INES III: Storm Tapestry

Spoiler :
The Liberator and President Gahiji

Egyptian President Gahiji basks in the glorious morning sun. On a patio of the Presidential Palace he a commanding view of the Nile and Cairo beyond.

He writes in his journal. "The war is over, yet something seems left to be done. The future fate of my people tears at my heart. Our lands spread across the holy lands, an empire of god, truly crowning achievement. Yet, I feel there is much left to be done."

He sets his pen down and looks towards the rising sun as he sips his coffee. The sky is a bright red. The sounds of the city rise in volume as it comes to life. The wind generators on the top of buildings kick in as the pollution level rises. As the pollution begins to blow out into the country the sky shifts to a bluer hue. 'Such a beautiful thing' thought the president.
I have a beef whith the update, specificly how the Lehi and Israeil Muslims teamed up against my nation. To put it as an analogy, it's like the IRL Israel and Al Qaeda teaming up to fight the United States. It's not making a lot of sense, and I'm feeling a little shafted.
(A) - You don't know the specifics of what happened, so its partly a mystery, and (B) - there are plenty of real-world historical precedents for those sorts of associations. I'm immediately reminded of the Franco-Ottoman alliance and the relationship between the Republic of Bophuthatswana and the Afrikaner Weerstandsbeweging.

Anyway, I know 2054 wasn't a particularly fun year for too many people, and it certainly wasn't the best update I've ever done, but I do my research on my vaguely-plausible reasons. :p
Two nations that are enemies allying with each other makes sense. A terrorist faction allying with a religious group that the former said they would murder does not.

Her Majesty entering a New York concert dedicated to her

The newly Christened Queen Victoria Opera House

All Hail Queen Victoria
Composed by Sir Christopher Thane

Truth and hope in our Fatherland!
And death to every foe!
Our soldiers shall not pause to rest
We vow our loyalty

Old traditions they will abide
Arise young heroes!
Our past inspires noble deeds
All Hail the Queen!

Immortal beacon shows the way
Step forth, seek glory!
Hoist your swords high into the clouds
Hail Victoria!

Our Queen stands astride this world
She’ll vanquish every foe!
Her truth and justice shine so bright
All hail Her brilliant light!

Never will She be overthrown
Like mountains and sea
Her bloodline immortal and pure
All Hail Victoria!

So let Her wisdom guide our way
Go forth and seek glory
Hoist your swords high into the clouds
Hail Victoria!

Spoiler OOC :
Lyrics taken from the anthem of "All Hail Britannia" from the show Code Geass, with some adjustments
whoops double post
The New French Cabinet
By the beginning of March 2054, a Cabinet had finally been appointed. Chirac had reluctantly decided to accept the new arrangement, and Conde's incessant attempts to gain a Cabinet post by hook or by crook had failed. Kornilov (as he was finally being called) and Legarde had tried to assemble a coalition against the idea of a Broad Cabinet on Kornilov's insistence, but the attempt had failed as Briand had won over the rank and file.

Briand was already President, but appointed himself Minister for Foreign Affairs as well. The press, which was enjoyng the absence of any press laws to hamper them, speculated that he couldn't afford to get rid of Legarde as Minister of War and so was attempting to restrain him instead. Briand vehemently denied this.

Chirac was put in charge of Treasury and Finance, and was thus easily the second most important person in the Cabinet. The most moderate single Republican and used to being a leader by consensus and diplomacy, he settled into his new role resentfully but willingly.

Legarde, whose reputation as 'the hero of the hour' was wearing off but was still known as the Republican's best commander, was made Minister of War. Although the plan to split the Ministry of War and the Ministry of Defence had not gone ahead, Legarde was led to informally understand not to begin his intrigues, 'for the greater good' though he called them.

Kornilov, as people were now calling himself despite his insistence that he had changed it to a more French name, was given the posistion of Minister for Security- this did not, however, include the French external intelligence services. This was a significant humiliation for 'Fillion's dog', and was understood within the party to be a punishment for intriguing against Briand.

