How long will Homo Sapiens last?

Longasc said:
Happy news for everyone. You will probably be long dead before the end of humankind.

Oh I don't know... maybe in the next 40 yrs someone will figure out something ;)
We're taking evolutionary steps right now we just don't understand it.
Evolution doesn't just happen simply in DNA level.
It happens in other levels as well.
There is also such thing as culture evolution.

Evolutions goal is to create as much diversity and adaptibility as possible.
That where the strength lies.

Evolution is about to adapt to the current enviroment.
Because current enviroment is what it is.
It may mean that our evolution is screwed because of our surroundings and we cannot adapt quickly enough to changes in it.

If the world ends up being just internet dating and nerds and one day we encounter ice age, we might be screwed. Again, because of that knowledge we have gathered we might be able to change the climate and adapt to the enviroment.

Who we choose as partner is more problematic, humans reproduction system is little bit wicked and could be our fatal flaw. But it seems that the sexual revolution in the western societies have partly answered this question as the birth rates have gone down. Again there lies problem as Steph pointed out that we choose "secondary choices", which mean we put too much weight like how partner looks rather than what he is capable of doing.

It's freaking complex question, you know.
As I believe I joked to Curt once...

"We are already splitting into two species. Homo sapiens is the one, the new one is Homo creationensis. Members of this new species have the unique ability of speaking through their fundament. This is why they are called fundamentalists."

Longasc, blackheart:
How To Destroy The Earth
The two most plausible methods:
*Hurled into the Sun
*Torn apart by Jupiter
Feasibility: Both 9/10.
Earliest completion date: AD 2250.

Method with earliest completion date:
Eaten by Von Neumann Machines - Feasibility 8/10 - possible by AD 2050.

Longasc: Given that we'll soon live to 300, would you care to repeat what you just said?
I will give you the money for a free beer if you live long enough to get your lifespan extended to 300. :)
Bozo Erectus said:
According to a noted British geneticist (his name escapes me), the human race as we know it has about another 100,000 years. This is due to the ongoing deterioration of the Y chromosome. In other words, the demise of the Y chromosome would mean the end of men - only women would remain. Im sure though that long before that happened our genetic science would find a way around the problem.

edit: btw, almost forgot, the Y chromosome deterioration is happening to all mammals. Its a 'design' flaw in mammals.
or is it a population control technique?
Bozo Erectus said:
According to a noted British geneticist (his name escapes me), the human race as we know it has about another 100,000 years. This is due to the ongoing deterioration of the Y chromosome. In other words, the demise of the Y chromosome would mean the end of men - only women would remain. Im sure though that long before that happened our genetic science would find a way around the problem.

edit: btw, almost forgot, the Y chromosome deterioration is happening to all mammals. Its a 'design' flaw in mammals.

How is this happening exactly?... Because I don't see horseshoe crabs or alligators being all female...
Sickman said:
It's freaking complex question, you know.
:lol: I second that!

I'm no expert in this arena but I do have the following to say:

1) Those who say that humans are not evolving are wrong. Humans today are much taller than we used to be. We are far better nourished and that is because we have evolved to provide us with this further luxury. If you think that's garbage I could take you (or a digital camera) down to a 18th century factory in my town, which I worked in as a kid and is still running today. Every doorway in that place is about a foot lower than your conventional doorway. And this isn't a specific design quirk, there are buildings of the same age with the same height doorways. Anyway, you don't need my crappy example to know that this is the case.

2) I agree with Perfection and not only on the cyborg front. We're gonna have cloned humans in our midst much quicker than we will have half-human-half-gagdet cyborgs.

3) We have the ability to perpetuate our existence beyond a heck of a lot of adversity. The old nuclear holocaust scenario will not wipe out ALL of mankind. We shall continue, even in the deepest, remotest jungle (and they will laugh at us modern, city dwellers for ever getting invovled). We may even get sub-species of humans, mutated by the fall-out.

4) Global warming won't bring an end to us either. We shall learn to live in the heat and / or on, under or in the seas. We'll work it out, but it won't be comfortable. Ditto if a new Ice Age kicks in.

5) Cosmic catastrophe will be our undoing. This is the only thing which can bring an end to Homo Sapiens. A swift, fateful, smite from the heavenly bodies. They better make a good, quick and complete job of it cos we're a pretty clever bunch.
vbraun said:
Why should I worry? I'm going to die before it happens.
Next tuesday to be presice. about 4pm. get ready....
People are getting taller simply because the food we eat now is much better for bone growth and healthcare has improved alot. Between each generation, theres usually a noticable increase in height. Im taller than my dad, who's taller than his dad, who is apparently taller than his dad was. But if we go back 500 years and lvie like they lived, after a while people will start getting shorter.
And yea, the most likely thing to wipe out everyone will be a meteor strike, and even then i think some will survive. Things survive all previosu meteor strikes, and we are by far the most diverse and fast-adapting species ever on this lump of rock.
Winner said:
Well, the natural evolution doesn't apply to humans anymore.

Think about it and you'll see why - the human society doesn't allow its weak members to die because of some serious health problems, which would otherwise kill them, if they were living like our ancestors few thousands years ago. It isn't "only the strongest survive" anymore.

The definition of strong changes over time. In terms of evolution, it means those who have the traits best suited for survival in a particular time will pass their traits onto the next generation.
Vietcong said:
make our selfs stronger we may combine our selfs with robotic technology.
Now this is the future that I dont mind :thumbsup:
I just see it as feminist propaganda tripe :p. I still beleve and have faith that the Y chromosome will still survive. Without males there would be no reproduction of the speaces and thus die out.
Like George Carlin says, the Earth will create an STD, since we like to have sex, and it will kill us.


Friggin' Earth, I'm going to start littering now.
JUst to let you know we are not homo sapiens. we are homo sapien sapiens.
The problem with the "Y chromosome dies out" theory is that evolution will start working against it rather quickly. In short, the weakest Y chromosomes will not be passed on.
Saying that the entire chromosome will die out is a bit like claiming that an entire race will die out, IMO. Especially given that article I saw in SciAm about how the Y chromosome is self-repairing.
Longasc said:
I will give you the money for a free beer if you live long enough to get your lifespan extended to 300. :)
I don't like beer. I don't want to take your money either ;).

The company working on this, AFAIK, has already solved the aging problem and made cells keep dividing beyond what they normally would.
The problem, of course, is that such cell division leads to cancer very, very quickly. This hasn't been patched yet.

But given that it's not "theoretical" but rather a matter of "we have a solution that gives a different problem", I'm much more confident that it'll be fixed in my lifetime. I'm still under 20, after all :D.
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