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IDG II RP Thread

The formation of the ICFL "The Independent Cities of the Fuataga Loyalists" league meant many things for the Fuataga Clan; a sense of Nationalism amongst the Fuataga Castes, a renewed loyalty of old Oaths made to the Imperial House, skepticism towards the Jewish faith and most of all: a monolithic display of disrespect and denouncement towards any Emperor who doid not deserve the throne of Artonia. But as the High-Castes sent messengers to all the neighboring Villages and Cities under the Governorship of Fuataga, telling them that the ICFL must re-assimilate back into the Empire... Pei Fuataga pondered, ever so slowly - on the possibility of there ever being a Fuataga Emperor in which to rule over the Artonian lands. It would of course never be he himself, Pei knew his time had passed - he had achieved great things during his life time. But his time had come, Fua and Taga were waiting at the crossroads of fate. To welcome a son home. But Pei spoke his thoughts allowed, knowing that no one was there...

"Fuataga Dynasty, I like the sound of that"

Just as Pei uttered those words, a tall young man - with long black hair and high-cheek bones walked into Pei's abode. With him; came Salu Niu the seasoned Word-Smith, a long time friend and close adviser of Pei. Salu Niu, although aided by his Long Orator Staff and a small child, undoubtedly one of his grand children, in order to walk properly... seemed to be passing into history as Pei himself now was. Salu Niu's face looked just as old and withered as Pei's. It would seem that wisdom was not more precious than youth after all Pei thought to himself. Alas, it was Salu Niu's eyes - they retained their colour; of blackened charcoal, his eyes slowly moved up and down Pei's body and when his eyes met Pei he smiled slowly and said....

"My Lord, My Head, My High Chieftain. Though the Sand Dunes are strong, they are guided by the gusts of Wind. Though the body is tall and slender and powerful, it is but guided by the Head. Though the Sun is setting down between your Horizon - your golden rays have set a-light the skies of our History!"

Pei - felt his eyes beginning to hold water...barely able to get up from his resting bed, he struggled for a time then stood half erect. He leaned on his head-board and announced....

"My close friend, My most trusted adviser. Call the candidate here, if it pleases you"

Salu Niu replied in the traditional manner...

"Yes my Lord - it does please me greatly"

With that, Salu Niu motioned his hand to the young future ruler behind him. The tall heir stepped forward and knelt just in front of Pei. He kissed Pei's feet, such is the tradition amongst the Fuataga. With that, he spoke a proverb that has been passed down from generation to generation. Back to the words of Fua, when he was receiving power from Atua, his father:

"If I am to rule, it is by wisdom. If I am to love, it is by passion. If I am to lead, it is by the Head. If I am to move, it is by the Body. And if I am to carry, it is by the Feet"

Pei Fuataga smirked slightly, it had been the same for himself when he uttered the exact same proverb. All those seasons ago. Pei then placed his hand on the man knelt before him - and with a loud cry that made Niu Salu's spine shiver and the small child freeze in place, Pei said:


- Salu Niu started to morn. As Pei Fuataga fell back onto his resting place and breathed his last breath. With that; the young man stood up. It was an emotional time, and undoubtedly the most important time in his whole life. But he had to stick to protocol, he had to follow tradition. As Salu Niu dropped his Orators Staff and cried with much grief for Pei, the young man walked outside - to where all the Castes were gathered. He raised both his arms. And with a loud booming base, echoed the call of Pei....


With that, all the Castes - Man, Women and Child dropped their head to the dirt beneath them and cried and recalled the great deeds that Pei Fuataga had accomplished for his people... The official mourning of Pei Fuataga had begun.
"Lord Edward, your horse awaits you," said the young man.

Edward looked down at the boy and smiled. These were troubled times. Lord Edward and Lord Draknith had assembled the men of the Huberian Army and Draknith's Army, who's talented divisions of soldiers fought in the First Native American War. Everyone had been assembled to make the march against the Rebel Leader Xer. As Lord Edward was about to begin his march Lord Draknith quickly approached.

"My Lord although today is a great day for battle, we will see none of it." Said Lord Draknith, "The Rebels cousin and heir to the family of Reichkaiser's throne has challenged the Rebel leader to a duel."

Lord Edward was besides himself. He was unfamiliar with the house of Reichkaiser's ways, and quickly asked Lord Draknith about the situation. The Draknith family and the Reichkaiser family had always been close. Ever since Lucius Draknith went on the hunt, the families shared many common bonds.

As the two Lords finished their discussion, Lord Edward made his proclamation to the troops assembled:

Today my brothers we fight not to end this tyrany but to secure the society that we have built all these years! The Rebel scum finds itself in a pitched battle of good and evil. We are not sure who shall win the fight, but we can make sure that our nation's capital and Lords are safely secured within it's boundaries. We march for Artok, and should we come across any rebel, make sure you hang him from the highest tree, so that all his kind will know their punishment!

With that the Huberian Armies marched to the capital. Their goal, as proclaimed is to protect the lives within, but a strong leader Edward had become and his view on the Empire was great... possibly so great he would allow no other to destroy his world...
As the army approched the city, a young rider made his way to Lord Edward.

"My Lord," said the boy out of breathe, "My Lord, our dearest friend Pei Fuagata has passed."

As if lightning had struck the Lord from the sky, a crashing halt occured to the lines. Lord Edward stood unable to speak.

"How did it happen?" Questioned Edward.

"We believe that he passed under his own will," responded the boy.

