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How often do you build landmarks for someone else


Aug 16, 2013
It's a thing I've been doing lately :lol:
One measly artifact to ensure +40% influence from OB and +40% from trade routes + not getting DoW'd on...

Two games in a row now I've been able to be friends with the whole world just doing this (as well as WC proposals), despite them hating each other. It seems the diplo boost is "permanent"; unlike DoF which expires in 50 turns, "happily adopted your religion" only lasts til early late game, and "likes proposal" or "you helped pass proposal" only lasts until the next WC... the "you built a landmark in their territory" buff is all game long.

Ridiculously powerful under certain circumstances at the cost of a mere archaeologist... maybe people should abuse it more. Anyone else do this?
What difficulty are you on? It sounds interesting, provided the archaeologists hammers pay off. Could also be useful when warmongering and getting tons of archaeologists through conquest. Immortal+?
Building multiple landmarks for the same civ doesn't stack. Although the diplo modifier is permanent it won't cancel out even the most minor of warmongering(1 dow and 1 city capture), only liberation does that.
not often

It works for CS influnece too (1 time 40 influence boost or so) ... Hammers for city state influence if you have excess .. Even better when using war captured archeologists ...
How often do you build landmarks for someone else?

Sounds good. Do you get the diplo boost if the landmark is not within the 3-tile radius of one of their cities? (I am not sure I want to help them out that much.)
I do it for Dido and Isabella, because I am always trying to get into their pants.
What difficulty are you on? It sounds interesting, provided the archaeologists hammers pay off. Could also be useful when warmongering and getting tons of archaeologists through conquest. Immortal+?

deity. where it actually hurts to try to keep up with the AI militarily. Which means you kiss up to them if you want to stay peaceful.

It won't cancel out other buffs, but at least I find the buff is always bright green and can help counteract different ideology penalty, allowing you to stay friends as long as you have mutual friends/enemies, or kiss up to them in WC. Usually you can do this with at least your immediate neighbors.
Sounds good. Do you get the diplo boost if the landmark is not within the 3-tile radius of one of their cities? (I am not sure I want to help them out that much.)

Yes. It works.

But even if it's *gasp* near their capitol... think about it... the landmark you give them is worth far less than the +80% you'll get from OB and routes, not to mention not getting DoW'd or embargoed or generally plotted against.
wow that's pretty cool actually, yet i'm thinking it would have to be a pretty important AI to go through with this.
Did that to CS before. Got the influence boost, then stole it right back with a GG. Win win.

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Did that to CS before. Got the influence boost, then stole it right back with a GG. Win win.

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk

You lose rep when you steal land from a CS with a Great General. So it is not a win-win, just a normal win :p
You lose rep when you steal land from a CS with a Great General. So it is not a win-win, just a normal win :p

well instead of just stealing it for one of his cities, he softens the blow by 40 influence by building it first before stealing it... (-20 compared to -60)
I just started doing this going for culture victory as carthage (oceania) map, much easier to get into specific territory via those small-medium islands, and hidden antique sites can provide a load of culture.

Almost all civs got friendly/neutral, and the extra friendlyness from digsites is nice open borders with pretty much everyone.

It's only King difficulty though so I got most wonders (petra city on a desert island with a lakeside) with my triangle of internal trade ships I got a major production and tech lead easily.

I only got 3 cities, and most art wonders already, so excess artifacts aren't much of an issue as noone else digs yet.
On Deity level I do it if I plan on sending trade to that AI and the AI can be somewhat trusted.
And, of course, if I dont need that +2 culture/tourism.
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