The other posistions were filled up with fairly un-influential newcomers- aspiring politicians and minor members of the Republican Party. The only individual who had manged to distinguish himself was Nathan Fillion, not to be mixed up with Jean Kornilov (whose real name was Nathan) or the Fillion who was Minister of War. Fillion was Minister for Education and a highly skilled writer- he had little real power except over his Department, but his history of the Briand government would become the most important single history in time. His reputation at the time was for being a man who was unusually calm and detached from events, a major contributor to the objectivity of his history.
From: The Second Japanese Empire of the Proletariat
To: Chinander Dogs

His Proletarian Greatness the Emperor once again stands on high. Playing track in 3...

Link to video.

From: The Second Japanese Empire of the Proletariat
To: Confederacy of United World Archipelagos

We fight a defensive war against an enemy whose attack was unprovoked, vicious, and merciless for the very existence of our nation and you call our methods reprehensible and us monsters? We act merely for the safety of the Imperial Proletariat.
Two nations that are enemies allying with each other makes sense. A terrorist faction allying with a religious group that the former said they would murder does not.

I get how that feels wrong. But there are plenty of similar cases out there.

Spoiler :
-Check out a review of a book that made some stir fairly recently -

-Look at an article that mentions one major Kurdish leader allying with Saddam during a civil war - - find for "In fact, Massoud Barzani had approached the Saddam Hussein regime and had requested help and assistance to defeat and expel his rival PUK"

-Finally, search "lehi nazis".

The enemy of my enemy is my friend concept sometimes seems to subvert logic. But it helps that extremists aren't always the clearest of thinkers.

Anywho, just about 36 hours until deadline. 0/20 orders in.
This one I can push back 24 more hours. That work?
What about the Friday update then? Because that only gives us two and a half days to get our diplo straight.

I guess I'm asking if you could be a bit more lenient on the Saturday one, because I see it being a stretch for me to get them in this time around.
Spoiler :
A day in the Life of Major Naeem Ali, commander of Najiza Outpost deep in the Arabian Deserts of the Republic.

The sand is blistering hot, as the soldiers lay in the shade of the small military outpost. A dense sandstorm, rolls in and the troops hunker down.

“Why are we even out here. Nothing is going to happen out here,” said a private.
“They say war is hell, but they are wrong, this right here is hell,” replied another.

“Then why don’t you go home,” a voice bellowed behind them.
It was Major Ali, he stood 70 centimeters high, and wore a dirty Egyptian military uniform. His face was covered by goggled and the vial covering his face hid his smile. The two soldiers did not get up to salute the Major. When you serve under a man in war, and then in such a remote location things become informal.
“Get comfortable men, it looks like a bad one today.”

The Major entered a small concrete hut and closed the door tightly behind him. The relatively sand free room was a stark contrast to the world outside. A single naked bulb lit the room, beneath sat a lonely desk and chair. A cot and large trunk sat in the corner by the door along with a well worn broom. The major shook off the sand and sat down at the desk. He grabbed a worn black leather bound book from a stack and began to read.

"June 3rd, 2053

The war is essentially won. We still fight on. Small pockets of resistance scatter the sands. It seems as though the less of the enemy there are to fight the more ferocious they become. The ones left refuse surrender and become bold and dangerous when cornered. I still lose men the these warriors of the lost cause. I would like to return home, but a part of me knows that home isn’t home to me anymore. I have been gone too long, I think the military life has consumed my mortal body. God is the only thing that carries me on, and my knowledge that I am a tool in securing the holy land for the faithful.”

The call to prayer could barely be heard though the whipping sand outside. Not even nature could stifle the electronic minarets. The Major shut the book and closed his eyes. He stood up and laid the sajjada down and began to pray.
What about the Friday update then? Because that only gives us two and a half days to get our diplo straight.

I guess I'm asking if you could be a bit more lenient on the Saturday one, because I see it being a stretch for me to get them in this time around.

