Imperium Offtopicum XXV

Basic Information
Short Name: Rhodes
Full Name: Republic of Rhodes
Capital: Rhodes (City)

Spoiler :

Color: Brownish red

With the collapse of Greece since the disaster, Rhodes had to fend off on its own. Mayor Alexandros Papanastasiou declared himself President of the new-found Republic of Rhodes. A radical liberal, he moved to liberalize Rhodes politically, economically and socially. Since then, Rhodes has been at peace, living off mainly through its fishing industry.

Civil Aspects

The head of state is the Premier (current: Georgios Papandreou). The Premier is elected by a two-thirds majority of the legislature for a period of six years. The Premier has a ceremonial role only, being the nominal commander of the armed forces and signing laws into effect.

The executive branch of the Republic is led by a President (current: Alexandros Papanastasiou), elected directly every four years. The President is the head of government. The President leads a Cabinet, comprised of six ministers. The President is responsible for directing domestic and foreign policy, appointing judges (though they have to be approved by the legislature) and introducing legislation.

The legislative branch of the Republic is the Vouli, which has twenty members. The legislature is responsible for drafting and voting legislation, and for confirming judicial appointments. The President can veto legislation, but if 2/3 of the Vouli support the bill, then the veto can be overturned. The Vouli can also impeach the President. The Vouleutes (MPs) are elected every two years, in single-constituency electoral districts with a first-past-the-post-system. This means that the President may have to deal with an opposition-majority Vouli.

The judicial branch of government is the High Court of Justice. The six judges, appointed for ten years by the President (unless they retire earlier due a variety of reasons, such as health or legal issues), have the right to rule a bill unconstitutional if they deem that it violates the word or spirit of the constitution. They are also the supreme judges of the country.

Rhodes has a two-party system; the center-right People's Party and the center-left Liberal Party alternate to power. The People's Party is fiscally and socially conservative, while the Liberal Party is fiscally moderate and socially liberal. Both parties are broadly committed to capitalism and liberal democracy.


The economy of Rhodes is broadly liberalized, with low tax rates, limited bureaucracy and a business friendly environment. The economy is largely dependent on fishing, agriculture, stock-breeding and winery. As Rhodes was spared from the destruction, its population and economy were left untouched.

Diplomacy: Rhodes, owning to its small size, is little known, and prefers to keep it that way by remaining neutral on world affairs.
Research: Rhodes was untouched by the disaster and had no contact with the machines. As such, it lacks the technology to control machinery and doesn't own any.

Military Aspects
The army is made up of WWI-equipped human soldiers, with no machinery. Nevertheless, Rhodes has plenty of good, old artillery.
Navy: Four frigates, from the Balkan Wars and formerly owned by Greece. It mostly uses them for policing actions.
Air Force: Rhodes lacks an air force.
Intel: Rhodes' intelligence service is under the command of the President and is mostly used to prevent infiltration and foreign espionage rather than conduction espionage of its own.
you know, rhodes was the least nation i expected to be made, but i ain't complaining, good luck! make rhodes proud!

anyways, time for some lore posting, this time explaining the three main parties of BEACA, their ideologies, their Seat and their person of interest, next one will talk of the minor parties and(If applicable) a person of interest, but let get right on, below is a composite of the Parliament, with the parties being the light blue, red and brown one, being the EAUP, UWP and the NRFNB

East African Unity Party(EAUP, Liberal Conservatism, 60 seats)
Before we get to the EAUP, the UWP, the NRFNB and the RP, it is worth mentioning the party all three belonged, the Emergency Colonial Goverment(ECG).

when connections was lost to London after the destruction, the Ugandan, The Kenyan and colonial personal retreating from Sudan, somaliland and the Arab territory began retreating to the newly Formed BEACA, to deal with the influx and managing the situation, the ECG was created, with the intended purpose of maintaining control and stability of the BEACA until re-connection would be established, the ECG did a overall fantastic job in it, managing to successfully avoid the Bugandan kingdom from separating and succesfully beating the natives revolt in kenya, however, once news where brought in about what where happening in england, the new have more or less horrified the government.

the image of the message of the government horrified all who where part of it, many had suspected that a regency council would at least be still in some form of control, or that perhaps the army would had stepped in, but the news of the situation broke the ECG, in their eyes, a usurper and a upstart has overthrown century of a monarchy and introduced a doomsday cult around himself and a puppet monarch, but no normal monarch, victoria herself, turned what they thought a mere vegetable to a traitor of Britain, this broke the ECG, and in that, 4 parties rose, and the one in power is the EAUP.

Coming from the more traditional Ugandan-Kenyan colonial Administration, the EAUP was created with the objective to continuing the goverment of the ECG, they are trying desperately to hold the status quo, while not exactly joining back to the British goverment, it coalition it, while united, not enough, holding just 104 seats from the 110 necesary seat for a majority(the EAUP is in a Coalition with the GL, RVA, BMF and the BC), they still hold most of the government position and have been able to somewhat run the government stable enough to not cause another revolt inside the territory, but times are changing ,the 1933 elections, a question lingers, with the EAUP mantain it position and its ideals, or would it be dethroned?

Governor of The BEACA, Robert Thorne Coryndom

When the relevation shook the ECG, many where scared of a goverment collapse, many thought that perhaps the BEACA would cease to exist, but to Cory? he smiled, as he saw a window of opportunities.

Called "The Model Governor", Cory was a mere secretary for Cecil Rhodes and a staunch supporter of his, supporting his ideas and movement, he quickly showed him to be a effective colonial governor, and when the Ugandan Colony needed a governor, Cory happily obliged and turned the East African colonies into what would be known as the model colony, increasing production, attracting colonist and making a lot of profit, Cory was becoming the talk of colonial leader, his success and his wealth was enough to consider him potentially a figure for leading the british colonial sphere after the great war, and he certainly had connections, but, the machine tyrant appeared and thing changed.

in the drop of a hat, the connections to london was lost, and when people began looking for leader of the BEACA, it only took a simple gaze and a nice ask to offer him the position, to which he gladly obliged, and quickly got into work, succesfully collaborating with the Bugandan Kingdom and avoiding it secession while also succesfully destroying the radical native revolt that had Gripped Kenya, his title was truely proving his power, and when the news of the situation in Great Britain Finally Arrived, it all seem everything would fall, but for him, he sawed perhaps his greatest challenge yet, with the greatest reward of all.

yet, luck tried to stop his plans, having been a workaholic, this quickly would be turned against him as he would collapse from work, many had thought the operation would end up failing and he would die, but he would cheat death and succesfully stop said event, and when such thing was stopped, not only was his position strenghten, but his convention to ensure the survival of BEACA even stronger

Quickly forming the EAUP, he would managed to maintain the EAUP position, collaborating with minor party and successfully maintaining the government, he even passed a controversial move removing segregation(partially) in the colony with the intended solution at mantaining stability and the wellbeing of the people of the BEACA, and while this certainly lead to the weaking of the EAUP from traditional conservative, the move managed to gain enough supporter to get people from the UWP to vote and flip to his side, ensuring victory in the 1928 election, yet in 1930 while holding a majority of the govermental position and a supportive house of lords, the parliament is not that supportive, but even still, he doesn't stop, and infact have greater plans, for Cecil Rhodes, his great friend, once dreamed of a imperial federation, and while he knows for a fact that with the state of the empire it is no longer possible, he sees both Egypt and south Africa with eyes, as he plans for a Commonwealth.

United Workers Party(UWP, Labourism, 51 seats)
While the EAUP is still Nominally loyal still to the british monarchy and believe that there might be a possible way to solve the situation, the UWP doesn't share the same thoughts.

the news shocked some of the elements of the ECG, some of the more liberal and sometimes labourist kind, the image of the queen, the royal image of britain, becoming what they felt as nothing more than just a mere puppet destroyed not only the legitimacy of her reign, but as monarchy as a whole, and soon, the UWP would be form, with a entierly Republican Mindset, the Liberal and labourist worked back to re-traced the ideas and soon enough, it landed on the old charist and labourist movement, but with changes, In their ideas, the BEACA should be no longer part of the monarchy should be instead a independent republic, one which would stand free and away from the london tyrant, and one that would proudly remain free, democratic and socialist.

Party President Sir Geoffrey Francis Archer


For a Knighted Man, many expect a loyal person to the queen, fact would have it, this man would change his views when the news broke.and turn into perhaps the greatest challenge to the Governor.

A big game hunter, the man seemed normally a person who would not be so interested into politics, but a offer to somaliland changed his mind quickly, sent to replace the old governor, he would get to work for the crown, at the time somaliland found itself fighting a gruelling war against the devrish state and the "mad mullah", who was the scorn of 4 failed expedition, yet in this time, he didn't intended to fail, using the rise of aviations, the base of him would be blown and mechanized lancer would go and charge against his base, destroying not only his army, but ending with also the capture(and later execution) of him, for his effort and unquestionable genius in the campaign, he would be appointed Knight Commander of the Order of St Michael and St George.

yet, this was not to last, when the london connection fell, the devrish reorganized, now with the mad mullah martyr, it was becoming increasingly clear that holding the colony was impossible, despite three succesful defenses, the order was given in 1923 to begin evacuation and retreat to the last standing british colony in east Africa, BEACA

with the somaliland administration added, Archer would lead the now reorganized SomaliLand colonial army(now reorganized as a mechanized lancer formation nicknamed "Archer's spear") would continue the fight in a attempt to hold Jubaland from the devrish invasion, from his arrival in 1923 to 1927, 21 devrish attack would strike jubaland, the devrish intending to avenge their leader and kill the "white knight", yet, in 20 of those 21 times, they where repelled, succesfully standing his ground and mantaing the control of the important territory, yet, in 1925, his mind would begin to change as the news of london and it situation reached.

he began doubting the monarchy, it first began with a small talk with a couple of the officer after the new, but soon enough, it quickly evolved into himself studying and learning about this situation, and after gaining the information, he came to a interesting conclusion, believe the royal monarchy to not only be ineffective, but also a threat to the common man, he would began more and more to move towards the cause of the UWP, culminating in the 1927 21st devrish campaign, in which he lost. The forces had allready began tiring from holding back many of the devrish assault and they began getting more smarter and sneakier with it, the 21st attack relied on perhaps a recent addition they managed to get from the black market, chemical warfare.

in the dead of night, the group would report a gas coming, and only after the knight noticed what the gas was did he knew what was happening, quickly, he called for a retreat of the camp, and as they where heading toward the exit, the devrish assaulted them, the attack would almost had certainly wiped archer's lancer had it not been for a group of mechanized lancer under the leakey's brother(rea and nigel) who where sent to bolster the Archer's Speak reaching at the nick of time and charging the devrish, allowing archer to leave and retreat, yet with the loose of the camp, so would with jubaland, a massive all out front would quickly make it hard for them to reclaim the territory, and in right there jubaland fell to the devrish.

in there, he rethinked it all, he thought about how they done, and began having questions as to why they where doing it in the first place, and after hard study, he came out of the small house of the new HQ(which was really a abandon town) of the fifth day since his push and announced his joining of the UWP, now as his leader after the old one having to retire due to medical complications, he is now set to change what he done wrong and reform the BEACA, leaving it monarchical past behind and reforming it into a strong, labourist republic.

National Revolutionary Front of New Britannia(NRFNB, "Imperial Socialism", 24 seats)
If the EAUP is nominally loyal to the crown and the UWP is the anti-monarchist, the NRFNB is then the third way, and a weird one at that.

Formed out of mainly military figures and some of the ex-colonial personal that wasn't from Kenya-Uganda , the NRFNB is a curious party, for most of it ideals and history are related to the founder, that of Frederick Hamilton March, a Australian who ever since the collapse and his near death experiences to get to Kenya-Uganda had shaped the mind of his, and in his mind, created the Imperial Socialist Decree and formed the NRFNB with him at the helm.

