FfHII GOTMI Game Thread

Spoiler :
wow , read some of the tactics you guys are using. kinda neat if overkill. i started rushing warriors and threw in a few settlers and workers as i felt comfortable. crushed my neighbor to the west around turn 100 (capria i think). then moved on the kuriotates after and had them by 120. then it was basium and falamar... both ended up hiding a last city on me so i went after cain. cain finally stopped my warrior armies until i had axemen. the whole time during my warrior war i was running in a pretty heavy negative cash flow (about -40 per turn) but thats ok, i was mimicing the khan and pillageing and sacking for my coin. i always made sure to keep os-gabala having more points then i did so that teh barbs never revolted. eventually i ended up declareing war on os-gabala and mahala as i was almost done. thankfully i found basiums hidded city around the same time. was about turn 200 when barbs got angry , but it was no big fo rthe last 10 turns or so....
The month may almost be gone, but this was also only started five days ago. Gotta give it a bit more time than that.
I've tried out this game - it was interesting to try settings that I haven't tried before or ever.

I haven't finished, though. Not sure if I'll bother - I get quite bored with the end-game.

Got a question, though. Is there some way to declare war on the barbs? I had a barb city right where I wanted to put a city, but I couldn't declare war by moving onto the city since I had to be within the barb borders to do so. And I couldn't find any lone barb units wandering elsewhere so that I could attack them.

- Niilo
Got a question, though. Is there some way to declare war on the barbs? I had a barb city right where I wanted to put a city, but I couldn't declare war by moving onto the city since I had to be within the barb borders to do so.

I'm not sure of the answer, but you could use Rantine to take over barbarian cities. Just move him into a barbarian city, and if he's the strongest unit around, a "convert city" button pops up.

I tried the game, too, but I got somewhere in the middle and then got bored too. I don't feel posting much of a detailed analysis since it seems like others did a lot better than me anyway. :p
Finished my game with a Domination victory 54938 points in 386 turns. I could have finished it sooner I think but I am a builder at heart not a warmonger.

Spoiler :
I took a religion because I knew I was going to need the gold, I always do. Runes allows me to get a religion that does this for me, and gets me close to bronze working. Once I got Axemen I just started fighting with my neighbors. I went North and then East eventually eliminateing everyone. Capria had put a couple cities on the east side of my line of cities but conviently declared war on me just as I was finishing off everyone else. Between the Barbarians and the war I was able to basicly clear all the land East of my cities and close that area of the map off to Os-Galith and Capria. Then I just let the Barbarians populate the countryside and run through my land and attack the others. I then used Ratian to convert the barb cities one by one. Archon built his horde during this time in one of barb cities. Eventually I took most of the east side of the map except for Archon city. I had 58% of the land area and plenty of population so I just took Archons city, raized it, collected the horde and founded Dark Sky my final city. This gave me the land area to win.

Once I had most of the Barb cities captured I switched to OO and Republic, Liberty and Caste System along with Scholership eventually. This helped grow the cities culture to the point where they covered the area of the map I needed to win. I was alittle more disorganized than I normally like with my terraforming and workers. I used alot more automation that I normally do. I definately could have made some of my cities more efficient if I had put some effort into improveing them a bit more with more workers.

Thats about it. I had fun. I would do this again. It was a little easy for me. I usually play Monarch or Emperor with the Losjafar. I am a builder however so it was fun to be a Warmonger for the most part for most of the game.
ugh. I started and made quite good progress for a while. However, I'm not sure I really want to go on right now. I had my capital captured by an enemy hunter with commando and mobility. The hunter hadn't even entered my territory before I hit enter. Obviously, the lesson here is that FFH is a bit different in that aspect - need a bit more defense in your capital just in case. Ugh ugh. Guess I won't do that again. :eek:

Edit: The capital was razed also. :cry:
Edit: The capital was razed also. :cry:

That's gotta hurt. Might still be fun recovering from that though. Make it your personal mission to crush that civ and rebuild your capital on the razed tile since the surrounding tiles are likely already well worked anyhow. At the very least you've learned to defend your cities (I hate 'wasting' turns building defensive units, necessary as it is) but you might as well learn the enraged war machine tactic.. :)

Azragaul said:
Finished my game with a Domination victory 54938 points in 386 turns. I could have finished it sooner I think but I am a builder at heart not a warmonger.

Ditto on the builder thing.. I prefer the Ljosalfar too.

Spoiler :
I like your strategy for the Domination victory though.. I wasn't aware you could convert barb cities and the truce with them didn't make much sense to me until reading your strategy. Very nice. Definitely needed more workers though - and this map screams out for farms with aristocracy/agriculture not cottages (except on the few grasslands/floodplains).
I was doing fine - I had just crushed one Civ, and the reason I declared war on the other one was so I could kill his hero (which I did quite easily). My point was that I'm not used to fighting movement 3 (or 4 - not sure) units with commando, which require a change in tactics to accomodate them. Even with move 4, it wouldn't have gotten me without the commando, since there were hills all over the place. Anyway, yeah, I might go back to crushinating everyone... :)
Spoiler :
I am addicted to cottages, thats a problem. It used to be worth it and it still is with the Lojsafar and the forest building. But you are right farms and aristocarcy/agriculture would have made the cities grow faster and help achieve the population I needed sooner. As far as workers go I just never worried about them. It was a sloppy game on my part. Usually I micromange the hell out of them. I also lost a bunch when the Barbs turned on me, about half a dozen and one city before I got rid of most of the roaming barbarians.
city converting/war with barbs question
Spoiler :
Eventually I took most of the east side of the map except for Archon city. I had 58% of the land area and plenty of population so I just took Archons city, raized it, collected the horde and founded Dark Sky my final city.
Great strategy, how did you take Acheron city? With Rantine? Was he strong enough? Or, did you go to war with the Barbs? If so, how? They seem to like me so much I cannot get them to start war with me....
That was fun, first time as The Clan for me.

I finished in Age of Rebirth yr. 246 with a Religious Victory.

Spoiler :
What was funny about this is, I was going for domination victory and there was only one enemy city left on the map when the Religious Victory message popped up. :lol: (well, the Doviello had one settler out after I killed them)
Sorry it took me a bit to get back to you cp30

Spoiler :
I used an Orc Maceman with combat 1-5, city attack 1-3, commando and a couple magic buffs along with Orthus Axe. A veteran of the wars with the other civs I destroyed. I was actually suprised to have is that easy. I am usually a builder so don't have very many veteran units. I had about 2 stacks of 10 so even all the archers went down very quickly after the Dragon died.
I just started playing FFH2. I have played one game and I am on my second. I am a fan of the GOTM and I wanted to try this one but I have only the .16i version. Is there a place I can download the .16f version of the mod?

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