IsrNES4: Novus Ordo Seclorum

OOC: Arg! Joe hates NAP's! :mad:! The mere idea of promising not to attack someone and stay at peace with someone is completely idiotic!


To Guals, Brittany
Frome Eire

Any response to the council idea?
To the Lombard League
From the Protectorate of Helvetia

We wish for you to tell us wether or not we may attend the Conference of Cill-Dara along with our Celtic brethren

To Lombard League
From the Muntuan Empire
We would sign an alliance with you, if you wished it.

To Helvetia

We will not hold you back from such a meeting. You may attend it, for you have the right. We will give you the greatest steeds we have to offer for transportation for your representatives.

To Muntuan Empire

An alliance seems acceptable. Also, we wish to open both our borders to trade.
To Lombard League
From Muntua
Of course our borders are open to trade with you.
To: Members of Nipponese Empire
From: Kansai

Why do we keep ourselves at arms length. Why should we hide from our similarities. We are Japanes and should all become one empire, or atleast more unified. Any nation that wants to join and intregrate into a future Japan is welcome to. Will you join me?
To Kansai
From Other Members of the Nipponese Empire (Seperately)

This is unacceptable. You wish to reign as the corrupt Yamato or the evil Tamnese. Quiet down, or we may be forced to move the Nipponese Emperorship away from Heijokyo.
To: other members

sorry, we withdraw our claims
Kingdom of Chola
Capital: Urayur
Ruler/Player: Rajakesari Kolothunga/
Government: Monarchy
Religion: Hinduism 100%
Economy: Normal, 1+1
Centralization: Unitary
Dependencies: None
Infantry (Training): 10 thousands (Normal) 5 thousands (Better)
Cavalry (Training): None
Navy (Training): 10 ships (Normal)
Mercenaries (Training)(Duration of Employment): Normal
Military/Civilian Leadership: Tolerable/Tolerable
Education: Ignorant
Age: Bronze Age
Culture: Chola is Tamil Indian. Within the country the west and south are more commercial while the north and east and more agricultural and militant. There are also remaining divisions between the ruling Cholas from the east, Pandyas from the south, and Cheras from the west.
Confidence: Tolerating
Infrastructure: Dirt Paths
Projects: None
Nation Background: After years of vicious war the Cholas united the southern tip of the Indian Subcontinent. Chola now stands as a fierce rival to their neighbour across the straights in Sinhala, but it also must contend with the “un-civilized” Tamils to their north. In addition, divisions remain within the nation. If Chola is truly to bring together such a diverse nation and rise to greatness above all of its competition it must conquer its inner enemies as well as its out enemies.

ill take this
So.. you started this already? And mughal is gone to someone else? :(

Oh well.. I might not have had time for it anyway, as I still don't have my new net access altough it should come any day now. Whoever plays Mughal... know that you have a superpower because of me ;)
Finmaster said:
So.. you started this already? And mughal is gone to someone else? :(

Oh well.. I might not have had time for it anyway, as I still don't have my new net access altough it should come any day now. Whoever plays Mughal... know that you have a superpower because of me ;)

Yea btw Finmaster, he didn't believe me when I told you said I could have Mughal if you didn't come back. :(
Oh, I believed you, I just thought it really wouldn't be fair.

Finmaster, if I knew you would be coming back I owuld have saved it longer. Anyway, you do know that I would definately allow you to start a new nation or take up Sinhala. You are too valuable a player to loose. I am also rather lenient, so I could very well work with you on your internet problems.

Members of the Celtic community all across Europe slowly trickled into the ancient celtic holy city of Cill-Dara; travelling from lands as far as Barca in the Latin Union and the far reaches of Gallic influence in Lombardia to meet with other religious leaders in this historical event.

Many arrived confused, wondering for what reason the celtic peoples were converging- at a time when celticism across western and northern Europe was more divided than ever. Many, especially the Gauls or Helvitians, understood the somewhat bombastic speech about Celtic culture being "under seige" from neighboring nations, but came to the table with many prejudices and long running rivalries which many found impossible to set aside.

