First OCC victory

The Keeper

Apr 10, 2006
Jackson TN
I decided to attempt an OCC - I was motivated by MadScientist. I usually play on prince, so prince is where this was played.

I choose Ghandi because I planned on changing civics often (spiritual) and wanted lots of Great people.

I got an excellent start, and eventually had oil, iron, copper, and aluminum in India's borders. I built the great wall and pyramids early to keep out the barbs and so I could run representation. I ran representation, bureaucracy, Caste system, and free market most of the time. I built the Shwedagon Paya so I had access to all the Religious civics (I didn't get Theocracy until I built the internet). I spent most of the time in Pacificism. But was frequently asked to change to OR or Theocracy. When I was asked, I would change for 5 turns, and build troops or buildings during that time.

The national wonders I built were National Epic, Ironworks, Globe Theater, National Park, and Oxford. The other key wonders I built were Parthenon, Great Library, (I had marble), Oracle (got MC), and Hanging Gardens (early health).

I was behind in tech for much of the early game. I had to build up defense rather quick for an early defensive war. But the AI enjoyed going to war, and warred with each other a lot. I won the race to liberalism by a good bit and the race to physics by a lot - and by that time, it was pretty much over. I got to rifles before my neighbors got gunpowder.

My tech lead never stopped HC and Gilgamesh from declaring war on me. I just allowed them to come inside the Great Wall, then killed them all for the great generals.

At the end of the game, I had 2 great prophets, 4 great artists (damn RNG), 11 Great Scientists, 1 Great merchant, 8 Great engineers, 4 Great Generals, and 4 Great Spys. I built an academy with 1 GS and got a medic 3 crossbow with 1 GG.

I launched the spaceship in 2002 - before any other AI built the apollo program.

Prince is usually challenging for me. This was challenging early, but was easy at the end. A few more wins like this, and I'll stop bagging and move up.
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