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Glad to see the republican party is still falling apart

Mccain must enjoy this kind of criticism. While he might lose a few fringe votes, he will cement himself as a moderate Republican and a viable option for independents.

He'd probably prefer it starting halfway through next week, though... or whenever Romney runs out of money, whichever comes first.
Ooh I know who ann couldter is she was on the dailey show.
lol the huck, mccain has this thing wrapped up already. go clinton/obama!
Ooh I know who ann couldter is she was on the dailey show.

This person, just so you're sure who it is (and oddly enough, the first picture I noticed that wasn't some odd joke photoshop):

Go to here website it reads like a Goerge post.
This person, just so you're sure who it is (and oddly enough, the first picture I noticed that wasn't some odd joke photoshop):

Yup. Thats here all right.
You're just writing off the Huck? :(

Well, CNN has, and they send out telepathic signals to anyone in Atlanta.

Rasmussen shows Gov. Huckabee ahead in Georgia and Missouri, and he's not doing badly in Alabama, either... but everywhere else in the country, it seems he can't poll 20%.

By comparison, Sen. McCain's lowest poll numbers are in Georgia and New York, although the New York poll is from before Mayor Giuliani called it quits.
I think Clinton and McCain are the best Candidates running.

I don't buy Barack's "change" message.

Hillary McCain = our grandchildren fighting our war on terror

If Obama starts telling us we were attacked because we are free, then I'll know he's as clueless as his main competition. I dont think he's that clueless...
voting based on political party is pretty much the worst idea ever. no one listens to George Washington.
Our grandchildren will be fighting the war on terror. That is the sad truth. There are radical elements in many countries around the world, and their children are already indoctrinated. We can only hope to spread democracy as much as possible, to lessen it. It will not be 95% gone until every country is free.
they'll be fighting our war if the 'solution' is to spread democracy

the radical elements have their own battles to fight within their own countries, we "spread democracy" and we give them a foreign infidel to unite against.
double post (At least it wasn't 11... I don't think my amplifier even goes to 10)
the radical elements have their own battles to fight within their own countries, we "spread democracy" and we give them a foreign infidel to unite against.

That is the only way to destroy them. The countries do not have the re-programming capacity or the money to do it by themselves.

they'll be fighting our war if the 'solution' is to spread democracy

Fortunately, we have established a major base, called Iraq, from which we can assist. Death to tyranny. It is the only solution.

I don't think we deserve peace until the world is free.
Who is we? Does it include those slaughtered and imprisoned by tyranny?

Originally posted by John Donne

No man is an island, entire of itself; every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the main. If a clod be washed away by the sea, Europe is the less, as well as if promontory were, as well as if a manor of thy friend's or of thine own were. Any man's death diminishes me, because I am involved in mankind; and therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for thee.

Spoiler :
John Donne was born to a prosperous London ironmonger (also named John Donne), in 1572. The Donne's were Catholic, and young John was educated by Jesuits. His father died when he was young, and he was raised by his mother, Elizabeth.

At the age of 11, John Donne went to Hart Hall at Oxford University, where he studied for 3 years, and then proceeded to Cambridge University for another 3 years. Donne did not take a degree at either university, because as a Catholic he could not take the required Oath of Supremacy at graduation.

After Cambridge, Donne studied law at Lincoln's Inn in London. His faith was badly shaken when his younger brother Henry died in prison, where he had been sent for sheltering a Catholic priest. Donne's first literary work, Satires, was written during this period. This was followed by Songs and Sonnets. a collection of love poems that enjoyed considerable success through private circulation.

Donne gained a comfortable inheiritance, which he proceeded to spend in profligate fashion on "wine, women, and song". He joined the Earl of Essex's raid on Cadiz in 1596, and an expedition to the Azores the following year.

On his return Donne became private secretary toi Sir Thomas Egerton, Lord Keeper of the Great Seal. His chances of career advancement were destroyed when he secretly married Anne More, daughter of Sir George More. Anne's enraged father had Donne thrown into Fleet Prison for several weeks, and Egerton dismissed him from his post.

Donne's marriage was a happy one, despite constant financial worries. With typical wry wit, Donne described his life with Anne as "John Donne, Anne Donne, Undone". Finally, in 1609, George More was induced to relent and pay his daughter's dowry. In the meantime Donne worked as a lawyer, and produced Divine Poems (1607).

Donne's final break with his Catholic past came with the publication of Pseudo-Martyr (1610) and Ignatius his Conclave. These works won him the favour of King James, who pressured him to take Anglican orders. Donne reluctantly agreed, and in 1615 he was appointed Royal Chaplain, and the following year he gained the post of Reader in Divinity at Lincoln's Inn. There his fierce wit and learning made Donne one of the popular preachers of his day.

Then in 1617 Anne Donne died in giving birth to the couple's 12th child. Her death affected Donne greatly, though he continued to write, notably Holy Sonnets (1618).

In 1621 Donne was appointed Dean of St. Paul's, a post he held for the remainder of his life. In his final years Donne's poems reflect an obsession with his own death, which came on March 31, 1631.

John Donne is remembered for the wit and poignancy of his poetry, though in his own time he was known as much for his mesmerizing sermons and preaching style.

As an aside, Donne's memorial in St. Paul's Cathedral was the only one to survive the Great Fire that destroyed the old cathedral in 1666. It can be seen today in the new St. Paul's.

We didnt have peace when we were out of the middle east. So why do you think we will get it now?

I think he's saying we'll have peace with Middle-Eastern Countries when we get out of there, not necessarily peace with everyone.
I think he's saying we'll have peace with Middle-Eastern Countries when we get out of there, not necessarily peace with everyone.

Peace with everyone? Not interested. I don't want peace with Al Q. I don't want peace with the Taliban. I don't want peace with fascists or monarchs or dictators of any sort. There can be no peace with tyranny for mankind.

Peace (aka, freedom) for everyone. Then we can worry about the with.
oh boy, can you offer up a list of all the countries you want to invade and then explain the non-tyrannical ways you will employ to achieve success?

We didnt have peace when we were out of the middle east. So why do you think we will get it now?

After AQ's forerunner fought to drive the Russians out of Afghanistan, they found us sitting in Saudi Arabia and they started attacking us. If they didn't have the Russian and US intrusions they'd be stuck somewhere getting into conflicts with other Muslims over religious differences.

Strange, "I don't think we deserve peace until the world is free" didn't even register on your radar screen?
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