GalaxyNES- No Horizons

To: The Last Karronic Expeditionary Group and the Karronic system of Dalika
From: The Democratic Federation of Akari

We agree to the request for asylum for the Last Karronic Expeditionary Group. We also must make it clear that through a series of extremely fruitful negotiations, the Federation has come to an agreement with the Empire of the Fehan that will result in the continued preservation and existence of both the Karronic and Akari peoples. The Democratic Federation will administer Dalika, and all other Karronic held worlds and subsequently pledge to aid and support the Empire of the Fehan in a mutually beneficial agreement. The Fehan will pledge protect our worlds and help us in achieving greater heights of prosperity.

Long Live the Fehan!
To: The Democratic Federation of Akari
From: The Last Karronic Expeditionary Group

This seems promising- however, first, we would like to speak with these Fehan who have harried us for so long. We dislike battling a silent enemy.

To: The Democratic Federation of Akari
From: Dalikah

Ah, all our secrets are at last undone, laid bare. There is nothing else for us to take shelter behind. If it will save our people, we will accept this offer.
The Wera hummed an undulating song, which rippled out across the garden and the stars long since dormant, responded. The hum rose and the stars responded, a trillion solar flares - past, present and future - ripped out across a billion worlds, extinguishing in a moment a billion sentient species. Skies burned, gases vented, rocks died and a billion world world songs vanished. Then silence and slowly the harsh laughter of Wera.

Time blurred, the stars shifted, spread out, then in and then out again never quite fixed as the Wera called out. Nebula rose, burned out, were sucked out and drained into black holes. A star burned, growing lighter and lighter, larger and larger and then inverted upon itself, turning, burning and then scouring a thousand thousand worlds as it expanded out to eat its fill of souls in anticipation of its rebirth. Still the Wera called and the universe answered. Now time stood still, the stars stayed fixed but it was the Wera and that other thing moving.

The stars had changed. The Wera knew them as he knew all his charges. He was here. His mission was over. He sung once more, a low keening this time and in a flash he vanished, nothing to mark his pasasge save the thing he had left in his wake...

The Wera laughed. Gods did not exist in one place. In one dimension. Bound to quant things like time. Gods were omniscient, infinite and uncaring. This would be a jape, this would be amusing and this would put those pretenders in their place. Fools should not be suffered. Idiots shouldn't be either. And pretenders never.
The One moved forward, inside the event horizon the space fluctuated, the energies of a thousand stars poured into the One as it moved ever closer to its prize. The mighty singularity fluctuated wildly as its energies were drawn into the approaching One.

The One ‘felt’ the space around it, its ancient memory containing the entirety of its eternal trek, and it ‘knew’ this space. The One had been formed from conditions similar to these, but on a scale as immense as the One itself.

The collapse of a universe. The Compression of all that matter, all that energy. The inward acceleration of the walls of the dying Universe. The efforts of creatures who would style themselves as gods. These had lead to the birth of a creature. The One knew none of this, his memory began with the birth of this universe.

Alone in the new universe, formed from the death of the old. The One existed alone there for time and yet no time at all, not until the it had absorbed most of the rampant energy could time coalesce to move the One along through their medium. The temperature dropped rapidly as the new Universe expanded around him and the matter and energy spread out to fill the void. The One was left to wander the vastness of the universe for billions of years before the first balls of matter and energy began to form. In all that time the energy had spread across the vast expanse of the universe and the One’s hunger began to grow. The scattered pockets of high energy matter had come together to form radiant points of energy and the One was drawn to them. It set off in search of food with a simple desire.


As the One approached the Singularity its gaping maw began to open.
“All right, let's start talking.” I rubbed my snout on the ground and wriggled slightly to get more comfortable. The screen before me flickered to life, and I found myself face to face with the enemy.

The alien muttered something, and the translator immediately started processing. “Greetings, sentient.” Its body and face remained inscrutable to me. I could not shake the feeling that it looked utterly benign, like some shaf that had learned how to talk, and wanted nothing more than to munch on trees till the end of its days. But no, these were the hated foe, who had attempted to destroy us wholesale. I could not let my guard down.

“Greetings to you as well.”

“Why have you contacted us?” The unspoken question: why wait until now? I ignored that.

