Master of Mana Xtended

When using r67 from Sourceforge, I get XML errors for Aristrakh.
Spoiler Catacombs :

"Tag: IMPROVEMENT_CATACOMBS in Info class was incorrect
Current XML file is:
"Tag: IMPROVEMENT_CATACOMBS in Info class was incorrect
Current XML file is:

Same errors for Pyre and Crypt.
Hey im not sure if anyone is still reading this forum, although my friend and I are trying to get a MP game of master of mana going. We don't seem to be able to see each others hosted game, has anyone also had this issue?
Which games voice overs used in this mod?Seems like most are from league of legends, but i can't recognize some characters voices like Os-Gabella or wildfae.
When I start a game and found a city, the game crashes immediately...
Does anyone know why this is happening, and how to solve it?
When I start a game and found a city, the game crashes immediately...
Does anyone know why this is happening, and how to solve it?

You need to be more specific if you hope for an answer.

Most often this is because of a bad install. Try completly reinstalling FFH2 and then Master of Mana mod on top of it.
MoM on top of FFH2?I though MoM is standalone

MoM is a modmod. It has some peculiar install instructions, iirc. You need to install the base mod, which is FFH2, and then it changes some stuff in this around to transform FFH2 into MOM extended 5.x.

But i havent done this in ... like 3 years. Might be that i mix this up with some other FFH2 modmod. Try to find the install instructions of the mod and try them with a clean installed Civ4 on 3.19 patch.
r67 is commited to the trunk now, scales units and promition cost of yield by trainPercent of gamespeed


Where can i find this revisions you are making for download?
And, do you have some instalation instructions for them?
Is there a changelog for the changes you made since 5.6 version?

Thanks for keeping it up!
Sorry if this is a dumb question...I used to play FFH2 years ago, and now recently downloaded this in order to try and recapture the experience. I am finding it all a bit confusing, though. For example, I just gained posession of a mana node, and want to improve it. The tooltip says i need the "Never" tech, but I can't seem to find that in any of the tech trees. How do I improve mana nodes?

EDIT: Nevermind, I'm a simpleton. It looks like there is no longer a prerequisite to build mana nodes, and the tooltip was merely outdated.
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no problem In MoM you can always improve mana nodes.. but you need to already have access to that mana type.
Sorry if this is a dumb question...I used to play FFH2 years ago, and now recently downloaded this in order to try and recapture the experience. I am finding it all a bit confusing, though. For example, I just gained posession of a mana node, and want to improve it. The tooltip says i need the "Never" tech, but I can't seem to find that in any of the tech trees. How do I improve mana nodes?

EDIT: Nevermind, I'm a simpleton. It looks like there is no longer a prerequisite to build mana nodes, and the tooltip was merely outdated.

yeah, it's confusing. Reason is that mana nodes are improvements just like farms or mines and "NEVER" tech makes sure that workers cannot build them.
Hi all!
I've played various FfH2 modmods before, but I'm a newbie to MoM Xtended. There are a lot of new elements that need figuring out, and I'd like to ask for help with one in particular:

When you found a religion, it appears in one of your cities, but that city does NOT automatically become that religion's Holy Cities. Instead, browsing the patch notes, I learn that Holy Cities are created when you get your 2nd "Sacred Knowledge." However, I can't find anything in the Civilopedia on what sacred knowledges ARE and how to get them. Could someone explain this? I'd be very grateful.
Hi all!
I've played various FfH2 modmods before, but I'm a newbie to MoM Xtended. There are a lot of new elements that need figuring out, and I'd like to ask for help with one in particular:

When you found a religion, it appears in one of your cities, but that city does NOT automatically become that religion's Holy Cities. Instead, browsing the patch notes, I learn that Holy Cities are created when you get your 2nd "Sacred Knowledge." However, I can't find anything in the Civilopedia on what sacred knowledges ARE and how to get them. Could someone explain this? I'd be very grateful.


I would recommend you read this thread, which explains basically everything you need to know about the game mechanics. Additionally, this thread contains some good tips. Concerning religions, you should read this:
2. Religion
2a: How do I adopt a Religion?
You need to research Ancient Chants. After acquiring the technology, you will be able to choose one religion to spread in your capital.

2b. How do I acquire Sacred Knowledge?
Sacred Knowledge can be obtained by accumulating Faith per turn. Half of your Faith income is used to unlock Sacred Knowledge. The other half is accumulated to power miracles or enchantments.
Mouse over on the Faith symbol in the upper left for further information.

2c. How do I accumulate Faith?
- each city with your religion will gives +1 Faith.
- complete Tribute to... to get more. Note that Fellowship of Leaves civs do not get faith from this!
- For FOL, each Ancient Forest will give you Faith.
- some buildings grant Faith (most Pagan Temples etc).
- some units grant Faith per turn (especially The White Hand's disciple units).
- sacrifice Great Prophet. Note that Faith gained by sacrificing Great Prophet is not directly contributing to Sacred Knowledge. You can spend the faith accumulated by clicking on the Sacred Knowledge in techtree.
Great mod...

