[MOD] MagisterModmod

Being unable to upgrade units to UUs that start with racial promotions is a quirk of the last release of More Naval AI, which my modmod inherited. I believe it should be fixed in the next release.

The Warrior unit does not have UNITCLASS_CHARIOT among its upgrades, because the Axeman unit (and equivalent UUs) do and a unit can upgrade to its upgrades upgrades anyway. The Luchuirp have Wood Golems instead of Axemen though, which cannot upgrade to anything.

I just now edited the Warrior unit's defines so that Luchuirp Warriors can upgrade to Chariots.

I do have dryads count as elementals, so that behavior is expected. Perhaps it is too strong and should be changed through.
The Dryad thing probably doesn't matter that much. By the time you get them, they don't really affect things too much, unlike the Dwarven Druids.

I use them pretty much as life 3 casters, healers, and terraformers. If I have enough promotions I give them nature 2.

For the way I use them it doesn't unbalance anything. Except for giving them life 3 (which might well be available from altar promotions), they can do anything I really want them to do out of the box anyway, so the promotions don't change anything.
Can someone explain to me why 2 of my hill giants would just defect to the Svaltafar without any combat or any other observable reason?
Perhaps the Svartalfar had satyrs using their charm animal spell.
The ability is called Mesmerize Animal, not Charm Animal, and it only works on Animals, not on Beasts. In Base FfH2 this ability was specific to the Satyr unit. In Magister modmod it instead requires the Satyr race and the Subdue Animal promotion, so Fawns that have purchases Subdue Animal and Beastmasters that were upgraded from Satyrs can use the ability too.

Magister Modmod also introduced the Mesmerize Beast ability, which requires Satyr and Subdue Beasts and works on Beasts instead of Animals. Dragons still cannot be captured this way though, as they are immune to magic.
Hill giants may not be animal unit combat, but they are still tagged as animals.
That is true, but also irrelevant since the Mexmerize abilities check for the unitcomat rather than using the isAnimal() function to see if it has bAnimal.

(I'm not 100% clear what bAnimal does, but I think it has to do with how the units spawn.)
I just did something I've wanted to do for a long time.

I finally got Thalath the Blue Dragon as a unit.

But it wasn't as good as I thought it would be. Let me explain further.

First of all the text for getting this guy isn't clear. Reading the Civilopedia I thought you had to have a caster with life 3, and the Overlords religion to cast resurrection on the bones (there is a specific spell icon for him). It didn't work, which is pretty obvious now.

So I then decide to go for Mithril Working, Theology, and Divine Essence which wasn't what I had really been planning on (I really wanted to see the Blue Dragon).

I performed the Stir for Slumber ritual and got Thalath to awaken. No problem right? I've done this ritual plenty of times, but can't remember ever seeing Thalath before.

I found out why. There is crazy. There is the crazed promotion. And then there is Thalath's version of the crazed promotion. The guy is abolutely bonkers crazy.

Apparently he suicides almost immediately because he attacks something (anything almost at the point where you get him in the game). My Thalath died immediately (even with about 4 water mana to pump him up) by attacking Abashi who also spawned pretty closely. I'm not even sure Thalath scratched Abashi. I had to kill him with the horse archers and Beastmaster I had right by him.

Thalath is by far the weakest of the Dragons I've seen. I've gotten Drifa with the Ilians, but always with tons of ice mana. I'm not sure I have ever seen him in the game when I perform the ritual and not playing the Ilians. I don't have a theory on this.

Okay, Thalath's crazed is special. The spirit 3 archmage I had stationed by him (I can confirm that resurrection works on his bones as advertised) couldn't assuage him.

Not only that, he is constantly crazed. He only has sporadic moments of lucidity. You can't use him in a stack or even on his own because he goes wandering off.

And by the time you get Divine Essence he just isn't strong enough to play cowboy.

I know it fits the lore, but I don't see why he has to be this way. Perhaps it is just an opinion but I think Overlords is a pretty weak religion compared to the others. Probably the weakest. The direct benefits of the religion seem pretty weak compared to Leaves (even for the non-elves and Kuriotates), and as for the heroes....

