K-Mod: Far Beyond the Sword

Butting in on the discussion on Slavery, I have to agree with Charles555nc's opinion that its effect is really powerful, and in my experience (from reading strategies, stories, and educational AARs) immortal and deity players rely on it to an egregious degree.

It's given me quite the headache when balancing civics actually, especially because historically appropriate civic use was an even more important concern for me, and its effect is good enough that you are likely to want to continue using it until well into the late game.

Actually there was a point where I considered removing population hurrying altogether, but I think it's just a too interesting mechanic that connects with many other aspects of the game and makes the early eras much more interesting, so I decided against it.

I had similar concerns with Hereditary Rule which I nerfed by associating a hard cap with its military happiness. This actually was quite useful to weaken Slavery already because its main drawback is the unhappiness, which is most effectively countered by stacks of cheap warriors to produce happiness.

Another kind of broken aspect of Slavery that I've seen abused a lot is that its unhappiness penalty is unrelated to the amount of population sacrificed. This means it is more efficient to use Slavery for expensive buildings and letting the overflow go into cheaper units which can then be finished with regular production. This has the additional benefit while the population recovers, it is more likely that the happiness penalty has worn off. So you can get the same production with almost no downtime, thereby avoiding one of the costs you are supposed to pay for the use of slavery.

To counter this, I scaled slavery unhappiness with the amount of population sacrificed. Every two population points after the first one creates an additional unhappiness (so 1 for 1-2 pop, 2 for 3-4 pop and so on).

I've found that these changes combined encouraged a much more restrained use of slavery, without limiting its strategic and economic use cases (rush building units in case of emergency, productive population control) too much.
Hello all,

I used to be very connected to the CivFanatics community (even created MMod which is an expansion on KMod and is located in the KMod forum) but have fallen out of step with the on-goings in the last two years.

I just completed an exhaustive search of this forum with the intent of attempting to find out if KMod is incorporated into any other mods. I cannot seem to find any information on this, though.

Would anyone please inform me as to whether KMod is a part of any other mods currently (examples could be RFC Dawn of Civilization, Caveman 2 Cosmos, AND2 / SVN) ...

Thank you for your time,

I just completed an exhaustive search of this forum with the intent of attempting to find out if KMod is incorporated into any other mods. I cannot seem to find any information on this, though.

Would anyone please inform me as to whether KMod is a part of any other mods currently (examples could be RFC Dawn of Civilization, Caveman 2 Cosmos, AND2 / SVN) ...

I'm under the impression that there are a few mods out there that incorporate K-Mod.

I personally try to keep the latest version of K-Mod merged into the Realism: Invictus mod. I forget which version was in our last official release in March (RI 3.25), but K-Mod 1.44b is in our development branch (available via our Subversion Repository). I should note, however, that there are a couple of the K-Mod gameplay changes that we did not incorporate.
I'm under the impression that there are a few mods out there that incorporate K-Mod.

I personally try to keep the latest version of K-Mod merged into the Realism: Invictus mod. I forget which version was in our last official release in March (RI 3.25), but K-Mod 1.44b is in our development branch (available via our Subversion Repository). I should note, however, that there are a couple of the K-Mod gameplay changes that we did not incorporate.

Thanks for the answers
Matty, if you ever had time to, would you consider updating MMOD to the latest version, always liked playing a game with the changes you made in your version of it. Totally understand if you don't have time anymore to mod, or just are not modding anymore, but I figured it couldn't hurt to ask...lol.
Hey, don't know if your mod would cover this or maybe Bug, but would it be possible to set automatic airship/plane scouting?

For out over the ocean. Ideally at the start of the turn, so one wouldn't have to keep doing it.
Is there a way to make it easier to hire the ai to declare war on another ai? Ive been looking through the leaderheadinfo.xml...

Basically I'd like the ai to be hireable while having just "pleased" relations with the player. Right now I think you have to be friendly and the target ai has to be near them or else you get the "we would have nothing to gain" excuse.

I'm willing to trade 2 or 3 techs to the AI for a declaration of war so that part probably doesn't need to be adjusted. I just forever see "we just dont like you enough" when thinking of bribing the ai to declare war...and I think the AI that is lagging behind in tech, would gain valuable tech (2 or 3 techs is dang valuable) in exchange for my request.

Obviously I can see the downside of too easily manipulating the AI so I don't want to go too far down this road.
Sounds to me like you're looking for DeclareWarRefuseAttitudeThreshold and DeclareWarThemRefuseAttitudeThreshold.
That response time is sexy. Thank you. Im switching them all to cautious/pleased (which must be exceded for the AI to accept or deny).

So the Ai must be at least pleased (1 up from cautious) with you, and they will only deny if they are on friendly terms with the victim (1 up from pleased).
Hello People,

I am currently somewhat nostalgically enjoying some Civ4 games with a friend....and recently we started to suffer from OOS errors.

Which made me google a little and find this K-Mod which seems to include fixes for that problem.

But it seems that to install K-Mod just to solve OOS-errors also includes a huge bunch of other tweaks - something we do not actually want.

My question is now: Is there a "just OOS-Fixes" package or something like that ?

That would be really great.

EDIT: Oh, forgot to say - were using latest BtW patch 3.19 on Win7 systems connected over direct IP Internet.

Best regards

I have a few question about the K-mod.

Does the AI react when other civs are plotting, and they deem themselves potential targets? And does the AI who deem themselves potential targets notice and react whenever you build up an attack force?
Hello People,

I am currently somewhat nostalgically enjoying some Civ4 games with a friend....and recently we started to suffer from OOS errors.

