Flev's Replacement - Raging Barbarians

Yes, this game is really Epic :) Now game turn is 1957 Jan . (I played from 7 Aug 2012 (BC 140) till now as Greek). Enjoy all :)
Yes, the longest lasting game of Civ4 on this forums, so most likely in entire world!
Happy New Year! But where is the save? :sad:
20 more turns before turn 600!
Sorry, turns out it was in my inbox for Jun 4, but for some reason I never saw it. GPSed right now.
Finally moving on! Hsang-Nu was recaptured with the entire French fleet and air force taking shelter there! What were they thinking? :mwaha:
Major naval battle in the Ocean separating French and Roman lands: losing one battleship Romans were able to annihilate entire French force of 2 BBs and 2 DDs. I hope it hurts :cool:
French empire is being squeezed in pincers both from East (Egypt) and West(Rome). First French continental city (Dijon) was taken by valiant Roman troops catching off guard the entire western French fleet, which was promptly scuttled (something like 6 promoted BBs). France just does not stand a chance in the face of Allied strategy and superior military.
Who has the save, guys?
After long delay Egypto-Roman attack on France continued with allies pressing from all sides. Entire French continent is now on flames, nothing is secure in the presence of our almost complete air superiority: no mine, no town, no city can feel secure! Meanwhile allied submarines paralyze large portions of French coast -- life is getting harder every turn for the enemy!
Gradual annihilation of French empire continues with 2 more cities joining unstoppable Allies. Complete air superiority means strategic and tactical bombing. Hard to argue with that, without any resources to spare!
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