Lord Edward thought for a moment and then gave the boy instructions:

You are to return to Huber, and tell Lord Dankis that I have still much to do. He will need to handle the situation. Make sure he secures the funds and materials to build the monument I have already planned. The monument is to stand on the Eastern face of the Palace in Artok. We will arrive their soon to ensure nothing of ill will has occured.

With that the boy turned to where he came from. The new statue of Pei would be great. It would serve to show the greatness of the man, and the House that he stood so proud to serve.

The army continued on it's march. Lord Edward was pleased to be back on the road. His friend may have passed, but now there was noone to keep him from accomplishing his goal!
King Claude approached the great Capital of the Empire. Riding with him was the Octavian Gaurd, an elite army under the direct command of Claude himself. Every man was of Octavian blood and was raised from childhood to protect the houses' Nobles. The death of Xer has fueled the more radical Jewish citizens. Most however are very happy that their Monotheistic views are shared by their country. The house of Octavia were marching to assist their Huberian brothers and quell any remnants of the resistance in Artok....
Adelaide stood atop the Artonian Palace, looking over a city that was once in chaos. But, the rebels have routed to the Egyptian lands in hopes of keeping alive. Now with the city calm and free Imperial elections to take place, Adelaide picked up the Vahalax Royal Standard and waved it in the air yelling,

"Vandal's true heirs are back!"
Pei Eliko entered Artok - it was Grand, markets filled the streets. Everyone was eager to sell and buy, sell and buy.

Such a busy City ,this is indeed, Eliko thought to himself. He come to visit an old friend of his Uncle Pei Fuataga - Lord Dankis', as he had heard word of a Monument being built in honor of Pei Fuataga, and came to give tidings and personal thanks on behalf of the Fuataga Family.
Just then, a stunningly beautiful lady caught his curious gaze. Long flowing red hair, a tall yet petite body and magical green eyes. Accompanied by a lovely milky like complexion - Eliko wondered what her name was, where she was from... She had captivated him yet hid did not anything about her. Anything about, this cotton-skinned Angel. Eliko's willful wishing got the best of him, but an announcement from one his soldiers soon brought his thoughts, back to reality.

"My Lord, My Head, My High-Chief. Lord Dankis' is ready to receive you now"

"Very well then", Eliko was grateful that Lord Dankis could receive him on such short notice... but secretly - Eliko wished to talk to a certain girl in the Market place...
"Your troops are stationed at their positions sir. Noone will be able to enter the Palace without your specific instructions," exclaimed Capt. Hensen.

"Excellent, I will be leaving here soon, and making my way to the Palace with the other Lords. Please ensure that my horse is ready," responded Lord Edward.

The Huberian Palace was alive with activity. Lord Edward Huber had made it his priority to bring the capital to it's knees, and ensure military security throughout. Many of the Lords of the Empire were making their way into the capital. Soon a new Emperor would be crowned, and the Council would be meeting. Edward wanted to make sure that everything went as smooth as possible. There had been some street brawls in the aftermath of the civil war, but Edward was quick to react. Some thought of his ways as too assertive, but Edward would have none of it. It was his belief that the Empire could break at any moment, and should that happen, he knew he would be called to defend it! Before Edward left for the Palace Lord Dankis entered into the room.

"My Lord, I have come as you requested," said Lord Dankis.

"Yes, Milton, thank goodness you are here," responded Edward, "I need you to handle the statue ceremonies. The new chief of the Fuataga family will be arriving soon. As your family has the most contact with the Fuataga's I wish you to help him in any way he needs."

Lord Dankis went over the final plans with the head of the Huber House, and then made his way outside where Eliko was wating for him.

"Eliko?" Questioned Milton Dankis, "Hello, and welcome to the Nefres Heights."

Eliko looked with awe upon the Palace. The House of Huber was powerful indeed. The grand marble Palace was the envy of many of the Aristocrats, and it was the first time Eliko had seen the magnificent center of Huberian Law.

"My Lord Dankis, please accept my humble gratitude for this great honor you have given to my family," said Eliko with great humility.

Milton was taken aback by the comment. Never had he seen someone so enthusiastic about their praise. It was usually Milton's father, Polydormus Dankis who had handled the Fuataga familiy's needs. However, now it was up to him to ensure that the family's remained in good standing with the House of Huber.

"Thank you very much Eliko," responded Milton, "but you don't need to address me as such, please just call me Milton."

Eliko looked surprised at Milton's request. Never has a superior leader talked so relaxed with a high cheif. Eliko was sure that he would be repremanded for his casual display with the leader of the Dankis family, but it was the Lord's wished that he be addressed as so.

"Okay... Milton, thank you for the invitation to this grand Palace." responded Eliko.

The two discussed the plans for the unveiling of the statue that would be presided over by Lord Edward, and all the higher-ups in the House in attendance. And then from nowhere Eliko became very disinterested in what Milton had to say.

"... Eliko... Eliko... Oh I see what's preoccupying you." Said Lord Dankis.

It was from the side of the Palace that young Marissa Huber was making her rounds. Eliko was enammered by her beauty, and nothing seemed to break his concentration on the girl.

"You know it works much better if you go introduce yourself to her," said Milton

"But such a beautiful woman would want nothing to do with me," responded Eliko.

"Oh nonsense," replied Milton. And before Eliko could do anything about it, Milton had requested Marissa to join the two.

"Marissa, this is Lord Eliko Fuataga. He's here for the statue unveiling, and it's his first time comming to the Palace." Said Milton.

