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Instruction thread for TC Saturday 2:00 EST


Sep 3, 2007
This is the instruction thread for the turnchat Saturday at 2:00 PM Eastern Standard Time.

Do I have permission to do it offline?
President civplayah, our Code of Laws says the following on the matter ~

Section L.1 Game Sessions
All irreversible game actions should progress during an online turnchat, while reversible game actions (i.e. build queues) that adhere to legal instructions can be prepared offline. During each session, the designated player must provide a log of their actions in sufficient detail to replicate their actions. The President or his delegate may choose to play an offline Game Session rather than an online TurnChat, but must first get the approval of the people with a public poll.

I would think you would have already started a Public Poll for this Game Session. Would you like me to start one for you? Time is short.
Follow current city location picture at the start of the CPT.
Start building the Great Wall in Tara or Rhiannon as a prebuild, but make sure it does not complete.
Build Que~

Harbor (Current)

Upon growth, please put new citizens on roaded Forests.

Please name the Galley "The Molly".
Ok, President civplayah. So far no one has objected to you playing the save offline. You'll need to keep to your schedule and you'll need to abide by the rules. Please be sure to post your mid-Session save as well as the end save. You'll need to take detailed notes each turn as far as what's produced and started in the cities. Any contacts with other nations (good or bad). Everything should go in your notes which you can post here with the saves. Also please take screenshots and post them here too.

If you have any trouble be sure to post here and PM me. I will keep on eye on this. If I don't see any posts by you, I'll assume you got busy doing something else. Then I'll play the save when I have time.
Is it alright if I postpone this until tomorrow at the same time? For some reason, I just don't feel comfortable playing without further instruction from some of the mayors or the TNT advisor.

Maybe you can play it Cyc, you have more experience.
Sure. I'll play it. You see, we can't just keep puting this off to a later date. People will wander away. Participation is already low. Waiting till tomorrow will not guarantee more instructions.

I've got time. I can play soon.
I'll play in an hour. Live Turn Chat in #turnchat.
I know it's late, so these instructions are NOT technically binding... but...


1.) Settler (Current)
2.) Library
3.) Gaelic Swordsman
4.) Gaelic Swordsman
5.) Colosseum
6.) Gaelic Swordsman

Use best judgment for soldier movement, try to get at least 1 2-defense unit in each of our cities and move offensive units towards our western border for potential assault on England in the future.
Not a problem, Falcon02.

Starting the T/C now.
Cyc's had some PC problems and is continuing off-line, but here's the log up to that point (end turn 3).

