Ideas for Incentives for Civs to play more according to the lore

1) Make Priests/Eidolons/Paladins abandon you with alignment shift .

Yes.... this annoy me the most! Any idea how to mod this? If this consit of python or xml, I think I can do it for my own modmod :lol:

In addition to making units abandon you based on alignment, I'd limit which priests can upgrade to Eidolons/Paladins/Druids. The extreme alignments could get an extra upgrade.


Sometimes I'll bring back the old Holy War effect and let Bannor Patriarchs force other Order civs to join their crusades.

It fit the Order very much but with current Overcouncil war resolutions, wouldn't it made the Patriarch just another Overcouncil resolution?

How do I add UN victory like normal BTS, anyway? It might be more flavourful for the councils if we can achieve victory from it. But of course, that brings another question on Chalid and Teutorix +1 vote...

Maybe switching to Esus only should allow you to keep Priests.

Make Esus actually useful?


Yes, that will do. There is a esus-enhancing modmod that added more spells for Esus units.

I modmodmod it so that :
  1. Gibbon start with marksman and acquire mimic-like ability
  2. Gibbon have 25% chance converting defeated units (lorewise, by drowning them with lies :mischief:). The converted unit will have Esus as its religion automatically.
  3. Give several spells to Priest units with Esus religion (the Priests was acquired via Gibbon) including : one-shot immortality, special inquisition (it just simply remove other religions, doesn't need other players to have Esus-state religion to activate, no anger if cast in Esus-state religion countries, double anger if cast in non Esus countries). These spells, as in the Esus modmod, cost gold.
  4. Give several spells to unit with Esus religion, mainly recon.
  5. Give unit with non-Esus religion in Esus-state religion country to switch to Esus (I call it Embrace the Truth :lol:)
Yes.... this annoy me the most! Any idea how to mod this? If this consit of python or xml, I think I can do it for my own modmod

That's pure XML, so it's simple. See the location of <bAbandon> tag in the xml of High Priests, that do abandon you on shift. The <bAbandon>1</bAbandon> line is placed after the <iLeaderExperience> tag.
If you don't want to modify the DLL to also look for Alignment shifts you could write a bit of python in the doTurn event.

check for the alignment, then loop through all units of the player and remove those that do not fit the alignment.
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