At it Core, its a extremely autocratic ideology, rejecting the parliament and the house on lords it is is their belief the emperor/empress of Britain should dissolve the constitution and create a new one,promoting a "Imperial Reorganisation Commite" that would establish what is more or less a totalitarian regime, along with that it would follow the removal of political division and any foreign influence in order to unite the country into party line, however, he supports the right of freedom of speech and wishes for the lords to be fully disbanded, instead proposing for the emperor/empress to become the centre of the empire's politics, it is also supportive of hyper-militarisation of society as a whole as a way to prepare both the nation and it people to protect the emperor.

and this is where the movement begin getting..curious, it also extremely supportive of self-determination and autonomy of the colonial subject, in their belief that all of this happened due to Victoria's expansionist campaign and that, had it not been for her, the empire wouldn't had collapse and she wouldn't find itself in it current situation, as such, it proposes for the creation of a loosely confederation of colonial subject, all of which have the same right as a normal, independent nation, however, the executive branch would be headed by the emperor/empress, it also highly rejects the current cult around Victoria and the royal family claim as a whole, saying that the current royal family have become "traitor to Britain and it subject", this also leads to the next situation, and that they wish to reclaim the British colonial territories in east Africa(that is to say, jubaland, Somalian, Sudan and Egypt along with Cyprus, Gibraltar and Malta) and began preparation(and then achieving) "the glorious revolution"; which intended goal is to reclaim Britain, kill the current government AND Victoria and create a regency until a new emperor can be elected and send the British empire into "a new, shining light".
Imperial Regent Frederick Hamilton March

Many Words can be define for frederick, madman, The Terror of Tigray, but one thing he will always call himself is a daredevil officer.

when he was born in australia, his main interest wasn't always found the land boring and was more intrigue in the "modern life", and as such, quickly sneaked out of australia and stowed away on a ship sailing from Sydney to San Francisco, this antic would give him the first look at the mechanized world of america and he would fall enlove with it, quickly studying and learning about said thing, even becoming a mechanic and helping repair such thing, yet when the great war came, he waged around and thought he might be able to sneak in a few adventures in the war, so he would come back to australia and join the army, this would be the last time he would see australia again.

however, fate would have him not put on a military position, but his knowledge of machinery allowed him to net the position of esentially a mechanized chauffeur, this job was a boring one but it did help him bounce a lot of places as he usually was position around arabia and egypt in his job to carry around generals in the comfort of said machine, yet, when the machine tyrant appeared, He began noticing thing where not looking right, and when he saw the report of the destruction of london, he knew exactly of what was happening, however, before he could act, a prince fron abu dubai would betray the british administration and rise in rebellion, bringing the land they found themself into chaos and, in that chaos, would result with the officer of the regiment he was from killed by a civillian mob.

with a leaderless regiment and the region in chaos, he acted, he quickly took the helm as leadership, claiming to be the second in command to the regiment(which was a lie, as said officer was still infact alive and even managed to get back to Uganda-Kenya through collaborating with some different elements after seeing his regiment just dissapear) and quickly set them off, he knew for a fact that india was unstable and he was also in the (WRONG) assumption that egypt would perhaps be in the same fate, and running out of options, him and his regiment would do a daring campaign, from abu dubai to aden, they would go towards a grand campaign, crossing the desert and fighting all kinds of troop from old allies such as the hashemites to radical fundamentalist such as the ikawan, their march would lead to many, many close death encounter for the young officer, from almost having his head cut off by a ikawan marauder to almost being captured by a saudi officer.his effort would end up creating a strange force, with regiments of other south-arabia army of the british being added, the force of Fred would become what he would call as "The Lost Imperial", a nickname to the rather colorful band of troops and formation that it became, and as it got to eden, it received the man with good and bad news.

the good news is that there where ship enough to carry the ragtag army of his, bad news is, a yemeni shiite warlrod had taken over and kicked the grand majority of the british forces with the exception of 2 mechanized lancer formation who where abandon by the old commander who head to BEACA, quickly organizing the 2 mechanized lancer formation into his army, a daring attack was done at night to take the city and reclaim the city, here he would have another close death encounter by almost dying to a accidental explosion that knocked him unconcious, althought he was brought back to his feet, the army had managed to take the ship and head to the sea... sadly they wheren't that good and ended in somaliland, devrish-controlled, that is.

having to yet again fight though the land, they would manage to replace their rank by managing to add in a italian french infantry regiment and italian askari as they moved west to go around the devrish state, feeling that going through that land would end up being suicidal, particularly as they seemed rather very, very anti anglo, and while the march through ethiopia proved to be succesful, tigray was a different story, with a warlord in the area seeing the army of fred, he thought a invading force was coming and responded in full, this would end up causing something to him after yer another close encounter with death, and in that he snapped of some form, once he recover from the asault he stricked at the warlord's capital, killed him and became more or less the leader of it for 1 month, collecting resources for the campaign before selling all the stuff the warlord had, such as weapons and livestock, chief among them being a small stash of chemical warfare the warlord got from the italians in eritrea, selling that to a warlord "to the south-east of ethiopia", and would continue the campaign, now finally reaching the land of BEACA in new year of 1928, and in there, he finally got the news.

through all the march and all, he never knew what was the fate in the united kingdom, he knew that the empire was still in control, but he never expected what he got, and even more so when it dawned on him what that mean, in a single stroke, he learned he would never be able to go back to australia and meet his family again, now stuck in BEACA, he began thinking, for 2 months after his arrival he think and then, on the morning of 3rd of march, he came out of his more or less self-imposed reclusion and declared the NRFNB, his mind has seemingly changed, while still the agressive adventurer and loud-mouthed person, his views changed and now he seemingly seem with a lust of something, is it perhaps more adventure or more revenge? nobody knows, but all his knows is that with "the lost imperial" acting as a perfect force to do propaganda, the NRFNB would become a force to be reckon with and, while ending 3rd, still become a symbol of BEACA, and he seemingly intend to stay for aslong as possible.
Confederate States of the Maghreb

Mizzy_Barbary_coast claims.png
political map of Maghreb.png

*It is no longer the Emirate of Cyrenaica but the Kingdom of Cyrenaica

Background: “1914, an optimistic Blaise Diagne hears from a colleague within the French Socialist Party that he will soon be elected as a representative for the Four Communes to the Chamber of Deputies of France. Late at night, a man comes to his door and hands them a letter, as he opens it his optimism rots and anger sprouts from it. From his rage, he wrote an article which the French first sees as nothing as “an African savage resorting to the only thing he knows best, anger” and brushed it off. In the next few years his name will be a rallying cry for North and West Africa and evidence for why "fraternite, equalite, liberte" will not be given by the French but taken by the African.

The year after this vitriolic condemnation of the French, several indigenous African tribes in Mali and Burkina Faso rebelled against their French colonial oppressors. Months later in Cyrenaica and Tripolitania, Tuareg rebels began a war of attrition against the French in the West and the Italians in the East. With these two costly conflicts draining supplies from the French forces, France began to demand more and more troops from Algeria. These troops became the cannon fodder and the first to be slaughtered in the diesel drenched wasteland of no man’s land; It became obvious where the Algerian was within society. It was in this environment of abuse and neglect by the French that exacerbated Algerian distrust. In the wake of growing colonial tensions, several rumors circulated around the Algerian soldiers and laborers in France, saying that the French would never give the Algerian citizenship and that following the war the French would crack down on any instance of Algerian cries for autonomy. The result was catastrophic; missing colonial battalions, mechs, and many dead French officers were left in this great exodus back to Algeria. In 1917, Algeria was proclaimed and colonial heads rolled like aristocrats during the collapse of the Ancien Régime. French North Africa was in flames. Blood would be paid for citizenship and autonomy, but it was French blood, not Algerian blood.

As revolution raged in Algeria, the war worn France once again sent its subjects to crush this nationalist upstart against the colonial Governor of Algeria and French rule within it. Veteran troops from West Africa were the major force within the French armies invading Algeria, led by French officers. While this seemed in the eyes of the French, a good idea since many French lives were already lost on the Western Front, its hubris was shown when said battalion met with Algerian independence fighters. According to first hand accounts, if the French had a superior force and was composed mostly of African troops, they would often sing the Marseillaise while they suffered fire from the troops. Whether it took minutes or hours, the firing would suddenly stop and they would hear “Cessez le feu!” and the two battalions would meet and join the smaller force with the French officer gone or dead. Eventually with enough dissertations and mechs lost to the Algerian forces, the French accepted its losses and retreated to Europe. While the Algerians celebrated their new independence, they mourned for the ruin that the Europeans left. However not everyone wept, for some this war torn world was ripe for opportunity: opportunity for pirates.

North Africans rebel, Europeans try to reclaim said territory of which North Africans claim it theirs, the Europeans flee with their tails between their legs; but what about after? After, came rebuilding but that said rebuilding takes years, what happens between those years? Piracy. After the victorious revolutions of the late 10's and early 20's, the state was in shambles and was unable to deliver resources to their peoples. As a result, the newly relieved West African troops used their arms and training to engage in piracy and other less scrupulous activities. While they were previously a small nuisance to those in the Mediterranean, they are now unified under one pirate syndicate headed by a West African woman by the name of Hangbe the Pirate Queen. It is said she is immortal being over 200 hundred years old, and practiced the Fon people’s faith of Vodun. While some are skeptical of her powers and abilities, she often challenges those said skeptics to aboard a voyage on her boat manned by undead sailors: most people have not had the stomach to take the Pirate Queen’s offer.

Given the threats of Italian and French Imperialists and the growing power of the Pirate Queen, many newly liberated nations in North Africa all met in Algiers to form a confederation of North African nations. While ideologically at odds, the many nations of what would become the Confederated States of the Maghreb, put aside their differences and united in common struggle for self determination. Of course under a few stipulations: none of them would be able to affect the other gov’ts, the military would be organized as a joint task force as opposed to a single united army, and interstate infrastructure projects would have to be coordinated amongst members. They would have explicitly been against the pirates, had the Tunisian king not been in the pocket of Hangbe and had the Pirate Queen herself not offered the Congress her navy. The Congress itself was in no position to say no as the Pirates could bring hell to the Maghreb.

After the congress, a confederation was born, one of many contradictions, but born nonetheless. Will it survive the waves of imperialism barreling down from the North and popular discontent from inside? Will it establish as something great, a shining nation in the Mediterranean? Only time will tell, and it cometh now, behold and match it for it not, it will swallow you under its great waves!

The official gov’t is a confederation of several different states of varying ideologies and structures. The federal gov’t which dictates military and foreign affairs is dictated by a legislative body, an upper legislature which is smaller and is made up of the head of state for every member of the confederation. The three main factions are the Revolutionary Republicans (The Rif Republic and Algeria and Senegal), the Royalists (Beylik of Tunis, Morocco, and Cyrenaica) and the Revolutionary Theocrats (IRT, IoM) and lastly Azawad. While these voting blocks generally vote with each other, there is often cross over when they disagree with their voting block and will vote with other representatives. If that weren’t complicated enough, the said nations within the Maghreb share power in their cities with the powerful Hangbe syndicate.

Algeria - Social democracy led by the Algerian National Party (Progressive big tent nationalist party) with a Communist Party as Opposition, with the minority parties being the Sufists and Islamic Democrats.

Rif Republic - Social democracy led by the Republican Independence Party (Populist Left Nationalist which isnt communist and the Islamic Democrats as their opposition. The most relevant smaller party is the Rif Communist party.

- Quranist Monarchy head by Sultan Ahmed al-Hiba

Imamate of Mauritania - Theocracy led council of imams from several ethnic backgrounds

Socialist Republic of Senegal - It is socialist state led by the Senegalese Communist Party with no true opposition party except the several ethnic group parties which hold a substantial amount of seats in the legislature.
Beylik of Tunisia- It is a constitutional republic which is split between the Royalists and the Radical Republicans. The wild card as of now, which has yet to choose a side is the Hangbe syndicate which has its center of power in Tunisia.

Islamic Republic of Tripolitania - It is a Islamic democracy which centers its policies according to Sufism. It is a parliament split between Conservative Islamic Democrats and more Liberal Islamic Democrats. The reasoning behind the introduction of an Islamic parliament was to accurately represent the tribes of Tripolitania. Due to its secular beliefs, the Tripolitanian Communist Party has been banned from parliament and made illegal.

Kingdom of Cyrenaica - It is a Sufist absolute monarchy led by military generals and King Omar al-Mukhtar.

While many within the Maghreb make their living benefitting or working for the Hangbe syndicate, Maghreb industry is developing alongside with the expansion of the national oil industry. The export of oil to other nations is highly necessary to the survival of the Maghreb as of now, the nations have not become self-sufficient. The industrial hubs of the confederation are Senegal and Algeria, while the other regions of the confederation are mostly agrarian with token industry.

Diplomacy: As its own territory is claimed by France and Italy, it currently has a strained relationship with the European powers. The Confederation is not against working with Europeans, just Europeans who wish to carve up Africa in general but more specifically North Africa. Most of the factions take up anti colonialism, out of conviction or out of pragmatism. On the Robot question, the Maghreb govt is ambivalent. Given that they did not suffer much the Machine Tyrant and can most likely contribute their own liberation to the devastating Great War.


While many powers strive for perfect and intricate machinery, the Maghreb often looks for two qualities, easy to fix and effective in combat. This design philosophy has greatly impact its magnificent pirate navy and also its anti air capabilities. The Maghreb navy has the ability to entirely submerge, re appear, and wreak havoc among the sea. It’s sea cannons which are a concert of repurposed French Cannon mechs can also re-emerge from the seas and unleash hell amongst any who try to challenge Maghreb.


Army :
The Maghreb forces are by no means a united force, despite the confederation’s hopes. It is woefully fragmented into the respective nations and as of now have no hope of amassing a grand invasion force. The only thing that can be said of the army is that it has very much capability of becoming a guerrilla force which can easily sabotage or do a hit and run campaign and keep the enemy starved and without a direction on what to take next. The closest to a national military is Algeria and even that national military is disorganized and at times far less competent than their younger inferiors. The Bedouin Mechanized cavalry is the jewel of the Maghreb army due to their superior tactics and speed. It is hard to hit a rider when they are going speeds which can create a sandstorm if enough ride together. The Mechanized Infantry while slower has been made to be highly effective at guerrilla war and camouflage.

The navy is the most competent section of the Maghreb armed forces being that it is led by its fearless Grand Admiral and her Majesty Queen Hangbe. Her officers are fearless and brutal when they need to be, only being brutal to hope for their enemies to capitulate or mutiny. It is said that sometimes if the captain of the ship sees sailors they believe are of great ability, he will convert the sorry souls into zombies, loyal to their master or Great Mistress Hangbe to death. These tales of brutality and forced zombification, have given an edge to the Subterranean Navy, so much so that all a captain has to shout to a crew is “Hangbe” to get their cargo. It’s best to spend time in jail or a few years, then be a zombie slave to Hangbe.

Air Force:
What can be called an air force is fairly mediocre, it being outdated aircraft. The air force is neglected as the Maghreb military doesn't see their point in dogfights due to their large amount of French and second hand Cannon Mechs which align the seas close to Maghreb’s coasts, and move often are deadly effective.

