General talk

I'd always wanted to try it, so I started three games with opponents rated lower than me (in the standard game, and they were lower than me mostly because I issued open challenges). The pattern so far is that I screw up in the opening by playing too aggressively and letting my opponent queen-raid me, giving up a few pawns, but then missing some tactical point and falling behind. Then, as the game slowly starts to resemble standard chess, I start to outplay my opponent...

One game featured my opponent cornering my rook in the opening due to my blunder, and then not capturing it for a few turns (after all, it wasn't going anywhere...) which allowed me to stealthily sneak it out of the corner via a "queenside" castle... :D (King on b8, rook on a8)
Also started a chess960 game -> gave a pawn away on my second move :lol:

But I'm ahead after 10, pretty sure this is my opponents first game in this variation aswell. is not allowing me to submit my moves! :(

Edit: It's more than just the chess moves...I can't also post notes! :(
I've noticed that when does maintenance, the new site is often incompatible with files in browser cache. Clearing cache will fix those types of problems.
I went and forgot about and this place for a couple of days, and lost 2 games on time. :( I hope both are willing to do a rematch...
Unless I can either clear up enough hard drive space, or get lucky and get $200 and buy an external hard drive and move files to clear up hard drive space, I will not be able to podcast. :(
Narz; I can't sign up for the 960 tournament yet (I have one going on now) but it's nearly done so I'll probably sign up later
I've decided that the best remedy for my situation is 2-fold:

1. External HD for music, documents, and photos - later move to NAS box.
2. New computer down the road and trash this old one (4-5 years old).

I will not be posting any podcasts until I can get the external 1TB HD. Sorry for the inconvenience to those who are regular listeners. :(
I was not aware that people who study openings actually study the Philidor...
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