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Flipping cities with culture


Jun 15, 2008
I only have the demo, not the full game yet. But i have heard of people culture flipping cities, how does this work? Must your territory touch one of their cities, and then it will flip to your city? I am just a little confused about this concept. ( This is the only civ game I have played). Thanks.

When a city of your civ is becoming culturaly superior to a neighbouring city of the 'enemy', you will see that your area of influence will 'swallow' the city. When this happens, you'll see your 'flag' inside the city of the opponent. This flag is shown bigger then the flag of the opponent, after that your flag will start blinking, indicating that soon their city will fall into your hands.

Remember that city-walls will prevent cultural flip in the earlier stages, after the creation of the Hollywood wonder, the city walls will become obsolete in the area of 'cultural protection'
Is flipping a enemy capital significantly harder then a regular city? Yesterday i almost swalowed all my opponents land but he didnt flip (no wall).
I experienced that also... maybe that is not possible... since the palace probably adds a lot of additional culture to the city? I never noticed 'my' flag inside the capital of an opponent.
You can't flip Capitals. Only expansion cities. And the easy way to do it is having a huge production of culture and with culture a lot of great persons will appear. Then use them to flip cities. I had a cultural victory in the demo and it was so funny seeing how I captured 3 cities just with culture.
also,if you get some sort of great person,an option will come up saying something like "convert brundism to our civilisation".
Culture flipping cities seems sort of broken to me, at least when your flipping a human player. It warns the player they are about to be flipped and all they have to do is move their units out of the city and then march them right back in when it flips. Even if you have a GP which converts a city instantly, a smart player will keep his units out of the city so that when it flips, they just have to march right back in.
Culture flipping cities seems sort of broken to me, at least when your flipping a human player. It warns the player they are about to be flipped and all they have to do is move their units out of the city and then march them right back in when it flips. Even if you have a GP which converts a city instantly, a smart player will keep his units out of the city so that when it flips, they just have to march right back in.

Do not flip that city yet, do it when u are attacking another of his cities. Keep the great person ready so you can use it later.
You cannot choose when to have your culture naturally flip another city, and even if you could, it would make the most sense to be attacking that city so that he is forced to put units in it to even have a chance of defending it. It also would make the most sense to insta flip a city with a gp when you are presenting that you are about to, or already are attacking it. Your advice doesnt make much sense to me if I haven't made that clear. ;)
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