Which made me google a little and find this K-Mod which seems to include fixes for that problem.

But it seems that to install K-Mod just to solve OOS-errors also includes a huge bunch of other tweaks - something we do not actually want.

My question is now: Is there a "just OOS-Fixes" package or something like that ?

That would be really great.

EDIT: Oh, forgot to say - were using latest BtW patch 3.19 on Win7 systems connected over direct IP Internet.

Best regards

No. There is no mod with just the OOS fixes. Only K-Mod and mods that use the K-Mod code have the OOS fixes. And of those, K-Mod is probably the closest to the unmodded game. In any case, even if there was a mod with only the OOS fixes I'd highly recommend using this instead.

K-Mod includes a lot of other fixes that are unrelated to OOS. A couple of years ago, I made this custom map to demonstrate some of the problems that are fixed by K-Mod. If you start a game on that map in unmodded Beyond the Sword, it will walk you through a handful of user-interface bugs that are fixed by K-Mod. That's just a sample, from years ago. There have been lots of other improvements and fixes since then. (You can load that map with any mod to test whether or not the mod fixes the bugs.)

The vast majority of changes in K-Mod are not subjective. They are flat-out improvements. The game is faster, more stable, and has a more consistent user interface. The only really subjective changes are the balance tweaks. Those don't have completely universal approval, but they are well appreciated by a strong majority of players. In fact, there's a push on these forums for further balance changes to further improve the game.

I understand the desire to want to play the original game rather than a mod. I felt the same way before I started making this mod. But the thing is, the original game has a lot of flaws. K-Mod is not a feature-packed mod. It's simply a more polished version of the original game. And despite the AI improvements, it isn't just for experienced players. Simple things like city placement recommendations, loading tips, and building recommendations have been improved as well - primarily for the benefit of new and returning players.

I have a few question about the K-mod.

Does the AI react when other civs are plotting, and they deem themselves potential targets? And does the AI who deem themselves potential targets notice and react whenever you build up an attack force?
The AI currently doesn't pay attention to "WHEOOHRN", but they do have some idea of how likely it is that someone will declare war - mostly based on diplomatic standing and power rating. It doesn't have a huge effect on the AI's strategy, but in some cases they will choose to focus on military techs or boost the size of their army due to fear of being attacked. Also, the AI won't notice if you have a war stack outside their borders before you declare war. (It would be possible to program the AI to watch out for that, but it would take a fair bit of work. I don't expect to do that in the foreseeable future.)
Does the AI underestimate power when it comes to tech-superior units? Does it realize how superbly inferior his medieval units are to a cavalry stack, for example?

I think the power ratings in the civ4unitinfos.xml control the perception of how strong you are in general (adding up the ratings of your units) and the two listings of <iBaseAttackOddsChange>0</iBaseAttackOddsChange>

in the civ4leaderheadinfos covers what odds the Ai thinks it has against your stack. The values above are what I changed all mine to, 0 and 6 respectively. The higher the numbers the more the AI incorrectly thinks it might win a potential engagement.

Question: Im trying to make the warrior unbuildable while you have bronze working, and a supply of bronze. Where would I do that? I looked at hunting (that usually makes the warrior unbuildable) and the unitinfo.xml itself and must have missed it.
What makes things unbuildable is a bit tricky. Units become unbuildable when you're able to build everything that the unit is allowed to upgrade to (i.e. everything listed in the 'UnitClassUpgrades' section of the xml for that unit.) Warrior are allowed to upgrade to axemen and spearmen. So if you're able to build both axemen and spearmen then you can't build warriors.

If you want warrior to be unbuildable with just bronze-working and copper, you could change warriors so that they aren't allowed to upgrade to spearmen; or you could change spearmen so that they don't require hunting. Other than that, the only way to do it would be to change the rules in the DLL.
Gilgamesh was approaching my borders with a stack, not sure if aimed at me or their worst enemy behind me. I sent some workers to pre-chop a future city location. For some reason the AI stack started to follow my workers instead of continuing their journey. This behaviour doesn't seem to make much sense for me. I'm playing using a modded settler difficulty if it matters. Save attached in case it helps.


  • Zedong BC-3040.CivBeyondSwordSave
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The warrior loses to everything (which, for its cost, it probably should). I'd like to buff it with about +10% strength but giving it a promotion like combat1 makes upgraded axemen too strong.

I was wondering if Karadoc would be willing to add an "organized" (+10% strength) promotion to complement his "disorganized" (-10% strength) promotion. That way I could buff warrior with +10% strength and it would not provide access to secondary promotions.
The warrior loses to everything (which, for its cost, it probably should). I'd like to buff it with about +10% strength but giving it a promotion like combat1 makes upgraded axemen too strong.

I was wondering if Karadoc would be willing to add an "organized" (+10% strength) promotion to complement his "disorganized" (-10% strength) promotion. That way I could buff warrior with +10% strength and it would not provide access to secondary promotions.

I almost certainly will not add that kind of promotion - because it's usefulness would be very niche and the overlap with Combat I would be very strong.

I sometimes think about adding items to the units xml to allow modifiers for general +attack and +defence though.. and if those things were added you could use them together to give a bonus to warriors. -- But at this stage, even that change is a velleity for me.

If I was to buff warriors, I'd probably just boost their +city defence bonus. I don't think they really need to be stronger fighters, but super-early rushes are kind of lame. (At least the AI is gracious enough to not instantly declare war with their starting units...)
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