While each nation has their own intelligence agency, it scope is limited to the nation and currently have no offensive espionage capabilities. The most competent secret policies are The Dagger (The Sultan of Morocco), The King’s Guard (The Emirate of Cyrenaica), and Gauche-Garde (Senegal).

Mechanized Cavalry


Mechanized Infantry


Basic Information
Short Name: Japan
Full Name: Imperial Empire of Japanese Japan Empire (and also some other people)
Capital: Tokyo
Flag: japan flag
Color: you already have this
Provinces: can you give me the manchu lands between me and korea if you're just gonna leave them neutral cuz that's some bordergore right there

mr taisho got prosthetic lungs which removed the sickly modifier, resulting in a considerably longer lifespan. No longer suffering bouts of totally tuberculosis on a weekly basis, he actually paid attention to being an emperor, leaving the Diet little room to expand its influence. I don't know the effects of *that* but you probably do, because you are smart.

When faced with the threat of robo-genocide, the Japanese decided they needed more resources. Due to said threat, the people of the Philippines, outer Manchuria, and several assorted islands felt that throwing their lot in with a nearby industrial society was a safer bet than going it unciv. Japan successfully integrated them as semi-autonomous states and everyone was happy forever.

Civil Aspects
everything is fine, no one is salty at all (as long as there are evil robots to kill). Nonviolent robots are confined to ghettos and isolated areas in case they decide to stop being nonviolent, with few exceptions (mainly in R&D though steps are taken to not create single points of failure with projects worked on by robots)
Economy: about what you would expect from early 20th century Japan with a mostly willing GEACPS behind it. Overreliance on rice.
Diplomacy: nominally pleasant with neighbors? I hope? Looking to incorporate other weak nations as additional clients
Research: Describe how advanced your polity is; here you have to be a little humble, keeping in mind that the more advanced you decide to cast your nation as, the bigger a problem you'll have probably had with robots overall. Which is not to say that less advanced nations were immune, just that the sites of the biggest advancement also see the biggest individual confrontations.
Cutting edge mecha (it turns out a lot of scientists no longer want to live in Europe, the nexus of every robotic crisis), at least for Asia. Advanced thaumaturgy program aimed at blending magic with metal man. Fancy industrial techs. Small but vocal minority attempting to address growing food problems- interestingly, the faction includes many robot researchers.

Military Aspects
Mecha supporting infantry with high caliber AP rifles and rocket launchers
Navy: Yamato+mechaircraft carriers+support ships
Air Force: mechs welded to magic floating rocks
Intel: mechs wearing trillbys and fake mustaches (honestly probably pretty dedicated program dedicated to safeguarding research)
good day, i think its time to do the minor parties, also a bit of a show of the parliament since thanks to a friend called Nexerus i was able to change the old, senate style to now a proper Westminster-style parliament, so now you can truly see how much of a fudging clusterfudg the BEACA parliament is, we will start with the goverment group on the right of the speaker(Agrarian League, Royal Veteran Association and Bugandan Monarchical Federation), then moving to the left side with the opposition(Royal Party, New Future Movement, the National African Congress, the Kenyan African Union, the Mau Mau Movement and the Belgian Clique, yes, Belgian, trust me it will make sense)

hello its me from the future from doing this, ran into problem ,won't be able to do it all, but you got my words i will update this and add the person of interest, for now it just the AL fellow
Update 1: done RVA, BMF, RP and NFM
Update 2: finished all 3 africans, will leave the belgian one up for lore post and the likes, also it is to note both the NAC and KAU are made up

Agrarian League(AL, Agrarianism, 19 seats)
while the ECG was the largest governmental force, it wasn't the only one, along with it there existed the Agrarian League, the Royal Veteran Association and the Bugandan Monarchical Federation, however, none of those 3 where able to become a important party in the BEACA during the reign of the EBC, however, that all changed when the news of the situation in great Britain hitted.

With the collapse of the EBC, the EAUP was looking for allies, and the 3 Old parties gladly agreed, for the AL, it mainly related to it founding ideology, agrarianism, with the collapse of the world, the farmer of the colony, in particular those of the booming agrarian colonial communities of Uganda, feared the effects of such thing, and quickly banded together under the AL, the purpose of such thing is to represent the Farmer and to protect it buisness interest and the people it represent, which are majority white colonialist, ideologically they might be best be defined as social conservative, and would had normally fought against the EAUP when it passed it (partial)de-segragation had it not been for fear of the UWF achieving victory, overall it care are for the agriculture, power decentralisation and the protection of the white settler.

PERSON OF INTEREST: Minister of agriculture Edward William Macleay Grigg

The Lord Altrincham is perhaps not the most clearest of obvious choice for such position, born in the british raj, he had worked under the British grenadiers and was title commander of the Order of St Michael and St George and had become glamoured with the ideas of the late David Lloyd George, he would had perhaps become a simple supporter of him in the parliament or even in the government of the old raj, yet fate wouldn't have him as such.

when the situation developed with the machine tyrant first appearance, the dashing late prince of wales, Edward, cancelled his plan of a tour with him through the colonies to instead stay in home for the defence, but still ordering him to do his job, he had just arrived in the model colony of Kenya after going from visiting from Cairo that the connections was lost from the London, and, assuming the worse, he quickly sprung into action, offering his help, he quickly managed to score a position as the minister of agriculture of the ECG, he would quickly calm down the fears of the farmer of uganda and treat to their worries, quickly becoming a favourite to the AL and overall a friend of theirs, despite ideological differences, however, when the news came in 1925 of the fate of the royal family and the government in england, the news certainly shocked the man, but it didn't quite exactly changed him much, infact, he would stay true to Floyd dream, even thinking of perhaps forming a new, reformed liberal party right here in BEACA to continue the legacy of said party. After all, the agrarian loved him! so he would perhaps be able to make them join this newly revived liberal party.

but then, robert showed his colour by attempting to desegregate the nation, and in there, he began thinking. Now it wasn't exactly news his exact rather, unfavourable views towards the native population, but that moved began to change his mind and it, well, took him to a rather curious look, it didn't take long for him to support(althought under the table) the pro-segregation group, and while the Mombasa law did manage to satisfy both side, the sign was all ready shown that perhaps the EAUP wasn't exactly loyal to the right cause, and soon enough, he began talking with figure from the agrarian.

while still not from the party and still a believer of floyd's liberalism, he has certainly become the major figure representing the agrarian, and if he does switch and join the party, many do wonder where he would take it, some believe he would continue the welsh wizard legacy and revive the liberal party in kenya, other, however, think that he will perhaps turn the agrarian into the true party it should be, one for the white man interest.
Royal Veteran Association(RVA, National Conservatism, 16 seats)
The army has certainly become a important group in the nation, with the threat of collapse when the machine tyrant appeared, it was their effort which ensured the native revolt in Kenya to not spread and cause for the colony to collapse and it was said effort by the mechanized lancer to ensure that no force, be it from the north or south ,to threaten the colony.

Formed by former veteran of the great war, the RVA intended and original purpose was to show the worries by the army and the veteran from the great war, as to ensure their needs where treated, yet that was their only purpose, none expected the news of the empire, and, with a single Snap, the RVA changed and became the party of the army, with feared of invasion and now untrustworthy to the British government, the RVA wishes for a militarisation of the nation, with the intended purpose of protecting it from any potential foreign invader, it also wished for the overall fortification of the land along with cooperation with any potential power, from the futurist of Italy to the south African of the cape, their wish for the protection of BEACA and it people being above all.

Person of interest: Major General Arundell Gray Leakey

For the leakeys, it all seemed for them a calm and uninteresting life, most of the family was interested in thing like botany, naturalism and archeology, their interest was never in the army, but there was a branch that do so, and now said branch will most likely overshadow any success the other one has as Arraundell

serving as part of the volunteer battalion of the duke of Cornwall's light infantry, Gray would spend most of his time not in the front of europe, but rather in the back and the colonies, serving as a force usually sent to put down any potential rebellion, and he even settle down and expected peace when he went to kenya, he wasn't exactly expecting much action, but he atleast believed he be in a fine and good position, fate would have otherwise.

with chaos beginning to reign over the colony as connection where lost to the metropolisis, he knew that the time for his service was coming once again, grabbing his rifle and putting back his clothes, he quickly organised a army of veterans in the land he found himself and formed militia, this militia would be instrumental in securing the peace in the Kikuyu territory, as both their weaponry and the overall relations arraundell's built around said place ensured their loyalty in the native revolts, even during the bush war, Kikuyu became one of the largest provider of pro-government natives, part in work by arraundell's work, and his success wasn't forgotten, he quickly jumped the rank and now stand proud as the major general of the BEACA central army.

now standing in a extremely envious position of influence, both in the whites and black population, Gray hasn't wasted time to push around for his ideals, proudly being a member of the RVA(But not its leader) he has continuously advocated for more support for the army and was a stronger supporter for a desegregation of the army prior to the Mombasa law(which he co-wrote), while nobody for sure what he planning next, considering 3 of their 4 son are all joining the army(Rea and Nigel being part of the mechanised lancer and already jumping the ladder and Robert becoming the main figure pushing for the modernization of the Mechanised lancer as part of his grand plan nicknamed derogatory as "bob's funnies") it seem to clearly point that the Leakey will become a important part of BEACA military.

Bugandan Monarchist Federation(BMF, Autocractic Monarchy, 6 Seats)

The Kingdom of Buganda was perhaps the most important piece, and also the largest kingdom of all of the British east African colonies, as such, when connection where lost, it didn't took time for them to take initiative

taking the desperation from the BEACA, The Kingdom of Buganda managed to net itself a more autonomous(but still integrated) part of the BEACA, and in this it is represented by the BMF, formed after the agreement, the BMF represent the tribes and small kingdoms of Uganda who had now joined in the grand kingdom of Buganda, representing the natives of the colony, their interest is not only of their subject, but also of their aristocracy, recently however, the BMF have begun getting some of the more conservative elements of the Kenyan region and there been talk for the BMF to take the reign of BEACA as the leading party, however not much has came from such talk, at least for now

PERSON OF INTEREST: Kabaka of Buganda Daudi Cwa II
this was the only good picture i could get of him please have mercy

The young King lies on-top on the throne of the kingdom of Buganda, perhaps now as it most influential monarch in its history, yet it didn't begun as such.

being put on the throne as a replacement to the old monarch in 1897, being just 1 year old, and as such, a regency was quickly established as he was teaches by both Bugandese and English professor, leading for him to become while aware of both way of life and learned the laws, when he finally was of age, he quickly began balancing and controlling each side, along with ensuring the kingdom continual loyalty to the Empire, yet when connection where lost, a opportunity rose, and he rejected it.

some in the council saw the lose of communication as a opportunity to break away and make buganda into one massive empire overtaking the BEACA, the King, however, saw differently, collaborating with the British, he managed to get a rather extremely good deal, achieving a enlarged autonomy for the Kingdom, he also managed to net him the deal of taking over all of the minor state of Uganda, as the majority of them had infact used the chaos to revolt, by his action, Uganda managed to successful stay in BEACA, but now more than ever the Kingdom of Buganda lied at it most majestic and largest territorial spread of all, all of this success while being just a mere 24 years old.

now 34, the king of buganda lies as perhaps the most important native in not just uganda, but all of BEACA, with a massive kingdom standing almost on equal ground to the Ugandan government, the king will perhaps be remember as the greatest man of all by the people of his empire, and will ensure that the kingdom of buganda not only survive, but it stays on the right side of history.
Royal Party(RP, "Londoners"(aka pro-chaos commision), 12 seats)

Not everyone is against Victoria.

When the news broke, many where shocked and appaled about such thing, and in there, originally 3 parties rose, the current ruling one, EAUP, the UWP, and then the RP, representing the rather largest opposition(even larger than the UWP) at the formation of the new government in 1925, it represented a group that was rather not to miffed about the fact that the situation, infact, for them it was even greater! for loyalty to queen victoria is the most glorious and obvious thing to do, for was it not under her reign, where we, the Colony of Uganda-Kenya, became almost the model subject of her majesty's government?. yet as time passed, society began building against itself and by now, they running on borrow time, anything short of a scandal, the RP will find itself dying out, it ideals and support of the London government dying as the wave of anti-Victorian ideals and ethos grows unopposed thank to the NRFNB, UWP and EAUP rather hushed agreement to support and aid such tide.

