FFH2 and patch 3.19

I'd be interested to know what breaks with 3.19. Perhaps someone braver than me can install the patch and find out? It might be that they're easy fixes.

FfH uses custom versions of the DLL and most Python files, so not too much should be affected, I think. It's then mainly a matter of which new rule changes Kael wants to integrate into FfH. :)
So, esentialy could I play the upgraded version that will come out with the old 3.17?
Becouse I would prefer to avoid patching civ as some of the new changes are not to my liking and I have quite a few saved games going that I always meen to finish, but FF gets in the way...
So, esentialy could I play the upgraded version that will come out with the old 3.17?
Becouse I would prefer to avoid patching civ as some of the new changes are not to my liking and I have quite a few saved games going that I always meen to finish, but FF gets in the way...

I think that's right if I understand you correctly.

Just don't download the patch. There will also be an unofficial patch in about two weeks, I'd guess. The unofficial patch will fix the minor bugs that the official patch introduced (although the official patch did fix far more bugs than it created) and take care of a few game balance issues (although there will certainly be people who object to those game balance adjustments because they "weren't intended").

At some point, I expect Kael will come out with a new Fall from Heaven that works with the 3.19 official patch and there's a good chance that will work with any unofficial patch as well (although it's not guaranteed).

Any patch that Kael creates to take 3.19 into account is also certain to break saved games, so finish those games before downloading any patch. I'm several hours into the Wages of Sin scenario (why, oh why did I pick Marathon! :mad:) and I'm not even downloading my latest podcasts until I finish that thing. ;)
Does any kind soul out there have access to the Direct2Drive patch of BTS to 3.17, or know where I could find it (it's larger than the Apolyton one at about 258 MB)? As far as I can tell, D2D took it down since 3.19 came out, I can't find it anywhere else, and I find myself having to do a fresh install / don't want 3.19 yet if it's not going to work with FFH2..
I would edit the dl cell that mentions it works with patch 3.17 or later to just 3.17.
Yeah I got spiked with this also... All set to give it a try then bupkis.

Hopefully Kael will get the patch for his stuff done soon.

I do not really want to reinstall BTS and hope I can patch up to 3.17...
Im traveling for a project right now. As soon as I get back to Ohio Im going to get the mod converted. It will probably be sometime between Thursday and Sunday, June 18th-21st (depending on how smoothly it goes).
Oooh, happy father's day for us! :)
Just remeber to keep a download for the currently latest FFH patch for those of us that do now have and will not have 3.19.
I still have a lot of games to finish and untill than I will not patch, but I need to download the newest FfH for FF+.
Honestly, there's no point maintaining two versions of the mod so people who do not wish to update to a new patch don't have to. Either you keep the old version, or you update. :p

I think that PPQ was just asking that Kael not get rid of the .41a link in the near future so that people could still finish out their old games, etc, before moving to the new patch - especially if the new patch would break games, which I'm sure it will.
Well, if you have games, you can just not upgrade. New users would have no reason to go to .41a when the update for 3.19 is out. And I can see questions like these if both links were there:
-"Which patch do I install?"
-"I installed both patches and the mod doesn't work anymore. Reinstalling does not work. Somebody please fix this!"
If you know you might want to go back to or reinstall a version that is currently available, just download and keep a copy of it.
I think that PPQ was just asking that Kael not get rid of the .41a link in the near future so that people could still finish out their old games, etc, before moving to the new patch - especially if the new patch would break games, which I'm sure it will.

but you don't need that link or the file found at that link to finish current games, heh.
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