First submarine embarks; I hope to keep it alive (will update gradually)


Meanwhile, all clear on the Western front.

Turn 92. Seven submarines strong, two patrol boats, and one Marine formation.
Chungsu has a technological advantage with four Harmony points; I have the quantity now to overwhelm them. I say this will not work for me until I settle colonists on the geothermal/ice peninsula.

I'm going to have to do a strategic retreat because Chungsu's melee land units populate the island and would easily overwhelm a newly liberated city.
I will reorient and attack Jeongsang because it has weaker defense and I have naval superiority.

Suing for peace now since Liberty is settled. Don't want to get overstretched so early in the game. TURN 98

Kraken spotted. New Target acquired. Chungsu remains sanctioned with my patrol boat to monitor nearby their build up.
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