Spoiler :
Session Start: Sat May 09 20:42:54 2009
Session Ident: #turnchat
03[20:42] * Now talking in #turnchat
03[20:42] * Topic is 'Civ3 DG Revival - Next chat Saturday April 4, 1600 UTC'
03[20:42] * Set by DaveShack on Sat Apr 04 16:57:55
03[20:42] * Chieftess sets mode: +v Furiey
03[21:05] * cyc has joined #turnchat
03[21:05] * Chieftess sets mode: +v cyc
01[21:05] <Furiey> hi Cyc!
06[21:06] <cyc> hey Furiey.
[21:06] <cyc> This room wouldn't let me in.
01[21:06] <Furiey> strange
[21:07] <cyc> Well, I made it
[21:08] <cyc> Starting Civ3
[21:08] <cyc> How you been?
01[21:09] <Furiey> flu
01[21:09] <Furiey> but better now
01[21:09] <Furiey> too much work as well
01[21:10] <Furiey> which is not a good time to have flu
[21:10] <cyc> I had a two day bout, myself.
[21:10] <cyc> Ok, Instructions.
[21:11] <cyc> Domestic wants us to use the city planning chart for Term 3.
06[21:11] <cyc> Are you logging Furiey?
01[21:11] <Furiey> yep
[21:12] <cyc> Glad you're better now.
01[21:12] <Furiey> set to auto log as I forget otherwise
[21:12] <cyc> good.
02[21:12] * cyc has quit IRC (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
03[21:12] * cyc has joined #turnchat
03[21:12] * Chieftess sets mode: +v cyc
01[21:13] <Furiey> it doesn't like you today
[21:13] <cyc> Wow. I'm back.
[21:14] <cyc> Free hand at Military moving troops in a Westerly fashion.
[21:14] <cyc> Will watch cities
[21:14] <cyc> Tara has already started th Great Wall.
[21:16] <cyc> Anything else you can think of?
01[21:17] <Furiey> Haven't looked at the save for a couple of weeks, I'll load Civ...
[21:18] <cyc> End of preturn, 150AD, 737g, +46gpt, Engineering in 46 turns
06[21:18] <cyc> Waiting for Furiey's return.....
01[21:18] <Furiey> I know I'm I'll when I don't even want to play Civ...
01[21:19] <Furiey> got to find the latest save
[21:19] <cyc> May 5th 150 bc
[21:19] <cyc> 150AD, I mean
01[21:20] <Furiey> I knew 18 April wasn't right!
[21:20] <cyc> Well, it was at one time. :D
01[21:20] <Furiey> 150 AD
01[21:23] <Furiey> wow we have a lot more cities now
[21:23] <cyc> Unlike DaveShack, who leaves A LOT of moves left at the end of the last save, this save is done with all moves.
[21:24] <cyc> We have grown
01[21:24] <Furiey> yeah, not a lot to do
[21:25] <cyc> We just finished killing about 40 Barb Horsemen and settling 4 cities.
01[21:25] <Furiey> looks like we need a few more workers
[21:25] <cyc> ok, pressing enter
[21:25] <cyc> will look into that.
[21:26] <cyc> Moira completes Spear
[21:27] <cyc> Starts Worker. ;)
[21:28] <cyc> Rhiannon completes Settler, starts Library
[21:29] <cyc> Caitlyn completes Marketplace, starts Worker.
01[21:29] <Furiey> we can build the forbidden Palace
[21:32] <cyc> W#orker roading out of city 8 road towards city 9
[21:32] <cyc> Workers at Tara start irrigating
[21:32] <cyc> Settler fro Rhiannon heads NW of Breyr
01[21:32] <Furiey> one of our invasion base cities ;)
[21:33] <cyc> Continued blocking of the Byz Settler, though not as well as I'd like.
01[21:33] <Furiey> We'll have to get a settler there soon or they'll break though
[21:33] <cyc> Moira Spear goes to city 9
[21:34] <cyc> Let's name these cities.
[21:35] <cyc> Still looking at spot 1 for the Dye city.
[21:35] <cyc> Immediate growth and Dyes with that locale
02[21:43] * Disconnected
Session Close: Sat May 09 21:43:55 2009