Saverous is good in the early game. In the later part he is pretty much just another unit. I've never gotten much mileage out of Hemah. He definitely isn't in Chalid's class, and I've always found Yvain to be much more useful. Sphener is a step below those two, but still pretty good. Maybe it's playstyle, I typically use my archmages for other things.

Also the only really good thing about the Stygian Guards line is the water walking. Other than that they really aren't that good (except for the Luchiurp). I mean the way things work out, unless you need to cross water, wouldn't you rather have a stack of pyre zombies?

I guess what I want to say is that Thalath is pretty much useless the way things work now. It fits lore, but he runs around solo and gets killed pretty easily. And I think Overlords is so weak that it wouldn't be unbalancing for him not to be crazed, or to be "redeemed" with Assuage.

Also how in the heck do you build the wyrmhold for Drifa, Abashi, and Thalath? I know how Acheron builds his, and I know how the Kuriotates build the one for Eurabates.

But how do you build the others? Conquer Acheron's city and build it there? Conquer the Kuriotates city?

I've used Drifa before, but can't remember seeing an option to build the Wyrmhold. I got disgusted with the game I played getting to Thalath and quit. I should have seen if I could build it in the Overlords holy city, but I didn't.

And on a related note, I want to "save" Saverous with Valin. It takes a pretty rare series of events to have this situation come up, but how do you do it? If you defeat Saverous with Valin you get another Saverous unit without the Overlords religion, but still demon possessed? That can be fixed with exorcism if you want to go the whole way right?
Subdue requires winning combat, though. There was no combat. :dunno:
The Subdue Animal/Beast promotions normally require combat, but when combined with the Satyr racial promotion they also permit abilities to capture animals/beasts without combat.

I just did something I've wanted to do for a long time.

I finally got Thalath the Blue Dragon as a unit.

But it wasn't as good as I thought it would be. Let me explain further.

First of all the text for getting this guy isn't clear. Reading the Civilopedia I thought you had to have a caster with life 3, and the Overlords religion to cast resurrection on the bones (there is a specific spell icon for him). It didn't work, which is pretty obvious now.

So I then decide to go for Mithril Working, Theology, and Divine Essence which wasn't what I had really been planning on (I really wanted to see the Blue Dragon).

I performed the Stir for Slumber ritual and got Thalath to awaken. No problem right? I've done this ritual plenty of times, but can't remember ever seeing Thalath before.

I found out why. There is crazy. There is the crazed promotion. And then there is Thalath's version of the crazed promotion. The guy is abolutely bonkers crazy.

Apparently he suicides almost immediately because he attacks something (anything almost at the point where you get him in the game). My Thalath died immediately (even with about 4 water mana to pump him up) by attacking Abashi who also spawned pretty closely. I'm not even sure Thalath scratched Abashi. I had to kill him with the horse archers and Beastmaster I had right by him.

Thalath is by far the weakest of the Dragons I've seen. I've gotten Drifa with the Ilians, but always with tons of ice mana. I'm not sure I have ever seen him in the game when I perform the ritual and not playing the Ilians. I don't have a theory on this.

Okay, Thalath's crazed is special. The spirit 3 archmage I had stationed by him (I can confirm that resurrection works on his bones as advertised) couldn't assuage him.

Not only that, he is constantly crazed. He only has sporadic moments of lucidity. You can't use him in a stack or even on his own because he goes wandering off.

And by the time you get Divine Essence he just isn't strong enough to play cowboy.

I know it fits the lore, but I don't see why he has to be this way. Perhaps it is just an opinion but I think Overlords is a pretty weak religion compared to the others. Probably the weakest. The direct benefits of the religion seem pretty weak compared to Leaves (even for the non-elves and Kuriotates), and as for the heroes....

Saverous is good in the early game. In the later part he is pretty much just another unit. I've never gotten much mileage out of Hemah. He definitely isn't in Chalid's class, and I've always found Yvain to be much more useful. Sphener is a step below those two, but still pretty good. Maybe it's playstyle, I typically use my archmages for other things.

Also the only really good thing about the Stygian Guards line is the water walking. Other than that they really aren't that good (except for the Luchiurp). I mean the way things work out, unless you need to cross water, wouldn't you rather have a stack of pyre zombies?

