Imperium Offtopicum: Ab Antiquo

Tee Kay

Three days sober
Aug 21, 2005
Imperium Offtopicum

Ab Antiquo

*theme music*

Slowly, across the known world, nations are awakening from the long era of darkness and chaos. The great empires of Mesopotamia has long crumbled, but now the heirs of their ancient cultures rise to claim their rightful place in history. A new order shall be forged, but in the struggle to become the strongest, there can only be one...


Welcome to Ab Antiquo, the strategy-diplomacy Forum Game inspired by the critically acclaimed [citation needed] geopolitical simulation franchise, Imperium Offtopicum, and GM by yours truly.

In a departure from most IOT games, Ab Antiquo is set in the Ancient and Classical eras - a time of great upheaval, of great bloodshed, of great savagery, but also of enlightenment, of monumental architecture, of unprecedented prosperity for those who are strong enough to protect it. This game is all about empire-building. Each of you shall begin your empire's rise to glory with one measly province, and you shall fight to the death to dominate the known world for my and your fellow forumers pleasure.


Sign-up is closed, though reserves are still accepted.

If you are leaving the game, let me know and I will call the reserves. If there are no replacement, I will simply disband your empire. If you are just leaving for a short holiday or if you can't be online for a few days, you can either tell me what you want me to do, or I NPC your nation until you get back.



Bans and Warnings:


First Warning:
None :goodjob:

Second Warning:
None :goodjob:

House Rules

1. Do not flame, troll, or personally insult any other player OOC or IC. At all.You may comment on certain things negatively, but don't take it further than that.
2. Stay on topic. Make sure all comments are relevant to the fictional world of the current IOT and have nothing to do with your personal religious/political beliefs.
3. Your posts should actually consist of something relevant to your nation and not just one-liner comments. Do not spam.
4. Long diplomatic discussions (anything over five posts) belong to the realms of Social Groups or visitor and private messaging, not the Game Thread.
5. No powergaming. By definition, powergaming is making your country surpass every other country by all terms including armed forces, technology, etc.
6. Keep your actions realistic, and don't declare war on someone for a personal reason.
7. The GM reigns supreme. Do not challenge his authority.

Failure to follow these will result in warnings from the GM. On your third infraction, I phone the actual mods. And ban you.

Roleplaying is very encouraged. You can go crazy with this, though keep in mind this is supposed to ancient times, and I’d like to keep the ancient/classical flavor in the game, so please don’t overdo it with technologies and such. Feel free to inhabit your nation with whoever or whatever you want, provided it fits with the setting (any leader who tries to form the Soviet Union will be thrown to the lions.) There are no nukes, obviously.

The Actual Game Rules

Divided into subsections for ease of reference. You're welcome.

Note that this game is an Experimental Game. I'm likely to change at least a few the rules during the game.


Spoiler :
IOT is a turn-based game. A turn ends and new one begins when I post an update, which is roughly every 2-3 days. During a turn, you can spend money, claim territories, fight wars, conduct diplomacy, etc, etc. You can either post battle orders, spending and claims in the game thread or PM or VM them to me. If you want to launch a sneak attack, you can give me the battle order via PM without posting.

I will only update after 48 hours have passed since the last update. Orders not posted or PMed to me by that time run the risk of not being counted for the update.

Victory Condition

Spoiler :
Yes, I’ve decided to introduce it. When someone fulfils the victory condition and wins the game, Ab Antiquo ends.

There are two types of victory conditions:

Cultural – the first to reach 1000 Culture points wins the game (I might lower or increase this during the game).
Conquest – the first to conquer all the provinces in a customized list I will PM to every player wins the game.

Attain either of these, and you win the game.

Map and Expansion

Spoiler :
Ab Antiquo is played on a map of the (known) world, divided into provinces. Each province belongs to a terrain type (which will effect combat, see map) and has two other values; Wealth and Forts. The provinces are named for easy identification.

If you are not at war, you can peacefully claim any three neutral provinces each turn, as long as they’re contiguous and you can reach it by land or sea (if the latter, the province you’re claiming must not be more than one sea away from your territories).

The province you started in is your Capital. Defend it at all cost. Bad things will happen if your Capital falls…


Spoiler :
Each province has a Wealth value. The sum of all the Wealth values of all your provinces is the amount of money (income) you have to spend for the current turn.

To improve your income, upgrade your territories individually. To go from a Wealth 1 territory to Wealth 2 costs 1 income. To go from a Wealth 5 territory to Wealth 6 costs 5 income. And so on. The cap is Wealth 20.

You cannot bank your income, but you can spend it on your military, or culture.


Spoiler :
To be honest, Culture doesn’t really do anything. You can spend money on it every turn and it accumulates. One Culture point costs one Income. The money goes to fund your priests and your scholars and your alchemists and your poets and your bards, but it doesn’t have any effect on your income or your military strength. However, a high culture is vital if your civilization is to stand the Test of Time. If you have a high enough Culture, the world is all but yours...

