FfH2 0.11a Bugs:

Animals are still getting trapped within civ boundries when the AI founds a city near one. I think that's an old bug, related to allowing captured animals into cultural boundries, right? I also had such a trapped animal set off the "enemy spotted near City." message in my nearby city. That's not supposed to happen for barb animals, right?

Also, not strictly a bug, but scortch (the fire I spell that converts plain to desert) does not trigger a warning when done in another civ's land. They immediately declare war on you, and it's good that the AI knows to do that, but it might be good for it to give the "Are you sure?" message it does like when you try and pillage something.

Playing as Khazad I had a dwarvern warhammer build a mine, and I didnt check how many turns it would take. About 5 turns later I checked and it said 2147483647 turns.

In that same game,I built the Pack of Nilhorn and got the 3 giants. Later I was at war with the Infernal and sent one giant in to his territory to attack a worker, but instead of killing the worker they both shared the same square and nothing happened. I was not doing this to declare war, war had already been declared so this is a bug.
is there suppose to be a temple for Cult of the Dragon? how come that evil give me a -2 for being neutral? I wish we can change our alignments without being force to. Did you know that some civs do not even have a freakin description in the civilopedia due to some TXT error.
Should Djinn spawn with spell spheres from owned mana nodes? It'd be more special if they did, otherwise channeling is wasted, since they don't stick around long enough to level.
Other summoning issues: Can't summon a earth elemental, even though the animation goes off.
also, built treents count against the one per summoner limit. I built one, got a summoner nature 3, skill was grayed out until I got another summoner, then i could get a summoned one, but by building one I wasted a promotion.
Been playing since the original FfH(some early version, can't remember exactly) & you guys have done a great job with the mod, haven't played anything else since it came out(well, Battlefield Illuria, but let's not quibble)

Started a game yesterday, with the elves & could build elven archers after researching eleven studies, but then lost the ability to build them after researching archery, till I built archery ranges. It seems that something is screwy there. Also I've got everybody(except Barbs) with white flags.

Haven't seen either of these mentioned,sorry if they have been.
Keep up the good work.

Been getting a CTD (happened twice) around this save. Not sure whats up.

I'm using the patch FFH2011a version.
pa12ick said:
I built Chalid, but when I upgraded him to Fire III, he had Fire Elemental, not Meteor Shower, and the Fire Elemental wouldn't show up. The button caused the "creation graphic" to appear, but no actual unit did. I tried on all terrain types (like for Sand Lion).

You're right, the Conjure spells (Air, Earth and Fire) are broke. They will be fixed in the next version.
Naphtali said:
I just killed Orthus with a Lion, and it received 63 experience :eek:

Is that Normal?

Yes, heroes grant a ton of xp and that xp is modified by the relative strength of the two units. So killing Orthus with a lion should grant a ton of xp.
pa12ick said:
Also, the list Kael wrote said that Malakim is a "good" race, yet several of the other Civs said "you are Neutral" in the diplomacy screen. Is this too a "feature"? :D JK

That should be fixed with the 0.11a patch.
abman said:
Animals are still getting trapped within civ boundries when the AI founds a city near one. I think that's an old bug, related to allowing captured animals into cultural boundries, right? I also had such a trapped animal set off the "enemy spotted near City." message in my nearby city. That's not supposed to happen for barb animals, right?

Also, not strictly a bug, but scortch (the fire I spell that converts plain to desert) does not trigger a warning when done in another civ's land. They immediately declare war on you, and it's good that the AI knows to do that, but it might be good for it to give the "Are you sure?" message it does like when you try and pillage something.

We dont have an 'are you sure' mechanic in. There are a few places where it would be helpful. Woodelf had requested it on a few spells too. Im sure we will get one in later on.
according to civopedia and city screen:

elder counsil: +1 sage ( +1 scientist )

however according to cid's tips: +1 sage, - 1 culture ( + 1 scientist )

the resuslt of the building is just 1 sage/1 scientist.
- I'll ask another time because i never got a clear answer from a dev member :)

Is the strenght of the elven adept correct? (It is 3 now - as the strenght of elven mages and summoners)
The 'Shadowed Vale' and the 'Golden Wood' give +/-1% trade route. They are meant to give +/-1 trade route, aren't they?

