IOT Organisational and Discussion Thread

Crap, I won't be able to skim or skip over these rules.
Don't use the state districts unless you want hideous Jerrymandering victims for provinces.

6.) Nomads

Players can also create Nomadic societies. These function very differently than normal societies. For one, they move. Societies may allow them to move through their territories or tell them to stay away.

Nomads don't have regular pops. Only soldiers and elites. When in neutral territory, soldiers can be sent to scavenge food and each soldier will scavenge two.

Nomads can still gain technologies like other societies and increase their population.

Nomads can attack settlements, conduct raids, and the like and become terrifying creations. When a Nomadic group takes a fort, the fort is converted into another horde under the control of the player.

Nomads can be hit with Plagues as well. If they're moving through borders of an infected society, there's a chance the Nomads have a soldier infected.

The only technologies the Nomads are affected by are Military and Civil.

Awesome :D
And the point of not starting out as a horde and then settling when that happens is...?
I was thinking about suggesting it, but I don't like how you don't know exactly what you're getting when plopping down a fort, how their ZoC increases, or unit movement (more relevant for hordes).
This is going to sound very NESish, but how about forgoing provinces and just use common sense for claims?

Because, inevitably, someone will claim the entire world.

On a more serious note, how would you calculate war and land transfers then? The only remaining way is wars of attrition.
I thought you said nomads could get civil techs.
I'm confirming I will return, the likely date is Saturday the 24th of March. I'll bring the casserole.
I am not in a position to confirm or deny any ingredients.
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