I ran into an issue. Not sure if it is a bug or just something I don't understand. I accumulated enough culture to buy a new trait - Creative. However, based on the features of the trait described it appears I'm not getting the benefit. Particular the resource cost for culture buildings like Carnival and Monument.

Also, a genera question. I believe it is "lore" that funds spell research. I have very little produced currently. What I don't understand is that the lore slider appears not to produce any output if raised. Currently it just increases gold output as if I'm otherwise simply increase tax. In addition, I settled next to an Ancient Tower. My understanding from the pedia is they provide 5 lore per turn. I'm not seeing it though I'm clearly seeing output from another improvement that provides something else - forget what that is at the moment.

edit: Back in game and it appears the Creative trait is working now. Coulda sworn those buildings were costing me yesterday. They do still show the required cost in the tooltip but are not actually costing me the resource.

The other improvement was the Lost Temple, which is providing me +5 faith. But the Ancient Tower appears not to be providing anything.

edit: Nevermind...I'm seeing the +5 lore now. I can see it in the city next to it. Still don't understand the lore slider.
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oh, I had forgotten about one of my pet peeves:
faith and religion tech.
you onluy get half your faith as part is siphoned toward getting the religion tech, but if you ever want to "buy" the tech, you don't get a discount based on what has been already researched... and when you finish the religion "tech tree".. you still get siphoned your faith !
and faith spell are expensive. so expensive that I almost never used the spells, only the civ-wide rituals (is that the right name?)

I would recommend you read this thread, which explains basically everything you need to know about the game mechanics. Additionally, this thread contains some good tips. Concerning religions, you should read this:

Thanks for the links! I've read both threads, but instead of answering my question, they've only increased my confusion and gave rise to new questions which those threads don't seem to answer. This thread seems to be the liveliest one these days, so I hope it's okay if I ask some specific questions here:

- Getting Sacred Knowledge / Holy cities: So, okay, half of my produced Faith goes towards unlocking Sacred Knowledges. If I press Ctrl and hover the cursor over the Faith income icon, I get some info on how many turns I have to wait until I can found a holy city. OK. However, the info text doesn't say anything about "Sacred Knowledge". Is this information the same thing as "Sacred Knowledge", or is it a separate game mechanic? If it's the latter, then how can I know how much more faith research points I need to get a Sacred Knowledge (like, where is that number displayed, exactly)? Can Sacred Knowledges be used for anything other than creating Holy Cities? If yes, how do I do that? I can't find a Sacred Knowledge icon, screen or menu.

- Faith research: One of those help threads mentiones "faith research": Does this mean I can use some of my faith points to discover new faith-based spells (similarly to "normal" spells but on a separate screen)? Is faith research the same thing as Sacred Knowledge, or is it something different? All I can find in those threads is the lnie "IIRC you need to open the religious guild to open faith research" - but that's not helpful, since I don't even know what a "religious guild" is or how to view it (more on this later.) Is this previous remark supposed to refer to the Religion Advisor window? (Because if yes, then that screen doesn't seem to have anything related tor researching faith-based spells. So, if there IS faith research in the modmod, how do you EXACTLY view and control it? Like, where do you have to click on which screen? I can't find anything like faith research, and I think I've clicked on everything clickable. I'm using the latest version of Xtended (as of June 2020).

- Gathering faith with Fellowship of Leaves: The help threads say that FoL CANNOT use the "Gifts to the Fellowship" (or some similarly called) miracle which is available to other religions, and gains faith by having ancient forests instead. Well, I've just checked that and it's definitely not true. You DO get faith for ancient forests, but you also have the Gifts miracle in the spellcasting menu, and casting it DOES give you additional faith - so I'm pretty sure the relevant parts of the help threads are out of date.

- Guilds: So, the threads say that when you research certain technologies, the first two being Barter and Currency, you get a chance to found new guilds, and you can later improve these with culture. Well, I'm playing a "tutorial" game right now to familiarize myself with the mechanics. I have already researched both Barter and Currency, and the game did NOT give me the option to found new guilds. In fact, there isn't even a Guilds icon in the top right row where other FfH2 mods have it (and where vanilla Civ4 has corporations). Instead, there's a Great Houses icon which takes you to a Great Houses screen, but there aren't any great houses there. So, what's the deal here? Where guilds removed from Master of Mana and replaced with Great Houses? If that is the case, how do you GET these Great Houses? If that is NOT the case, and guilds are still in, then how do you get them (and how do you get Great Houses)? It seems to me like the help threads are very out of date and inaccurate about this topic.

