• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .

Final Fixes Reborn

Hey, sorry for going AWOL for a while, some stuff happened

To get multi-player working on-line, you need to use a VPN program. We've gotten it to work on both Hamachi and Tunngle so far (google those).

Of the 2, Hamachi is much easier to use but the program is invasive and the only way to get it to stop turning itself on at system startup permanently involves making it harder to start when you need it (set it's service so you have to manually start it).

Tunngle is frustrating in other ways, it requires an excessive number of steps in order to get in and get a private room to play with your friends, but it's much more helpful with diagnosing and addressing connection problems, you can turn the incredibly annoying sounds off.

With persistance, you can almost certainly get one of the above going for everyone who wants to play, though we have 1 guy we'd like to play with who has a particularly weird network setup and can't use either yet.

Oh, and it is possible to get Tunngle going on Windows 8, you need to install the network adaptor manually through your device manager, and use their offline install tool to do the rest

Once you've got everyone in a Hamachi Network or Tunngle room, you need to make sure that everyone has the exact same modules enabled, even if one person disables something that nobody is using like the Hamstalfar, the game won't work unless everyone does so

Lastly, you need to host and join by direct IP. Both Hamachi and Tunngle will provide each person with a new IP address that is local to the Network/Room that you're in, so this is the IP that you need to use. If you get the address from anything other than the Hamachi/Tunngle window then this is the wrong one.

If you're still having issues, look to see if your Router has something called a Demilitarised Zone (DMZ) and move your PC into it - this will disable all of the security on your Router relating to traffic to and from your PC. If it makes things work then you know your Router is the problem, but don't stay in the DMZ because it makes simply being connected to the internet unsafe.

I've been having a persistant crash issue randomly at the start of turns since a failed attempt to upgrade to Windows 8.1, which is partly why I havn't been here. But unless other people are seeing similar issues I wouldn't worry about it because my operating system is still really messed up right now.

If anyone wants to do some comp-stomps for the purposes of learning with me or my friends, you can grab me on Steam (Mordax_Praetorian) or Skype (mordax.praetorian), however please remember that my time is limited, don't expect me to be available with any regularity, and not until I get my operating system fixed

I'm putting together some civilopedia entries to send over, at first I started adapting what was in my document already but then I figured that since Ronkhar already has that text that I should focus on major updates and new information, with that in mind I'm going to take the time to lab some of the more obscure stuff first.
Hey all, Mordax and I were talking, and so I set up a thread for people interested in working on Pedia entries to collaborate on rather than cluttering this one. Basically, I created a google doc for pedia entries (with not much in it yet though), similar to Ronkhar's buglist.

I also don't have either Ronkhar's or Mordax's emails at the moment, so if I could get them I'll add 'em to the editors, and if anyone else is interested, just let me know. The more the merrier, right?

I'll help test the game if you want. I can't be of too much more coding help, but I'd like to at least playtest.
Playing Ashes of Erebus as Reorx, the Khazad can build both the market and slave market? I thought the slave market was simply the evil khazad unique version of the market? Working as intended?
The Mekara are not entirely AI-supported, no. The AI have had difficulties with Commander system last I checked, so those parts will not function very well. Likewise, many of their features rely entirely on python code, which the AI cannot understand at all. The rest should work though.

As for D'tesh - I don't think it's AI supported at all.
Playing Ashes of Erebus as Reorx, the Khazad can build both the market and slave market? I thought the slave market was simply the evil khazad unique version of the market? Working as intended?

It's a feature.
Unique units (UU) as well as unique buildings (UB) always show in the pedia (field "special abilities"): "Replaces STANDARD_VERSION"
while the standard version has "Replaced by UNIQUE_VERSION"

The Dural Fayre is a UB of the market
		<BuildingInfo>		<!-- Market Dural -->

The Khazad slave market is not.
		<BuildingInfo>		<!-- Slave Market -->

The Flame8 said:
Question: Are the Mekara Order and Legion of D'Tesh playable by the AI?
Sadly, nothing in their AI was repaired since you left. (black imperator studied the AI in the past months, but I don't have feedback yet)

The Flame8 said:
I'll help test the game if you want. I can't be of too much more coding help, but I'd like to at least playtest.
If you want to playtest the latest versions, you can refer to the first post and choose the SVN download technique.
If you're more conservative, just use the standard version (13.10 for now)

Have fun anyway :)
Just my $0.02: The Mekara aren't played properly by the AI, but they are playable to some degree. That is, they don't know how to use the unique features of the civilization properly if at all, but they at least manage to do their usual expand-spam-archers/axemen deal without too much trouble.

Another AI-related issue I've noticed recently: The AI can't deal with swamps. I haven't even thought about actually looking into the way AI is coded, but I've noticed that land taken from the Cualli/Mazatl by another AI remains relatively unproductive due to the persistence of the Swamp improvement. Is it possible to teach the AI to either Scorch swamps, or give them another way to clear them?

I'm pretty sure the D'Tesh are outright blocked from AI use due to their growth mechanic (slaves) being beyond the AI's ability to handle.

Fun bug: Kuriotates convert all captured (via Command, and possibly Domination) Recon-line units into Mustevals regardless of if they already have another racial promotion. As funny as it might be to have Sphener punishing repentant Svartalfar by turning them into rats, I don't think it's quite intended :p. I assume the way the granting of Musteval racial promotion is set up in order to allow it to only apply to Recon (Req: Recon and Kuriotates, automatically grants Musteval race promotion after one turn. Musteval race promotion blocks the granting promotion), but it's also allowing it to overwrite other racial promotions.

