Lines we'd like to see in Civ 5

upon defeating France in a domination: "Hey Naptime, Marie Antoinette's 'cake' was delicious..."

or in the same instance and similar reference, "How was the cake, Napolean? Did you eat it, too?"
"Oh yeah? You and who's army?"


"Are you talking to me? ... Are YOU talking to ME? ... ARE YOU TALKING TO ME?!"
When liberating a capitol: Please bring me back to this game, it was so fun until I lost. I'll love you forever and do anything for you if you do this for me. "I LOVE YOU FOREVA!!!!!"
If the an AI opponent declares war on you and is losing badly:

"Sorry about the whole "war" thing. I have limited AI abilities and don't really know why I did it in the first place"


I would probably accept peace if it ever says that
Catherine attacks you for the second time and for the second time she offers peace, after you killed all her forces.

First war: I give you 314 gold, 12 gpt, fur and spices for peace, she pleads. I say ok.

Second war: Please, Great leader, can we talk about this somewhere more private? Like, in my quarters, yes?

Me: Ok.

Only for me to know that she hired Chuck Norris as an assassin.
If playing as a male leader, I think Cathy and Alex should throw some pickup lines at you!

Also couple that would be needed:

Augustus Caesar would suddenly pop in to say:

"Would you care for some.. CAESAR salad! I made it myself!"

(a must hated and loved quote from Civ IV)


After your forces have surrounded AI's last city the leader appears:

"I, for one, welcome our new overlords!"

(The Simpsons if someone amazingly wouldnt know it ;) )
After your forces have surrounded AI's last city the leader appears:

"I, for one, welcome our new overlords!"

(The Simpsons if someone amazingly wouldnt know it ;) )

or it would be cool if YOUR leader popped in for a coup de grace statement that said "All you base are belong to us." I think cut scenes of the conqueror would be pretty sweet too.
Here is the true story about Catherine :

Catherine attacks you for the second time and for the second time she offers peace, after you killed all her forces.

Second war: Please, Great leader, can we talk about this somewhere more private? Like, in my quarters, yes?

Me: Ok.

Catherine: "OK I'll take my dress off for 1000 Gold, 5 Horses, and 5 Iron." :lol:

Me : HOLY SH....
"I will position my military as I please."

As another option when the AI asks you about your army presence. I imagine it would give a hefty penalty with this leader and perhaps others if you do it often. Still, it provides you with the option of completing your rallying and then declaring war without totally ruining your diplomatic status.

"Things aren't going well over here, could I have _________"

The AI can do, we should get to.

That's all I got right now.
Random message from Oda Nubanaga:
"Oahhhhhhh...... Aaaaaahhhh........ Oahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh..... Ooooaaaaaaaaahhhh."
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