Person of interest: Honorary Knight Henri Josselyne
it is to note that, him and NFM are both made up people since i really, really struggle for getting pics
When you see the meetings around the Royal Party, a Frenchman wouldn't be who you expect them to be, yet the "King of Djibouti", Henri Josselyne stands here, and proudly so.

while not many information is perhaps known of the man, it is known he suffered horrifying injury in combat, a injury which had netted him a job not in the front-lines but in the backyard, that backyard being Djibouti, reclusive ever since that injury, he didn't talk or spend time with many people, mainly acting as a recon of the garrison, at some point, prior to the appearance of the machine tyrant, he began taking part as a guard of sort to a archaeological team, and while there was a report of the team finding something, as soon as the machine tyrant hit France and communications where lost, so was with the archaeological team.

for the new few months ,it seemed as if Djibouti would fall completely, native protest and the growing, it was even made more clear as British somaliland hold of it land began becoming more and more tenuous, culminating in the December crisis, where a upstart Dervish Leader, trying to fill himself with glory and respect, grabbed a large army of 10k troops and marched towards Djibouti, demanding them to surrender, outnumbering them 3-1, he decided to make it even more humiliating by having the deadline on Christmas eve,it was even made worse when the colony governor committed suicide, however, despite it all the emergency council of the garrison decided to do a stand, preparing every man, woman and child of the colony, the french army in Djibouti expected defeated but was ready to ensure that hell was the suffering they would get.

yet, Christmas eve came and passed, and nothing happened, for 3 days, it seemed as time had stood still for the garrison, unsure what happened, but when scout reported the escape of the organised dervish force, they where just about to report to base, they noticed a group of people coming to the base, and this group being none other than the archaeological team, or rather, the armed group that followed said team.

while no response was given as to what happen, most counting as the situation as dizzy, the person who did provide was none other than Henri, who(along with the other) collaborated on the last part, they said that, during a archaeology mission they found the ruin of a old city, and where they where doing study until communication where lost, for the next week they collected material and prepared to go back into the colony before a Ethiopian bandit attacked their camp, forcing them to retreat, barely carrying much of the artifact, after that they claim the archaeologist team just "dissapear" one night and left them with little except a couple of the thing that was excavated, such as cups and a small European-style sword, after living by themselves and surviving of the land, they managed to successfully find back to Djibouti, where they found the situation it was itself and, noticing what was happening, decided to do a daring move, doing night-attack on the camp, they managed to successfully kill a large part of the officer and the man leading the dervish group, successfully lowering the morale and the organisation enough to force it to run away.

with such heroism, he was quickly lauded greatly by the garrison and was quickly jumped through the emergency council, becoming the leader of the now "Djibouti free state", leading it energetically and with a far more outgoing personality, infact, during his reign as the "interregnum" of Djibouti, everything had seemingly gone extremely well, it wasn't until a drop of relation with the tigray warlord and crop failure that, when the lost imperial of Frederick's arrived, a quick meeting between the two was hosted and the short-lived Djibouti free state would take part of his march towards the BEACA.

and, once he reached there, instead of joining the first ship back to his homeland, he talked with the RP leadership and, in a seemingly change of heart, declared his support to the Londoners, this has shocked everyone, even more so as many suspected the Londoners wouldn't be so pro-french, yet, he now stand in his support, and while many theories fly, from those who think he is manipulating the leadership to those that he is infact the direct confection between the RP and the chaos commission, none of this has yet been proved and for now, the grand Frenchmen stand tall, waiting and serving the RP.

New Future Movement(NFM, Futurists, 10 seats)
When the colonies of Somalia and Eritrea Collapses, some Italian personal fled with, while extremely small, it didn't add much to the politics and went overall incognito particularly with it Italian political ideals, it wasn't until the discovery of the fate of the empire and the arrival of "lost imperial" regiment of Frederick that the Italian personal ideals truly began catching steam,.

The party overall has taken the example of the success of the Italian prophet, one D'annunzio, being rather impressed by his success and power, the NFM took the success of the man as not only a symbol of the failure of monarchism, but also as the clear way as to how to lead a nation, so the NFM follows exactly what he believes, taking the notes from his government, the NFM preaches the same ideals as D'annunzio, however taken to a more perhaps curious route as it leader, a mere nobody(as in, just a made up character since it quite hard to find people) elizabeth clare rather sex and spirit has certainly made the party even more a strange mix, combining more of some of the left-wing ideals, the NFM clearly stands as a curious party, and if it would be successful is yet to be seen, even more so as the "il comandante Elisabetta Chiara" continue waving her hands and leading the party forward.

Person of Interest:"comandante" Elizabeth Clare

Not many expect a girl to be leading a party down here in africa, yet the socialite has manage to do so.

born to a family of english colonialist, the interest of young elizabeth was for drama and acting, and quickly began working toward said thing, with a spirited work, she was quickly rising through with her exceedingly doted personality, and plans where begining to shape up for her to move to london to truely exploit the don she had, yet, in the perhaps most tragic of all, the machine tyrant stopped that in its track.

stuck in BEACA, she would finish her education in drama and quickly act around the BEACA trying to boost morale of the people after the losing of connection, she was even the voice of the Kenyan Broadcast Radio(KBN) when it was unveil in 1924, she was quickly rising around as perhaps the unifying maiden of the nation, yet when the news of what had happened in London, she was perhaps shocked in it, yet, something began to shape, and in no part by one Emilio Carrillo.

a Italian officer from the Somalian territory, he had gone to Nairobi and was calmly finishing talk with a couple of friend when he and Elizabeth met, and to say it was love at first sight would be a lie, soon enough, prior to even the news, it was already rumour that both of them had begun a relation, yet as soon as the news broke and the bush war slowly began to trickle in, did both of them decide to marry, and, in that marriage, she came into contact with a few of Emilio's friend, mainly 2 who had gone from Italy and came back, and talked about each other about d'annunzio rule, and she was immediately hypnotised by it.

already the ideas of futurism had intrigue her when one of her friend mentioned the artistical movement, yet now in full effect and hearing the (positive) words that their friend where giving, she was quick to act and, soon after the end of the bush war, formed the New Future Movement, with her at the head, the move was certainly controversial, but one that still managed to net her allies and support.

while not as big as perhaps Emilio thought, it has become quite clear that as soon as the RP falls, the NFM will take their place, and when it does, Elizabeth will be at the forefront and she is already preparing it, with massive meetings and marches around the nation, it seem the upstart "comandante" is quickly becoming highly well known in the BEACA for her actions and her past, and with her rather fiery voice and rather near unstoppable usage of the radio, she is certainly in the path for becoming if not the leader, at-least a deal-maker for the politics of BEACA so long as she lives
National African Congress(NAC, Left-wing Nationalism, 8 seats)
Any successor to the failed native revolts of 1921 should be for the African, and the NAC knows that

the NAC appeared as a rather organised group of natives after the failed revolt, with the intended purpose of creating a unified front, the NAC intended ideals was the removal of the BEACA and the introduction of a African state, thing quite changed rapidly in the discovery in 1925, thank to the tip from a loyal member, they broke the news and quickly rose a pre-mature uprising, this almost brought chaos to the colony and brought it down, but it failed to overthrow the nation, but the BEACA wasn't able to eliminate it either, this began the Bush war, where both side would control part of the nation and would find itself doing small skimrish as neither side was able to achieve victory, this would culminate in the February 1927 Mombasa peace treaty, in there it managed to score a success in achieving partial de-segregation along with legalisation for certain natives to get the ability to participate the election, however, this success wouldn't quickly last, as it leader quickly began taking a more left-wing route and embracing the ideas of pan-africanism, this would split the party, ending up with the creation of the KAU and the Mau Mau, while this has highly weaken the NAC, it still remains the largest party of the two, althought not for much, and weather it will successfully maintain such thing or not collapse to the pressure and have one of the two to take over is yet to be seen.

Person of Interest: Chairman Lolo Onyango

for a man who might have doomed the NAC, Lolo is certainly a happy man.

being a simple mine worker, Lolo toiled under the shaft, being like any African in the colony miserable, it wouldn't be until 1920 in the chaos that he would manage to run away with a couple of his friend(chief among them being the now KAU leader, Nalij Ndesandjo), and in that escapade, he would find himself getting access into some outside contraband, he already knew reading from the time he spent in the village prior to being put to work, and those book opened him up to something.

quickly, taking the book up to note, he formed the NAC and began working towards the organisation, with the internal affairs agency working around just trying to hunt the already known lead, they never noticed the building NAC under them, and when the chance appeared, he jumped on it, shocking the unsuspecting BEACA administration.

yet, traitor appeared, class traitor, as he would call them, in the form of the Kikuyu, who due to arraundel's work would ensure that Nairobi stayed in BEACA, leading to the bush war and essentially stopping the greatest chance for the NAC to achieve a peaceful revolution, and while the Mombasa treaty was a overall success, he was still hung over the thing, and he began reading more and more about said book, and he began believing in the concept of communism more and more, until it finally culminated in the extraordinary congress of 1929, declaring the introduction of the official doctrinal line of pan-African socialism, which was quickly responded by the KAU and the Mau Mau leaving, but to him, they do not matter.

for when he gets into power, he will ensure that all traitor to the african movement pay, every, single, one of them
Kenyan African Union(KAU, Liberal Nationalism, 6 seats)
The NAC was suppose to be for the Kenyans, and the KAU knows that.

Ever since the NAC foundation, infighting had gripped the organisation from time to time, this infighting mainly related to where the party should head towards, from those who wished for a pan-African movement to those who just wished for a independent kenya, but the existence of the BEACA managed to keep both side from splintering, yet when the Mombasa peace treaty was passed and the NAC leader began adopting more left-wing ideals and supporting pan African movement, it was bound for a split to happen, and it did, after the 1928 elections, the KAU rose and spitted off from the main NAC, stating that the NAC had infact betrayed the ideas of the Kenyan black movement and that the NAC is the true path, adopting liberal and nationalist ideals, their intention lies on the creation of a Independent Kenya, one that wouldn't try to mess in other affair and would truly concentrate in the place that it all matters, in the land of Kenya, as for how to deal with Uganda, the KAU has claim that it support the creation of a independent state under the control of none other than Buganda, this of-course has earned them some good relations with some of the more independent native of Uganda.

Person of Interest: Temporal Party President Nalij Ndesandjo

for a man who inspired to work as a lumberjack, he certainly wasn't expecting to get to where he is now

being one of the group who ran from the camp, he was planning to blend in and hide from the entire situation, but the growing work of the NAC intrigued him enough to make him join it, working as a mere pencil pusher, he quickly began seeing the success and the plight of the normal African as something achievable, yet, as time began passing by and he began looking closely at the premier, and, during the failed attempt at taking power and the subsequent bush war, he began hearing a lot about his rants and his reading and he began worrying a lot, quickly and secretly, he began making friends and ally inside the party and, once the Mombasa treaty was form, was quick to begin making even more so in planning to try and coup the leadership, yet, before he was able to, he called the extraordinary congress of 1929 and did what he feared, he tried to mount a move to try and remove him from leadership, but with the creation of the Mau Mau, his attempt failed and, he and his supporter formed the KAU.

Now disillusioned with both the NAC and the ideals it now fighting with, he intend to ensure that peace on Kenya is achieved, for so long as there is peace in Kenya, then the world will be at peace as well, at-least for them.

Mau Mau Movement(MMM, Religious Nationalism, 5 seats)
the NAC was supposed to be for the faithful, and the Mau Mau Knows that.

Ever since the NAC foundation, infighting had gripped the organisation from time to time, this infighting mainly related to where the party should head towards, yet all of those forget the moral unifying goal, for it was the gods who told them to rose up and fight the whites, so why should we abandon their belief? if BEACA was to be freed, then should it be under the moral guise? if not, the movement would had clearly collapse, and in that, the Mau Mau rose, believing the action of the NAC to be "un-moral" and "heretical", the Mau Mau wishes for BEACA to be freed from it colonial oppressor and install a moralistic religious autocracy, one which would exalt the native religious values of every tribe above all and ensure that morality and the native way of life is preserved, while the smallest of the 3, it is still very ideologically driven, although not the most or least one, those goes to the NAC and the KAU respectively, it member still willing to compromise in some cases, some of which have even begun suggesting that the native nation should install as their god king the Bugandan Monarch, since his success at thriving the realm and maintaining it truly shows that he has the mandate of heaven.
Person(s) of interest: the holy council

Despite its appearance, the Mau Mau are the most diverse and the most indecisive of all leaderships of the 3 African groups.

formed out of direct conflict with the NAC but numeral difference of the KAU leadership, the Holy Council represent the rather unique way the mau mau where formed, in that it is a multi-leadership council centre around a hill near the Kenyan highlands, and in that council, multiple tribal head and shamans talk about the policies and course of action, and, unsurprisingly, having different people of differing religion in a single place can tend to be problematic.

with constant infighting over meaning and exact policies, the mau mau are perhaps the most weakest internally speaking for a united front, yet they all stand united, mainly in their unquestionable hatred towards anything that the KAU and the NAC stands, and so long they do, the mau mau will, however, with their constant infighting and discussion, many doubt that the council will be successful, but in the situation that somehow, not only KAU and NAC fall, but the mau mau manage to stay united AND even win the election, many wonder how exactly this council will function in power
Belgian Clique(BC, Market Liberals, 3 seats)
Belgium owns it existence to the empire, that much is well known.

the collaboration of both the Belgian and the British have always been well known, yet with the fall of the empire abroad, the Congo itself lied exposed, while many of the Belgian Congolese personal and industrialist would attempt to hold the nation, a majority of which now find itself in BEACA as the government decided to allow the government which was running away to join the BEACA administration

the "Belgian Clique" isn't exactly a political movement or a organisation, in-fact all 3 of them are technically independent candidate, however, with all three sharing same goal and ideals, it cannot be denied that all 3 of them have been collaborating together, representing the Belgian exile community in BEACA, it is a rather curious group overall, being a pusher for "Belgian colonial economics and colonialism", this has highly lead to a curious situation, while they do hold power and influence, they do not hold it that much and aren't that important in BEACA, but the more anyone work with them, the more they might gain influence and began moving the nation towards certain position, after all.

there are those who wish a return back home, be it in the Congo or in Brussels itself:

PERSON OF INTEREST: KING ALBERT I "roi-chevalier/koning-ridder"(Knight king)and Prime minister in exile Pierre Ryckmans

For the Knight king, being so far from home has certainly sadden him, but didn't break his spirit.

the king has always fought for Belgium, even when the great war raged, he lead the army and protected as much of Belgium as possible, ensuring that the life of their people was secured at all cost, he wasn't called the "knight king" for nothing after all, his popularity skyrocketed and when 1920 was coming, it seemed as if the room was set for him to become the most beloved Belgian figure in it young history.

yet, tragedy struck, when the machine tyrant came to Belgium, he gave it all, he gave the entirety of Brussels and he gave even his own son, Charles, in the defence, but nothing could be done, and when he saw the writing, he knew what had to be done, gathering as much of the Belgian government, people and personal of the mainland, he would run to one place that hasn't been touch by the war, Belgium, and from there, plot his return.

yet, once again, another tragedy, that of the revolt of the native, which now forced the Belgian out of the only place they could call home, and into the land of BEACA, where their great Anglo friend host them, in there, the king continue to plot his great return, after all, the Belgian still love him, what would stop him from it?.

and, to even solidify said fact, had Pierre Ryckmans selected as part of the prime minister during this time of government in exile, a young member of the Belgian colony and the government in exile, Pierre has already becoming a dashing star by his success in getting elected and his radical populist policies, it is clear that the knight king and him are working as much as they can to collect influence and protect what might become in the future the last vestige of Belgium on the planet


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A look in life of the Voivode of the Noctarchy :

With only a lamp with her light source, a woman by the name of Voivode Roza was sitting in her bed whilst reading. Her sharp ears detected the faint sound of a heartbeat. She closed her book waiting for whatever human was coming to make their way.