Saturday one? What Saturday one? :crazyeyes: If I have two updates a week, one will always be four days from the previous, and one will be three. And I can only do updates on Mon, Tues, Thurs, and Fri. There's always an invisible buffer for the stragglers, but more meaningful delay and we will lose an update.
I think Tuesday sounds good. But if not I'm good with Friday or Thursday as a deadline too.
I think what TLK is saying is that if we put off the update to Tuesday we will have only 2 weekdays days to diplo and write orders. I know some people are more busy during the weekends then the weekdays but let me tell you, weekdays i go to work at 4 in the morning, and am out until 4-6 in the evening nearly every day.

Either way I can still make the deadline on Friday if I am pushed tilled Tuesday. Who needs sleep.
I know what you mean, which I why I thought Monday and Friday was the best configuration. For now, let's keep going with the Monday assumption, because even if I do decide to switch, that would allow the update to be up fairly early on Tuesday.

Is it me, or have there been a surprisingly large number of bureaucratic posts on this thread? :(
I'm thinking we are a bit burned out by the breakneck update speeds + it is colloquium time at my uni, not much time to write stories and have a social life at the same time. And with players from all over the world its hard to have coherent time sensitive diplo done.
Yu Wei put down his book. He always hated lunch breaks where the office had to be cleaned or otherwise evacuated. Those goddamn Chinanders knocked out all the power in the Eight Ward, so now he had to sit in a McDonalds on the south side of the city, with Chinese propaganda blasting over the remaining radio stations. Who did they think they were winning over with that? The average Siamese citizen didn't care much for the current Siamese government, but they weren't going to defect and join that dictatorship China, now, were they?

Hanoi was a big city; an important city. There were rumors floating about the Siamese community that the Second Army was still in the city, fighting in civilian clothes somewhere, destroying Chinese morale. He chuckled at this. He could almost pick up a gun and ask around, and he could become part of the resistance. All he had to do was go home, grab his father's old war relic, and ask around. No sane person would do that.. would they?

No. He would go back to work, and he would file his papers, and crunch his numbers. He stood up, gathered his belongings, and dumped his tray into the trash recepticle. As he exited the buildings, a strong voice was droning in Cantonese over the loudspeakers. "SIAMESE CITIZENS WILL REMAIN INDOORS AT THEIR PLACE OF EMPLOYMENT OR HOMES. THOSE CAUGHT OUTSIDE WITHOUT A PERMIT REGISTERED BY THE FOURTH ASSEMBLY OF MILITARY TALENT WILL BE DETAINED AND QUESTIONED. OBEY." Yu sighed. He walked to his bicycle and put on his helmet. He looked up and down the street. No cars anywhere anymore. This is not a nice occupation.

Halfway to his office, Yu Wei was stopped by a group of Chinese soldiers. "Where are you headed this evening, sir?" asked a particularly small one with a pen and pad. "I'm going back to work, after my lunch break." The chinander raised an eyebrow. "Got a permit?"

Yu frowned. "I was never issued one, no. Where do I get it?" he asked. The chinander kicked his front tire. "Well, sorry to tell you this, but you gotta come with us downtown."

Yu sighed. They don't know my name, don't have a picture.. I could just get away back to work now. That way I won't be docked pay. He jumped back onto his bike and pedaled off, much to the chagrin of the Chinese soldiers left standing there. Biking away, he looked back, and flipped them the bird.
I'm thinking we are a bit burned out by the breakneck update speeds + it is colloquium time at my uni, not much time to write stories and have a social life at the same time. And with players from all over the world its hard to have coherent time sensitive diplo done.

I'm getting that sense. My problem is that I have a lot of time to kill right now but I won't in the near future. If we slow down to one update a week (which I'm fine with) we'll only get in five more updates as opposed to nine. But if people seem to be in consensus (PM me your opinion if you want, you don't have to post), we'll go off turbo. More interesting stuff is happing in the game now anyways, so the original reason for turbo is gone.
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