Session Start: Sat May 09 21:44:37 2009
Session Ident: #turnchat
03[21:44] * Now talking in #turnchat
03[21:44] * Topic is 'Civ3 DG Revival - Next chat Saturday April 4, 1600 UTC'
03[21:44] * Set by DaveShack on Sat Apr 04 16:57:55
03[21:44] * Chieftess sets mode: +v Furiey
[21:44] <cyc> End of turn 1, 170AD, 783g, +44gpt, Engineering in 45
01[21:45] <Furiey> disconnected me that time
[21:47] <cyc> Pressing Enter
[21:47] <cyc> Our NW Curragh sinks tw Barb Galleys, promoted to regular.
[21:47] <cyc> Aerona completes Settler
[21:48] <cyc> Starts Library
[21:48] <cyc> Fionna (formerly city #8) completes Temple, starts Library
[21:50] <cyc> SoZ produces another AC
06[21:50] <cyc> Welcome back Furiey
[21:50] <cyc> <cyc>: The 4 unamed cities have been named.
[21:50] <cyc> End of turn 1, 170AD, 783g, +44gpt, Engineering in 45
[21:50] <cyc> Pressing Enter
[21:50] <cyc> >: Our NW Curragh sinks tw Barb Galleys, promoted to regular.
[21:50] <cyc> and then you started logging
01[21:52] <Furiey> hopefully not much of a gap in the log
01[21:52] <Furiey> auto reconnect as well as auto log
[21:52] <cyc> moving new AC NW
[21:53] <cyc> Anwyn founded. The city to Dye for.
[21:57] <cyc> End of turn 2, 190AD 827g, +42gpt, Engineering in 44
[21:57] <cyc> Pressing enter
[22:00] <cyc> Byzs plant city
01[22:00] <Furiey> grrr
[22:00] <cyc> NE Currach sunk by Barbs
01[22:00] <Furiey> grrrrrrr
[22:00] <cyc> Moira completes Worker starts Harbor.
[22:01] <cyc> Maeve completes Spear, starts Harbor.
[22:02] <cyc> Caitlyn completes Worker, starts Library
[22:02] <cyc> Siobhan completes Aqueduct, starts Harbor
[22:03] <cyc> Maeve Spear goes to Imbolc (formerly known as Town #11)
[22:07] <cyc> We have Dyes
[22:07] <cyc> Setting Entertainment back to 10%
01[22:07] <Furiey> nice
[22:09] <cyc> Our Scientist is now researching in Caitlyn
01[22:10] <Furiey> how are we doing with the sword building?
[22:11] <cyc> Have left Chinese waters
[22:11] <cyc> Spear arrives in Tavia (formerly city #10)
[22:13] <cyc> End of turn 3, 210AD, 871g, +48gpt, Engineering in 43
[22:13] <cyc> Pressing enter
[22:14] <cyc> Lorna (formerly known as city #9) completes Temple, starts Granary
[22:20] <cyc> Some Civfanatics Geek is in my computer. Will bail and finish this offline, using civplayah's permission.
06[22:21] <cyc> Thanks for stopping in, Furiey.
01[22:21] <Furiey> ok, I'll post what log I have
[22:21] <cyc> thanks
02[22:21] * cyc has quit IRC (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
Session Close: Sat May 09 22:21:49 2009

Not a lot happening, just builds & city naming.
Here's the rest of the Chat Log. Furiey pegged it. Not much happening, although the Great Library was active and we found a new border.

Spoiler :
Kicked a Fomorach Archer off our land (Anwyn).
End of turn 4, 230AD, 919g, +63gpt, Engineering in 42 turns
Our Alchemists have mastered the secret of Feudalism
We stay in Republic
Persian city of Persepolis builds the Gret Wall.
End of turn 5, 250AD, 982g, +63gpt, Engineering in 41
Tara switches to Sun Tzu's Art of War
Kick Elite Fomorach Warrior off our lands (Anwyn)
End of turn 6, 260AD, 1045g, +60gpt, Engineering in 40
End of turn 7, 270AD, 1116g, +77gpt, Engineering in 39
Our wise-men have mastered the secret of Monotheism.
Our wise-men have mastered the secre of Theology.
Our Sooth Sayers have mastered the secret of Chivalry.
The Byzantines complete Sun Tzu's Art of War in Constantinople.
Switch Tara to Sistene Chapel.
Founded City Red NW of Breyr.
City Red starts Temple.
End of turn 8, 280AD, 1193g, +81gpt, Engineering in 38
Molly completes Galley, starts Cathedral
A persian Galley appears by Tavia. The Molly will go scan the Horizon on our SE coast
Our SW Curragh seems to have found a Persian Border south of the Byzantine city of Trebizond
The Molly will go south, off the coast of the Byz city Chalcedon
End of turn 9 290AD, 1274g, +95gpt, Engineering in 37
Moira completes Harbor, starts Cathedral
Maeve completes Harbor, starts Cathedral
Rhiannon completes Library, starts Cathedral. Breaking Falcon02's wish.
Tavia completes Temple strts Harbor
End of turn 10 300AD, 1369g, +91gpt, Engineering in 36.
Saving, uploading.
End of T/C.



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