Kuriotates are also blocked from constructing buildings in Settlements via units (with the exception of spells that produce buildings, such as Priests' Found Temple). This however can mean that they're blocked from constructing a Holy Shrine in conquered Holy Cities that are kept as settlements.
I'm pretty sure the D'Tesh are outright blocked from AI use due to their growth mechanic (slaves) being beyond the AI's ability to handle.
They are, yes. Or at least, they were when I last checked. I considered making the Mekara blocked for the AI as well for a while, but I don't think I ever did - been a while since I worked on them last.
Hey guys, do you think the Svarlfar leader with the trait that gave recon units poison (treachery I think it's called) will be back. Or know how o change the current Volanna back into that? Thanks.
Just my $0.02: The Mekara aren't played properly by the AI, but they are playable to some degree. That is, they don't know how to use the unique features of the civilization properly if at all, but they at least manage to do their usual expand-spam-archers/axemen deal without too much trouble.

I'm pretty sure the D'Tesh are outright blocked from AI use due to their growth mechanic (slaves) being beyond the AI's ability to handle.
Jheral said:
I considered making the Mekara blocked for the AI as well for a while, but I don't think I ever did - been a while since I worked on them last.
In single player, custom game menu, the last option "Restrict random civilizations" shows a popup with the list of civs. Default is D'tesh (human only), infernal and mercurians locked.
All others are free to play.

Another AI-related issue I've noticed recently: The AI can't deal with swamps. I haven't even thought about actually looking into the way AI is coded, but I've noticed that land taken from the Cualli/Mazatl by another AI remains relatively unproductive due to the persistence of the Swamp improvement. Is it possible to teach the AI to either Scorch swamps, or give them another way to clear them?
It is possible... for someone who knows how to code the AI behaviour.
I intend to shoot at every known bug (Version 13.10 still has ~200 of them)
So it will be solved, eventually :D

Fun bug: Kuriotates convert all captured (via Command, and possibly Domination) Recon-line units into Mustevals regardless of if they already have another racial promotion. As funny as it might be to have Sphener punishing repentant Svartalfar by turning them into rats, I don't think it's quite intended :p. I assume the way the granting of Musteval racial promotion is set up in order to allow it to only apply to Recon (Req: Recon and Kuriotates, automatically grants Musteval race promotion after one turn. Musteval race promotion blocks the granting promotion), but it's also allowing it to overwrite other racial promotions.
Hopefully, it's related with the fact that mustelfar can upgrade to centaurs, and solving the 1st will solve both.

Kuriotates are also blocked from constructing buildings in Settlements via units (with the exception of spells that produce buildings, such as Priests' Found Temple). This however can mean that they're blocked from constructing a Holy Shrine in conquered Holy Cities that are kept as settlements.
Ok. I'll play a game with the Kuriotates to be sure I understand that.

7ty7 said:
Hey guys, do you think the Svarlfar leader with the trait that gave recon units poison (treachery I think it's called) will be back. Or know how o change the current Volanna back into that? Thanks.
Quick answer: No, yes, see below

Long answer: Treacherous is a unique trait for Thanatos.
It's part of the emergent mechanism that was never finished, and that I'm repairing.
- No other leader will gain treacherous.
- Treacherous will have several "steps", gained along a game playing with Thanatos.

But if you want to mod your local installation, changing leader traits is quite easy
1) open file Ashes of Erebus\Assets\XML\Civilizations\CIV4LeaderHeadInfos.xml (preferably with a good text editor like notepad++)
2) find
 		<LeaderHeadInfo>		<!-- Volanna --><!-- Svartalfar leader -->
3) her current trait is
4) just change it to

And voilà
Thanks a lot, I'll do that, and if you release something that modifies Thanatos and the treacherous business I'll just revert my change.
It's still not very clear what your goal/the project's goal is. Are you planning on fixing the AIs and bugs from the mod Rise of Erebus without much change of the mechanics? If so why not merge it to the main mod?
It's still not very clear what your goal/the project's goal is.
My whole intent with the mod lies in the spreadsheet (linked in the 1st post and in my signature)
If/When I have new ideas for the mod, they'll be added there.

Are you planning on fixing the AIs and bugs from the mod Rise of Erebus without much change of the mechanics?
That's it essentially, unless mechanics changes were begun for the next version of RifE that never came, for example emergent leaders (those, I intend to complete)

If so why not merge it to the main mod?
Because I was asked to change the name, since RifE is dead, and I was not part of the team when they still worked on it.
Valkrionn said:
Also: If you want to work on the mod that's fine but please do not use the RifE name. That is why we changed from FF+ to RifE, actually, as FF went on hiatus/died.
Hello. I would like to play to Ashes of Erebus in Multi.

Who would like too ? My Skype is : "joffrey gaultier".
Hey all. Playing a very interesting Khazad Rise from Ashes game so far. Noticed a few things I'm not sure are right.

Ironclads (awesome although they have kinda huge icons) have access the the subdue animal promotion? I now own several sea serpents I don't really have much to do with, especially the one I transported to my inland capital where he is standed lol. Poor Nessy, I suppose if anyone got past the surrounding forts he could spit acid at them.

Speaking of sea serpents, the pedia says they can build "Chained Water Drakes"
to provide some small bonus's including water mana, but that it cannot be built by any civilization? Makes it kind of pointless then unless they are chaining themselves in secret in the wild...sadists.
Oh, also was able to hire the Black Duke via random event (expensive sob). I got the recon version of his gentlemen, and he is also able to use copper/iron/mithril weapon upgrades. Since hes a world hero unit It doesn't bother me that he is special in his ability to use better weapons, but figured I'd mention it if its not working as intended with his recon version. (who is considerably powerful after creeping the local wild life and getting all the blood promotions in addition to better weapons).
Yeah I second that, it's awesome you're continuing this.

Hey, is it still possible to play the original scenarios in Ashes of Erebus? I remember playing a few in FFH2 and they were quite amazing.
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