Marissa smiled at the young chief, and put out her hand to shake. Eliko was nervous but accepted her generosity and shook her hand.

"Marissa, I'd hate to ask you this, but I'm swamped with everything Edward needs done before all the Lords arrive in the capital. Would you finish up the tour with Eliko?" Questioned Milton, "Oh and try not to be too harsh on him, I think he has a thing for you," said Milton in a whisper.

Marissa seemed to delight in the idea of showing a dignitary around the Palace grounds. In fact she felt a strange connection to the man, and wished to learn more about him. The two left after saying goodbye to Milton, and proceeded to continue their tour.
Eliko Fuataga was no coward, at the age of 13 he be-headed an old Low-Caste man for raising his voice to him. At the age of 14, Eliko underwent the "Tau Pei So'i" - a grueling tattooing ritual {in which only a few families within the clan still adhere to}. The tattooing took four paiful days, Eliko went into shock more than seven times throughout the ordeal - but by Fua and Tagas' mercy, survived. Although the art of Fuataga Chiefs having to be tattooed as a right of passage into manhood has of late been neglected by many Chiefs, it is still followed by a rare few... In fact, Pei Fuatagas' father; Pei Atua had his Tattoos done but Pei Fuataga himself did not. Eliko was considered by most of the Toa Caste as a Warrior-Chieftain; a man who obtained his tattooing at such a young age surely reaps bravery in time to come! At the age of 20, Eliko killed not one but two Lions, who were about to attack a Low-Caste child...

But Eliko; slayer of the disrespectful, wearer of the Tau Pei So'i and slaughterer of Lions - found himself as scared as a field mouse in front of this Beauty that now stood before him. Trying to maintain ones composure, while in the presence of such Angelic divinity is not the easiest thing to do... especially when that Divine Angel has a name: 'Marissa Huber'. I wonder if she even remembers me from the Market place earlier this morning - Eliko was nervous, what if she had remembered and just didn't care about some dark skinned Chieftain from the North? Eliko had not idea why he was so attracted to Marissa but he just knew that he was. Eliko quickly gazed at Marissa while she walked in front of him, seemingly pre-occupied with talking about the Palace; its purpose and place within the Artonian Empire.

Only a mere head shorter than himself, Marissa was slender and petite. May Fua and Taga restrain the passion that this woman stirs within my body - Elikos mind was in a flurry, but he had to control himself, his urges... He had to compose his formality. After all - he was a Chief! Not an animal on heat!

The two walked around the many halls that the Huberian Palace had to offer. Eliko was mesmerized at Marrissas' ability to re-call the long history of the Huberian Blood lines. Heh, she would make a good Orator - Eliko thought to himself. He tried his very best to re-frame from talking to her or looking her directly in her eyes... those Green magical eyes. Marrissa herself was becoming a tad annoyed at Elikos' seemingly overly formal conduct. It was as if he was avoiding conversing with her properly, whenever she would ask a question he would reply bluntly - as if wanting to deter further conversation with her. But Marissa was far from a timid little royal, she was her own lady! If he thinks he can keep shunning me off like this, he has another thing coming... - Marissa deviantly thought.

"Do you like disrespecting Ladies Sir Eliko?" Marissa flashed a hidden Smirk - "or is keeping ones words to oneself a prized attribute in Fuataga society?"

Eliko stopped walking, he wasn't sure exactly how to reply. He had been groomed for formality and tradition. For protocols and rules. Not for conversing with a beautiful woman.... With a slight pause, Eliko grinned and replied:

"My Lady, have I done something wrong?" playing it coy was Elikos best position for now. Eliko tried his best not to stare at Marissas' lushes red lips. "If I have, forgive my placidness"

Marissa wasn't going to take the bait, she was far too cunning for this Lion Hunter...

"Then I here by forgive you, for your arrogance and ignorance!" Marissa turned on her heels and continued the tour. Leaving Eliko slightly offended and somewhat bewildered.

"It pleases me GREATLY that a lady of Huber would forgive a man of Fuataga for such ARROGANT and IGNORANT antics..." A heavy tone of sarcasm lingered in the air, as if falling from every word that Eliko had just spoken.

Marissa stopped. Her back was to Eliko, smirking devilishly she turned around quickly and abruptly until she was facing Eliko dead in the eye. She went to open her mouth but her throat seemed to stall on her... Elikos' eyes, they were so dark. So dark that Marissa felt herself drowning in them - as if his eyes were two Raven wings stretching their full span. Marissa felt her breathing start to escalate slowly. Eliko knew this was his chance, he had been yearning to do this ever since he saw her in the Market place...

Not wanting to break her focus, Eliko carefully leaned in.. closer and closer their two eyes met. Until finally - Eliko was but a breath away from Marissas' mouth. Dropping his eyes down onto her lips, Eliko spoke softly a small extract from a famous Fuataga proverb...

"If I am to love, it is by passion..." With every word whispered, a small shadow of breath planted itself on Marissas' velvet red lips. Marissa couldn't fight it any longer - she had to fly away with this Dark Raven...

Just a split moment before their passionate mouths met.. A familiar voice echoed down the Palace Hall. Lord Dankis' had just come back from a discussion with the masons concerning the Monument for Pei Fuataga.

"Lord Eliko - the monument has begun construction. Come, let us go to the construction site - I... pray that Lady Marissa was an able tour guide?"

