It would be more real if you can capture great people,rather than destroying them!


Zaphod Beeblebrox
Jun 25, 2007
It would be more real if you can capture great people,rather than destroying them while capture.So where is string that aplies to that in XML?
Look in CIV4UnitInfos.xml, insert the unitclass for each great person into the capture line e.g. <Capture>UNITCLASS_ARTIST</Capture>.

I'm pretty sure that works, been a while since I modded CIV4. Personally I did it for all great people except great generals.
I don't know if I agree with that. Would a captured great general be as good as one of your own great generals? Might not great people you have captured be resentful and not want to work? I tend to think of them as patriotic and not wanting to give their secrets to anyone but their mother country.
Both Feanors idea and King of Towns criticism have some appeal...

There were examples in the history, where "captured" (or surrenedered or sometimes defected) "Great People" were used - the one that comes to my mind first is Wernher von Braun and the whole Nazi-Rocket-Science-Crew which were taken by / defected to the USA and were crucial for the US Space program. (and others - less prominent but nevertheless important, did the same for the Soviejets)

Perhaps introducing some randomness - like a 50% chance to Kill/Take would be a solution... Or maybe making a new Version of the GP, when captured, who only have some, but not all abilities - lets say can bulb techs and finish buildings, but can not be settled and not used for Golden Age...
It would add a level of complexity the designers might not feel is worth it, but it would be cool if the GP capture is dependant on pre-war relations and the captured city happiness level.
If you founded Christianity, and had it as state religion, a GP born in a Christian town would have a greater chance of coming over to your side than one born in an Islamic town. A GP born in a city with great war weariness should have a better chance of swithing sides than one celebrating "we love the President day".
A GP in a civ using slavery would be more likely to switch if the capturing civ is running emacipation, etc.
Again, the coding might not be worth the small effect on game play, but it would be cool.
One thing that pops to my mind would be to be able to capture GPs and use as a mean in diplomatic negotiations. Though on second thought, who'd trade a captured GP back to the enemy for a lousy tech or something when the enemy would be able to use it at full force again...

Wasn't there something like capturing GPs (or special units) in an older Civ? Too long since I played pre CIVIV so I don't recall correctly.

Anyway, capturing GPs wouldn't happen too frequently, the only time I manages to do it is when A. Taking a city where a GP is sleeping or B. Destroy a GG lead troop (but the latter is not really taking a GP). And I'm yet to see myself loose any GPs to the AI so the only one it'd benefit to be able to capture a GP would be the human (in most single player cases).
On two occasions I have come across an unescorted GG in the field, trying to scurry to a city I guess. I would be nice to capture him for EP at least.
I would like it more as a random event. If a Civ's approval rating drops below a certain percent, then each new Great Person born there would have a chance to defect.
  • Chinese engineers that Genghis Khan captured for making trebuchets;
  • All renaissance artists who lived in warring republics that nobody knew who will be the owner next day;
  • All of the Greek philosophers and artists that taught the Romans all they knew;
  • Jesus Christ and (far more) Saint Paul, who seemed to have nothing against Roman domination;
  • All of the Persian philosophers and mathematicians - some of them atheists, as Ali Sina (Avicenna) - who are behind the so-called "Golden Age of Islam";
  • Wernher von Braun;
  • No one less than Benedict XVI;
  • Chinese engineers that Genghis Khan captured for making trebuchets;
  • All renaissance artists who lived in warring republics that nobody knew who will be the owner next day;
  • All of the Greek philosophers and artists that taught the Romans all they knew;
  • Jesus Christ and (far more) Saint Paul, who seemed to have nothing against Roman domination;
  • All of the Persian philosophers and mathematicians - some of them atheists, as Ali Sina (Avicenna) - who are behind the so-called "Golden Age of Islam";
  • Wernher von Braun;
  • No one less than Benedict XVI;

What about people like Einstein and Bohr who left because of religious persecution.
What about people like Einstein and Bohr who left because of religious persecution.

That would be fine as well. Running cruel regimes could make you lose your GP if you parked them too much time or shoved them in your cities. Emigration/Immigration could open the doors to new and interestisting features, as with the Communist regimes that forbid people to leave, or modern day First World countries, which more or less forbid people to enter.
So maybe unhappiness levels causing them to defect? Like for people who let your cities eat cake instead of building aquaducts, or say you spoil them enough already instead of building a temple, or even war weariness the settled great people would leave? I would be for that as a random event, probably not something definite, or else it would get really annoying. If you were going to capture a great person, maybe that could be a spy mission?
My GP's would rather die than suffer the indignity of serving another master. At least thats what they tell me at the team meetings every Thursday.
Capturing GP would sound great actually. They can be as effective as your own, but they should be weakened or something, or if you park them in a city for a while, they'll come to terms with their predicament (or their fathers die off from the time :lol:) and be full GP...

Like I suggested before, a POW system would be nice. Trade POWs around like candy :D

Maybe even a GP trade should be initiated. You pay gold to a civ, and you get a Great Scientist! Trick those damned dirty AI into giving you Mining Inc, by giving you a GE! :lol:
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