• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .

FfH2 0.13 Bugs:

My minimap was completely distorted when playing my first game with kuriotates.
Frozen-Vomit said:
I also have a memory leak: When i hit end turn the game is doing things and never stoppes, has been posted before but maybe it helps to have different saves that hang up...

Ahh, the AI had found some wolves out in the wilderness with its goblins and was having a little to much fun combining the two to make Worg Riders.
Patch a for 0.13 is up.
Can't seem to build clockwork golems with Luchuirp. Have the buildings, resource and tech, but they don't show up in the build list.

Btw Great mod guys :)
Kerrang said:
Getting a File not Found error when trying to download version 013, I have tried with both Firefox and IE.

Its being updated, it will be available in about 50 minutes.
i cant download!

The requested URL /files/FallfromHeaven2013.exe was not found on this server.
didolover said:
i cant download!

The requested URL /files/FallfromHeaven2013.exe was not found on this server.

Its being updated, it will be ready in 26 minutes.
thanks maestro i posted before reading :blush:

I send you a question and a problem on the main thread.

The Frog
JuliusBloodmoon said:
Are you supossed to build Temples of religions before you discover Philosophy?

Yeap, you can build the temples now if you have the appropriate tech (way of the forests for the fellowship, etc).

Sorry to repeat my question.

Sheaim begin with "Ancient Chants" and Kuriotates with "Agriculture". I think is too easy for the first one to discover "Awaking the Ancients" and be the owner of the Cult of the Dragon. Don't you think that it could be the same tech for both civ ?

It's the same problem as with the Elves (as somebody explain).

The Frog.
K, FallfromHeaven2013a.exe is up.
Hian the Frog said:

Sorry to repeat my question.

Sheaim begin with "Ancient Chants" and Kuriotates with "Agriculture". I think is too easy for the first one to discover "Awaking the Ancients" and be the owner of the Cult of the Dragon. Don't you think that it could be the same tech for both civ ?

It's the same problem as with the Elves (as somebody explain).

The Frog.

I like the Sheaim cult advantage (they have a smaller dragon after all).

Please use this thread for bugs, I created another for balance recommendations.

When you are playing and if you look at the Technology Advisor, you can read that you can buid a "Temple" if you have philosophy tech. What is this building, i can't build it and i don't find it in the civilopedia ? It's ok for Pagan temple.

The Frog.

The Frog.
Hian the Frog said:

When you are playing and if you look at the Technology Advisor, you can read that you can buid a "Temple" if you have philosophy tech. What is this building, i can't build it and i don't find it in the civilopedia ? It's ok for Pagan temple.

The Frog.

The Frog.

Yeha, its the pagan temple.
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