Just 43 years until mandatory retirement

No matter who wins I REALLY hope somebody turned off time victory because I find it really lame. Does anyone remember the settings?

I think Ronald Reagan edited the save-game file and turned it back on. Goes to show what he know... knew. :mischief:
CivSetä;5083851 said:
You're right, that's why some muslim nations are so backwards - they have turned science slider to 0%!

well, when youre trading oil resources for absurd amounts of gold per turn you can do that.
well, technically all we have to do is *launch* a ship we *think* can colonize a new planet. the winner is declared before it ever gets there to find out if we were right.
Don't give ole George W. any funny ideas... :p
43 years until retirement... that sorta hints that time victory is on.... :rolleyes:
Ah true but you forget that all important 'We are afriad of their military might'

and stocks of ICBMS... :p

"satelitte with missiles that shot each other for space control"
i think youve watched 'Space Cowboys' a bit much.. tee hee

:) well China tested a missile laucher sattelite a month ago, and if the paper where right (associated press, not some freaky basement paper hehe) Us gouv. didnt appreciate at all... I was refering to that actually more than Space Cowboy!

and Stocks of ICBMs is exactly how Iceland ca still have a shot at it :D
well, technically all we have to do is *launch* a ship we *think* can colonize a new planet. the winner is declared before it ever gets there to find out if we were right.

Well thats kinda true... but since I like to prevail ;) the crew on the ship is frozen in a futurama kinda way... and we're more than 43 yrs away to do that :D

Don't give ole George W. any funny ideas...

United Nations has had Nuclear weapons in space banned since the 60s or 70s. forget when, but the use of them beyond the planet is banned in some form or another.

Edit: from the UN website

Ya, I guess if the world really was like Civ then nobody could defy a UN resolution. So that settles that.
I think China tested a missile that they shot from the ground at a satellite. Anyone know where the missile was fired from? Land or space?
But who has the highest points? The USA must be doing pretty good (landmass, population, technology and a fair few wonders) but China has to be coming up fast and that war business in Iraq isn't helping the US. No population to speak of, no land, no wonders and all that war weariness has to be crippling production. The US needs to pull out and invade Canada (for the land) and Mexico (for the population). That should see them through until 2050.

If only they didnt raze all the babalonian cities... DAMN YOU PERSIA/ARABIA
(I play rhyes and fall of civ)
USA is close to winning cultural, but in a few turns, Mexico is going to flip San Antonio and Los Angeles. :lol:

as long as they dont flip houston, then we'd be really screwed :lol:
Culture is a tough one to call. Some people said America can't claim cultural victory because it's too intertwined with Britain, which I agreed with at first. But if that's the case, then Roman Empire can claim victory because more people speak Romance languages than English (though just barely). I think if you're gonna call cultural victory, it has to be culture achieved during the actual Empire and by the actual Empire. In any case, I''m gonna say Vikings FTW. They're coming back and you know it.
Well...I think, that definitely NO nation would win a cultural victory...ANY town in the world has been conquered at least once in the last 2k years...Remember the cultural penalty when a town is taken over? :(

So, space for US, India, China or EU.
Or domination for US. (If they get Iraq vassaled in the next 2 or 3 turns, they can continue with Afghanisten or Israel...Or whutever.)
Maybe Bush is even intelligent engough to make a revolution before his election period ends and the US will become a Police State with Vassalage and Theocracy. (Pentagon, West Point, Agressive-Trait (He should go back in time and produce musketeers... :D) - Then his units will have a nifty bonus exp (remember his SEALS?)

But...If I look around a bit here in Germany, I think it won't take long until some stupid austrian can come back again here, scream some parols and all those stupid fascist (and other stupidoes) will follow him blind on his way to save the game and trying another domination win. (YES, I'm pis*** off the recent developments here in Germany...)

So, everything is open, I think...I just don't think, that Vatikan or Luxemburg could do it...Monacco tried to cultural, but that stupidos forgot to build up 2 settlers so they can have three Legendary cities. :D
With a cultural victory enabled Europe would have won since a lot of time.
We have at least 4 legendary cities: 2 historical (Rome,Athens), 2 for their contemporary importance (London,Paris).
USA would have a legendary city (NYC), and perhaps could have won if cultural victory means spreading cultural influence.They would have already won for domination if it is meant a bit differently than in CIV4.
yeah but europe isnt one Civ yet hah its still trying to get all the parties to sign the same permenant allience :p
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