Eliko frantically stood away from Marissa. His lips would have to wait...

"Ah'uh yes Lord Dank..I mean Milton - Marissa was very helpful in aiding my understanding of the Palaces history and importance"

Marissa blushed immensely - before quickly following both Lord Dankis and Eliko, who were already heading towards the construction site.

Heh, Able indeed..... Lord Dankis' thought quietly to himself - Able indeed.....
"... well we shall see what her highness is able to accomplish." Finished Lord Edward.

The Huberian House was finishing up one of it's meetings in the Palace as the Empress was taking the throne in the capital. Huberian forces were still quite heavy in the capital following the election. Although most of the milita troops were headed back to their homes and farms, the regular elites were still armed and ready for battle. Some of the citizens were worried about the military walking their streets, but a large group of people welcomed the troops as no riots had broken out since thier arrival. The mood in the capital was uneasy. Noone knew what the future would bring, and if civil war would break out again. For the time though thoughts in Lord Edward's head drifted to another topic.

"So, I hear my young daughter has been seen wondering around with the cheif of the Fuataga's?" Questioned Lord Edward.

Lord Dankis' face turned red. It was in fact he who had put the two together, and he now hoped that the Lord of the House would not reprimand him for his actions.

"A good union it could create between our people's; Solidify the already great alliance we have with the Fuataga's." Followed up Lord Edward.

"Yes sir, they have been seen around the Palace together. Nothing more than a common friendship though I believe my Lord," said Lord Draknith.

"All the same, I would like to discuss this matter further," said Lord Edward, "Please inform my daughter that I would like to have lunch with her today. It will give us a chance to uncover what is going on here."

The remainder of the House leadership left the office of the Lord of the House. Lord Edward made his way towards the Palace gardens to meet his daughter. As he approached the gardens he noticed his daughter and Eliko sitting near the red roses talking.

"Marissa my daughter, how are you? I did not expect to see you for a little while longer," said Lord Edward, "ahh, and Chief Eliko, how good it is to see you also. I am sure the Empress will make you a Lord soon, and I'm sure you will be as good if not better than you Uncle Pei was."

Eliko was surprised by the Lord's sudden appearance. He felt a drop in his stomach, but he did not know why. He had not done anything innapropriate, or had he. Perhaps he was to have talked to the Lord of the House before courting one of it's daughters, but if he hadn't and now knowing that Marissa was the Lord of the Houses daughter... 'Oh no,' he thought to himself.

"Well since you are already here perhaps you would accompany me on a walk through the gardens my daughter," said Lord Edward.

Marissa looked into her father's eyes and knew that this was more than just a casual stroll. Her father had become much more serious since the civil war. She also knew that Eliko was not invited.

"Well I will talk to you later Eliko, thank you so much for informing me about the flowers of your home region," said Marissa gently letting down Eliko.

Eliko left the two and made his way towards the Palace.

"Such a beautiful sight these gardens are. Did you know that I used to play in these gardens, much to the annoyance to the grounds crews," said Lord Edward.

Marissa looked up at her father, she was not in the mood to small talk. She knew there was something her father wished to say, and she wanted it said.

"Father, I know you are not here to talk to me about flowers. It's about Eliko isn't it?" Questioned Marissa.

"You know me too well my daughter. Yes, in fact I do wish to talk to you about Chief Eliko. He is soon to be a Lord, a servant to the state. I know you enjoy spending time with him, but it this truly what you want..." said Lord Edward his daughter interupting him

'... I love him father!" exclaimed Marissa, "He treats me like a person, not the daughter of the Lord of the Huberian House. There is noone I would rather be with."

Lord Edward smiled at his daughter and said, "All I've ever wanted was you to be happy my daughter. You are at the age where these decisions need to be made. If this is what you want, I will not interfere. However, you will need to make a decision. You are a very desired individual, and many suiters wish to make you their own. I will speak with Eliko and the Fuataga's family council to see what their wishes would be."

With that Marissa smiled and gave her father a big hug and kiss. She had not been so happy in a long time. As she began to walk away, her father called to her, "Forgetting something my dear?"

Marissa turned to her father, "Sorry father... I love you!"

Lord Edward smiled and watched his daughter turn away, he could have sworn she was skipping. Oh well the Lord thought to himself. 'If it's not an Empire I'm working to build, it's this family.'
The Empress stood out on the balconey of the Palace, dressed in fine garmets and covered with gold. She held a sword in her hand. It was the Sword of Cathal, the one she had used to kill Xer. The young woman swung the sword several times, remembering how it felt to wield such a blade. Solemnly, Adelaide sheathed the blade and placed it on her hip. After staying out for a little longer, she returned to her chambers where a servant stood in wait. She dissmissed him and looked to the left wall of her room. It was covered in the relics of her ancestors. Sereus' retractable blades, Vandal's bronze armor and the knife of Laros. Amidst the relics, was a helmet that hund from a hook. She walked over and placed her hand on one of the cheek plates. The helmet had belonged to her lover and would-be husband, Adrewl. He died in combat during the assualt on Fua. It was said that he died defending a group of Jewish pilgrims that were being attack by both Artonian and Native soldiers, think that they were enemy spies. The historian at the battle recorded that when his commanding officer asked him why he as killing his comrades his response was-

"My first loyalty is to the Riechkaiser family, my second is God, and third is you. I have no loyalty to those pigs who dare attack civilians." After saying those word, his officer order him killed. Ten minutes later, Adrewl was killed by a later follower of Xer.