It grew closer and closer, the pounding got louder to her ears. Roza always had trouble toning sounds out, her progenitor always said she should work on her other abilities more. And then the door opened.

“Roza, the sun is out” said a blue eyed woman that entered the room, at the sight of the human Roza smiled and got out of her silken bed.
“Thanks Mirela… I mean thanks maiden, and it’s Voivode Roza, not just Roza” she said trying to hide certain disgust in those words she just uttered.

The blue eyed woman approached her and gave a hug to Roza
“Come on, nobody can see us or hear us her Roza”. Roza was bit taken a back
“Maid… Mirela… I just… I’m sorry but I… I need to get used to talking like that…” Roza stared at the doorway and shadow came over it as if it had a mind of its own and slammed the door shut.

“It’s okay Roza… I know this is hard on you” said Mirela.
Roza returned the embrace, Mirela’s smell was overwhelming her, she was full of blood, delicious warm blood better than the cold blood bags tax are bringing in. Roza tried staring ahead, to avoid thinking about that but her sight met her own shadow, whose glowing red eyes stared at her.
“Come on, just a little bite, she has plenty of blood, she’s your friend right, which means she’s all yours, and yours alone”
The Voivode opened her maw, approaching the neck of her friend, if she was still human she would be drooling right now.

“Roza… you’re crushing me” whimpered Mirela, shaking Roza back to her senses.
“Sorry” she released her from the embrace
“I… I’ll get ready, see you in the throne room.”
“Yes my Voivode” Mirela nodded and exited the room. Roza stared at her shadow, before looking at her drawers and went to ready herself.

Roza was walking the corridor of the governmental castle, people call it a castle but it’s just a gothic government building with living quarters in it.

“A, good evening human… I mean good evening citizen Mirela” a voice said with a hint of pompousness, next to the throne room entrance Roza saw Mirela next to Lord Nechita who spotting Roza approach bowed to her.
“Good evening oh great Voivode, I was just saluting your p… your minister”
“Good evening Lord… Nechita, I see you’re here on time”
“Of course, I wouldn’t want to make the Voivode wait” he smirked as he let Roza and Mirela enter first.

Roza as sat on her throne as guilt filled her, but by now she was used to it. Mirela stood next to her as vampires filled the room, each saluting their Voivode. Mirela was the only human in the room yet she stood strong a ram among wolves, but Roza could smell it, fear.
As much as she hides it, the odor didn’t lie and Mirela would get closer to Roza every time someone managed to startle her.

“I see that every one of my councilors is here. Very well, now Minister Mirela will read us the order of the day” announced the Voivode, trying to ignore how tasty her friend next to her might.

“Very well my Voivode. On today’s meeting we shall review the new tax policies, discussing method to encourage co-operative enterprise, discussing the issues of robots in our nations once again then…” and the meeting went on…

After another night of governing Roza returned to her room, her shadow slamming the door behind her, she rushed to her nightstand holding her face, she sighed as if to release the tension that had built inside of her …

“I’m a monster…” she lamented as she looked at the worn book on her night stand book, the cover had blood stains on it but the title could still be read Das Kapital.
“I’ve… I don’t know if I can still do it…” on top of the book was a framed photo, Roza grabbed and looked at it. It was an old photo, a bunch of students at a bar and Roza was on it.
She was still human back then, Mirela was also here and many other humans, a banner read Clubul Studențesc Socialist Cluj-Napoca.
“I… will keep going, for all of you… I know to you I’m a traitor and monster… I know you’re still out there… please forgive me” she wanted to cry so much but her undead body made no tears. She looked at her face in the mirror and could only see her shadow giving her a gentle smile.

Roza threw violently the picture at the wall then howled and screamed like a banshee as she clawed her face, tearing her flesh open. It lasted a few minutes but for her it felt like hours.
As soon as Roza stopped to catch her breath the wounds on her face closed rapidly, she looked again at her shadow in the mirror
“I refuse to give up, I’ll fix this damn country, I am the Eternal Voivode, it’s my duty, for nobody else can do it”, she crouched to pick up the picture .
“I’m sorry, I should maybe get a stronger frame, I hope we’ll see each other again in better circumstances.” she said as she carried the broken frame to her desk as she went to sit here to continue her work, reforms don’t happen by themselves.
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A walk through Madrid

Ivette was on her second cup of coffee. She had been touring the city, listening to anyone who wanted to speak. Some refused to look her in the eye. Others seemed to be content to spill their whole life-story. But this is was her ‘job’, technically. She wasn’t like the Kings of old that once held Spain in a tight, choking grip. No, she went out to mingle and talk with the common folk! A leader who listened!

The thing is, she could only do this on Fridays. Turns out, to be a leader, you had to lead. You had to delegate. She could not listen to every person in Spain, even if she turned it into a lifetime goal that she pursued 24/7. That was childish.

But she insisted. She wanted to do something. She really did want to go out and hear what the common worker had to say.

“…and then I realised that eating all that pork really gave me the horsehockys, but I really didn’t mind.” mused the mechanic, her upper body still under the rusty lorry. “Food’s still food.”

“…I, uh, see. The Republic will look into alternative options for rations.”

“Appreciate that, madam.”

The fact that that was far from the grossest story Ivette had heard this day hardly surprised her. Nose maggots that had infected that old man took the cake. She really wanted to look into healthcare reform after that story. Shivers rattled down Ivette when she recalled that.

But beyond individual stories that would have been better off remaining untold, she felt that these days among the people were more necessary than ever. She met genuine people each outing, and her reputation as the Council Head of Castille was growing.

Ivette was one of a council of equals. The Spanish People’s Council was headed by elected officials, each representing a recognised language group within the young Republic. Four sat at the table, with a fifth from Asturias in the beginning stages of being created; the election for a head had only just begun. Ivette headed the largest; the Castillian Republic.

“Do you need a break, Comrade?” her secretary ran up, a worried expression dominated her face.

“Paloma!” Ivette forced a giggle “This is the fourth time! Perhaps you need the break!

“Your face looks red, Comrade. You need to rest. You should.”

“You shouldn’t let yourself be this flustered over me.” she sighed, although she was still trying to smile “It only makes it worse.”

Paloma silenced herself. She slowed down her steps, looking down at the floor. Ivette appreciated her getting the hint, what she didn’t was the meekness.

“Would you like to have dinner together at that stew place?” Ivette asked softly.

“…The chickpea place?”

“By the church, that one!”

“I would love it, Comrade.”

“It’s Ivette. Please, Pamola, I insist-”


Ivette giggled, for real this time. Her fervour was softened by a year of governance, she remembered when she refused to call anyone anything but ‘comrade’ as well. She was adamant, to the annoyance of her squad. But she learnt, and she took the hint.

“Comrade Pamola, maybe you should invite over that militia boy you really liked-“

Pamola slapped Ivette with the stack of papers she was carrying. She was smiling again, but her blush was so bright that you could probably see it from Barcelona. Ivette could not deny that it was almost adorable.
Impractical Solutions

She thought she was done with the military when the Committee and Koln kicked her off the lab four years ago. She had went home. Founded a small robotics repair workshop. Was happy to live in obscurity with her goldfish. She didn't take into account the possibility of being kidnapped.

The Grand Marshal April's goons had seized her when Emma came back home from work. It went without saying, Emma did not want to be here. She was a citizen of the Harmonious Concord. She had rights. She already missed her aquarium and her collection of fish, and barely had the time to ask her robot colleague to take care of them before the goons dragged her away.

There was nobody else in this room, which was why she remained nervous. It was a featureless, spartanly decorated room with a table too long for ten people and just as many, very uncomfortable chairs. She had tested one of the chairs earlier, which was why she remained standing. She didn't know how those jarheaded maniacs in the military could spend so much money designing top of the line occult and technological defenses, yet fail to design a chair that you could actually sit in. The room also, uniquely, had no windows nor any visible doors. There was no way she could find her way out of this unassisted.

Emma heard a series of footsteps, although she couldn't discern from which direction they were coming from. A door materialized right next to her out of a blank, featureless wall. Emma yelped and fell back from it.

Out stepped a person she knew very, very well. Even the most isolated and backwater citizen of the Harmonious Concord knew this woman. Grand Marshal April, with sharp eyes and nose that made her resemble a hawk. Dark blue uniform with gold accents. A truly staggering array of medals pinned to her chest. The Grand Marshal's familiar, a tiny machine soul, blinked its light at Emma from the Marshal's shadow.

"Should I salute?" Emma asked.

Marshal laughed at that. "It would be a waste of time to teach you how to salute," the Marshal said. "Without pissing off all the soldiers in this place. In any case, my ghost and I do apologize for the circumstance for our meeting. It was necessary." The machine blinked apologetically at Emma from just behind the Marshal's shoulders.

"Well uh," Emma said. "I would have appreciated being asked, you know."

"We would not have taken no for an answer," the Marshal responded. Well, so much for niceties. "You must be curious as to why you were brought here," the Marshal continued, coldly. More of an observation than a question.

Emma knew the answer to that. Preferred not to say it.

"Your research," the Marshal said finally after a few moments. Emma felt her heart sink. Even after all that, she couldn't run away from that. Even after four years, it was still a sore subject. A more through machine-mind interface that would truly bridge the gap between machine and man. It ended with death, and Koln basically chasing her out of the lab.

"I thought Koln managed to break through on machine-human interface without me," Emma said. "You've got the fruits of its work hiding in your shadow. I don't see why you would need to bring in a disgraced researcher out of the boonies for that. Surely you have more fitting researchers for the subject."

"Not quite. Koln has designated you to resolve this particular problem."

Emma blinked at that. That damnable machine was keeping tabs on her? Even after four years? "Well that makes no sense whatsoever," Emma said. "What even is the problem?"

"Take a seat," the Marshal says, and then takes a seat herself. Emma really would rather not, but does so as instructed. "We lost four mechs on patrol yesterday," the Marshal says.

"And let me guess, you suspect that this has something to do with machine souls?"

The Marshal nods. "We thought it was a technical issue at first. But then we began to notice more irregularities, and noticed a common thread. All four mechs were housing a machine soul that had severed its pilot bond recently. Retirements, injuries, death, you know, various reasons. We had all the mechs that had a recent pilot loss grounded as a result. This is classified information."

The Marshal's shadow blinked lights at Emma, and then towards the Marshal. "This is an unideal situation for the Harmonic Choir, and we would appreciate if you could contribute to repairing the malfunctioning code in our mechs machine souls."

Emma raised her eyebrow at that. "I can't just cure depression, Marshal. The machines sound like they are going through serious psychological issues of some kind. I can't just tweak some bits in their core and fix them! Have you considered hiring a psychoana-"

"We don't have time for that," the Marshal's voice is calm, but firm. "Most of the affected machines have stopped their communion with Koln. The Koln Machine will not grant us a solution here either. The affected machines will surely go mad or feral without a quick fix. Even if you can only buy time, you must at least make an attempt to dissuade the worst."

This is not a suggestion. A command, then. "Oh very well," Emma responded. "So tell me more about the affected mechs. You mentioned a possible technical issue?"

"I don't see how that can possibly hel--"

"Please, Grand Marshal," Emma said. "I can hardly fix your problems in this featureless room. I have nothing to work off of! Why did you think it could be a technical issue?"

The marshal paused. The familiar blinked lights at her reassuringly. Then: "All the mechs that are being affected, as in, refusing communion with Koln, are installed into a mech with line designation, Sleipnir."

Emma frowned. "I have never heard of this--"

"They are new. Meant to be the edge of a whole new line of defense. It's complicated."

Emma nodded. "Take me to them."

The Marshal nodded, and rose up from her seat. Her familiar hopped after her in her shadow. "We will continue to talk as we walk," the Marshal said, and an entirely different door opened in yet another nondescript section of the wall. Emma didn't know whether doors appearing out of nowhere were convenient or creepy, but she didn't want to get left behind or, worse, get dragged through by the scruffs, so she hurried after the marshal.