- Increasing city improvement support. So, there's a "+" button near the top left corner of each city screen. Clicking it costs you an increasing amount of Culture, but it increases the number of improvements a city can support. So far, so good. Now, I couldn't find anything about it, but after experimenting a bit, I GUESS that there's a civilization-wide pool of Culture (MAYBE created by adding up all the city-specific Culture production?), and the cost of improvement support is deducted from this pool. I'm thinking this because if I buy all the support improvements I can in one city, the option is no longer available in other cities (because, I guess, the central pool has run dry). Is this correct?

- Also culture: Now, continuing from the previous question, if there IS a central, civilization-wide culture pool for the above purpose, how can I know how many points of Culture I have in it at a give time (and thus available for improvement support)? I mean, I just can't figure out what to click on what screen to get the total tally of the Culture I have.
Thanks for the links! I've read both threads, but instead of answering my question, they've only increased my confusion and gave rise to new questions which those threads don't seem to answer. This thread seems to be the liveliest one these days, so I hope it's okay if I ask some specific questions here:

- Getting Sacred Knowledge / Holy cities: So, okay, half of my produced Faith goes towards unlocking Sacred Knowledges. If I press Ctrl and hover the cursor over the Faith income icon, I get some info on how many turns I have to wait until I can found a holy city. OK. However, the info text doesn't say anything about "Sacred Knowledge". Is this information the same thing as "Sacred Knowledge", or is it a separate game mechanic? If it's the latter, then how can I know how much more faith research points I need to get a Sacred Knowledge (like, where is that number displayed, exactly)? Can Sacred Knowledges be used for anything other than creating Holy Cities? If yes, how do I do that? I can't find a Sacred Knowledge icon, screen or menu.

- Faith research: One of those help threads mentiones "faith research": Does this mean I can use some of my faith points to discover new faith-based spells (similarly to "normal" spells but on a separate screen)? Is faith research the same thing as Sacred Knowledge, or is it something different? All I can find in those threads is the lnie "IIRC you need to open the religious guild to open faith research" - but that's not helpful, since I don't even know what a "religious guild" is or how to view it (more on this later.) Is this previous remark supposed to refer to the Religion Advisor window? (Because if yes, then that screen doesn't seem to have anything related tor researching faith-based spells. So, if there IS faith research in the modmod, how do you EXACTLY view and control it? Like, where do you have to click on which screen? I can't find anything like faith research, and I think I've clicked on everything clickable. I'm using the latest version of Xtended (as of June 2020).

- Gathering faith with Fellowship of Leaves: The help threads say that FoL CANNOT use the "Gifts to the Fellowship" (or some similarly called) miracle which is available to other religions, and gains faith by having ancient forests instead. Well, I've just checked that and it's definitely not true. You DO get faith for ancient forests, but you also have the Gifts miracle in the spellcasting menu, and casting it DOES give you additional faith - so I'm pretty sure the relevant parts of the help threads are out of date.

- Guilds: So, the threads say that when you research certain technologies, the first two being Barter and Currency, you get a chance to found new guilds, and you can later improve these with culture. Well, I'm playing a "tutorial" game right now to familiarize myself with the mechanics. I have already researched both Barter and Currency, and the game did NOT give me the option to found new guilds. In fact, there isn't even a Guilds icon in the top right row where other FfH2 mods have it (and where vanilla Civ4 has corporations). Instead, there's a Great Houses icon which takes you to a Great Houses screen, but there aren't any great houses there. So, what's the deal here? Where guilds removed from Master of Mana and replaced with Great Houses? If that is the case, how do you GET these Great Houses? If that is NOT the case, and guilds are still in, then how do you get them (and how do you get Great Houses)? It seems to me like the help threads are very out of date and inaccurate about this topic.

- Increasing city improvement support. So, there's a "+" button near the top left corner of each city screen. Clicking it costs you an increasing amount of Culture, but it increases the number of improvements a city can support. So far, so good. Now, I couldn't find anything about it, but after experimenting a bit, I GUESS that there's a civilization-wide pool of Culture (MAYBE created by adding up all the city-specific Culture production?), and the cost of improvement support is deducted from this pool. I'm thinking this because if I buy all the support improvements I can in one city, the option is no longer available in other cities (because, I guess, the central pool has run dry). Is this correct?

- Also culture: Now, continuing from the previous question, if there IS a central, civilization-wide culture pool for the above purpose, how can I know how many points of Culture I have in it at a give time (and thus available for improvement support)? I mean, I just can't figure out what to click on what screen to get the total tally of the Culture I have.

Reading this makes me think that we talk about different versions of this mod. The version I have installed, which, I think, should be more or less be the latest version, doesn't, for example have a "+" button on the city screen and FoL actually cannot use "Gifts of the Fellowship.
Are you sure you followed the instructions on the "Download and Changelog" thread correctly, i.e. installing first MoM full, then patch 2.11 and finally extended 5.6?
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