FfH2 0.32 Bug Thread

I brought this bug up in a prior version (same title) and I think it is still a problem.

In my current game playing as the Khazad, only about 1/2 of the Large map is settled. One of the Evil AV civs (not sure which one yet) brought Hyborem into the world.

Instead of the Infernals being placed near one of those civs and/or in the wide-open territory, he was squeezed into a five-tile plot between the Lanun and I. Nowhere to expand and no territory.

Of course it WAS convenient for me to dispatch him in short order as I sent troops to wipe him out in less than 10 turns, but there goes that element of the game.

So, again, is there something that can be done to give the poor bugger a fighting chance with the ability to expand a bit? The placement of the Infernals really seems bugged.

I have seen this in many games and, not knowing the code involved, it just doesn't make much sense to me.

That's usually what I see happening to poor Hyborem too. I'm actually playing a game as him right now. Kind of weird where he started. I had this nice, spacious countryside all cleared for his grand entrance, but he appeared right next to my borders, kind of in between a couple of towns. Worked fine for me, as I quickly set about conquering myself (only just finished that after some 200 turns...weeee....). But yeah, seems like his starting locale could use some work. Also, could the settlement of his initial town be delayed until after the player has said that they don't or do want to play as the Infernals? Be nice to be able to choose the location for Dis, seeing as it will become the most potent of cities.
I have crashes after end of turn on random basis, late in game more often. Eventually game crashes so often I can not play. It is true to some starts on 0.31 and on 0.32, some games i have completed with no problem. Game crashes with error in CvGameCore.dll, with no additional info despite HidePythonExceptions=0. After crash video driver (Nvidia 8800 GTS 320) takes second or so to 'reset', if I run game before 'reset' Windows (Vista Home Premium SP1) crashes to blue screen of death. Any hints? What it can be? Also any links on how to debug Civilization 4?
The daemonic spawner (which pop around AC 70 or so) can appear inside volcanos. I'm playing Hyborem and I've got a Sect of Flies spawned inside of one. While somewhat appropriate, I don't think it's intentional.

Edit: And yes, I am able to move the sect out of the volcano square, meaning that it's a lair that almost no units in the game can touch. What fun...
Hi, if I play not the biggest maps in an "owner`s game" (hope, thats the rigth word), there are no reagents on the whole map .. thats sad, cause I like to build archmages as fast as possible...
And if I play as Elohim I have to build a "Möbius witch" to get a monk, but this may also be an error in german translation. Thanks for this great game, bye
Ether it's a translation error, or your got a huge error. Mobius Witch can't be built. (At least, not the English verson of it). I comes through Sheim gates. But again, you might have a benign mislabling.
Hi, yes I know, and I even can not build Möbius witches. If I tell my city to build a Möbius witch (I am not able to tell the city to build a monk), I get a monk, thats why I think, its only a wrong word.. bye
I've got one bug report and one annoyance report.

First the bug:
Somehow, my Balseraphs managed to skip the whole boring research and got the technology they wanted immediately... twice. First, I got Malevolent Designs by skipping half the research. After this, I took up divination. It was supposed to take 6 turns but I got it the next turn :confused:
I don't know what may be the cause - I'm in a long war with Amelanchier and his vassal, Decius (of the Calabim) and I burned the Bannor. Oh, and I'm in a permanent alliance with Sandalphon, that's about it. I checked the trade possibilities and no civilization had neither Divination, nor Malevolent Designs earlier to offer (so I don't think that Sandalphon made some bargain).

And now, for the annoyance:
I really hate it when units get obsolete and I can't build them anymore - this goes even for warriors (they make a nice escort for mages against assassins). However, it struck me that after researching Malevolent Designs, I couldn't build Stygian Guards, basically my main unit in my OO Balseraph society (I guess Eidolons made them obsolete).

So, to sum up: the weird "skip research" bug and obsolence of units need fixing IMO. I've attached the save from my game, it's right after getting Malevolent Designs, if you pick Divination, you should get it the next turn. At least that's what happened to me.


  • AutoSave_AD-0336.CivBeyondSwordSave
    705.8 KB · Views: 55
It's Sandalphon who researches Divination in one turn, he can also research Necromancy and Animal Husbandry in one turn.
You can see it for yourself if you select "let's discuss something else" -> "we would like you to reseach" -> select the tech.
Don't ask me from where he got all those research points, maybe from an event? But it didn't saw anything in the event log.
I really hate it when units get obsolete and I can't build them anymore - this goes even for warriors (they make a nice escort for mages against assassins). However, it struck me that after researching Malevolent Designs, I couldn't build Stygian Guards, basically my main unit in my OO Balseraph society (I guess Eidolons made them obsolete).