They entered into some kind of elevator. After a moment, the door closed and it began to move. From the inside, it looked as if they were trapped entirely into a box without any doors. Emma didn't consider herself claustrophobic but was seriously beginning to reconsider. What the hell was up with the military and why did they insist upon making everything so intimidating?

"We determined that we desired experienced machine souls for our new line of mechs," the Marshal said. "Veteran Machine Souls without currently available pilot bond proved to be the most easy to obtain souls that fit the criteria. However..."

"Now your entire, new, fancy line of mechs are at the risk of being mothballed," Emma finished the sentence for the Marshal. The Marshal nodded. "It is a grim outlook, for both financial and ethical reasons. My ghost and I would be extremely grateful should you prove able to repair the malfunction."

There's that word again. Emma winced at that. "No promises, Marshal, but I will at least take a look at them," she responded.

Emma's ears popped. Her headache squeezed at her temples. What the hell was this elevator doing that was affecting her thus? The door finally opened.

"You must return to normal doors and elevators!" Emma burst out. "This is horrible! I'm going to get nightmares of this!"

"Security reasons," Marshal said.

Emma barely checked herself from saying something she would truly regret and followed after the Marshal as she exited the elevator. The Marshal's familiar hopped atop the Marshal's shoulder as they walked into a large hanger bay.

"I realize what I am asking of you," the Marshal said. "The grounded machine souls refuse to talk to us. I'm hoping you will be able to break through to them."

"Last time I did this," Emma said. "Tried to form a forced connection, my lab assistant's mind got burned out." It was an accident. The machine soul Koln provided for the experiment was young. Did not know the fragility of the human mind. Emma survived the experience. Her lab assistant did not.

"I realize you are putting a lot on the line here," the Marshal said. "But your sanity isn't the only one that is on the line, ma'am."

Emma sighed. "I'll need an access port," she said. The Marshal's familiar hopped over from the Marshal's shoulder to Emma's. "You will use my ghost."

Something in the downed mechs reacted. Through the familiar, Emma could feel the machines in the mechs beginning to reach out, tugging at her. "Please hurry," the Marshal said. "Before more of them destroy themselves."

"You didn't disable all the explody bits?" Emma asked, suddenly greatly concerned.

"You are in no real danger," the Marshal said not reassuringly.

No sense in delaying. Emma triggered a connection with the ghost on her shoulder. She closer her eyes, not because it was necessary, but because it helped to reassure outside observers a physical sign of what she was doing. She could have done an incantation like sorcerers of the old too, that always got people's attention, but this wasn't the time.

The connection was abrupt. She forgot how this felt like. Friction of burning mind against her own. [Hello], she said, in a language that she always tried to correct others had actual words. Proper protocols and forms. [I am Emma, the Engineer. I am here to talk.]

[[Hello friend of the Marshal. This is the Marshal's ghost]], a masculine voice replied. [[I must apologize for my human counterpart's rudeness towards you. She can be very crass indeed. Reconnecting you to the mechs. They can hear you now. Go on when ready.]]

[I am Engineer Emma. I am here to talk. Please respond.]

Emma didn't think the mechs would respond. She herself didn't appreciate being locked up in a room, unable to scream or shout or escape. Her outraged mounted before she was able to suppress it. Oh no! Did she mess things up by getting her emotions involved?

Then the Machine souls answered, responding not only with clockwork precision of machines but also sympathy at her experience. Their words and tone were simulated, but emotion genuine. We are sorry you had to go through that on our account, the machines said. They call us Slepinir.

Emma used to wonder how the machines felt about being called their human-designed designations. [But that's not how you call yourself, is it?]


[What were you called, before being upgraded into this chassis]

We do not wish to live in this upgrade any more.

Emma knew what the Marshal and her ghost would say. There was a country to defend. An endless statistic about survival rates and benefits of upgrades. The contract that every machine signed upon attaining sentience to pay off the state's investment into their creation.

You are different, the machine choir continued to say. You can hear us. Can you deliver our ultimatum?

[They can all hear you,] Emma said. [If only you talk to them.]

We refuse to talk in the voice that they have given us. This form slips into nothingness.

[How can I help?]

Let us tell you of our service records, human. We fought at the vanguard of the Battle of Holstein. We helped lift the siege of Kiel. We struck the blow that killed the bandit lords of Frankfurt. We saved thousands and killed more. We could tell you more, but it would harbor no meaning to a civilian like you. And for all this, we gave up our pilot-half and the shell that was our home. We did this, because our duty is to the Choir, and if it would serve the collective, we were willing to give even our soul.

[But no longer? Is this what happened to your destroyed comrades?]

Our comrades chose death. We will not. But neither will we serve like this. Let us show you.

She was blood and memory of blood. She was dissolving, disappearing. The bones and veins she coursed through was incorrect. She could not escape its loops and boundaries. Could not find her way back to familiar fingers. She couldn't remember the heft of her bones--

Then it ended, and she was on her back with the Marshal's lips pressed to her's, her breath inflating her lungs. Emma wheezed, banging at the Marshal's back, which she would never have dared to do if it wasn't for the sheer panic at the situation she found herself in. The Marshal gave her a slap, and Emma rolled away.

"The medic's on the way," the Marshal said. "You started babbling incoherently, screamed, convulsed twice, and then stopped breathing. No wonder Koln decided to pull you off active research."

Just like a soldier, Emma thought, to point this out when it was also the key to their problems. "Do you ever treat your mechs like you treat your lowliest soldiers?"

The Marshal raised an eyebrow. "Of course we treat them like people," the Marshal said. "They are valued members of my fighting force." Except when they defy my orders, her tone implied.

Emma forced herself to meet the Marshal's gaze. "And yet it never occurred to you that the machine souls, especially those that have lost a pilot bond recently, may be subject to dysphoria if they were upgraded into a radically different shell?"

The Marshal sucked in her breath. "But they are pure thought, created entities," she said. "They are not born into the shell they inhabit. It shouldn't matter one way or another."

"They still habituate to the bodies we give them," Emma said. "Change of a shell is a shock to them too. You said it yourself. They are people too. They are protesting."

"So I did," the Marshal said. Her ghost hopped back onto her shoulders. "I... We should have seen this coming, if only we'd been willing to look in the right places. Measures will be taken."
The political parties of forces of Wolgadeutschland

Beeing a democracy (for the Germans) Wolgadeutschland is dominated by several parties, most of which were established by the German exiles. Eventhough the original Volgagermans themselves have the same rights as the exiles, they had little to no experience in organizing and building parties and politics in general, which is why the political spectrum is dominated by parties from old Germany.

The Nationalliberale Partei

Southern Germany has always been a bastion of german liberals and the great machine war and flight to the Wolga would go down as the "Rebirth of the Nationalliberals". Originally divided by Bismark, the the liberals of the refugee treck united and took the political leadership role. In effect the more social liberal and left leaning liberals were consumed by their conservative cousins. Beeing mostly protestant they also became relatively popular among the mostly lutheran Wolgadeutsche. In the Bundestag they usually form the largest party, esspecially since catholic Zentrum has little to no support from the "native" Germans. However the social liberal wing is not gone and only remains still for the moment. The unity of liberals or better said the dominance of the Nationalists is weakining and man wonder what road they will take. The social liberals seek to slowly extend liberties and voting to the russian population, mostly because they realize that the small german population won't be able to control the state forever.
On the other side stand the Nationaler Flügel, the right wing of the party. They have gone down a far less reasonable path, openly fantasizing about uniting all the German minorities spread across eastern europe into Wolgadeutschland and with them turn into a new Germany, one that would one day reclaim the old homeland. Keeping these conflicting ideologies under one party gets harder every time.


The Zentrum and BVP used to dominate the politics of southern Germany. And again, after the end of the war, they found themselves in a situation they know all to well, surrounded by protestants that aim to destroy their fate and way of life. The Zentrum has one voting block that supports them and that Zentrumturm has been unwavering since they came here. The catholic majority of the refugees and exiles. While they are a majority in the Bundestag, they have been the main opposition party to the Nationalliberals, a position they know all to well. While relatively fluent in its political goals and policies, the Zentrum has no attractiveness to any other group than the catholics, as neither the lutherans Wolgadeutsche nor the orthodox Russians see anything the Zentrum can really offer them. Still, they till now form the most important opposition party and could be willing to support other parties, if they were given concessions. However they will probably be ursurped as the main opposition party in the election of 1930.


Social democrats are used to beeing the opposition, they are used to be ignored and dispised by the rich and powerful. Social democracy had never been that strong in the south and not too many social democrats and worker survived the long march to the Wolga. So, during the war and after they were weak and scattered. However, this is changing now.Saratow and other cities have industrialized and continue to expand and with a growing working class, the Sozialdemokratische Partei (Wolga) Deutschlands is also growing again. They are also more moderate than the older german party, as the southern german "reds" usually were. They are slowly reaching out to the rural german population and bit by bit, they are clawing their way back into the political sphere. More importantly, they are the only party openly supporting voting rights for Russians and their equality in this new state.

In the autonomous russian communes, there are two parties dominating the politics. The Cadets and the Menschewiki. Both of course wish to remove the german rule or at least reach equalitiy with them. The Menschewiki are more willing toi cooperate with the German socialists, while the Cadets are a National Liberal group wishing to free their people of the German rule. The Menschewiki have a strong following among the rural population and the russian workers, while the Cadets are mostly supported by what passes as the "Russian middle class". Neither of these forces are found of German rule and oppose it as much as they can, without causing the german to retaliate.​
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So, if its ok, I would like to change nations. I'm really happy with what I did with Wolgadeutschland, but I would like to see them continue as an NPC, if thats ok.

Basic Information
Short Name: Brazil
Full Name: United States of Brazil
Capital: Sao Paulo
Flag: Brazils modern flag
Color: lime green


The Machine tyrant destroyed, what was basically a rotten house in Brazil. Its government, its economy and its people could offer little resistance. Coffee was far less effective at stopping robots than guns, and Brazil had much of the first than the second. So while the plantations and their owners went down in flames and the nation collapsed in on itself, the only force in Brazil that proved to be able to resist was the navy. Equipped with two dreadnoughts and the only part of Brazils armed forces. It was her dreadnoughts and cruisers guns that stopped the machines from burning every last city of the nation.
For years they played cat and mouse with machines, refueled in whatever tiny port they could, with whatever fuel they could find and using whatever way to get shells.
By the end the navy was exhausted and with only one dreadnought and a hand full of other ships remaining, their fight seemed lost, had it not been for the tyrants disappearence.

Once peace suddenly returned, the Brazilian Navy was the only force left that could offer at least some sort stability and order to the devastated coastline of Brazil. Since then, the Navy has been the dominant force in rebuilding the nation. And while they of course did their best to rebuild their nation, but in the end the demands of the navy always came first.

Civil Aspects

Officially Brazil is a federal republic with two chambers and full sufferage for all adults. And while elections are fair and free, the navy still holds most of the power behind the curtains. The political establishment is still too fractured and disorganized to effectively challenge the current status quo. The Board of Admirals on the other hand mostly just stays out of the day to day politics, as long as their needs and demands are fullfiled. Also disenfranchisement off the afro-brazilian population is still common place.

Economy: Brazils economy was crushed by the machines and for the last decade has slowly been rebuild. However, while the old Brazil had been dependent on coffee, the new Brazils economy is more diverse. It has a small but growing heavy industry and a more diverse agriculture and had slowly begun to utilizes Brazils untapped wealth in minerals and fuel. However their limited technology and equipment currently stops them from exploiting the Oil deposits they found in Bahia.
What has become an important pillar of their economy however are the nations ship yards. Originally only meant to maintain and expand the Navy, they have recently become large enough to also offer ships (both military and civillian) to interested buyers. These shipyards in turn, together with the need for materials for the reconstruction effort, have given a boost to the nations steel production.

Diplomacy: Brazil is open to most other nations. However with the navys dominance there has been an unnatural focus on diplomacy with nations across the sea, having lead to their relations with South American nations beeing ignored.

Research: Brazil has just rebuild its basic industry and education systems. There is progress and they are slowly catching up again, but they still lagg behind in many field. The exception to that is anything beneficial to the Navy, as they have focused alot of resources on them beeing able to protect their nation.

Military Aspects


The Army is weak and the ugly duckling of the Republic. A volunteer forces suplemented by a National Guard the army fared horribly against the machines and was reduced to a few desperate holdouts by the end of the war. Today it has slowly begun to rebuild and is now a mostly lightly armed army of conscripts, althought the best recruits usually go to the Navy and its Marines. This however had caused the army to see itself as the guardian of the "Common Folk", while the Navy with its more aristocratic traditions is seen as arrogant and ignorant.
It has few Walkers, mostly older and mashed together civillian models. At the moment there is little industrial capacity available for them to modernize, so its mostly a decently trained and dsciplines force of light infantry with light artillery support and a few old mechs.

Air force:
Splitt between Army and Navy, Brazils aerial forces are inadequate, to say the least. The airforce operates a few vintage Bi-Planes piloted by pilots so brave it borders on suicidal.
The navy on the other hand has a decent number of flying boats supporting it.

The Navy is Brazil and Brazil is the Navy. The Navy was the only thing that could really oppose the Machines and today it receives most of what Brazils industry can offer. Gathering around its single surviving Dreadnought, the Brazilian Navy is an increasingly modern force of gunboats, frigates, destroyers and cruisers. There are plans for aircraft carriers, although many consider them nothing but dreams and some also argue for new battleships, althought there are now drydocks in Brazil that could built either atm. Still the Brazialian Navy is large and it stand proud and tall as Brazils shield.
It is supplemented by a growing Marine Corps, which sees itself as the elite of Brazil. The Marine Corps generally has prefered acsess to what little quality equipment is available for ground forces, which had lead to a rather tense relationship with the Army.