I guess what I want to say is that Thalath is pretty much useless the way things work now. It fits lore, but he runs around solo and gets killed pretty easily. And I think Overlords is so weak that it wouldn't be unbalancing for him not to be crazed, or to be "redeemed" with Assuage.

Also how in the heck do you build the wyrmhold for Drifa, Abashi, and Thalath? I know how Acheron builds his, and I know how the Kuriotates build the one for Eurabates.

But how do you build the others? Conquer Acheron's city and build it there? Conquer the Kuriotates city?

I've used Drifa before, but can't remember seeing an option to build the Wyrmhold. I got disgusted with the game I played getting to Thalath and quit. I should have seen if I could build it in the Overlords holy city, but I didn't.

And on a related note, I want to "save" Saverous with Valin. It takes a pretty rare series of events to have this situation come up, but how do you do it? If you defeat Saverous with Valin you get another Saverous unit without the Overlords religion, but still demon possessed? That can be fixed with exorcism if you want to go the whole way right?

None of the dragons can be resurrected from their bones before Stir from Slumber is completed. Stir from Slumber brings all of the dragons to life. If they die again after that, then they leave behind their bones. Life III can be used on the tile with the bones to resurrect them again after that.

Thalatth appears under the control of the player who completes Stir from Slumber ritual if that player has OO as his state religion. In older versions of the modmod he would not rise at all otherwise, but in recent ones he otherwise becomes a barbarian like Acheron.

Assuage will not work on any dragon, because the Dragon promotion makes the unit immune to magic.

You can get a perfectly sane version of Thalatth if the unit that resurrects him is holding The Spear of Majosi equipment. This does not have a religion requirement.

I just now edited SPELL_MEZMERIZE_SEA (an ability which the Spear of Majosi allows, and which works like Mesmerize Animal and Mesmerize Beast for sea creatures) so that it can capture Thalatth and cure his insanity.

I think you just got really unlucky to have the blue dragon start near the black dragon. The dragon promotion makes Abashi immune to Thalath's Cold and Poison damage. and the Cannibalize promotion would let her heal after defeating him.

I just increased The Blue Dragon's base strength by 2 anyway.

All of the Wyrmholds require the Cult of the Dragon Holy City, which you would normally have to capture from Acheron or the Kuriotates. You can use a Great Prophet or a Great Commander to build the Wyrmhold if you own the associated dragon, or meet the requirements to get said dragon (OO state religion for Thalatth, the prereq civ for the others).

Simply using Valin to defeat Saverous should be enough to give you a version of Saverous that is not possessed, does not have a state religion requirement, and has Runes of Kilmorph as its unit religion.
In CvRandomEventInterface.py line 905 ("if iCiv == iLjos or iCiv == iSvart and iCiv == iKurio:"): Shouldn't there be an "or" rather than "and"?
(Currently merging your event changes, it's very nice!)
I believe you are right.
EDIT: doSignArawn() seems not to be called.

I wondering why the Shroud constellation did not seem to have an effect. I guess I forgot to put <PythonCallback>doSignArawn</PythonCallback> under <Type>EVENTTRIGGER_SIGN_ARAWN</Type>.
Returning to FFH and decided to try out this modmod at a friend's suggestion, and I'm loving it. (Warm Cookie for Magister).

I'm playing as Kuriotates and want to confirm that there's no direct way to create Eurabatres? I've cast Legends, and can create Stir From Slumber at any time. However, there is no Bones of Eurabatres on the map (Peeked to double check despite having mapped most of the world). Does that mean no Dragon for me? The only bones on the map are for Drifa.


Does that mean no Dragon for me?

Hmm...I guess it does. I almost always play with the All Unique Features game option active, and forget that others don't.

In earlier versions it was impossible to get Auric/Anagantios/Dumanios/Anagantios unless Letum Frigus was on the map, but then I gave in and decided to make the units appear in the appropriate capital city instead.

I think I'll go ahead and make Eurabatres and Abashi appear in the Kuriotates and Sheaim capitals (respectively) too in the next version. I'm less sure about Drifa (since the Illians can get Auric Ascended anyway), and probably would not do this for Thallath. Since the barbarian state does not have a capital, trying to give them Acheron that way would be very problematic.