The Empress dissmissed the thoughts and walked out of her chambers to meet with some old relatives. Unbeknowst to Xer and Adelaide, Vandal had four sons, not three. And his descendents are still alive and thriving, making up 35% of Domgriend's total population. They are known as the Jako dům Rozsudek, translated to House of Judgment in Artonian.

When she reached the meeting room, she found three elderly men sitting at the table. As soon as she arrived, they bowed. When she sat down they introduced themselves.

"I am Zákon," The leader began, "and these are my brothers, Náboženství and Ochrana. We are ther joint leaders of the House of Rozsudek. It is an honor to meet a relative and Empress." They smiled at Adelaide who in turn smiled back.

"I hear you have alot of young, storng men in you family." The Empress began, "Ask them if they would like to join the Royal Army."
The Sun was just peaking over the rolling hills beyond the Palace, Eliko stretched his arms - his chiseled abdominal muscles flexed as he let loose a mighty yawn. It was morning. Eliko gazed around the Palace chamber that was assigned as his resting place by Lord Dankis'. It was Grand to say the least; fur skins blanketed the marble floor, solid Gold ornaments and trinkets dotted the walls - not to mention the beautiful red velvet curtains that draped ever so elegantly on each side of his chamber window. Those red curtains... much like the blossoming lips of Marissa Eliko thought to himself, he thought about how everything was changing in his life just because of some Girl. But Eliko knew deep down that Marissa was much much more than that. She had a strong will and personality which was very rare amongst the women within the Fuataga. Her strength of character was stubborn; yet so attractive and robust. This, accompanied by her dashing Goddess like features all equated to what Eliko perceived as the 'perfected match'. Before Eliko drowned in his thoughts, a knock suddenly presented itself on the Oak Wooden door of his chamber. A rush of excitement filled Elikos' body and mind... his perfect match had come to see him.

"Come in" Standing up from his bed, he made sure that the top half of his body was completely naked. Breathing in deeply he held his breathe from escaping for a short while before releasing it, this had the affect of causing his muscles to become extremely tense. Lets see how she likes this, Eliko devilishly thought to himself.

The heavy door opened; and true to Elikos' hopes. In walked the most captivating women his eyes had ever witnessed - Marissa Huber. Elikos' eyes scanned her body, ever so slowly, taking his time to make sure that she saw his eyes hungrily devour ever inch of her beauty. Marissa blushed heavily; her cheeks nearly matching her magical red lips. Eliko flashed a deviant grin before his eyes met Marissas'..... Marissas' Jade eyes reflected her feelings towards Eliko - Love with a small hint of Lust.

Eliko took the offensive. Leaning one arm on the side of the door frame, he exposed his long slender arms. While making sure that his bottom half traditional bark cloth slipped a bit, exposing the bordering hairs of his manhood. Marissas' eyes drifted down, she hungrily stared at his bark cloth - before lifting her eyes back up to Elikos' ever so dark eyes. Marissa felt her heart increase in beats... this Dark man seemed to bewitch her... a spell, that Marissa would gladly fall victim to. Marissa felt her body start to tremble - until finally she spoke.

"Eliko, I just had to see you!" Marissa knew that although her father seemingly approved her infatuation with Eliko. It would be very unwise for her to be seen making Love to Eliko; without formal announcement to the Huberian people by her Father. Eliko leaned in slowly to kiss her - but Marissa, fought herself not to and leaned away. Eliko knew the reason why, he just did not want to believe it...

"What is wrong my Jade Angel? Why won't you kiss me?"

Marissa looked away - "It's the right thing to do Eliko, we have to wait on my Father"

Eliko knew she was right, he do not want the alliance between the Fuataga Clan and the Grand house of Huber to deteriorate just because he could not control his urges. Strong as they may be. Suddenly, Eliko smiled. An idea just bloomed in his head.

"Marissa, I will take you to your Father. It is time we let our Love for each other be known to the WORLD!!" With this, Marissa leaped up and wrapped her thighs around Elikos' waist - and ever so carefully, planted a soft kiss on his cheek.

"I LOVE you Eliko!" Marissa meant every word... She knew deep down that if she was going to be married to someone, it was going to be Eliko.

Eliko smiled, they both made their way to the Chamber of Lord Edward. But Elikos' smile started to fade...

He knew that his people would find it hard to agree to a Marriage between himself and a lady of non-Fuataga blood. Whatever it takes - I will prevail! Eliko thought to himself, before taking up Marissas' hand and continuing their way to her Fathers room. To both, their destinies.
The Empress examined her cousins with strict expectations. These were men of the warrior class. She expected nothing other than absolute perfection. Adelaide was not let down. Nearly two thousand men of the Rozsudek family responded to the call of duty. Now, they were to be trained by the Empress herself. After another few moments, she stood at attention and bowed to her soldiers, who in turn took a knee.

"You are descendants of Vandal," She began, raising her voice so that all could hear. "Now, I expect that you will do exactly what he would. And that is to kill every foe of the Reichkaiser family! For the next three weeks, I will personally train you to be the disciplined, mobile killing machines that we were bred as!" Cheers began to erupt from the ranks as men began to rise. Then there were praises to Adelaide, filling her body with power.