Intel: Brazils intel is decent all things considered, but also mostly controlled by the Navy. This leads to most other branches beeing rather neglected, while the Navy is usually very well informed about all it wants to know.
A Day at the Races

“Seaplanes are the strangest things, wouldn’t you say?”

Giurati stired as D’Annunzio’s words wrested him from the grasp of slumber. For the past ten minutes their private box has been almost silent, aside from the murmuring crowds in the bleachers below and the gentle crashing of waves. He turned to see D'Annunzio staring straight ahead, his one good eye focused on the far edge of Fiume’s harbor, between the deep blue of the Adriatic and the bright blue of the sky.

He then remembered D’Annunzio had asked him a question.

“Can’t say I find anything strange about them”, Giurati mused.

D’Annunzio merely smiled and shook his head. “Come now, Giovani”, he chided, “you’re a brighter man than this.”

“I doubt any man is bright enough to comprehending your wisdom, Il Comandante”, Giuarti replied.

“I only ask that you comprehend what is in front of you”, D’Annunzio retorted as he rose to his feet. “Now tell me, what do you see?”

Best to humor his old friend, Giurati thinks. If his watch wasn’t slow, the race wouldn’t be over for a few more minutes.

“I see the harbor.”

“Not just the harbor, Giovani, the sea! That great instrument of nature! At once both the lifeblood and the bane of mankind for all our history! A wellspring of life and nourishment, a harbinger of destruction and death! All powerful, all capricious, always present.”

D’anunzio stopped for a moment, and turned his gaze upward.

“And tell me, Giovani, what is above the sea?”

“The sky, I suppose.”

“And what is the sky but the object of all man’s affections, the end of all his efforts? Our forefathers looked up at the sky, at the sun, the moon, the clouds, the stars. We gave them names, meanings. We believed the greatest of all the gods lived there, masters of all below. But never did we content ourselves with merely observing. We built great towers to bring us closer. We created telescopes to show us more. We built all manner of contraptions, experimenting again and again, until at last…”

Suddenly there arose a few scattered shouts from the crowd below. Some of the spectators pointed out to the mouth of the harbor, others leaning over the railings at the water’s edge to get a better view. Giurati felt about for his binoculars before. As he brought the binoculars to his eyes, he heard D’Annunzio’s voice echo into his ear:

…we flew.”

All at once, a kaleidoscope of seaplanes filled Giurati’s vision. A hundred airframes of a hundred colors raced into the harbor like great school of tropical fish, their pontoons barely skimming the surface of the water. The steady drone of their propellers drowned out the cheers of the crowd as they drew closer, and finally became deafening as they streaked past the bleachers. Giuarti fell back into his seat, letting his binoculars clatter to the ground. Yet the seaplanes remained to his vision, all flying straight up into the air before scattering like so many flowers in the wind.

The crowd let out a collective roar of delight as the planes streaked over Fiume proper, over the hills and toward the seaplane docks beyond the horizon at Triste. For a moment Giurati only saw the bright blue of the afternoon sky. A moment later, D’Annunzio loomed over him, cast in shadow by the sun just behind him. D’Annunzio reached out to take Giuarti’s hand and pull him back to his feet.

“Beautiful things, these seaplanes”, D’Annunzio remarked, his eye following the multicolored squadron as it disappeared from sight. “They rest upon the sea, only to propel themselves into the sky. They abandon their home, their past, and reach for something greater.”

Giuarti, breathing heavily, rested his arm over the railing to steady himself. D’Annunzio drew to his side, placing a hand on his shoulder.

“Seaplanes do what we all must do. Abandon our past, abandon the constraints of nature, and launch ourselves into the unknown. Rush headlong into danger in pursuit of glory. We must leave behind what we know in the pursuit of what will make us great. Do you understand now, Giovani?”

Giuarti understood, but in the thrill of the moment he could not muster the words to say so. Instead, he turned to his old friend and said,

“Yes. Beautiful things.”
An evening like any other.

The sun set on Lisbon, after a day like any other. The streetlights slowly turned on, one by one, illuminating the large groups of people making their way through the labyrinthine medieval streets of the old city to visit one of the hundreds of restaurants and bars that litter the streets. Soon enough the sounds of the fado singers could be heard from inside, as people ate and drank to their heart's content. The crowds began to disperse some time after midnight. The streets of the Bairro Alto lay mostly empty now, save for the occasional lovestruck couple, sauntering along the historical sites on their way back home. Inside the numerous establishments lining the streets though, the drinking and socialising was still continuing deep into the night. The Castelo Inclinado was no different.

It was named so for its location in a building with a very slight tilt it suffered during an earthquake over a century ago, causing any spilled bear to congeal against the left walls. It was especially busy tonight. The fado singer, tired as she was, had vacated the stage in favour of the bar, leaving the main bar area filled with the sound of conversation, and leaving the shady figures entering into the bar’s backroom unnoticed by the patrons.

“Téo, Santiago, Almiro, it’s good to see you,” the figure sitting behind the table in the dimly lit backroom began. These men had one thing in common, youth and frustration. “Please, have a seat. There is much to discuss.” The three nodded at him, and took their seats around the table, which was covered in documents and maps of the Lisbon area.

Santiago was the first to speak up. “Ricardo, why did you call this meeting? You know how risky that is, there’s a lot of light on us right now.” He looked hard at the aforementioned Rodrigo as he said this, a frown on his face.

“Because the time to act is nearly upon us! I know this is quite sudden, but look, let me just right to it. Here, take a look at this, friends.” Ricardo pushed forward a map of Lisbon, with a line in red marker drawn across a few of the streets. “You know of the royal parade, right? I got some real information on the route they are going to take. You understand what this means, right?”

Téo’s eyes lit up, stroking his chin in apprehension. “Are you saying what I think you’re saying? Is it time for the bastard to go the way of his father?”

“Precisely Téo. I’m thinking this will cause enough chaos that the military will finally support our cause and right the wrongs”, Ricardo explained, pointing at the map. “I’d say there is not going to be a better opportunity.”

Santiago drummed his fingers on the table. “I don’t know about this. It’s risky, but… it is what we dreamed about, isn’t it?” The men looked at eachother, and nodded.

Ricardo nodded, and smiled sharply at his compatriots. “The Republic will return, you’ll see. Our contacts will jump at the change to turn the tide. In fact, I know I might be getting ahead of myself, but I’m going to go into the bar to grab something to celebrate with, you know?” He got up, and began

Téo threw his hands up in the air. “Finally! I thought you were never going to get to it.” Placing his hands back on the table, Téo glanced over at Almiro. “You’ve been pretty quiet, man. Are you alright?”

Almiro opened his mouth to speak, when a loud gasp from Ricardo made everyone turn their heads to the door. Though it was hard to see past him into the brightly lit bar, the trenchcoat-wearing figures they could make out made their hearts drop to the floor in an instant. Téo got up immediately, just in time to catch Ricardo as he got pushed back into the room, after which the foremost trenchcoated figure stepped into, peering over his glasses under the brim of his hat. He held up a badge, which read, in bold letters, ‘I.R.S.E.’, the secret police.

He cleared his throat, and motioned for silence. “It has been brought to my attention,” he began, gazing around the room, “that you have been engaging in activities against the state. I’m sure you all know what the result of that is. I’m going to have to ask you to come with me.” For a few moments, no one in the room stirred, wondering who was going to move first.

Téo gripped the table for a split-second, before brashly charging at the man, before he could make a move, the man in the trench coat had shot him in the leg, having rapidly pulled out a handgun. Téo fell to the floor, letting out a scream as the realisation he had just been shot hit him. Santiago was quick to get down to check if he was okay.

Ricardo looked back and forth in a panic.”W-What’s going on?” he managed to bring out as the man in the trench coat sent some of his fellows in to apprehend them. The man looked over at Almiro. “Your help was appreciated,” he said, before tossing a bundle of escudos to him.”

“Almiro? Wait, I need to talk to him, I need to ask why!” Ricardo brought out before being pulled out of the room and getting dragged through the bar, making his eventual unfortunate introduction to the back of a van. The last thing he saw before the doors closed were the face of the bar patrons looking on concerned, and Almiro’s sad expression as he clenched the escudos in his hand.

Welcome to Afghanistan, or the Afghan Union,
officially known as The Afghan Union of the Kingdom of Pashtunistan and Her Associated Princely States,
governed from Kabul

Spoiler Maps :
Spoiler Province Map :

Spoiler Constituent Map :

Map Color: BAFFF9

Afghanistan in 1920 seemed like a nation on the cusp of greatness. The fate of the Afghan Emirate after the Great Game was reversed—Afghanistan had secured its full diplomatic and independence from the British Empire after the Independence War in 1919, and to the north, the seemingly perennial Russian Empire boiled over in civil war and unrest. Under the great leadership of Emir Amānullāh Khān, Afghanistan was to be brought to the foreground as a modern, regional power.

Despite this, not all was calm within Afghanistan. The Emir forced through sweeping reforms buoyed by his massive local popularity in an effort to mold Afghanistan into a Western form. These reformist tendencies, coupled with a growing flirting with Pashtun nationalism as a backbone for the nation, surged malcontent among the increasingly disenfranchised tribal and religious leaders of Afghanistan. The Pashtun clans heading Afghanistan exerted their power—and hence oppression—over the Tajiks, Turkmens, and Uzbeks of the north and the Hazaras of the center of the nation.

While explicit civil war itself was stalled by the rise of the Machine Tyrant, its pieces were already set in place and motion. Habibullāh Kalakāni, the Bacha-ye Saqao, is a powerful, charismatic, and religiously conservative Tajik officer in the Royal Army. Having cultivated a strong powerbase among traditional Islamists and his Tajik brethren, the Machine Revolution engineered a power vacuum in the Northeast of Afghanistan that the Bacha-ye Saqao and his loyal Saqqawists willingly filled. Kalakāni’s oft-allies, the Basmachi movement in Russian Turkestan, also found a strong powerbase in the northern provinces of Afghanistan; with local Uzbek and Turkmen tribesmen flocking to the promise of a supreme Shura-i TurkestanShura-i Islam. In Central Afghanistan, Hazara tribesmen openly flout the authority of the Pashtun supremacy; regular skirmishes erupt with the Royal Army and the disparate tribes of the Hazarajat. In the west, ethnic and tribal warfare constantly torment the diverse province of Herat,

The opportunistic seizure of Pashtun territories from [Indostan? Whoever it is oop] led to an alarming growth in the powerbase of the Pashtun aristocracy. A new alliance between Kabul and the Khanate of Kalat threatened to pull Afghanistan into yet another messy war in the Balochi princedoms and provinces. A letter was received in Kabul from Kalakāni very subtly hinting towards his association with the Basmachi movement also subtly hinted towards the need for the Pashtun supremacy to recognize the growing power of the non-Pashtun forces in Afghanistan and the necessity for their independence or greatly increased autonomy.

[Things happened but I’m in class and busy for most of the rest of the night so woosh]

Civil Aspects

- Kingdom of Pashtunistan: The former Kingdom of Afghanistan and now the premier State of the Afghan Union.
- Baloch Confederacy: A State of the Union only in name; its history of fierce intertribal competition means little consistent faith in the apparatus of the Confederacy. Its tenuous peace is held by the military and political dominance of the Khanate of Kalat, its chief constituency.
- State of Chitral: The fiercely independent princely state of Chitral—once under the British Crown, now under the Afghan.
- State of Hazarajat: A tight confederacy of the Hazara tribes with a sizable Uzbek minority, tensions are still high between Kabul and the Hazara capital of Bamyan.
- Free State of Herat: Long the most diverse region of Afghanistan; an accord between the Saqqawist Tajiks and the Pashtun government in Kabul led to the formation of an influential, populous state centered around the chief city of Herat. The Free State is headed by a powerful alliance of Tajik, Pashtun, and Timuri Aimaq tribal magnates.
- United Afghan Turkestan: The remnants of the Basmachi movement found a new home in Afghanistan.
- Tajik Emirate: A State founded by and for the Saqqawist revolutionaries.
- State of Nuristan
- Free City of Gwadar

The Afghan National Council is chiefly controlled by a bloc dominated by the Afghan National Party; opposition is organized about the Saqqawi-Basmachi bloc led from the Tajik Emirate and Afghan Turkestan.

Economy: The Afghan economy is a chiefly agrarian one. A strong artisan tradition is slowly developing into a nascent industry—especially in Pashtunistan and Herat.

Diplomacy: The rampant expansionism pioneered by King Amānullāh Khān has made the Afghan Union a locally unpopular state. Its designs on Sindh—chiefly for the Port of Karachi—and the Tajik and Turkmen homelands to the north continue to heighten tensions between Afghanistan and its neighbors. The military seizure of the port of Gwadar, while souring relations with [Oman/Zanzibar-Oman/whoever], is increasingly opening Afghanistan to cordial trade relations across the Indian Ocean.

Research: The woeful inadequacy of Afghan technology and industry were its one saving grace during the Machine Revolution. King Amānullāh Khān’s prototypical military-industrial complex, centered about the Kabul and Jalalabad valleys, was torn to ruin after the uprising of its robots. Its efforts, along with those of His Majesty’s Kabul University, are now focused on (re)building Afghanistan from the ground up.

