Looking for advice on mod so feel free to give me yours


Nov 24, 2008
I am looking for a mod or a graphic pack who focus on ww2 era

a mod or a unit pack that give to each civilisation distinct unit
and also what id like his that this mod or unit graphic pack , be fully compatible with custom scenario and custom game

See RTW crash when i try to custom a scenario or use civlisation map

WW2 1939 i cant custom game ctd whem the game load.

My dream for example
british Air unit
early air figther (huricane)
Figther (spitfire)
Improved figther (typhoon)
light bomber
Heavy bomber (lancaster)
jet figther

small Landing ship (can't cross high sea coastal only)
Transport (liberty ship style carry 2 landing ship or 8 unit but need a port to unload them
Corvette good versus submarine
Escorteur good versus aircraft
Destroyer good vs sub and aircraft

Cruiser longer range then Battleship stronger then destroyer but more expansive

Battle ship strong versus anything but expansive
Carrier carry 3 air plane and good aa defence weak versus sub


Early sub slower 1/2 moving capicity of an improved sub but cheap

Sub 4/5 range of the improved
improved sub stronger attack and expansive except for germany 3/4 the cost of the other

so it 's there a mod who combine those wonderful graphic diversity
and the ability to be use custom game and self custom scenario

I really like the huge european map provide with civ 4 i use it with beyond the sword... but the lack of complexity of unit make it doll after a while
I am working on a WW2 mod right now, about half way through and includes alot of what u have mentioned. Further updates will be on the forum. Merry Xmas
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