Regardless, the various religious druids and delegates met in the semi-enclosed great hall of Cill-Dara, religious epicenter of the Isles Druidic faith and magnificent temple of the High Druid Muircheartach. Here celtic cultural and economic influence was made most apparent, especially that of the Erin traders which dominated the Northern Seas.

The High Druid finally entered the hall, and a hushed silence befell the room, and many began waiting impatiently for him to speak as translators and interpretors scurried about preparing to aid in this unprecedented communicative event. Finally, clearing his throat, the High Druid addressed his flock;

"My brothers of the faith! Many of you have traveled for miles in order to reach this great city of Cill-Dara, and I commend all of you on your conquering of this arduous journey- surely with the blessing of the Gods. The Gods have surely had a hand in bringing us all together on this day, if only to prove the extreme kinship common between all celtic peoples. It is with their blessing we also set aside our differences, differences for which many of us have seen fit to settle in the field of battle and found an animosity most unbefitting between such blood brothers of the faith as ourselves.

Many of you, as I can see, grow impatient with my pleasantries. As such, I will reach my point, and with the grace of Lugh I do hope to sway you to a more enlightened manner of thinking. Reserve your complaints until later, and hear out my propositions of which I have already affirmed the support of my fellow Erin and Isles druids.

It is of my opinion, and of many others of the great Celtic faiths, that these religious divisions across our sacred lands only lend aid to our enemy's vicious attempts of derision and conquest of our culture and modes of worship. And for what? Is it not true that as the chosen people of the Gods, we are not therefore all valid in our worship? Be ye Ibero-Celt, Gaul, Breton, Pict, or Er; you have within you the immaculate spark of divinity from which we all derive our ways of celestial sanctity. As such, it is our duty to the Gods to unite in religious union- and already we have begun discussion of a grand pantheon of all the Gods of all the faiths in order to incorporate all the views and modes of worship of the proud celtic people.

In order to aid in this endeavor, and ensure fairness and true representation of the peoples, an expansion of the council of Cill-Dara is in order. Representatives, not unlike what we have today, from all corners of Celtdom (participitory or otherwise) will take part in a massive religious integration initiative as well as centralizing and aiding in the preservation and unity of the celtic faiths. Among these figures one single High Druid, purely ceremonial in his role as figurehead and holy leader of the faiths, will be chosen with divine inspiration by the council to represent the faiths as a true pan-celt.

Also, in order to push for both religious and cultural awareness and unity within the celtic kingdoms, two great centers of knowledge, called libraries, are to be built within the captal of Eire and the holy city of Cill-Dara. The latter will be a center of religion- and members of this council will find a bevy of bards at their disposal to begin transcribing the various stories and traditions of old onto tablets for future preservation, as well as to expand the understanding of each faith amongst our brothers from which we have diverged. The former library, within our capital, will be nearly the same, but within a greater focus on history and legends of a non-religious nature, in order to show the common roots and similarities amongst our people and chronicle their impressive struggle against our ever expanding enemies."

And so the High Druid ended his speech, and almost immediately an uproar of debate and questions made the walls of the overcrowded and by now excruciatingly hot room reverberate by what could only be the will of the Gods. Many who had doubted him or his words, of whom a minority had quickly been reached, were steered from their skepticism by this divine act of intervention. Very quickly order was restored, and so began the construction of what would soon be known purely as "Celtic Druidism"...

To the Participants in the Council
From High Druid Muircheartach of Cill-Dara

What say you, various leaders of the faiths, to the proposals laid out in the council. (If you are too lazy to read) They are; great pan-celtic pantheon, expansion of the council and elected High Druid (somewhat like the Pope), and construction of great libraries to aid in the integration of culture and language across Celtdom.
Orders are due today, right?

In that case, orders sent. ;)
Orders within the next hour; should arrive before the deadline, which it would seem is 1:04 away. Sent a few minutes ago. A little over, but the Internet was being finnicky.
Shoot, I didn't see this!!! Brittany here, what's going on right now?
Orders were due 15 minutes ago. :p
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