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Is there still people playing civ 4?

I still play Civ 2 Test of Time, Alpha Centauri, and Civ 4.

I check up on Civ 5 every couple of months to see if anything interesting is happening but have been mostly disappointed. (note that this is purely my personal opinion, If you like Civ 5 best I have no problem with that, just not my cup o' tea)

Civ 4 is very possibly my favorite of the series. The only things that put Test of Time and Alpha Centauri on the list is that they have more variety/are fundamentally different and are still great games, but I do prefer the Civ 4 engine, some of the game mechanics, (such as culture, religion, unit support system, etc.) and of course, the mods.
I still play civilization 4 single player but then I end up losing. Here's a screenshot of my progress thus far. I might quit this one though because its already too late to achieve any victory with the exception of culture, but the new wonders are being taken by the already advanced rivals.


  • Civ4ScreenShot0006.JPG
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(...)Alpha Centauri, and Civ 4.

Say no more , say no more ..... Firaxis best games ever ! :) (I do say so with full responsibility) Makes Firaxian Shark (tm) proud. :tears of joy: :) :D

Civ 4 and Alpha Centauri = Nerdgasm :lol::lol::lol:
I still play Civ 2 Test of Time, Alpha Centauri, and Civ 4.

Civ 4 is very possibly my favorite of the series. The only things that put Test of Time and Alpha Centauri on the list is that they have more variety/are fundamentally different and are still great games, but I do prefer the Civ 4 engine, some of the game mechanics, (such as culture, religion, unit support system, etc.) and of course, the mods.

I have the box and manual from Civ II ToT in my basement saved from college. I always wanted to go back and play that Midgard fantasy game and finish it (IIRC, it was broken, you could never save the barbarian city Rot). I completed some quests but never got the Deus ex Machina. I don't suppose anyone ported that game to e.g. Civ IV?
This thread is an abomination - no thanks to the originial poster, but to the stubborn Civ 5 haters. Bashing Civ 5 for its relative simplicity (compared to 4) is silly, and saying 4 has better graphics is absurd. Worst of all, some of you appear to be passing judgement having seen no more of 5 than the demo - extremely reactionary and utterly ridiculous.

5 has come a long way since the state it was released in years ago, same as how 4 has gotten much better with patches and expansions. Both 4 and 5 are incredibly strong games. The need to pick a favourite and then bash every other inception of the franchise is very juvenile, no matter what side of the fence you're standing on.

- Civ 4 & 5 player
Interesting interpretation of the definition of juvenile good sir, thank you for bringing your well thought out viewpoints to this particular thread.
Interesting interpretation of the definition of juvenile good sir, thank you for bringing your well thought out viewpoints to this particular thread.

I'm actually thankful for his enlightening post. I thought juvenile was an Italian football club!
I'm actually thankful for his enlightening post. I thought juvenile was an Italian football club!

Actually, I think it's an Egyptian rowing club. ;)

-She said, further increasing the juvenile aspect of this thread and loving it. :p
Hello CIV IV, I'm back.
Actually, I racked up almost 400 hours on CIV V until Steam made an upgrade last week and made it impossible for me to run the game. I put in a work order last Sunday - they never answered. Several others posted the same issue. My other game, Skyrim, also tanked.

I'm done with depending on some company in the cloud to play my game!

So - I've reinstalled CIV V, Warlords, and BTS, and Colonization is on the way. I am looking forward to 8 more years of Civilization!
Could it be? Could Steam actually be a good thing? Afterall, it brought you back to Civ 4! People have been ranting about Steam the whole time, but they failed to see the bigger picture. :D

Thinking some more about it, could it be that the Civ 5 developers made Steam mandatory with this intention in mind? Like they were saying, hey our game sucks balls but that doesn't matter, because since it uses Steam you will have to go back to Civ 4 sooner or later anyway and enjoy it with all its greatness. What a stroke of genius on their side! The whole time I was criticizing them for their incompetence while I pictured them sitting in the corner of their studio, wearing their dunce caps and staring at the wall. But in reality they wanted the best for us all along. Shame on me, oh what shame!

And you, sir Cliffff, happy civving! May your coming years be prosperous and enlightening!
And you, sir Cliffff, happy civving! May your coming years be prosperous and enlightening!

Sir Cliffff ! May You live long and prosper \m/ ! ^^ I really mean it ^^
I still, my friend :D

I fear Civ V will not run properly to my laptop, so I stick with my Civ 4 :)
Actually, juvenile is the name given to a series of Heinlein novels published by Scribner's between 1947 and 1958.

-source Juvenile

I've read some of those. I enjoyed them. :)
Not me. I loved Civ 4 and thought it was the best Civ yet when Civ 5 wasn't out yet, but now after playing Civ 5 I can't just go back. Civ 5 is simply the better game in too many ways.
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