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LH Help?

I've found this thread in the "Tutorial, Reference & Guides" section:
How To Add Leaderheads by d.highland / Synsensa. I hope it helps, and if it doesn't I'll try to explain differently :)

I got pretty confused if you know how could you possibly try downloading em both taking a look than telling me how? sorry if I'm being bossy just confused on how I should reply to this.
Well, the link I gave you brings you to a tutorial that is pretty simple, but ok.

First, you have to create a folder for your Mod (if it's not already done). Your Mod's folder structure should contain the following folders:
- "Text", containing at least two files: Civilopedia.txt and PediaIcons.txt
- "Art", containing various folders such as "Advisors", "Cities", "Units", "Flics", etc.

Now if you download Ho Chi Minh, you'll get one download for the Flics (put them directly in Your Mod\Art\Flics folder) and one for the pcx files. The file you get is called "hochipcx.zip". Unzip it and you'll get a "hochipcx" folder. Open and you'll see 3 folders: copy them and paste them in your Mod's Art folder.

You will then have to open and edit PediaIcons.txt and Civilopedia.txt files: copy the lines corresponding to an other Leaderhead and mofiy them so they correspond to the files you just added to your Art folder (it's a bit tedious to detail everything there, but look how it works, it's quite simple. You just have to follow the example of an other LH).

Finally open the Editor, go to the "Civilizations" tab, look for "Animations" (left-down corner) and add the flics corresponding to each era (generally XX_a1 is era 1, XX_b1 is era two, etc.)

Try exploring things by yourself, we have all been there and after a while it gets very easy to understand. The thing is if you forget one step the game will look for a file that isn't there and will crash. No big deal, a message will pop-up telling you what's wrong. You will then have to correct the path to the missing file and/or make sure the file is there and correctly spelled.

Hope it helps.
It's very helpful except I don't have any text files in the Ho Chi Minh file it's missing alot of what you said I need
For the text file, look into the main Conquests folder: there are several folders, one of them is called "Text" (the path should be something like Civilization\Conquests\Text). Double-click on it and you'll find several .txt files: copy Civilopedia.txt and PediaIcons.txt and paste them into your Mod's text folder (create one if you haven't got one already). You can now open PediaIcons.txt and look how it works: for each Civ you'll see where the game looks for each file. You can then copy/paste the text for an other Civ and replace for example the words "Romans" by "Vietnam". It should look like this:


and then after copy/paste and replacing the words:


Then browse down a bit and you'll find this:

# Happy Icons (conquer/domination/space winner)

That's where the Victory icon is. Then browse a bit more and you'll see the small icon for Civs who have lost the game without being conquered:

# Small Happy Icons (defeat)

... and it goes on and on and on until you've located all the 10 "Leaderheads" icons.
Then you have to browse down a bit more and you'll see "#Start Races": that's where the Civilopedia icons for races are located.

The cool thing with Civ3 is that modding relies on a text file that everyone can open and modify with a very simple program (Notepad). It takes a bit of time but once you get used to it you'll go faster and you'll soon have a totally different game :)
I get it much better now and probably will be able to mod now, thanks for your help one question though can I replace any civilization? or does it have to be the Romans
Well I'm halfway through and it won't let me edit the civilizations in the civ editor, and I think I got it right,
You can replace any Civ in the Editor and in the text files, the only difference is the text files can contain text for any number of Civ (but you won't be able to use all of them) and the Editor can handle only 31 Civs including Barbs. And there has to be a certain number of Barbarian tribes 31 IIRC.
How do I get up the option to edit civs in the editor when I try it won't let me click on the option
I don't have Complete, so I'm not sure your Editor is the same as mine. Anyway you probably don't have a big "Edit" button. All you have to do is click on "Rename", change the Civ's name and Leader's name, then change the cities name and so on. BUT the important part is the lower left corner, where you can read "Animation" and "Eras". That's where you give the path to the Leader's Flics (the "video" files).
So all I do is rename them and than it will automatically link to my mod? I don't have to copy and paste the flics and delete the originals?
I did everything that you told me replaced the files with the modded ones I go on and it only shows me Ho Chi pic in the civilopedia and it appears the mods aren't activated because I know I did everything right.
So all I do is rename them and than it will automatically link to my mod? I don't have to copy and paste the flics and delete the originals?
Yes, as long as you gave your Mod a path to your Mod's folder: go to Scenario (6th menu in top bar) then you'll see 3 editable boxes, the 3rd one is the path to your folder. You don't need to delete the original files, unless you're sure they aren't use and it won't cause a crash.
I did everything that you told me replaced the files with the modded ones I go on and it only shows me Ho Chi pic in the civilopedia and it appears the mods aren't activated because I know I did everything right.
This sentence doesn't make much sense to me, because you actually don't need to "activate the Mods". If you edited the text files correctly the pics should appear correctly. Are you sure you made it right ? Sometimes typos are hard to see but they ruin all your efforts.
I don't know if I did it wrong or what but I actually reinstalled the game and tried a diffrent mod and did everything you said and I edited with a pre-made scenario and whenever I added the Modded civ it would automatically reset and remove the civ after I saved it
whenever I added the Modded civ it would automatically reset and remove the civ after I saved it

Your tinypic links aren't showing pictures... you may want to try using photobucket instead.
Or maybe you are giving us the wrong link to the images? Anyway, I'm not sure what you are having trouble with...

Are you making your civ changes in the .biq editor? Because it won't save sometimes unless you make your changes and then click the close button and exit by clicking the X in the right hand corner of the .biq editor. Then it will ask you if you want to save the file...and when you save that way, everything will save correctly.

Also, your .biq file has to link to your mod/scenario folder...
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