Maybe it would be better to use cf.addUnit(iUnit, iPlayer) instead of making the unit always appear in a capital when there are no bones. It doesn't seem right to give an advantage for there not to be bones, and it is easy to pretend that there actually are bones buried too far underground to discern.

The easiest solution may be adding this at the very end of code under elif iProjectType == gc.getInfoTypeForString('PROJECT_STIR_FROM_SLUMBER'), which is under def onProjectBuilt(self, argsList): in Assets/Python/CvEventManager.py:

			if CyGame().getUnitCreatedCount(iAbashi) == 0:
				cf.addUnit(iAbashi, iPlayerAbashi)

			if CyGame().getUnitCreatedCount(iEurabatres) == 0:
				cf.addUnit(iEurabatres, iPlayerEurabatres)

			if CyGame().getUnitCreatedCount(iAcheron) == 0:
				cf.addUnit(iAcheron, iPlayerAcheron)
Woot! Have finally made a contribution (in some fashion) for a mod series I've spent way too much time on.

Will add this in and watch the epic dragon war commence because I have the bones of Drifa right next to my capital. :D
Hello, i am new to this mod, so i have some - possibly - stupid questions:

1) About infernal pact ritual. Are all of the demon lords have the same chance to emerge? From my experience: 6 reloads: 4 Lethe, 1 Duke, 1 Hyborem. Or is it just a coincidence?
2) On the same note: while i admit that idea about powerful demons being unable to enter non-hell terrain is neat, i feel it somewhat diminishes the fun of playing them. I mean, what's the point of summoning big bad demon lord if he cannot do anything except defense of your territory? Yeah, i know, ritualists can spread hell terrain. But, honestly, have you ever seen an empy- or order-following civ (the natural enemies) signing an opened borders with demons? And even if you spread it during the war - you must lure your enemy into it and pray he wouldn't use a sanctify spell. And even then - your Big bad can't attack cities. Because they are not placed on hell terrain. So, my question: is it possible to make restriction something like "cannot enter tiles that are not adjacent to a tile with a hell terrain"? With this, the importance of spreading hell terrain is still persists, but your balors and demon lords can be used in attacking, not just defending
3) Leader traits. I like that you tinkered with it (Aggressive/Arcane/Summoner Tebryn - hell yeah!), making them somewhat more powerful, but Mahala still being only raiders/ingenuity? She could use a little warmth, you know

PS: my apologies for my bad english
1) About the infernals and the AI.

I kind of quit playing with the compact being disallowed because of the Mercurians.

The Infernals aren't really a threat at all. I don't think the AI ever has been able to really do much with the fallow civs, and I'm not sure Tholal has really concentrated on that area.

2) Concerning Mahala, I'm not sure what you could give her. She is a really effective leader for making war, surprisingly better than Charadon in actual play.

The only problem I've ever really had with the Doviello is the tech race, but that is a feature kinda.

If you don't have good terrain to expand into, or other civs don't start kind of close you can have a real problem with them though.

That said my biggest beef with the Doviello is that world spell. I use it maybe one out of four or five times I play them. Those wolves just don't do much of anything. Typically I only use it when I am sieging a city, and want to weaken the defenders. I think you can throw 20 wolves at an archer and they might not scratch him.

And if there is another use for them I don't know what it is. The wolf packs seem pretty useless too.

There might be something you could do in the really late game with Nature's Revolt but I dunno.

Plus the main time I would like to use the Doviello spell is very early in the game, and given their research capabilities that usually doesn't happen. If the enemy has tier 2 units by then, usually it is a waste of time to pop it, since it does play havoc with your economy.
Can Kurios build forested improvements in this modmod? I seem to remember reading somewhere that they could, but I tried to build a cottage in a forest and it was cut down.

btw the Luchuirp w/ Garrim Gyr are probably the strongest civ in this modmod... the Luchuirp palace is pretty awesome :)
The Kuriotates can build on New Forests, and thus also use Bloom over their improvements to have forests grow there. They can no longer build over normal or ancient forests.
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