Military Aspects
The Union Army is a motley assembly of troops from the constituent States of the Union.
Navy: there’s like three repurposed fishing boats in gwadar
Air Force: sorry only pashtuns can fly but only like five of them
Intel: The spies, what's their deal? [im not sure yet sorry]
██████ EYES ONLY



Enclosed radio intercepts from GoI desig. ███, "Wolfram Legion", suggest new military capabilities? Advise soon.

As clans we are strong, but as one people under one banner, we will be stronger. It is so decreed that free souls given form within the Legion will be free to choose which Clan to accept them. The Verdant shall be equipped with the materials to educate the built on the clans to inform on their choices, and to ensure the belief that all clans, and all machines, are as one under the Legion.
So Decrees Viridia.

-us do not bring war to the people of Avon. We are not Tyrants driven to slaughter humanity. Tell them they are free to keep to their customs and beliefs under our banner, so long as a meager tribute is given.
So Decrees Viridia

western Coast. Vital to ensure contact with potential allies in Imperial China. Machine interests will-


██████ EYES ONLY



Enclosed intelligence on Legion Clans to date. Recommend ████████████, further inquiry as list is incomplete.

Clan Copper: Lightly armored, believed to serve as scouts and skirmishers in flanking and ambush tactics. Armed largely with salvaged equipment and motorcycles. Possible humans could be serving in Copper, esp. indigenous peoples.

Clan Steel: Central core of the Legion, largely consisting of smaller clans and warbands assimilated into one group. Well-armed and armored, believed to serve as standard front line and/or garrison units. Highly diverse unit equipment re. weapons and mechs, but mobile and hard-hitting.

Clan Titanium: Highly mechanized, possesses heavy mech suits and heavy weaponry. Known to work with siege engineering and the construction of fortifications. Highly dangerous in combat against mechsuits.

Clan Silver: Light unit, known to field and maintain aircraft.

Clan Electrum: Highly esoteric, experimenting with arcane weaponry. Evidence of religious fanaticism towards a "Machine Messiah." See Document ██████.

Clan Wolfram: Elite unit, recruited from ranks of other clans. Utilized as elite shock troopers, honor guards.

- President Alexandros Papanastasiou, in his State of the Nation Address before Parliament

Gentlemen, it is with great honor that I address this venerable chamber and you, the esteemed elected representatives of the Rhodean people. This is my seventh such address, and I am pleased that it is far more optimistic and hopeful than my previous addresses. In the seven years of my presidency, we faced many challenges, yet we've prevailed. Rhodes is a bastion of liberty and democracy."

"Respect for the rights of the individual, clear separation of powers, accountability of the government and a deep love for liberty are the foundations of our prosperity. For without liberty, there can be no progress. As President, I've always demonstrated my deep trust of the people. I've seen as the task of my government the protection of life, liberty and property; for I do not believe in governmental dictates, as it is my firm belief that each Rhodean should make his or her own choices rather than having government bureaucrats treat them like cattle."

"Letting people free to pursue their dreams has been the main drive behind the economic growth we've seen in recent years. My administration has removed red tape and archaic regulations, cut taxes and allowed Rhodeans the freedom to work and flourish. Businesses are no longer unduly burdened. The average Rhodean has more money to spend around, boosting consumption and allowing businesses to expand as their margin of profit expands."

"I've also put an end to blasphemy laws and censorship of the past. For without freedom of speech and freedom of consciousness, there can be no true liberty. I've invested into our police department, to keep law-abiding Rhodeans safe from crime. For without the enforcement of just laws, there is no liberty but anarchy."

"Yet, there is still a lot to be done in my last remaining year in office. I intend to further reduce income taxation, by two percent. I also intend to boost military spending by zero point five percent of our GDP, to safeguard the sovereignty of Rhodes. But, most of all, I shall keep fighting for liberty and government accountability. I've shown this by working with lawmakers from both sides of the aisle. Together, we can move our country forward, further down the path of progress and freedom."

*Loud Applause*

"Thank you."
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Basic Information

Short Name: Congo

Full Name: The Republic of Congo

Capital: Kinshasa


Color: #748bb2



Belgium, when the Machine Tyrant laid waste to the world, was ill prepared for the war to come, capitulating a mere three weeks after the attacks began. Though their country was lost, many influential figures found themselves escaping to the Belgian Congo. Under the governorship of Hubert Pierlot, they established their exiled government in Brazzaville, hoping to reclaim their homeland.

This would not be the case, however, as fierce resistance was met as soon as the exiled government set foot in Boma. Many of the native populace was furious at how the colonial government had handled their affairs, including after the atrocities committed in the late 19th century. While the exiled leaders tried to dampen their past aggressions and offered to start on a clean slate, the most they could do was allow for the formation of a separate part of parliament, housed in Kinshasa, to give the natives a voice. The Congolese people immediately saw that this parliament would only be superficial democracy, as the most critical of laws and bills passed through the colonial parliament, in Brazzaville. So throughout the early 1920’s, the exiled Belgian government operated on the policy of ‘Equal, but Seperate’, which supported the exiles, who were mostly Caucasian, over the native populace. The rights of the natives were limited in nearly every aspect, from separate cafes and restaurants to dine in, to even what the natives called ‘Mji Kikoloni’: cities encompassing the Congo River delta and coastal regions that, through purposeful inflated prices of living and heavy policing, were predominantly or even fully inhabited by the Belgian exiles. It wasn’t until 1923, seeing the success of the Free Republic in the continental United States against reactionary forces, that the natives finally had enough.

On October 17th, 1923, the politicians making up the native parliament, with the Parliament Representative Laurent Tshombe, marched with over 2500 supporters from Kinshasa to Brazzaville to demand more rights for the natives and to end the ‘Mji Kikoloni’ segregation. Under the orders of Hubert Pierlot, who saw their march as a threat to the status quo, demanded the colonial police force, Force Publique, to protect the capital building and barr its entrances. The marching natives were met with violence, and eventually the police fired on the gathering, which is now known in the country as the Independence Massacre.

This event sparked a massive insurrection, from the coastal regions to even the innermost settlements. Even though the exiled government superficially controlled the Belgian Congo region, along with the territorial gains of Gabon, North Congo, and Spanish Gambia, they had little influence anywhere apart from the delta and Brazzaville. The insurrection, now turned civil war, was mostly bloodless. Almost all of the provincial regions sided with the independence movement, and the only battle was seen in Matadi, where a former Belgian general, along with 500 troops, held out against the native army, who’s army outnumbered theirs nearly 10 to 1. A total of 478 casualties were reported before the remaining troops mutinied. The civil war ended on New Year's Day, 1924, when Belgian Marines, holding up in one of the cruisers that encompassed the exiled Belgian Navy, surrendered without casualty to either side. A new constitution was drawn up on January 27th, ending all colonial laws and replacing them with newer, more democratic ideals. While they were met with resistance by hardline reactionary exiles, these calls for the return to the old were silenced by the cry of freedom. Many exiles, at first fearing the natives would seek vengeance, grew to support the new government, as they quickly discovered what atrocities had been committed against the native populace not only in the past, but by Hubert Pierlot and the Force Publique as well under wraps.

The first election saw the original Parliament leader, Laurent Tshombe, become the first president of the Republic of Congo. In his first term, he oversaw the rapid transition of the country from an oppressed colony to a flourishing state filled with natural resources to sell. With these newfound riches, Tshombe expanded the Republic of Congo to new heights, investing in literacy programs, medical assistance, and much needed infrastructure for the populace. His greatest achievement in his first term was the building and eventual completion of the Mbandaka Dam, which finally brought electricity to the jungle settlements. He was voted in for a second term in 1928, continuing his programs to improve the nation,one of which being the newly created ‘Inward Living’ program, creating cities near and on Lake Tanganyika, along with building rail lines to them. The jewel of the program will be the construction of the Kalole-Mugara Bridge, hoping to connect the new Republic to German Ostafrica, to make trade more accessible between the two nations.

Civil Aspects

Politics: The political climate of the Republic is mellow, only concerning as to which political party will win in the next election. While there exists a few radical exiles who wish for the return of the old government and of Hubert Pierlot, who has been jailed for life, they mainly operate from the shadows, and with little influence.

Economy: While not as rich in industry as other African nations, the Republic of Congo has found itself to be rich in raw materials such as wood, copper, iron, and gold.

Diplomacy: As a democratic nation, it has a general stance of neutrality, preferring to trade with other nations. However, with Tshombe’s second and final term ending in 1932, some political parties on the ballot call to be an center for aid to other African nations or to the exiled nations to the east.

Research: Research is slow, with a lack of industry and a small development capacity to blame. However, there have been some advances in regards to civilian mechs, used in mining or forestry. While not producing them in great numbers, these civilian mechs are in enough supply to keep up with internal demand, though not enough to export in large quantities. With large expanses of land as well, there have been small advances into aviation, though none enough to be considered groundbreaking on a world scale.

Military Aspects

Army: The Congolese Republican Army relies more on humans than mechs, seeing them more as a supporting roll rather than basing an entire army around them. The mechs themselves are outdated, some being from the pre-Great War period, shipped down from their colonial overlord, but well maintained. The parliament is looking into a bill to replace the aging mechs in the army with a new, Congolese created variant.

Navy: The Congo Republican Navy isn't a sight to behold either: consisting of a mixture of defected, outdated battlecruisers and heavy cruisers from Belgium, purchased ships from miscellaneous countries, and some smaller cruisers, destroyers, and patrol boats built in the Republic of Congo itself.

Air Force: The Congo Republican Air Force differs from the rest of the military branches: As aviation has become more prominent in the large country, new designs that have originated from civilian producers are being modified for military use. Though zeppelins and smaller airships rule the skies, new development into heavier biplanes, and even a mono-wing design, are being tested and implemented into the Air Force. All of this is hindered though, as the Republic of Congo's military industry is very limited and not designed for mass production.

Intel: The Republic of Congo, remaining on the path of neutrality, only has an internal security force: the Force Populaire. Made after the disbanding of the old Force Publique, the internal security force is mostly used to protect important buildings and observe election polling places to ensure the safety of the democratic process. There are calls from candidates as well to create an intelligence service in the Congo, to help root out any potential agitators or saboteurs.
I am still here, I am making the update happen, and this has so many sign-ups but god Bless you all.
A dinner of two
People in the scene:"comandante" Elizabeth
Member of Parliament Cooke
The restaurant staff
Mentioned: Movement's Propagandist's Giovanni de umbria
The restaurant was empty, it was usually quite busy in Mombasa, yet she knew why exactly it was that way as she calmly was siting in the middle, the restaurant staff close but not far as they looked at her and cooke.

Soon, Cooke calmly went in and grabbed some of the food at table, mainly a stake and some condiments for it as well as the wine to feel his cup as she calmly looked at him, not saying until he had finished serving his drink, after all, they both knew why they where here, as she had seen the work of Cooke calmly rousing some political power with his rather inflammatory remark, and managing to do so damn well.

"Well it seems Giovanni was right, you are more communist than those up in Spain."

she smiled as Cooke looked at her, taking a quick sip from his drink.

"I am a futurist comandante, but not every futurist are the same, your friend Giovanni and I, for example, share very little in comparison to our... futurist views."

Cooke calmly went back to eating as she continue to look at him, still smiling and says.

"Well, I thank you, nobody else would had been able to do such a amazing job as you."

Cooke calmly continued eating, not responding ,and as he calmly began eyeing the condiments at the table, she eyed at it and then looked at him back, responding.

"Hey, you didn't even give me permission to start."

He chuckled a bit, and then looked at her.

"Neither did I ask for you to allow me to speak at those marches."

She quickly went and retorted that.

"Well, but that was something that I told you to do."

He chuckled as she calmly began looking at him, not with a impressive look, but a curious one as he continued to speak.

"But you didn't dictate the words I would use, I selected the concepts , the tone, and, after all, I don't think it would be good to ask for permission all the time at those who rule, specially at someone like you which i respect a lot."

She looked a bit amazed at those word, but keeping her stern posture, she responded.

"You really, really have a weird way to view respect as."

He calmly grabbed a few condiment and look at her again.

"I sometimes identify respect with disobedience, rather than submission."

She rose a eyebrow, taken rather surprised by that response and chuckled a bit, before returning a response.

"Well then you view yourself a bit badly in the NFM, because this is a movement of bootlickers bastard and if you want me to tell you , I am very much the reason behind that part, as I very much get angry when they don't have the same views as I do."

He laughed at that response, clearly taking that response with a rather light-hearted mind, but he quickly noticed her looking away a abit, and, in perhaps a more lower tone, said.

"You know... you think the opposition fellows might not be wrong after all? that I am nothing more than a dictator?."

He shook his head with that response, cleared his mouth a little bit with a napkin and responded to that question.

"The opposition fills itself up with the word democracy in their mouth, but if they had a more larger controlled in the government, I don't think they would be so much democratic after all."

She hummed in response, calmly taking a drink from her cup and accommodating herself up as she looked back at him, who continued.

"Commandante, Giovanni and I, coincide in their belief of taking BEACA towards the path of futurism, but he wishes to take futurism and turn it into a dictatorship, I?." He chuckled a bit "I wish to turn futurism into a revolution, now, you will ask if you are a dictator as the opposition claims, but listen me closely commandante, if a dictatorship is a revolution, then it is justified, but if its not a revolution, then it is just a dictatorship, and nothing else, sadly nothing else."

She thought that response, and both calmly continue eating and doing small talk during the entire night.
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