IOT World of Trade

Peking Kingdom
Spoiler :

Name: Peking Kingdom

Government type: Monarchy
Religion: Confucianism
Royal Dynasty: Liu


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your aware that the city of Xian isn't in one of the territories you selected right?

Yes I do, but I'm no good at dynasty names. How about at one point the Xian Dynasty owned it, but the empire was severly weakened to the point it shrunk to a small state around Beijing, and the name stuck?
You could look up Chinese surnames and pick one.
Name: Great Malacca

Government type: Monarchy

Religion:Shia Muslim

Royal Dynasty: Melayu
I've added a flag. I'll add some background and stuff tomorrow.

That flag took me like an hour.
Just letting you know im in. Details to come later, possibly tomorrow.
Papal States

I claim Sardinia, not Sicily.

Description: The Papal states are the lands ruled by the pope himself. Although currently they consist of Vatican City, at this time, they were a major power in Europe. The Pope is also the leader of the Catholic Church. Due to powers given by NedimNapoleon, the Pope has the power to conduct Holy Wars and to excommunicate people, with GM permission.

NedimNapoleon said:
Since you picked the Papal states,I announce that you are the pope, the religious leader of the Christians, you can call holy wars and excommunicate people. But you have to ask me first, so it isn't metagaming

Leader: Pope Nicholas V

Still working on this.
The Kingdom of The Dragon.

Capital: Shangahi

Color: Dark Yellow or Orange.

Claims: Shangahi, and as many territories that surround it as possible.

Religion: Strangely for this period, South China has freedom of religion, since it is not that important to them. Buddhism and Confucianism is most common, Sinotism and Islam occasionally appear, and Christianity appears in trace amounts. Religion is only punished if it prohibits doing your duty to the state (For instance, if it makes you refuse to serve in the army.)

Flag: I'll do this later. I don't really want to search for one ATM.

Government: Monarchy, with nobles and other royalty. Anyone is allowed to make lots of money, but peasants basically never do.

Foreign Policy: We just want all of South China. Let us have that, and there will be peace.

Note, I missed Maxa's nation above me, so I edited my nation to reflect this.
The Ethiopian Empire

Spoiler claims :

Ethiopia is an ancient kingdom in the horn of Africa. It first came about from the 4th century BC Axumite Empire, the first major Christian kingdom. It was replaced by the Zagwe Dynasty's own empire. Then, in 1270, the Zagwe dynasty was defeated by Yekuno Amlak, who claimed lineage from the Axumite Emperors, and thus, proclaimed himself a direct descendant of the biblical King Solomon. His dynasty now rules Ethiopia, an Ethiopia obsessed with establishing an Ethiopian Empire the likes of which has never been seen before.

Capital: Addis Ababa
Government type: Absolute Monarchy
State Religion: Ethiopian Orthodox Christianity
Significant Minority Religions: Islam, Judaism
Languages: Amharic (official), Oromo, several other tribal languages
Royal Dynasty: Solomonids (House of Solomon)
Name: Roman Empire(Byzantine Empire)
Spoiler map :

Spoiler flag :

Government type: Theocratic Empire, though largely an aristrocratic bureaucracy.
Religion: Orthodox Christianity
Royal Dynasty: Palaiologos

In this time line Andronikos III Palaiologos survived till he was 55 and died in 1353. John V Palaiologoss assumed the throne at a much more stable age without the influence of the civil war and regency. Briefly before his reign he toured the country side in anatolia and saw the decay of his empire. When he became emporer he repealed many of the unpopular policies of his predecessors. He re-deployed troops to asia minor to defend from the ottoman threat after negotiating a peace with the serbs. Mercenary numbers in the army were drastically reduced. The crippling taxes on the peasentry were lightened a little and taxes on foreign ships crossing the bosporus were increased. Church unity with Rome was completely abolished in favor of the Patriarch of Constantinople.

After Adronikos III's reign, the empire focused on reform and re-building. Constantionople, though not flourishing, was growing again after a long period as villages seperated by fields. Byzantine naval supremacy was not re-established, but, with the help of some western investment, the navy was a respectable size again. Venician colonies on the Peloponnese were taken for the empire again, for a price. As the empire climbed out of debt and drew on armies from across the empire they reconquered some of their territory in the balkans from the serbian sucessor states. Now the struggling empire is ready to make a come back on the world stage.
Prospo, do you want to be the Patriarch of the orthodox church, you can call holy wars and excommunicate
Yes please.

EDIT: does it apply over Ethiopian Orthodoxy? Will countries with predominately orthodox populations such as the Khanate of the Rus be affected?
Countries like the Khanate will not be affected directly, but I may link some events but Ethiopia is orthodox but if he refuses to join you may excommunicate him
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