Lava Terrain texture

Dec 17, 2002
Ok i got it working!
I have screenies too. download and enjoy! now comes with map that has terrain implemented!

enjoy and feel free to modify to hearts desire (just let me know, coz i want to share). get it off my homepage's downloads linked here:
Download Here!


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Very cool, if someone doesn't do it first, I'll try to get a screenie here -- unless you can put one up? Would be very excited to see it!
yes, a screenshot would be quite cool....
And you MUST make it an impassible terrain, otherwise it wouldn't work as a good mod...
the biggest problem i have (and its keeping me from posting a cool fantasy novel map) is that the lava is still passable even tho i told it impassable in terraininfo.xml. oh well. btw the lava picture was from real lava pic, fully authentic


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oh yeah! i played that one. wasnt there some dwarves down there in one of the FF's?

i kinda thought of this while reading "The Death Gate Cycle" by Weiss and Hickman (their best work) book 3, and also while i played the new fall from heaven, i though this would look cool with that too!
GarretSidzaka said:
oh yeah! i played that one. wasnt there some dwarves down there in one of the FF's?

Yep that's the one. The dwarves had a civilization down there. And an advanced one too, because they had tanks as I recall. :lol:
GarretSidzaka said:
didnt they say som thing silly like "whimple woo" or something? lol! we need this lava to work dammit!

I couldn't remember, so I just loaded my saved game of FF4 Advance on the gameboy, and it's "Lali Ho!". :lol:

I think it was "Rali Ho!" in the origional SNES release years ago. It's pretty common to switch the letters "R" amd "L" when translating Japanese, because of the way the language sounds.
The original SNES version had "Lali-Ho!" :)
The new GBA version has "bomb ring" instead of "package" though :(
They both have "You spoony bard!" :D

...And yeah, FFIV's underworld is pretty awesome: it's got dwarves in tanks, a really tall tower with a supercannon, that crazy boss fight against an Evil Wall, the Sylphan Cave, and the Land of Summoned Monsters. What more could you possibly want? Oh yeah, that's right--the Developers' Room.

As for the actual point of this thread, I'd say the texture is a good start, but needs some refinements.

First off, the texture isn't really flush with itself, so you can actually see the "lines" where the tiles meet. This isn't a big problem, since all you have to do is just run it through any one of a large number of filters that are downloadable for free off the Internet.

A bit trickier is the other adjustment you'll want to make; the way the texture is, you get a sort of repeating pattern that is generally unattractive, not to mention unrealistic. Although I don't know of any real easy way of dealing with it, I'd personally start by looking at various textures that avoid the problem, and try to identify what kinds of patterns (of colors, shapes, etc.) they use.
A Silly Goose said:
A bit trickier is the other adjustment you'll want to make; the way the texture is, you get a sort of repeating pattern that is generally unattractive, not to mention unrealistic. Although I don't know of any real easy way of dealing with it, I'd personally start by looking at various textures that avoid the problem, and try to identify what kinds of patterns (of colors, shapes, etc.) they use.
The major way they address both problems is that they are usually just subtle shades of color -- even then it's very tricky to get them to avoid repeating.

A trick to help woudl be that the terrain features image layered on top of this would use a different pattern.

Finally, try using this texture in combination with ocean artdef values. Not sure if you can control water planes separately for different terrain or not, and whether you can specify NOT to apply water planes to a given "water" terrain. It would be better to model the texture of the lava in the 3D engine (look at the hill 3d mapping as a comparison) than in the texture itself, which is really just the color and some very faint variation.

Finally, some features thrown on top of this would really give it nice variety and realism. Check the FX folder in your unpacked art files; I've had some limited success combining them with Fallout to get good results.

Screw that, just use fallout itself...
i like you ideas. when i originally wanted this terrain, i tried and tried with the water, but all i could do was make the water look like Lake Erie, it had cloudy spots. if you can do this with the texture, let me know exactly how and i will get on this one tonite.

as far as for the texture's realism, i downloaded a real picture of lava and adapted it.

how would i use the fallout to give this a glow, that would be freaking cool.

and i still need to make this impassable if i dont use water as the base terrain.
GarretSidzaka said:
i like you ideas. when i originally wanted this terrain, i tried and tried with the water, but all i could do was make the water look like Lake Erie, it had cloudy spots. if you can do this with the texture, let me know exactly how and i will get on this one tonite.
I'm not sure if you intend to have BOTH water AND lava on the same map. If so, I don't know how to help you. If not, you can:

1. Mod the water mask in Art > Terrain > Water > Maybe just change the hue so it's orange, not blue.

2. Go into XML > Misc > Civ4WaterPlaneInfos. Honestly, try experimenting with these values, knowing that they represent red/green/blue/alpha and that, I suspect, they have something to do with color collisions...
Padmewan said:
I'm not sure if you intend to have BOTH water AND lava on the same map. If so, I don't know how to help you. If not, you can:

1. Mod the water mask in Art > Terrain > Water > Maybe just change the hue so it's orange, not blue.

2. Go into XML > Misc > Civ4WaterPlaneInfos. Honestly, try experimenting with these values, knowing that they represent red/green/blue/alpha and that, I suspect, they have something to do with color collisions...

this is what i ended up with. download a maybe you can figure somethin out. i think altogether, i would rather have a reskin of plains made impassable somehow, rather than a 3d rendered sea.
Very cool.

Maybe too much yellow concentrated into one area? It looks funny with the pattern repeating itself. A minor thing really.

So you can have ocean as lava and leave coast as water? That way you could script up having both, correct?
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