“This war is already all but over. We desire it to be over. Hence, we are opening communications with you; hoping that you will not be so recalcitrant as you have so far proven to be.”

“We have desired this war to be over since it began. I will be happy to conduct talks with you. It is good to meet one of your species in a place that isn't the cold heart of space.”

“If you desired peace so badly, why attack us in the first place?”

“Attack – what? We were defending ourselves from a clear and present danger.”

“Say what you like, but not only did you display hostile intent hundreds of years ago – you also fired the first literal shots in the war.”

“Was deliberate silence despite repeated attempts to communicate and work out some kind of peaceful contact supposed to be a sign of good intentions? I remind you that we have never met before today. Your people stole our lives, obliterated two worlds, destroyed civilizations. You are the demons of this universe, and if we defended ourselves by striking, it was only just.”

I slid my snout on the ground a little in amusement. “These are academic questions. I hardly opened this communication to discuss who began this war – that is a solved question at any rate. I have come to accept your immediate surrender.”


“You understand how poorly this war is going. To my knowledge, the Akari have already informed you as to the terms of our long-term peace agreement. We have no desire to glass more precious biospheres. You doubtless understand, then, that this peace offer will be the best you get. Lay down your weapons, become feudatories of the growing Fehan Empire, and all will be forgiven as we expand across the stars.

“What do you say?”

OOC: Yay awful story. :(
On behalf of my people... I accept that we have been defeated militarily by the Fehan Empire. You refer to our new status within this organization. Please elabourate.
Call me a Fehan with a grudge. Assigned to the edge of the Empire, far from my family, far from everything anyone could care about, prodded into cultivating this barren world. Taki, they call it, and the name rattles around my head. Takitikitikitakitaki – ech. It's almost enough to make a body join the Anarchists.

No, no, I kid. That little cloud of fools has very little idea of how the world works, and I'd have to be pushed a lot further before I joined their ranks.

But they tell me that the war is finally coming to a close on the other side of the Empire. What body wouldn't want to be a part of the victorious fleet as it returns to Helan, flowers wreathing their snouts, and gold adorning their tail? They tell me there are new opportunities for the educated on every world between here and there, entrepreneurial activity bustling about and promising a new future for anyone with the will to grasp it.

They even tell me that the next world over – Emalan – is a thousand times nicer than this one. A lush paradise, where you can hang from a tree all day long and just let the fruit grow towards your mouth, while running computers to tell you... something. And yet I'm assigned to this dung-pile. This little gray rock on the edge of nowhere.

I blame my mother. She was a wonderful mother – I don't mean that she raised me wrong. But she had to go and make her division suffer the highest losses in the Battle of the Nebula. What kind of nonsense is that? Well, you know how it is, she protested that she was put into the hot center of the action, no one listened, she was demoted, and next thing I know I'm transferred from my lucrative position as chief supply officer on a lovely ship to this little outpost of hell. Honestly, I don't even know what I'm supposed to be doing here. I don't run computers. I don't know science. I just pilot the little ships that smash the comets into the planet every few days.

So. Bloody. Boring.

Well, if a body can't join the Anarchists, or won't, there's very little recourse in society.

I suppose what I'm trying to tell you is that I have a drug problem.

It's not my fault! Okay, well, that's a blatant lie, because it definitely is my fault. I bought the drugs, after all, and I'm the one who's going around and eating them all day long. But I feel like this isn't really my fault, in the sense that – ah, hell with it.

Back to pushing around ice asteroids, I guess. Name's Luahi, in case you're curious. I expect we'll meet again before too long.

* * * * * * * * *​

Helan: Home to the Fehan. A world of greens and blues, lush and beautiful. One supercontinent straddling the southern pole stretches from there across the equator and well into the temperate belt of the northern hemisphere; there exists one other, minor continental landmass in the far north. The climates of this world are familiar ones: a band of jungle in the center, bands of deserts around that, temperate rainforests in the north, and a wide continental inland in the south, with prairies and forests stretching as far as the eye can see. Cityscapes dominate many parts of the planet, while much of the remainder is subject to cultivation, with only a few regions remaining wild.

