Inquiry concerning the argsList formal parameter within MapScripts


Feb 27, 2011
I was curious about the algorithm as to how the items in the argsList formal parameter list of your typical map script are acquired - i.e., how they are read from the relevant XML files / object code and actually added to the argsList list. Is this even done from the Python layer, or is this task performed by the game engine itself?
I'm guessing this is done in the SDK, prior to the Python call-up. The argsList argument/parameter is usually a tuple array, by the way.
All of the calls to the mapscript are made from sdk, not from the game engine. So the sdk code will show this. The easiest way to understand what elements are in a given argsList is by studying the existing python mapscripts. If you cannot find a particular function used in any existing mapscript, then (a) you probably don't need it either, and (b) you can find the calling sequence by grepping for this function name in the sdc c++ files.
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