In my last game, Orthus was already spawned in round 50 instead of round 100.

The spell 'Ring of Flames' can't be seen, there's no fire around the caster.
Samuelson said:

Playing as Khazad I had a dwarvern warhammer build a mine, and I didnt check how many turns it would take. About 5 turns later I checked and it said 2147483647 turns.

Thanks, I will get that fixed in the next version.

In that same game,I built the Pack of Nilhorn and got the 3 giants. Later I was at war with the Infernal and sent one giant in to his territory to attack a worker, but instead of killing the worker they both shared the same square and nothing happened. I was not doing this to declare war, war had already been declared so this is a bug.

Could you provide a save of this?
Nikis-Knight said:
Should Djinn spawn with spell spheres from owned mana nodes? It'd be more special if they did, otherwise channeling is wasted, since they don't stick around long enough to level.

No, they are just random. Some djinn's will have a few spells, some won't. They are from remote planes and bring whatever spell experience they had from those planes.

Other summoning issues: Can't summon a earth elemental, even though the animation goes off.

Conjure Air, Earth and Fire elemental are broke. They will be fixed in the next version.

also, built treents count against the one per summoner limit. I built one, got a summoner nature 3, skill was grayed out until I got another summoner, then i could get a summoned one, but by building one I wasted a promotion.

You can have as many treants active at the same time as you have units that can cast the spell. Think of them as summons that last as long as you need them, and dont worry about losing the unit, if it dies you can create a new one.
Grev_michal said:
according to civopedia and city screen:

elder counsil: +1 sage ( +1 scientist )

however according to cid's tips: +1 sage, - 1 culture ( + 1 scientist )

the resuslt of the building is just 1 sage/1 scientist.

The tips is wrong. Ill get it fixed.
Frozen-Vomit said:
- I'll ask another time because i never got a clear answer from a dev member :)

Is the strenght of the elven adept correct? (It is 3 now - as the strenght of elven mages and summoners)

No, I copied the mage to the adept and forgot to change the str. I'll get it changed to 2 in the next patch.
Black Whole said:
The 'Shadowed Vale' and the 'Golden Wood' give +/-1% trade route. They are meant to give +/-1 trade route, aren't they?

Yeah, thats wrong. Ill fix it in the next version.

In my last game, Orthus was already spawned in round 50 instead of round 100.

Yeap, it all depends on how fast the barbarians settle. There is no set turn anymore.

The spell 'Ring of Flames' can't be seen, there's no fire around the caster.

Visual effects are pretty low priority right now. But there is a problem with the ring of flames, Im looking at it now.
- Neither Summononer nor Arcane (don't know abou the other new traits) have a tool tip when the mouse coursor is over your flag in the main game screen.

- I really like the new starting picture, just a simple request: Could you provide it in a larger resolution ( have 1280x1024 or something like this) - it seems kind of pixely (? sorry no nativ english speaker :D ) Is it a problem for lower resolutions to display a larger image?
Frozen-Vomit said:
- Neither Summononer nor Arcane (don't know abou the other new traits) have a tool tip when the mouse coursor is over your flag in the main game screen.

Both of those traits have non-typical abilities so the UI doesnt recognize them. I added tool tips for these to the wish list, but it probably own't come soon.

- I really like the new starting picture, just a simple request: Could you provide it in a larger resolution ( have 1280x1024 or something like this) - it seems kind of pixely (? sorry no nativ english speaker :D ) Is it a problem for lower resolutions to display a larger image?

Thats the biggest copy of the pic I had. Just resizing it wont help the jaggies. I will see if an artist can manually touch it up.
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