Anlu: Named for a city on Helan, Anlu is one of the most prized of the Fehan colony worlds for its beauty. Though much of the surface grows with vegetation, exposed areas are startlingly alien, with graphite and diamond cliffs looming over brilliant green forests. Mountains literally glitter in the sunset. Rivers lace the graphitic and even occasionally rocky landscape. Plants grow here – genetically modified, of course, but still recognizable from Helan proper. The sky is almost too beautiful to look at sometimes... oil paints churned with water, sluiced over amber. A golden sky laced with blue and crimson streaks, swirling and mingling under a white sun.

Emalan: Further of the two “corridor worlds” “clockwise” from Helan, Emalan is an absolutely beautiful world, a patchwork of narrow seas and continents. The landmasses support teeming life, diverse and of great scientific value. The Fehan have been somewhat hesitant to intrude too far onto this planet, as they are still uncertain about the dangers its ecosystem could pose to their foreign immune systems.

Finto: A quiet, backwater world, long ago conquered by the Fehan. Its weird, bipedal inhabitants now serve in some small capacity across the Fehan empire, though a great number remain on their homeworld, manufacturing wares for the greater imperium. The world is dominated by one great ocean that slices the mass of land in two from north to south; many of the more developed parts of the world linger alongside this sea.

Karaith: An open world with several continents and seas, fairly chilly by the standards of the Fehan. Much of the world was occupied by hyper-territorial, bizarre creatures known as the Tunului, whose cultures were far too scattered to put up even puny resistance to Fehan occupation. As a result, Fehan farmland and civilization spreads across whole sections of the world.

Katifa: A new addition to the Fehan Empire, Catifah (in the native language) is the homeworld of the massive, defensive-minded Karron. The world was once a beautiful place with wide open plains and soaring mountains towering over the orange and green grasslands. Now it is a gray and dark place, the Fehan asteroid bombardment leaving crater pockmarks strewn across the surface like a pox victim.

Sathan: A world of shallow seas, chains of lakes, and jagged mountain outcroppings, Sathan was long home to the vassal race known as the Sathi (Sadhilim to themselves). The harsh environment included frequent ferocious storms, and much of the landscape remained barren. Quick learners, the Sathan unnerved the Fehan with their adeptness; they were thus deliberately kept at some distance to the true technological marvels the Fehan already had. When the Karronic invaders occupied the world, the Fehan grew paranoid that some sort of alliance would be concocted, and glassed the world from afar with asteroid projectiles – Karronics, Fehani, Sathi, and all. Now it is an even more uninhabitable planet than when it started, with dust blocking out the sun for much of the year, plants and animals withering and dying, and small remnant populations of Sathi, Karronics, and Fehan clinging to life in various small enclaves, cursing the dark.

Taki: Nearer of the two “corridor worlds”: a series of planets colonized to create a stable trade route with the “clockwise” civilizations. Taki is a rather barren biosphere, rich in mineral deposits but difficult to colonize. The Fehan have initiated a long-term terraforming effort, mostly in the form of bombarding a specific region with ice asteroids to create a shallow sea. A great plateau dominates the southern hemisphere; scraggly forests producing a certain narcotic are said to grow in great abundance there...

OOC: I would like to note that I do not intend to make fun of drug habits or drug addicts. All silliness in this installment is a product of Luahi and not those of very real problems which permeate our world.
Awesome planets list NK! I'm putting together a list like that for the front page, like the one I have for individual species!
For lack of storyline ideas at the moment, here's some info. Whee!

Vyca: Orbiting the farthest distance from Demi, Vyca is a ringed planet dotted with volcanic activity. Vycan Mejani primarily concern themselves with temperature studies, testing extreme heat through the volcanic hotspots and extreme cold at the planetary poles. The Vycan Mejani are the smallest in population among Mejani, but they are by far the sturdiest, having built biosuits of heavy, heat-resistant material to withstand extreme temperatures. They also tend to be the more militant of the four subspecies, which has given them a reputation as barbaric among the other subspecies, especially the Vytan Mejani. The stigmata is unfair, as the Vycan Mejani are still more than capable scientists and thinkers.

Vyta: Vyta is a lush, jungle-like planet where studies on life are carried out. The planet is unique in that its rotation is equal to its orbit, meaning the planet is divided into perpetual light or darkness on either side. Vytan Mejani tend to inhabit the meridian of the planet where light and dark are divided so they can observe both nocturnal and daylight creatures. Vytan Mejani are the more empathetic and elegant of the four species, but they are the most protective of their studies. It's estimated that about a quarter of Vytan creations have never been revealed to the rest of the Union. Vytan Mejani concern themselves with a wide variety of studies relating to life, including genetics, medicine, and species creation.

