Kazakhstan Embassy

For interest's sake, here's a quote posted last week in the "disputes" thread over at the 'Poly demogame:
indiansmoke said:
@ Sulla regarding the other game, there are a few things to say about the map, publicly I will say only that us having to make 6 cities to get metal, while Sancta has it in capital is not exactly what I call balanced! And after seeing you here complain about the distribution of strategic resources makes me wonder what were you thinking when you made the other map!

iirc, we settled CK to get metal, not at the capital, and ourselves waited for our 5th city before we claimed Horses - which no doubt they had nearby.

Now I'm just catching up after a long-ish vacation, but how much do we know about Kaz's lands that would give credence to this statement?
Now I'm just catching up after a long-ish vacation, but how much do we know about Kaz's lands that would give credence to this statement?

We don't know much...

But we do know SATURN had the worst start.
MS did have metal at their capital.
No one had copper by t97 (I was keeping track of that due to Collosus). I don't think Kaz got metal hooked until t80ish, maybe around t85. It was however incredibly easy to hook up if they wanted to, iron is around as far from their capital as copper is from ours, maybe an extra tile or two further away. Kaz did have horses hooked by the time we could trade with them, which was around t72 when we got sailing. Iron and horse is all you really need, copper is pretty much superfluous.

Kazs' problem is they stopped expanding around city 6. We beat them to cities 2 and 3, but they beat us to cities 4 and 5 (because we pulled out all of hte stops for the Oracle). Cav expanded right out to 10 cities, and we were a little behind (we only got city 6 t95).

That problem is exacerbated on a map with alot of land. The entire early game becomes a land grab, and the early game balance gets really skewed. Indiansmoke was right, this game hasn't been balanced well, but everything else he said was wrong.

(oh, and Sullla, if you want me to explain how and why, I'll happily do it over PM or email. Alot of it is metagaming plus simulations illustrating the points though).
Kazs' problem is they stopped expanding around city 6. We beat them to cities 2 and 3, but they beat us to cities 4 and 5 (because we pulled out all of hte stops for the Oracle). Cav expanded right out to 10 cities, and we were a little behind (we only got city 6 t95).

Don't want to comment too much on an open game, but Krill is pretty much dead on here. And that access to horses and iron make whining about copper rather pointless.

As for the rest, we can discuss it after the game ends. :)
Boo, I want to talk about it now :p

Talk about what? We have so far been able to successfully predict what the otehr teams are goign to do anyways...

I doubt we will find any surprises in thier forums anyways...
Talk about map balance. The main points we already know about due to having Cavs map, and knowing our land. We don't know Kazs' map, but we don't really need to for that discussion.
As far as I know we told them we'd give them open borders as long as they promised not to abuse it. The problem is that they're obsessing over getting a physical connection to Cav other then by water.
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