GOTM March 2006

Zwelgje said:
I've used the settler cheat a few times (not more than 10 times) and that's it. ...
GoldBerg said:
... ...
it's even hard to win it with 'normal', wellknown cheats...
... ...
...if you are an average WARLORD/PRiNCE level civDOS player...
...better? :sad: :crazyeye:
Pikachu said:
... May I ask for an extended deadline?
I have extended the dead line to April 15. Given the amount on interest, I think we all under estimated the response to a GOTM
it's better to do a GOTQ (quarter of a year)
(my experience from the christmas time/ early 2006 GOTQ)

maybe best a Game of the (Half) Year.
that's more realistic ... most people have very little time,
the old timers (... ~30 up to ~50...) will just play
when they have some kind of timeout
(sickness, at home vacation, 3 rainy days in a line etc.)

it's not good to FORCE people by setting to narrow limits,
let's give the freedom to play/compete over long distances...
... the game is 15 years old, we have (had) time anyway ... ;)

for example
is perfect as it is (even with it's bugs)
so it may run forever...
If you don't have time to play it in 3 months, you won't have time to play it in half a year either. Without a limit nobody is going to play because everybody is going to postpone.
That's true.
that's not true, that's simply stupid.
i can see no sense in such kind of argumentation -
it's like:
i am right, you're wrong, *ha-ha-ha* -
well, always the same here...
Dude, I wasn't laughing at you...
I was making a little joke about it, hence the ;) smilie.

If I wouldn't care about the GOTM and wanted it to fail badly would I have played it?
Guess not, huh?

I'm just stating the obvious here, not enough people care enough about Civ1 GOTM, face it, it's an old game and interest is diminishing. You can see it in the Civ2 section as well. I enjoy the effort that's being put into Civ1 GOTM and that's why I took the time to play. It's just that I don't see a future for it due to low numbers of players. Also if you let people take forever to play the game it will only result in the game bleeding to death. After a month or 2-3 nobody gives a damn about the game anymore.

Of course everybody is free to ignore my post or disregard it as negative bullfeathers, I don't care too much.
Wowow calm down everybody.

This is the last place I thought I'd ever see people fighting hehe.
a real topic to me


isn't online anymore ( can't find no DL location, it's deleted ) -
and it's programmer Dack don't come around here / don' t answer PM's at the moment...

i will build and install a new computer next time
and if my current machine breaks
i will have to use the old excel script again... :sad:
I won, I won! :dance:

This time I cheated a little. I reloaded every time I got barbarians from huts in my home peninsula and I used settler cheat to build roads and rail over the mountains in the middle of the map. That was all I needed to get the upper hand.

I started with exploring my home peninsula and building new cities while researching for wheel, navigation and literature. Then I stopped researching and started to pump out chariots and diplomats and shipped them to America. The Americans were conquered in a good mix between diplomatic bribery and pure force while some of my settlers started to build roads over the great mountains. When the roads finally were in place, my forces could move fairly quickly to new battlefields, and take down the enemy civs one by one. The Babylonians caused some problems though, as they were way ahead of me technologically, but I managed to steal the techs I needed to take them down :)

The last enemy was destroyed in 1794 AD which gave me a conquest victory in 1796 AD with a score of 1350.

It took me 10 attempts to win this game, and playing 10 civ games takes a lot of time! That is the reason why I think GOTMs should be the first attempt on the game in the future. That would save me a lot of time. I guess I didn’t really have to play it 10 times, but the rules say I should play until I’m satisfied. I wasn’t satisfied until I won, so… well, I guess I am just too stubborn and have way too much time to waste:D

By the way, I support the idea of making the GOTM period three months. Playing the same game 10 times in one month is just crazy:crazyeye:

(My savegames can be found in the attachment '')


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Dack said:
I have extended the dead line to April 15. Given the amount on interest, I think we all under estimated the response to a GOTM

I won't make that either, but I'm outside of the competition anyway since I played with version.1 instead of.5 --- loading my AD1000.sav with more than 70 cities of average size 10 shows no initial happy and even some of the redjacket citizens, so this would definitely be much harder. Civ1 remains fun, but I also encountered the drawbacks that pushed me to civ2: in AD720 I had the first `too many units'-complain, and in AD920 Boston disappeared into the overflow-bug that starts eating the American continent. Maybe a next prepared game could put just water at these known places (though I would welcome a random start as well). In a conquest game like this the combat system of civ2 would make things certainly easier, but that's just one of the (many!) ways in which winning in civ2 eventually turned out to be simpler than in civ1 (I'm really not sure whether I'm up to all that unhappyness of version.5 with a civ1-HangingGarden that expires with invention).
So Dack, are we going to get the final results soon, or are the deadline extended even more?

And why haven’t you submitted your own results?

The same goes for Tenochtitlan, trada, conquer_dude, GoldBerg and Comraddict: Where are your submissions? You all promised to play, remember? We need everybody to submit their results!

We have got a whole sub forum for this, but only two people play the game? What a disappointment! What’s the matter with you guys?

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