Empress Adelaide immediately got down to work, they were to run around the city of Arkan three times. If it took them more than an hour, they would run it again. From there, she gave them each a single bow with three arrows. After four hours, if they didn't kill a deer they would have no meals for the rest of the day because the deer was their meal. Then they would duel each other, the victors would sleep on beds while the losers would sleep on the stone ground. They repeated this for the first two weeks of vigorous training. Eventually, the Empress would have to stop duels because the men were so well matched. And now her men requested that they sleep on the stone.On the third week, Adelaide knew that it was time.

"Men," She yelled to them after they were assembled before the barracks. The Empress was dressed in a simple cloak. "You have passed with flying colors! So, I have decided to test your stomachs. I requested that three of Xer's most prominent officers be brought here for execution. Now, I will release them out of the city, and you will hunt them. I will give you nothing to hunt them with, this will show me which of you is the best. And of those who have killed one of the three, will be brought before me. I will choose one, and he will be your commanding officer." The young Empress unsheathed Cathal's blade and held it high above her head. Abruptly, she thrust it into the ground and grabbed the corner of the cloak. Without warning, the Empress ripped off her cloak and revealed her naked and perfect body.

"Now go, and kill them!" All of the men cheer and released their war cries, they then ran forward and toward the exits of the city passing the clothesless Empress. After they left, a servant came and gave the Empress another cloak.

"Send a message to the Octavian House," She told the servant. "I wish to have a meeting with them."
Lord Edward was failing in health. He had lived a long time, and was ready to pass on to the afterlife. However, there were still matters of state to be taken care of, and with Marshall Huber, the heir to the Reight of Huber, still too young to handle the matters, Lord Edward took it upson himself to finish what he had started.

The new Empress had taken her first session, and Edward was glad to see that she had not destroyed the framework of the Empire. Although upset about many of the new 'democratic' ideals she proposed, as they interfered with long standing traditional rules that had existed since the founding of the Empire. Edward was in no mood to give up what he saw as his right to be above those in the lower caste of society. All the same though, the leader of the Grand House of Huber worked along side the new administration to provide the Empire with all that it needed.

As of recent news the relationship between the Lord's daughter and Eliko, head of the Fuataga Family, was heating up. Edward knew a decision was going to have to be made. At a recent council session Edward had proposed the idea of the two families forming a more solid bond than was currently in place. The Dankis family, who had always been the more open family in the house, agreed that the union would be of great benefit to the people of the house. The Draknith's on the other hand were absolutly against the marriage. There had been a long standing opposition by the Draknith's against any sort of mingling between families. In fact the ancient first rebellion was in part lead by the Draknith's disdain for outsiders. In the end though, the Draknith's would follow the ruling by the council.

It was a colder night when Eliko and Marissa knocked on the large wooden doors leading to the Lord's Office.

"Please enter," said Lord Edward working hard on the extermination papers for the imprissioned Jews in Huber.

"My Lord," said Eliko, "please excuse my intrusion, but I needed to speak with you."

Eliko was nervous. Although the two men were leaders of their respective families, this was the Lord of the House, and the father to the woman Eliko wanted to marry.

"My Lord, I have worked very hard to gain your trust, and the trust of this house, and.." said Eliko being interupted by Edward.

"Yes, and now you wish to gain the trust of my daughter." Responded Edward

Eliko was stunned, he did not know how to respond. Eventually though he found the words, "Yes, my Lord. That is correct."

A smile started on Edward's face as he began to speak, "You have been a good leader Eliko, and my daughter has told me much of your honesty and love for her. You have treated her right, and your sucess has increased. I recently brought this matter before the House, and although your love was not accepted by all, it was the decision to allow you two to develop your love further."

Eliko and Marissa were exstatic. They did not think that it would be so easy to persuade the family to allow their marriage. Perhaps Eliko thought that the Huber's would be much like his family. In the end though they were quite different.

"There will need to be some rules for this union however. For one, your offspring, should they be male, would become possible heirs to the Huberian throne. Therefore, the Fuataga's will have to name the decendants of your line to be leader' of your family. The rest will be handled between Lord Dankis and your family, as he will be representing the House in this union. I unfortuanly am under heavy burden by the Empress to achieve sucess in our fight against the former rebels." Said Lord Edward.

Eliko was happy but at the same time distressed. The news he would have to deliver to his own family may bring about an end to his love. Would the elder's allow their rules to be puyt to rest, and allow Eliko to become the first King of their family; Creating his own dynasty from which to rule? Many questions were begining to form in the man's head, but at least he knew that his one wish could be satisfied... he could marry his love.

The two excused themselves from the office. Both giddy with excitment, the two embrassed in the corridor, and headed off into the night. Lord Edward however was still very busy.

"Justin, please have these documents sent to the Palace. They need to arrive immediatly, as the Empress will have to sign off on the death warrants." Said Lord Edward.

With the Empress' decree that all rebels held in Huber were to be executed, Edward needed the official stamp of the Imperial House. He also wanted the Empress to know that the Grand House of Huber was not in favor of the 'Rights' that she wished to grant to all citizens of the Empire. Edward was a strict leader, and his views were commonly viewed as ancient. He understood that the Empire was moving to more modern viewpoints, but he was not interested in the idea that he would be subject to the laws of the commoners.

As the night passed, Edward made his way into his bed. His final act that night was to proclaim that his son Marshall would inherit the Reight of Huber, making him lord of the House. However, since Marshall was still too youg, his Uncle Milton Dankis would head the family should something occur to Edward... and as it would be Edward never woke from his sleep that next morning. The black drapes were put up in the Palace, and the rest of the Empire knew that the Huber's would soon be presenting their next Lord. What they did not know was the power that the next heir would wish to inherit.
"My Lord, your wife has entered into labor. We will inform you of her progress," said the doctor to Lord Edward.