Regular obsolescence can be irritating, but in the endgame there are already so many units/buildings to slog through I think it is necessary. In this case, though, a spammable unit is being replaced with a national unit (i.e. 4-unit cap). That is just wrong. IMO, National units should never obsolete anything.
I think once the unit cap has been reached you can build the units it obsoleted. Still is kind of annoying, though.
It's Sandalphon who researches Divination in one turn, he can also research Necromancy and Animal Husbandry in one turn.
You can see it for yourself if you select "let's discuss something else" -> "we would like you to reseach" -> select the tech.
Don't ask me from where he got all those research points, maybe from an event? But it didn't saw anything in the event log.

I guess I'll check an autosave from earlier then and see if Sandalphon also had points invested in researching Malevolent Designs.
Patch J

While playing Flauros, I requested water mana from Basium as the city I just gave him had a water node. Not a problem, he gives it up without complaint once I butter him up with all my extra ressources. However there was a culture shift a few turns later and I retook the node. After the shift I noticed my mana chart shows two mana available to my empire.
Not a game changing bug at all, but in the latest version, CoE no longer has the song 'Bitter Ashes' in their sound file. That is a bit dissapointing considering it fits the feel of someone trapped in a web of lies from the council.
Interesting situation that seems to delete equipment:
1-Orthus captured another civ's city.
2-I killed Orthus, the only unit there
3-When given the choice, I liberated the city back to the AI, rather than keeping it or razing it
4-No sign of Orthus Axe anywhere.
Has something been done to the Avatar of Wrath in the latest version? I didn't see anything in the various patch release notes or the version 0.32 changelog thread to indicate this. Anyway, here's what's happened:

The Avatar came into the world after the AC hit 90, but none of my units became Crazed or Enraged. I don't know what I could possibly have done to protect my units in this way.

I was happy not to lose any units, of course, but I just wanted to check whether this is now intended.
Regular obsolescence can be irritating, but in the endgame there are already so many units/buildings to slog through I think it is necessary. In this case, though, a spammable unit is being replaced with a national unit (i.e. 4-unit cap). That is just wrong. IMO, National units should never obsolete anything.

Cool thing would be to create, like, an "obsolete units" tab when browsing through the big list of things to build, and have all obsolete units move under it instead of disappearing completely. Dunno if that suggestion is at all viable though.

Not a game changing bug at all, but in the latest version, CoE no longer has the song 'Bitter Ashes' in their sound file. That is a bit dissapointing considering it fits the feel of someone trapped in a web of lies from the council.

Really? That's pretty homo. It was the best CoE song.


Just stick it back in the right folder, you seem to know where it is.
Frostling event can spawn frostlings on peeks...

Kinda defeates the point XD Not that they'd bother me.

Heres a screenshot, yes, its Fall Further, but I doubt the event has been touched...

Mushrooms also does this to my iritation, although it does change the tile into a workable 2 food tile... unless your evil thats basicaly pointless since it cant in any ay be improved.
Has something been done to the Avatar of Wrath in the latest version? I didn't see anything in the various patch release notes or the version 0.32 changelog thread to indicate this. Anyway, here's what's happened:

The Avatar came into the world after the AC hit 90, but none of my units became Crazed or Enraged. I don't know what I could possibly have done to protect my units in this way.

I was happy not to lose any units, of course, but I just wanted to check whether this is now intended.

This has happened to me too in prior versions and I mentioned it in the appropriate bug thread. Along with that, I noticed the Avatar himself was not very mobile and pretty much rooted to the same tile.

Honestly, I think the AC 90 event is not that tough now. All you need is an Adept/Mage with Law I to run around giving all your units Loyalty and you will not lose any of your troops to the event. Yes, you might have to deal with a few of the AI's units that went barbarian. Of course, the AI is not capable of this strategy and will lose a portion of its units, but the human player should not lose any.
Got a lan multiplayer game going and we encountered a few minor things:

Compassion civics doesnt seem to have any upkeep. (fend for yourself has never made less sense)

Spirit mana gives a 5% GPP but it doesnt show up in cities.

Adaptive trait (playing as kuriotates) seems to start as philosophic and if you choose a diffrent trait you loose it, fair enough, but thers nothing to indicate that you wont keep philosophic as it is listed as a normal trait.
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