War and Combat

Military Quality

Spoiler :
Military quality is a number that tells you how well your armies fight. There are separate values for Armies and Navies, unimaginatively named Army Quality and Navy Quality. You gain more by throwing money at it; 1 income -> +1 quality. There are two ways you can lose Military Quality – by creating armies/fleets and by losing them.

The "Quality" value is the Base Strength of each of the army/navy unit you have on the map and is important in deciding battles.

Armies and Land Combat

Spoiler :
Armies are your primary military units. They will be shown as swords on the map. Armies can normally move 1 province per turn, and only one may be present in a province at a time. (Also you cannot move armies through other player's territories unless they are at war with you)

They cost no gold to create but you lose -10% of your Army Quality. Should one be destroyed (either in combat, or manually disbanded), you lose -20%. Upkeep per turn is determined by the formula 2^(n-1) where n is the number of armies. If your upkeep > your income I will randomly disband your armies until you have positive income.

Upon building an army, you choose where to put it and you choose a trait for that army. It will help the army fights better in a certain way. The traits are:

Amphibious (A): Army suffers no penalty in amphibious assaults.
Desert Fox (D): +25% bonus fighting in deserts and plains.
Intelligence (I): RNG modifier limited to 10%-50% of base strength.
Logistical (L): Army can move two provinces per turn instead of one, and therefore can also potentially attack two provinces per turn instead of one.
Mountaineer (M): +25% bonus in hills and mountains
Ranger (R): +25% bonus in forests and cold forests.
Siege: Halve defensive chance of enemy forts.
Training (T): Base strength +10%.

When attacking a province, all friendly troops in provinces adjacent to it joins the battle too. I take the sum of all the strengths of both sides, run an RNG which modifies that by 0 – 50%, and apply defensive bonuses. Side with highest resulting strength wins.

Armies can be destroyed if 1) the combine strength of the winning side is more than half of the strength of the losing side or 2) the losing side has no where to retreat ie completely encircled.


Spoiler :
Forts are special. They can be built in any province and costs 1+n, n being the number of forts currently present there, plus a turnly upkeep of 1 Wealth per 5 forts. If a battle takes place in the province, each fort provides +5% defensive bonus.

However, the real use of forts is to prevent an army from simply marching in to a territory and taking it if no opposing army is present. Forts provide a “defense chance” (the chance an enemy will fail to take the territory) according to the formula x/(x+5)*100 percent, where x is the number of forts in the province.

Max number of forts in a province is 20. FYI, this gives a 80% defense chance, meaning the attacking army has a 80% chance of failing.

Exception: if the Army Quality of the attacking nation is more than double of the Army Quality of the defending nation, forts can simply be overrun by the attacking army.

Fleets and Naval Combat

Spoiler :
As you can see, the seas is divided into regions I will call sea tiles.

A fleet costs no gold to create but you lose -10% of your Army Quality. Should one be destroyed (either in combat, or manually disbanded), you lose -20%. Upkeep per turn is determined by the formula 2^(n-1) where n is the number of fleets. If your upkeep > your income I will randomly disband your fleets until you have positive income.

When you recruit a fleet (in the same way as you would recruit an army), you choose which sea tile your fleet is based in. A fleet can be based and can only move in sea tiles which is next to provinces either you or your allies own. So, if you are, say, Egypt, you can't simply move a fleet into the North Sea (Oceanus Germanicus) unless you or an ally has a coastal province bordering the sea. All fleets move at a leisurely pace of 1 sea tile per turn.

Unlike armies, navies are stackable, and you can, theoretically, have an infinite number of fleets in a sea tile. You can share a sea tile with fleets from friendly or neutral countries. When there are hostile fleets in the sea tile a naval battle will ensue.

Naval battles are calculated the same way as land battles, with the difference that the base strength of your navies (ie the strength before any RNG or modifiers are added) depends on the Navy Quality value instead of the Army Quality value. You gain this the same way as you would gain Army Quality - by gold investment.

Transporting Armies across Seas and Amphibious Assaults

Spoiler :
The main role of navies is to keep the seas safe for amphibious landings. All armies can perform amphibious landings but will suffer a -25% penalty unless they have the "amphibious" trait. This is how it works: armies can move through any number of sea tiles at any time to get to a province with no extra movement cost unless there's an enemy fleet in that sea tile.

Say the Roman army in Campania wants to invade Carthaginian Sicily.

The Roman army has two paths to get to Sicily. The first is blocked by the presence of five Carthaginian fleets, but there are no enemy fleets in the second and the army can pass through this. However, if in the same turn the other Carthaginian fleet to the south moves into that sea tile, the transports will be intercepted and the army will be destroyed. To be safe, you'd want your own fleets to be controlling the sea tile your army is crossing.

The number of sea tiles the army must move through doesn't matter but the same restrictions that apply to fleets also apply to army transports - armies can only move through sea tiles which is next to provinces either you or your allies own. So this Roman army in Italy can't just move via sea and attack, say, Denmark unless they or their allies control provinces bordering either the North Sea or the Baltic Sea.