Lord Edward had a worried, but happy look on his face. This was his second child. Would it be a girl again, or would the Lord finally have his son to take the Reight of Huber? At this moment he could only speculate, but no screams were comming from the room.

'She screamed for hours when Marissa came. I hope she will survive this one.' thought Lord Edward.

Roughly an hour had passed, and the occassional moan was uttered, and a slight scream here and there, but then that familiar sound came... the crying of a baby.

Lord Edward rushed into the room where his wife and the doctor were, "Tell me please, tell me."

The doctor came over to the Lord with the child in hand. Edward looked at his wife who was still conscious and smiling at him. Edward smiled back at his wife and looked at the child... a boy... A BOY!!!

"It's a son, I have a son!" Exclaimed Lord Edward thoughout the halls of the Palace with his son in hand.

As he re-entered the room the doctor was talking with Edward's wife. She did not looked pleased, and as the doctor left the room, Edward sat down to speak with her.

"What is it my dear, what's wrong," questioned Edward?

"The doctor thinks he will not last. The delivery was too easy, and our son too small," responded Edward's wife.

Lord Edward became upset and rushed off into his chambers with his infant son in hand. "I don't care what they say my son. You will be the mightiest Huber there ever was. You wished to save your mother from the pain and anguish didn't you? Already, I can see greatness in your eyes. But what should I call you... Marshal. That's it." said Lord Edward.

From that night on, Marshal was in constant attention from his wise father. Although two more sons were born, Marshal surpassed all in every feat imaginable. They naturally followed his leadership, and soon the boy began developing a name for himself around the capital.

At three years the young Marshal had already begun reading and writing in not only the common Imperial language, but also the ancient Huberian language. When five years came to the boy he was found mentoring many of his classmates in the various arts of the day. Quickly becomming a leader of the many Aristocratic youth. During an exercise at age ten Marshal showed his vastly developing body during the annual Royal Wrestling matches, where he gain victory over the reigning champions from the Reichkaiser family. When a war games match pitted the current Huberian General's army against the lesser army in which Marshal asked to be placed, the General was outmaneuvered and defeated by the young man. Soon after the disgraced General forfeited his command to Nantuck Draknith during the Imperial Civil War.

Edward's greatest son was becoming a man, and with each year the Lord grew weaker. Soon he knew his death would be comming, but he felt he had so much more to teach Marshal. Before his final night, Edward passed his Reight onto Marshal proclaiming that everything would be his.

In the years while under the Lord Protectorate, Marshal focused on building his and the houses wealth. The new understanding of the secret substance sought by Huberians for many years had been uncovered. Gunpowder was the way of the future, and Marshal took advantage of the family's monopoly on the substance. Quickly the Huberian Munitions Foundry was formed, and massive profits stared flowing it with everyone looking to obtain substance. Mining was increased with it's powerful blasting abilities, and the war department quickly fell in love with the model 1694 musket, and model 1697 cannon that transformed the art of war.

At Marshal's coranation his speech inspired the whole house. He discussed his views of the Empire, how it's long traditions had bolstered it's success. That this success was due to the Royal Houses that forged from the bonding of the four great father's of the Empire. He showed how the current regime was destroying the thousands of years of great real reform. How the Houses were being forced to conform to 'common law', and being denied to control their own fates and the fates of their respective Houses.

His voice was loud, and his ability to bring forth those to his cause was great. He was strong, handsome, a genius, and young. No other politician could claim the same, and soon Marshal knew he would have to sit by and allow the destruction of his empire, or take the cause of Imperial Power up by himself.
Empress Adelaide looked out of her balconey again. She held the hand of her young son, Sean. He looked much like Vandal, with platinum blode hair and carefully chisled features. He tugged on her dress with his free hand.

"Mathair?" Sean said, speaking in the old Arkan tounge. Adelaide turned to him and nodded her head. "Why is your belly so big?" He pointed to her womb. She laughed and explained to him that in her womb was his new brother of sister.

"Oh," Sean said, his vision turning to two men on the ground that were conversing. He began to stare at them for a long time, and then jumped in suprise when they looked up at them and began to move toward the palace. Then his vision turned to another man who was walking up to the guards at the front of the palace.

"Those men are gonna hurt us!" He yelled. Adelaide was confused, but then nearly fell back in suprise when she saw the two men armed with handguns, that were poorly concealed. They got up against the building. The man who spoke to the guards suddenly ran away, and the Guards followed him, whil the other two made their way inside. She ran to the door, dragging young Sean along. She grabbed a pistol that was hanging on the wall and she ran out the door. The two guards at the door turned to aske her what she needed, when gunshots went off and all four of them sped off. But when they reached the front room, they found the three men in shackles, kneeling before several guards. Adelaide pushed forward and asked the guards what had happened. She let go of Sean's hand and had dropped the pistol. The young boy took the weapon and waddled over to one of the men.

Before anyone saide anything, the young boy pulled the trigger at point blank, and killed one of the men. He scowled at the other two who looked at him in shock. As the corpse rolled over to the side, Adelaide turned Sean to face her.

