• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .

How do you feel about the US govt 'asking' a private company to act for political

Which ones? you arent seriusly suggesting that Iraq and Afghanistan have been rebuilt, are you?

Never said the job was finished. Afghanistan has about 800 years to catch up on in many cases, little things like roads and sewers. Iraq can make some moves on it's own in time, when they can get stable and play with investments in there own backyards. If you notice the trend over time, less violence in the streets more construction projects get going. I would love to see a case were a few Iraq guys get some sort of grant or load and become a big construction firm. There is work all over that country. More people working, less people fighting as well.
With my fingers. At the keyboard.

I do my thinking with grey matter. Makes a mess on the keyboard though.
Eddy Izzard, Dressed To Kill. You may like it, he's wearing make-up. Not as dashing a figure as Bowie though. Definately no Freddy Mercury.
Love the action transvestite's shows.

"Do you have a flaaag?"

But I'm Dutch ... not English. So that's even worse :)

I do my thinking with grey matter. Makes a mess on the keyboard though.
Love the action transvestite's shows.

"Do you have a flaaag?"

But I'm Dutch ... not English. So that's even worse :)

I don't care what the Germans say this time. You keep an eye on them.
Guys, this discussion is boring, but here is a chance to redeem yourselves. make twitter accounts with timezone on Tehran. make useless accounts so the gob, needs to shift out of more useless accounts.
Guys, this discussion is boring, but here is a chance to redeem yourselves. make twitter accounts with timezone on Tehran. make useless accounts so the gob, needs to shift out of more useless accounts.

I don't think spamming a disaster is exactly humanitarian.
what, helping out the protesters isn't humanitarian?

i want the stuff yer on.

All you'd be doing is reducing the signal to noise ratio, which is what the Iranian government wants just as much.
I really think the only thing we've learned from this thread is that the media uses 'information' to confuse and surpress the people who believe everything they see/hear/read.

We've strayed so far from the truth it seems impossible to find a way back.
I couldn't agree more. The reactions of many remind me of the teabaggers more than anything else.
Encourage them to start shooting most of there religious figures, that would be a start towards sanity.

One of the big reasons this current movement is strong is because they are supported by some of the highest profile religious leaders ;)
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