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I just passed the New York State Bar Exam

Good job, NY is still one of the hardest bars to pass. My old law school's rating has taken some serious hits with the lower passage rates for NY.

I work in financial services but on the insurance side of things. In my experience, not alot of campanies are going to take a fresh grad whos newly liscensed. You might have to slave away for a year or so with a firm. Sounds like you have a great background for securities work or compliance work.
Good job, NY is still one of the hardest bars to pass. My old law school's rating has taken some serious hits with the lower passage rates for NY.

I work in financial services but on the insurance side of things. In my experience, not alot of campanies are going to take a fresh grad whos newly liscensed. You might have to slave away for a year or so with a firm. Sounds like you have a great background for securities work or compliance work.

Thanks for the advice. I actually am currently working in the industry, so I was lucky enough to skip the associate slave stage of my career (hopefully!).

Do you see many people going from banks to law firms, or is it mostly the other way around? One of my concerns with going straight to the bank was that I didn't want it to shut the door on eventually working at a firm one day. I enjoy my job so far (only about 4 months in though), so I am happy with the decision to not work at a law firm, but really hope I haven't wound up limiting my options down the road.
Mostly you see people bailing out to the corporate side after being ground down as an associate.

You do stand a chance of being pigeonholed by people who work at firms, especially if you work in a field that is litigation heavy. I run up against alot of litigators who think that I work corporate because I couldnt hack it on the firm side. I doesnt cut anything off, but it does create a prejudice you will have to overcome if you make a job switch.
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