Karl Rove projects Obama victory.

I do. /10 chars.

Even when its on someone's t-shirt? What about on a bumper sticker? How about one of those mini-flags fluttering from a car antenna? Flag pin on a suit? Do you only salute those flags made in America?

The flag has been utterly debased.
The main reason people burn the flag is to provoke arrest to challenge laws that criminalize flag burning. In that context -- using the act to invoke our Constitution and the principles upon which it is based -- it's a great example of American patriotism.


Precisely my point.
Sure, sure! I will pay you with the funds I won from CivPhilzilla. :rolleyes:

Would you give me 5:1 on McCain?

Not really.

I'll give you 10:1 for McCain winning at least 285 electoral votes or winning the popular vote by 4%

as you can see Obama needs to gain 20 electoral votes while McCain needs 81
hmm i wonder who is going to win
Frankly I think CNN's electoral vote calculator is pretty conservative. I can't imagine Wisconsin is really a "toss-up."

You oppose putting taxes back where they were. That's the same thing.

They saved us from an economic disaster after 9/11/01, and I daresay they are helping us not fall into an economic downturn of far greater proportions at this time.

There is a time and place to raise or lower taxes beyond what they are at the moment, the following years are surely not the times to change taxes.
The current projections of most major websites, and Rove himself, are very, very conservative. If the election were held today, Obama would probably win over 300 electoral votes.
They saved us from an economic disaster after 9/11/01, and I daresay they are helping us not fall into an economic downturn of far greater proportions at this time.

There is a time and place to raise or lower taxes beyond what they are at the moment, the following years are surely not the times to change taxes.

There's no evidence of that. And even if there were, there was no excuse to continue them after 2002.
They saved us from an economic disaster after 9/11/01, and I daresay they are helping us not fall into an economic downturn of far greater proportions at this time.

There is a time and place to raise or lower taxes beyond what they are at the moment, the following years are surely not the times to change taxes.

:lol: You sure it isn't low interest rates by the fed and almost no credit quality measure?
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