Foreign Affairs: Nobody knows nothings


Sep 14, 2001
Wellington New Zealand
Welcome to the family
(foreign affairs ministry involved limitedly in your affairs),​

I am nobody, you new Foreign Affairs minister, I am the head of this Familiy, and I am here to protect you, to protect you from your enemy’s, your enemy’s beyond our borders and beyond the oceans. I intend to do this by building up friends ships with the foreigners. Doing them favours and services and in return they will respect us. Then they will grow to love us. Then they will grow to fear us. Some people might think I am too new to the Demogame and “of course I’m not equal in these things to chieftess or cyc but if I ever need guidance, who's a better than my consiglieri than my Donovan Zoi”

My Goal as the leader of this family is to protect the people of Japanatica without using violence “I don’t like violence ……… I am a business man blood is a big expense.” I want to make the barbarians beyond our borders see sense. If they stop there resilient hatered and anger towards us, we will be able to give them gifts. That way our borders are safe and they are rich. Everyone wins. But there are some men out there who can not be reasoned with. These Pezzonovanti these .90 calibres these mean can not be reasoned with they are the leaders of Rouge States. Men like Shaka Zulu understand nothing but force. Not that I intend to attack such men. But we cannot deal with them, there inability to reason makes normal relations impossible. We can not give these men aid or open our borders because these Pezzonovanti they would use of gifts to build weapons, they would use our own rail roads against us. We can not deal with these Rouge States.

I also intend to create a new sub-department. This sub-department would be called the Office of National Security. The person in charge given the title National Security Officer. There role would be to watch over the Pezzonovanti and even our own friends to make sure done of them wish us harm. They would look out for anyone who wants to who wants to attack our borders or hurt our chances at victory.

With my trusted consiglieri Donovan Zoi and a new National Security Officer at my side I am certain I will be able to keep the peace. So that we make trade and make money after all we are not Communists.

[pimp] :ar15: :ar15: [pimp] [pimp]
World Relations

America- Polite - notrade - Peace
Aztecs- Annoyed - notrade - Peace
Babylon- Annoyed - notrade - Peace
China- Polite - Trade - Peace
France-anoyed - notrade - Peace
Iroquois-Furious - notrade - Peace
Rome- Furious - notrade - Peace
Russian- Anoyed - Trade - Peace
Zulu- Furious - notrade - War

Family Staff

Foreign Affairs Minister (Don): Nobody (haha there’s nobody in charge.. Hahaha shut your mouth)
Deputy (consiglieri) : Donovan Zoi
National Security Officer: To be appointed.

Affairs of State

Russia has positioned troops around one of our citys, here a poll on what to do POLL and a discussion

We want right of passages, talk about it here

XMAS gifts need to be given

We ally with france

The Books are still open. Ali hasnt offically joined up, so please still apply for the National Security Officer position. If you would like this job please PM me with why you want it. (Bribes are always welcome).
Congrats d00d. You worked hard to get here!

Edit: I am lovink Nobody as Foreign Advisor. It is like great sex.
I assure you, my friend; Mr. Provolone and I have already dealt the upstart whelp Shaka what for by taking away his Ice Rocks (Diamonds).

How is this for an offer he cannot refuse:
He gives us all his Gold (77) and All of his GPT (14 GPT). In exchange, we lets him alone for a while.
Congrats Godfather :)

I can assure you Mr. Provolone can handle most gunfights. Now that we got nationalism.
Blood is not good for business, but as family members we can handle that.

Id like to request that we open a trade embargo against Zulu with all the nations of the world can you please negotitate this trade embargo against Zululand with the other nations in which to cripple the Zulu from making modern weapons and equipment, thus eliminating any future threats from them.
Matter such as Trade embargos, will be disscussed in due course. as of now im trying to get people to discuss the Rouge Nations status. I intend discuss trade embargos against rouge states latter. Thanks for you ideas. Go Talk in the Rouge states thread. i am hope for peace with zulu soon anyway.
NEWS FLASH!!! the evil zulus and gutless Romans have signed a Trade Embargo against us. I propose we hit back with a world wide trade embargo. Link
I have only recived one application for the position of National Security Officer, There fore i have the easy task of appointing Ali to the position. After he has stated the corect oaths.

Ali first save this picture to your computer.

Then Copy and Paste As i delete this scared file, so my soul may be deleted if i ever betray my freinds

Once you have done this you will be a made member of the FAmily and forever under our protection.
*after hearing Classical Heros words, donovan starts to rise while reaching for his gun, Don Nobody places his arm of donovans sholder, to stop him teaching the intruder some respect. The don never a man to show his anger, calmy looks looks at classical hero and speaks softly *

My sincere congratulations, all men need freinds. Even lowly merchants need freinds. And i am sure your freinds are very powerfull. But don't rely to much on your freinds as they can betray you. I think you might of been mistaken when you came in here, in such a fashion, may you should go ask your high up freinds if they know Don Nobodzabiny. I have to go as i pressing matters, but a word to wise have you wife start up your car. ;)
Ah Don Nobodzabiny, I hope the FA and the CIA can work together in peace, otherwise you might find yourselves on the other end of a police barrel ;)
Director Blackheart, that would be most unfortunate because then the CIA would lose a director rather than gain a ally.
Nobody said:
Director Blackheart, that would be most unfortunate because then the CIA would lose a director rather than gain a ally.

:lol: :lol: :lol: Send in the SWAT team! :ar15: :sniper:

Enjoy :beer:
:cry: :cry: :( :( :cry: :cry: oh my god i just watched the God father 3 for the first time, i can't belive Mary Died. :cry: :( it didnt need to happen why couldnt they have take vincent, WHY? :cry: oh my god and now the don. My worlds falling down.
It's alright, Nobody. The only real Godfather movies are the first two. Just ignore the third.
May I assume that my postion as Natioanal Security Officer be a joint position between the FA and the MSAV
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