"Why did you kill him?" She demanded, Sean's only response was-

"If they try to hurt us, then I hurt them."
Crown Prince Sean would grow up to be a fine young man. Powerful and charismatic, he took command of the Arkan Guard, and trained alongside his comrades in arms. But Sean, who was looking more and more like Vandal everyday, was not his mother's son. Sean was a authoritarian, and argued with his mother constantly about politics. Even in the Royal courts, rumours began to circulate. Although his mother had the People on her side, Sean had the nobles and military.

Sean had two sisters and a brother. His sisters, Allana and Caesaei, were always trying to keep the peace, but as they began to tire from the bicker, they simply left the conflict. But his brother, Domgriend, shared all of his mother's ideals, and therefore, was disliked by Sean. Adelaide did not like the conflicts, ever since the assassination attempt when Sean killed one of the assassins he was different. And now, she feared that her son would be the one to oust her from power.

One day, however, the Crown Prince met with Lord Marshal of the Grand House of Huber. After formal greetings and a brief discussion of politics, Sean got to his point.

"I would like to propose," He began, toying with one of his rings. "A marriage between your older sister and myself.I have seen your beautiful sister and wish to marry her. Not only will it bring a powerful alliance between our houses, but It may rekindle an onld friendship between our peoples. One that had graced Vandal and Lucius."
"My Lord, the Emperor will see you now," said Helenmeir.

Lord Marshal stood up from his chair and motion towards the direction the aid was pointing. Marshal had become quite familiar with the layout of the Palace. Many meetings had been arranged between the two high Aristocrats. Many were even talking of the strong friendship that was developing. Whereas the direction of the Reichkaiser house was in odds with Lord Marshal's opinion, the young Emperor followed many of the cherished Imperial beliefs that Marshal was looking for. Some members in the court were begining to believe that Marshal was becoming too close to the Emperor, and the talk of a full out alliance between the two most powerful Houses in the Empire was startling to many. However these thoughts carried little weight in Marshal's mind. His agenda fit with the Emperor's, and the two saw how the full might of the Empire could be harnessed to control the vast wealth the continent had to offer. No longer was the Empire a striving collection of regions. The burgeoning galioth that was the full nation of the Imperial crown looked upon the world, with it's large massive continents. Each with resources to bring greater wealth and prosperity to the Empire. And who better than to act as the provider of these resources than the great Houses with their global influence.

Marshal made his way into the Emperor's greeting chambers. Sitting atop the throne of Joao, First Emperor of the Nation, dawned in the golden and purple robe of the Majestic Lord, was Sean, Emperor of the Imperial Empire. The Emperor motioned for Marshal to rise, and the two made formal embrases showing their status of equals of sight and mind.

"Thank you for comming Lord Marshal. I hope that you have been able to come to a decision in the matter I wrote you about," said Sean.

Marshal looked into the Emperor's eyes, and a smile rose across his face. "You know I was at first perplexed by your letter. This matter of my sister and the Lord of the Fuataga's has held so much of my time lately that my dear sister Helena came not into my mind. However, I have come to a decision, and I felt that a grand wedding would befit our two great houses. We are brothers you and I, and this would bring the bond of blood between our peoples. This is what our great ancestors would have wanted, and it is what I would want."

Sean's excitment could barely be contained. 'A grand wedding indeed,' he thought to himself.

"I would like to ask though that we begin the deliberations for the provisions of the marriage. Enclosed in this is the provisions the House of Huber would like to be granted in exchange for the bond of my sister," said Marshal.

The Emperor opened the letter:

Provisions for the Union of the House of Reichkaiser, and the Grand House of Huber:
1. The Emperor grant the lands of Huber, Dankis, and Draknith as permenant sovergn lands of the House of Huber.
2. The lands be officialy recognized as Huberia, a solmn vassal state to the great Imperial Empire.
3. All noble births of the line of Huber be granted the title Lord of Huberia.
4. All munitions foundries and factories are to be granted to the House of Huber.
5. The House of Huber be granted with Imperial Directive the ability to raise, train, and maintain a standing army to defend our great lands.

In response the House of Huber grants to the House of Reichkaiser:
1. The hand of Helena Huber.
2 Succesion rights to the throne of the House of Huber should the Huber line cease.
3. Succesion rights to the throne of the Empire, should a worthy candidate be required to fullfil the throne at the passing of a Huberian Emperor.
4. Oath of mutual defense against all enemies of the House of Reichkaiser.
5. A 25% stake of profits from the Octavian Fishing Cooperative.

The Emperor gazed over the letter. He would take the night to ponder the information within it.

"Well my friend shall we continue our discussion on the plans before us concerning the Egyptians," said Sean.

Marshal nodded in agreement, and the two began to head into another room to discuss matters of state.
OOC: Great story line, but I think you went way too far. I had no wish to break up the love between Marrisa and Eliko. (I had thought Marshal had another sister) And I think that you may be showing far to much power, killing the entire Arkan Guard is immpossible for a few men to do, and seeing as the Arkan Guard numbers several hundered. Finally, the Emperor Sean is a trained millitary man, and as strong willed as Vandal. He would rather die than forefiet any of his powers.

I had this same issue in Dgame III by trying to control the story. And once again, it was a very good read, but even the Reichkaiser's have their limits.
Sounds good Vandal. I rework the story, and set up a proposal between Sean and another one of Marshal's sister's. I thought you were going for one of your huge divide and conquer plans with the proposal to Marissa. Guess I'm getting good at reading between the lines with your characters... ha-ha. For now the post will come out, and I'll replace it this evening with a grand story of a alliance building.

Btw, Reichkaiser's may have limits, but Huberians don't.... ha-ha!!!
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