Rule Amendments

Conflicting Claims
Trading Provinces
Diplomacy, Treaties and Alliances

Rule Changes! Please Read
The Players:

Celtic Empire - civplayah
Capital: Britannia Superior

Sumeria - classical hero *
Capital: Sumeria
Disbanded Turn 3

Gaul - Omega124 *
Capital: Celtia
Disbanded Turn 4

Kingdom of Denmark - ZeletDude *
Capital: Dania
Disbanded Turn 3

Safot Softim biQarthadast - west india man *
Capital: Africa (Carthage)

Roman Republic - Arakhor *
Capital: Latium (Rome)

Vindex - Celticempire *
Capital: The Steppes
Conquered by the Bactrian Kingdom Turn 6

Res Takhisika - Takhisis
Capital: Ionia (Troy)

Greece - ilduce349
Capital: Attica (Athens)
Disbanded Turn 3

Judaica - flamingzaroc121 *
Capital: Judea

Aksumite Empire - Mad Man CivGeneral
Capital: Aksum

Egypt - link16
Capital: Lower Egypt
Conquered by Judaica Turn 4

The Holy Hittite See - Virote_Considon *
Capital: Cappadocia (Virotustas)

Illyria God-Kingdom - Ravus Sol *
Capital: Illyria

Constantinople - Darth Caesar
Capital: Thrace
Disbanded Turn 7

Bactrian Kingdom - NedimNapoleon *
Capital: Bactria

Current Treatries

Brought to you by Ravus Sol

Disputed Territories

Defensive Pacts
Both nations will react as one when foreign enemies declare war upon either of them
Illyrian God-Kingdom & Roman Republic
Illyrian God-Kingdom & Troy

Non-Agression Pacts
Neither nation will react agressivly to the other
Illyrian God-Kingdom & Res Takhisika (Troy)

Trade Agreement
Flavour agreement
Illyrian God-Kingdom & Roman Republic

Both Nations will react in all things, defence, assault and diplomacy as one nation
Celtic Empire with the Roman Republic and Illyria

Nations are in a state of war untill a peace agreement is reached or one side dies. Nations can not expand peacefully into unclaimed areas while at war

Pact of Secrecy Agreement
Not all diplomatic options are stated publically. Allways be aware that your enemies may be making pacts secretly
Update 0

Spoiler Detailed Maps :
Detailed Game Map:

Spoiler :

Detailed Map - Italy:
Spoiler :

Detailed Map - Greece:
Spoiler :

And the sun dawns on a new world... the destiny of the known world is now in your hands.

To the strongest!

The game has started. You may now post.

The turn ends on Tuesday, 9 pm Melbourne time.
I claim Armicoria, Lugdunesis, and Narbonesis. Spend all gold to army quality, and I'd like to make an army, in Celtica, with the Ranger trait.
I claim Noricum, Pannonia and Dacia! I even made a map untill i realised that the names means that players no longer need to make them. oh well.

Spoiler :

Do we get income this turn? Looks like, if so i'd like a fort in illyria and Dacia and to other 2 income into Army Quality.

Greek and Turkey nations illyria has claimed it's piece and is leaving you boxed in. Play nice with me and i'll play nice with you. Attack me and i will never trust again and won't rest untill your nations burns and your land is salted.

I create an army in the capital illyria with Logistical

( i assume that 2^(n-1) is "2 to the power of n-1" right? )

- illyrian God-King
I would like to claim Britannia Inferior, Caledonia, and Hibernia.

And I would like to upgrade Britannia Superior to a Level 5 Territory.
I claim Babylonia, Susinia and Parsia and I spend my gold on 4 army and one fort in Sumeria.

@Nedim, if you are trying to claim my territory, then there is only one option and that is warfare between out two nations, since that area is mine.
I claim Phoenicia, Nabataea, and Cyreneica
Spend all 4 gold in army quality

EDIT: Also raise an army in Judea
Due to... exceptional circumstances I will be relaying Virote Considon's orders for the next few days:


Greetings, I am the representative of His Holiness Virote XCIX, Arch-High Priest of the Holy Hittite See. Our claims are as follows:

  1. Armenia
  2. Assyria
  3. Syria

We have come to the conclusion that it would be wise to spend 1 gold on a fort in Cappadocia, and 1 gold on army quality, with the rest, we are being advised from our priesthood, being invested.

There is a question for which His Holiness himself has requested I ask - could the "armies can only move through your own territories" be rescinded if you have prior arrangements with another empire, i.e. if I were to tell one (landlocked) empire that they could pass through my territory to attack another nation they otherwise could not reach, would that be acceptable?


A good question, Your Holiness. I thought about it last night and I say, yes, it can be allowed. However, the conquered territory will belong to the nation they are attacking from ie you. So, other people can pass through your empire to conquer a territory, but unless that territory is connected to theirs somehow, or unless that territory can be reached from theirs terrritories by sea, that territory will belong to you instead.
I'll take Moesia Inferior and Superior, and Macedonia, I'll pump 3 gold into military quallity and I want three armies.
I claim Babylonia, Susinia and Parsia and I spend my gold on 4 army and one fort in Sumeria.

@Nedim, if you are trying to claim my territory, then there is only one option and that is warfare between out two nations, since that area is mine.

I shall not expand west anymore because we only want Persia (modern day Iran) and I hope we can make an agreement
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