buildings will be, 100 gold, 3 turns
Tavern: +1 gold p/t, less unrests, important for events even more than other buildings are, 100 gold, 2 turns
Temple: +2 stability, converts population, indirect religious effects, 300 gold, 3 turns
Herbalist: +5 commerce limit, less disease events, 40 gold, 1 turn
Courthouse: +10 stability if present in every city, -40% found city cost if present in every city, 150 gold, 2 turns
Gambling house: +3 gold p/t, -1 stability, 80 gold, 2 turns
Tax Office: +1 gold p/t from villages in province, +1 gold p/t, -3 stability, 100 gold, 3 turns
Walls: Better deffense, 100 gold, 3 turns (I'll probably put up few levels of these)
Town watch: +1 stability, extra troops when defending, 50 gold, 3 turns
Dungeon: +2 stability, 50 gold, 2 turns, less war dissent
Teathre: +3 stability, 200 gold, 2 turns
Most important, buildings affect events. You are less likely to get rebellion where you have herbalists and teathres than in underdeveloped town, even under low stability. Food from farm also helps. Also taverns and inns attract merchenaries and travelers, and even spies, and cities with dungeons quell dissenters better, as well as handle crooks.
Buildings that need to be present in every city have 3 levels: either they are present in every city, so that you get full benefit, or they are present in at least half cities, but not in every one, so you get half of their benefit, or they are present in less than one half of your cities, so you gain no benefit at all.
This is to make an incentive to keep down the number of cities and make a strategic decision – do I need one more city, to get extra commerce, or I'm better of small or more stable, so I'll put up a outpost or fort? This will also, I hope, encourage forts and outposts, and add more diversity, and also make it easier for me to keep track of all provinces :)

Techs and tech requirements latter on.
Some provinces will have special feats. For example, province with lush forest earns -2 less gpt and has double cost for all province improvements except lumbermill. Forests can be cleared. 'Mineral poor' province can still build mines, but they won't earn +1 gpt and so on.
Will elven nations suffer the same penalties for forests?
No, and they won't be able to clear it, or to build lumbermills. Also, forest will give a bit of defensive advantage, and even more so for elves. Though elves will be a bit weaker outside of forest.
Name: LDiCesare
Civilization: Khazad
Starting location: 10
Civ Leader Name: Kandros Fir
Religion: Kilmorph all the way!
Government: Ploutocracy (let's call it a Republic where you get number of votes based on what you paid... no it's not bound to be corrupt).
Cultural Values: 1)Economy, 2)Labor
Economy: Barter
Labor: Tribalism
Stability: 100

Do the Khazad get bonus for hoarding gold?
I'll gladly sign you up.
Maybe I could put you as an Aristocratic Republic and add a description. I suppose Svartalfar would be Aristocratic Monarchy.
Merciary, could you create a bit of backstory for Valthic Dellagg?

I'll probably give a stability bonus or penalty based on your treasury, and that will be through events. Expect people rallying your call when you need them most if your vaults are full or turning back on you if they are not.
Alright, I guess I will play. Can I chose a religion that isn't flavorful? Like would change alignment? If so, I might want to change my religion. But here is my civ anyways.

Name: Loki
Civilization: Balseraphs
Starting location: 4
Civ Leader Name: Perpentach (as he is the game. but slightly more absolutist than sometimes.)
Religion: Octopus Overlords
Government: God King
Cultural Values: Religion, and Liberty
Economy: Barter
Labor: Tribalism
Stability: 100
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