• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .

Lords of the Rising Sun

The Oda Clan is here.


Date clan present.
The Satomi are here, by my reckoning. Maybe I'll get one of those fancy clan emblems later. :)
Confirmed Daimyo of Sengoku jidai Japan
Matsuura (Omega124)
Imagawa (Kraznaya)
Mori (Luckymoose)
Ikko-Ikki (ChiefDesigner)
Yamana (andis-1)
Shimazu (flyingchicken)
Nanbu (Agent 89)
Hojo (Birdjaguar)
Ryuzoji (Ninja Dude)
Asai (T_F)
Oda (Yui108)
Date (Azale)
Uesugi (Thlayli)
Satomi (Anonymoose)
Takeda (Adrogans)
Chosokabe (Eltain)
Otomo (GamezRule)
Miyoshi (germanicus12)
Satake (Heraclius49)
Urakami (Japanrocks12)

(OOC: List to be updated as more confirmations come in.)
Takeda here.


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Chosokabe confirming.
Otomo clan is here, although I subscribed long ago.
From: Uesugi Kenshin, Kanto Kanrei, Lord of Echigo
To: Hojo Ujiyasu

Magnanimity in victory befits a lord, as does gracious acceptance in defeat. Our quarrel with the Hojo is the quarrel of our fathers, and we have made war to honor these obligations. But we do not see the necessity of the destruction of a virtuous enemy. And, it is said, an honorable foe is far greater than a dishonorable ally. Knowing these things we wish to present to you terms by which we will accept peace.

The first, that Uesugi Kenshin be recognized as the lord and master of Kotsuke province, and that the Hojo release all claims and the claims they or their allies might possess to Kotsuke lands and villages, including the castle of Numata and all other castles.

The second, that our title of Kanto kanrei, first bestowed by Ashikaga Takauji upon our noble ancestor Uesugi Noriaki, be recognized by the Hojo and that the Uesugi be consulted in order to arbitrate disputes between the Hojo and other clans as befits our rank as emissary and representative of the noble shogun.

The third, that a hostage of appropriate rank be sent from the Hojo clan to live at Kasugayama-jō in Takata in Echigo.

The fourth, that an alliance between the Uesugi and Hojo clans be agreed upon.

These are my terms and I shall accept no deviation. You shall find that in time, acceptance shall be as if you had won a great victory at little price, for how much greater is the alliance of two daimyo who have put aside petty struggles for the protection of the empire?
Miyoshi Clan here.

OOC: I hope this is the right flag.


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From: Uesugi Kenshin, Kanto Kanrei, Lord of Echigo
To: Hojo Ujiyasu

Magnanimity in victory befits a lord, as does gracious acceptance in defeat. Our quarrel with the Hojo is the quarrel of our fathers, and we have made war to honor these obligations. But we do not see the necessity of the destruction of a virtuous enemy. And, it is said, an honorable foe is far greater than a dishonorable ally. Knowing these things we wish to present to you terms by which we will accept peace.

The first, that Uesugi Kenshin be recognized as the lord and master of Kotsuke province, and that the Hojo release all claims and the claims they or their allies might possess to Kotsuke lands and villages, including the castle of Numata and all other castles.

The second, that our title of Kanto kanrei, first bestowed by Ashikaga Takauji upon our noble ancestor Uesugi Noriaki, be recognized by the Hojo and that the Uesugi be consulted in order to arbitrate disputes between the Hojo and other clans as befits our rank as emissary and representative of the noble shogun.

The third, that a hostage of appropriate rank be sent from the Hojo clan to live at Kasugayama-jō in Takata in Echigo.

The fourth, that an alliance between the Uesugi and Hojo clans be agreed upon.

These are my terms and I shall accept no deviation. You shall find that in time, acceptance shall be as if you had won a great victory at little price, for how much greater is the alliance of two daimyo who have put aside petty struggles for the protection of the empire?

TO: Lord of Echigo

Your flowery words are as the cherry blossoms of the spring and when they fall away the bitter bark of winter is revealed. You seek us not as allies, but as vassals and our 100 companies speak more loudly and as one, in a voice that cries out "Not so!"

The arrogance of your ultimatum is only surpassed by the ugliness of your horse. I will send you a prettier one as hostage that her sweet charms will entice your amorous nature.

Hōjō Ujiyasu

"It is better to use two swords rather than one when you are fighting a crowd, and especially if you want to take a prisoner."
We hoped for reason from the gluttons of Kanto, whose appetite for glory knows no end. Take confidence in your numbers, if that is where you derive your strength. I shall take comfort in the God of War, and we shall see which, god or man, is the greater.

The Satomi standard, if anyone needs it for story purposes or whatever.
We hoped for reason from the gluttons of Kanto, whose appetite for glory knows no end. Take confidence in your numbers, if that is where you derive your strength. I shall take comfort in the God of War, and we shall see which, god or man, is the greater.
To the Lord of Echigo:

The sum total of your message was inscripted in this single sentence:
These are my terms and I shall accept no deviation.
The rest mattered naught, reasonable or not. With this sentence you set all reason aside and bound yourself to war. If that was your intent, you have achieved it. If it was not, then you have failed.
While a victorious lord has every right to dictate his terms, a reasonable counteroffer is to be entertained by any reasonable lord. Words spoken in the heat of victory are to be discounted after the measured flow of discourse stills their flame.
To the Lord of Echigo:

So now you wish to negotiate? Our blacksmiths are now hammering out fine swords; our arrow makers fletching straight shafts ;and our warriors march in step to the pounding of war drums. What will you now give to stop what your arrogance has begun? Takasaki? Numata? 20,000 koku?
It shall be battle, if you continue to speak disrespectfully.

You have not stated any objections to the terms we presented, only expressed outrage. Nor have we demanded tribute, only a recognition of what exists.

Do not look to the Takeda to aid you; we have prepared for their treachery for many years.
It shall be battle, if you continue to speak disrespectfully.

You have not stated any objections to the terms we presented, only expressed outrage. Nor have we demanded tribute, only a recognition of what exists.

Do not look to the Takeda to aid you; we have prepared for their treachery for many years.
To the Lord of Echigo:
You have forgotten. We are at war. You declared it only recently in your preposterous arrogance and we have taken it as our own. Our battle cry echoes all across Hojo and it cries out for Uesugi blood.

Now it is yours to stop or not. Again I ask:"What will you give to stop what your arrogance has begun? Takasaki and Numata? 30,000 koku?"
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