Kya: Kya, the planet closest to Demi, is without a doubt the richest planet of the four, at least in terms of mineral wealth. Kya is covered by mountainous plateaus which hide abundant supplies of mineral wealth. Consequently, Kyan Mejani experiment liberally with the chemicals and materials that come from the mines on Kya. Other than mineral wealth, the planet itself is largely unremarkable. So are the Kyan Mejani, who tend to be wedded to the status quo as a whole and are perfectly fine with being ignored and left to their business.

Lyran: Of the four Mejani that make up the Union, the Lyran Mejani are often charged with stealing the creations from their other brethren and doing nothing to support the Union. Not so! In fact, despite having no real contributions to the basic fields of study, the Lyran Mejani have actually made more new, incredible creations than the other three combined. Essentially, the Lyran Mejani are the ones who take all the collected technology and form it into a concrete thing that benefits the four planets as a whole. Mechanical laborers, advanced biosuits, sleeper ships, and many other essential inventions originated from Lyran. The planet is also the undeclared bread basket of the Union, so to say. With a mostly flat and temperate climate, the segments of Lyra not dotted by massive super-cities are covered in sprawling, machine-run farms which grow foodstuffs created in the greenhouse labs of Vyta. Solar energy collectors also help to fuel the Union with clean, dependable energy where farms are absent. Given its importance, the Union governing body has been located on Lyran since the signing of the Mejani Union Charter several eras ago.

I was thinking of joining this game, but there's a lot of info to swallow up. Could somebody help me get up to speed on what has happened so far?
Nobody's written any confusing stories for one.

As I said before, I'm trying to improve on my deficiencies as an NESer. Perhaps you could tell me what's been going on here so I can start planning better ones?
If you come on to #nes I can answer any questions that you may have. As you'd be starting as a single-planet civilization, it actually isn't that important for you to know the backstory- rather, you'll learn it as your species expands and explores. As long as you have a unique and creative idea, and work to write things out clearly, I'm sure you'll do just fine. :)
The Wera's laugh spread out across the aether, lapping at the stars who picked up the tune and laughed themselves, spewing out radiation as they pulsed and relayed it for all their kin to hear. Even the black holes, one of whom was eating his fill, mouth sucking the marrow of a sentient race, listened and between slurps let loose a song of his own telling his malign kin what was happening. His song was one of push and pull, the shaking of a thousand dead worlds, and the piteous cries of a hundred suns and it spread far.

So far that even his distant kin picked up the song. The elders of his species heard it and were shaken, lips long since given to waste rose at corners, straining muscles long since abandoned as unneccesary. These old ones old and indifferent, lost in dreams of the once ago swam back into the present, rising up from the depths of the begining times. Before they had even thought it through, their great flukes were tensing, dragging at reality, pooling it behind them, preparing to jump...
Unconcerned with the request of One, Dreamer went about it at his own pace - though the threat of his nonexistence became a troubling thought - from his shell he would attempt an ancient and lost signal. In the direction of the known Wera in New Braniga the stone artifact pulsated and rocketed the ping at a speed beyond the comprehension of current Lauki physics. Arriving not long after it was sent, an unfamiliar, yet oddly intriguing, message hit the Wera.

"I am busy. This constellation is fascinating. The colors are interesting. I have not seen its like for a great many years. But speak, I have no been contacted in this way for longer still"
Dreamer, upon making contact, and being ordered to replay a message from the entity One, does so. Her ancient tongue sounds of screeching and agony, like nails on a chalk board mixed with the sound of venom dripping into an open wound.

"Swimmer of eternity! I am of the ancients, the last of the Turamak Katzil fingerprints in memory, and I seek conference with you. Weaver of the great fabric of our existence, I call for your aid against the Zan. The great cataclysm must be relived in full."
"I have thought much on the matter. I have treaded paths that I long thought better lost and always arrive at the same conclusion: the Zan have become arrogant and bold. We have long known them to be stupid creatures, robbed of wits, but we had not thought them so bold, arrogant or stupid as to challange us. You will have our help, child."
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