How do you control the "one more turn" urge?

Feb 13, 2017
As for me, I really like Civ 6, but most of the time forcefully exit the game after a few hours, frustrated that I spent too much time on it ) The more time I play on end, the less productive I become. The thing is, you can't finish a Civ game (even though I play on a tiny map) in two or three hours, so I usually aim to spend 1-1.5 hours per day playing, which should take several days for a single game. But... there is this one more turn thing)
Put watching Star Trek shows in you daily routine. It helps me!
I try to make sure that I save the game every 10 turns, with a quick save on the 5-turn midpoint. In case I make a really bad decision. Each 10 turn "chunk" is a good break point to stand up, walk around, and consider whether to go to bed.
As for me, I really like Civ 6, but most of the time forcefully exit the game after a few hours, frustrated that I spent too much time on it ) The more time I play on end, the less productive I become. The thing is, you can't finish a Civ game (even though I play on a tiny map) in two or three hours, so I usually aim to spend 1-1.5 hours per day playing, which should take several days for a single game. But... there is this one more turn thing)
I can actually relate to this. Playing Civ after getting home often eats into my homework, so recently my unintentional solution has been to not play/think about Civ that much over the past months.

I’d love to get back into it, with reasonable play sessions.
I don't think I could only sit down and play for a couple of hours. I make sure when I plan to play that I don't have anything else to do. :mischief:
My answer: two computers, one PC for gaming, and the Mac I do all my work on. With Civ's turn-based system, it's easy to work on both near-simultaneously.
My only problem is, since most of what I'm working on now is WWII Soviet military history, I don't dare play Russia in Civ VI or I will get confused - start looking for Peter the Great's tank brigades around Moscow, which aren't there and won't be there in the game for another three Eras!
My answer: two computers, one PC for gaming, and the Mac I do all my work on. With Civ's turn-based system, it's easy to work on both near-simultaneously.
My only problem is, since most of what I'm working on now is WWII Soviet military history, I don't dare play Russia in Civ VI or I will get confused - start looking for Peter the Great's tank brigades around Moscow, which aren't there and won't be there in the game for another three Eras!
I guess this multitasking approach is not for me) I like/need to be contentrated on one thing at a time.
I don't think I could only sit down and play for a couple of hours. I make sure when I plan to play that I don't have anything else to do. :mischief:
I use a convertible standing desk for my gaming PC. After 1-1/2 to 2 hours, I am ready to either (1) stop, rest my eyes, and take a break or, (2) lower to sitting configuration and continue playing.

Supposedly, I switch between standing/sitting configurations every hour. I've even done it a few times.

Silly Addendum: So last evening (6pm), I played for 1-1/2 hours standing, sat down and continued playing ...
and One More Turned until 12:30am! I haven't had such a long session in a couple years, at least. OMT is so much easier while sitting down; gotta watch out for that.
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I try to only play 100 turns and I can guesstimate where I am and how the game will end from there.
Sometimes I know the game is over, but I play into the 200's because I'm a Civfanatic.

EDIT: In the last two years I got hooked on PGA 2k23 and DCS World so that helped my Civ-Addiction.
Looking forward to Civ 7 bringing me back into the fold.
When you put that difficulty that makes the other civilizations difficult, I hardly take it easy to get that last turn. I usually lose to the ai but it's a challenge. If I want to win, I lower the difficulty and play until I win and get my score. I reroll a new game afterwards.
When you put that difficulty that makes the other civilizations difficult, I hardly take it easy to get that last turn. I usually lose to the ai but it's a challenge. If I want to win, I lower the difficulty and play until I win and get my score. I reroll a new game afterwards.
So you can play for hours and hours on end, up to 24 hours maybe?
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